The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

SATURDAY MOKIUNG, BIAT9rl88. rFrot. otut truliii Bdltton of TesWaay.l 1 15" la 1864, Gen. Banki issued an order directing the New Orleans Gas Company turn over to his Chief Quartermaster the divi dends Qpon the stock of said company accruing to officers and others in the service of the Confederate Government, and of all persons residing in the Confederate lines who had not renewed their allegiance to the United States Government. Upon the petition of Hisses and Messrs.

Lamb and Clark, holders of stock in said com pany. Gen. Buchanan has issued an order removing in their cases the restraint imposed by Gen. Basks, and makes the order retroactive, so as to embrace all dividends dae them sin CO the Issuance of the peaee proclamation. Lxtee Building Machine.

Mr. Ernest Comeaux, of Iberville parish, has invented a machine for carrying and piling earth, which will find its chief nse in expediting and cheap ening the cost of levees. We take the folio ing description of it from the Booth, of the 2d inati The machine is in the main an endless carrier, similar to all the cane carriers in oar Louisiana en gar houses except that instead of slats, a canvas is substituted. This carrier is made to move by a simple steam eugine attached to the framework. It can be made of any lenpth desired.

Its upper or discharging end can be raised or lowered at will, so as to suit the height of any levee. The eotire machine is placed on wheels which allow it to bo moved in any direction required. Its operandi is quite simple. It is rolled to the locality uud placed so that the carrier will be perpendicular to the line of the levee. Laborers are then placed on each side of the lower section of the carrier, which is made to remain horizontal and at the most convenient height above the ground for work.

These laborers with spade and shovel cast the earth on the apron of the carrier, which is at the same time put in motion. It is easy to see that the dingers will nave nothing more to do, and that the earth will be thrown on the levee. Here it will require a limited amount of leveling, to give shape to the levee. When the work is done at one point, the entire machine is moved sideways to another position, and uns gradually travels along the entire length of the work. In order to keep the apron clean oi anv moist or wet dirt that might otherwise adhere to It and clog its motion, a scraper, which cleanses it off, is attached to the upper.

ordia charging end of the carrier. Idtf We have received from George Ellis, Dookseiier, opposite Post umce, tne Metro Apolitan Record, for the campaign, ot 9ih May. Thanks To the clerk of the steamer Mary forilobile papers. To Jimaftormlev. of ths Express steamer Lafourche for favors.

AtEVUE JUEDICO UHIKTJRGICALB DE LA Nouyklle OHi.EAMH. fWe have revived from Messrs. L. Marchand St. L.

Philipou, the prospectus of a new medical periodical, entitled as above, the publication of which they propose to begin early next month. The Ke view will be under the editorial control of Charles Delery, who will have the assistance of several other eminent practitioners. It will be published monthly at $10 a year. Texas. The track of the Central road is being thoroughly repaired, and new rolling stock being put on.

i The Hempstead Countryman reports the fatal shooting of Mr. B. B. Lee by Mr. Joseph Farr, in the saloon kept by Mr.

G. II. Wheeler, at Ilemprtead. Farr left, and has not been arrested. The Waco Register has an account of an unlowate affair in the neighborhood of five persons ehj'h.

within a week, recently, rumor in Waco. Tne least, tbaj js jye killed a man named Sessums to the Shackelford and then proceJa oatt house of, Schoonover, and ome, During killed three Jackson, of the i Sfy, was killei One report is, haVthe parties killed were horse thieves; another that the killing grew out of an old neighborhood feud. The Georgetown Watchman has a report to the same effect. The Jefferson Times has a very sad rtory of murder and attempted out mom which occurred in the upper mAa of Tims conntv. A vonng man fiiUad and his sister, traveling in a two horse vimhi.

had enmned lor the niuht. when their ouiet was soon distnrbed by toe arrival ot two drunken desperadoes. The young man and his sister moved camp a mile off, but were again intruded upon They therrtabandoned their wagon and started to a house not far off; but they had only advanced a few yards when they were ordered to halt, but not obeying the eommand, the young man was shot in the back of the neck and instantly killei. The young lady 's cries brought help, and the villains ned.but were overtaken by the pursuing party, next day, in a ravine near Black Jack Grove, and on their offering resistanc were fired upon, resulting in tne aming ox me murderer and the everely wounding of his accomplice. The dead man's body was left in the road.

The wounded man, Green, was taken to Sulphur Kprings. HUTHKRN PATENTS. Col. Rufus B. Rhodes, Solicitor of Patents, tt nnmrfinreial Place, officially reports to the' Picayune the following complete list of naionta ranted Southern inventors, for the vreeknding April 21,1868: TMatriet of Columbia W.

E. Prall, Wash tnotnn hot water elevator; W. G. Busey, AnnMiAn. fertilizer.

Maryland: J. II. Hals. Baltimore, frame for stretching pants J. H.

Murnll, machine lor cutting ounga; TL Rabbins, tobacco nine Br J. Fuller, by drant. Virginia: lra ana Jocn a. van re Petersburg, carriage coupling Eli H. Janney, Alexandria, car coupling.

Kentucky G. II. Owens, MaysvWehoe Henry Ganney, Louisville, watch BeyJ Tennessee G. W. Ser rin, Memphis, baling press V.

A. Hacker, Knoxville, scrubber II. C. Locke, 8omers Tille, eorn planter. Missouri: J.

C. Moore head and W. W. Elliott, New Madrid, feather renovator A.F. Cobb, Chapel Hill, beehive John Elbertson, Kirksville, cartridge box.

DEBIOIt. Trade mark, J. H. Garnhart, St Louis, Mo. ENGLISH PATENT.

Tmnrovement in the manufacture of illmni tiatina pas in the distillation of hydro carbons and ths making of gaseous fuel for heating Burnoses. Levi Stevens, Washington, D. tdarcb 16, 1868. Ohird Fete Chavfetbe. A gran ftte champetre will be given on Sunday next, the 10th fast, at the Fair Grounds by the Societo TmumIi tha nrocaada of which are to be de otW to the society, which is a benevolent association.

We are indebted to the members for an invitation to attend. The ffite will open at 12 o'clock M. THS SITU A TION. Br Qoilp. Srs Impeachment is over, .1.

MIt and the farce LETTER FROM PARIS. 1 8 pedal Coirospondenee of the Picayune. 1 Paris, April. 1863. Despite all the ridicule' heaped on it, the French Academy certainly has a strong hold on the educated public of the higher classes In France.

Every literary man, every professor, eminent lawyers and speakers hope to belong one day to it. The reception of a new member is, consequently, an event of some He and tne member who greets him spend several months in the preparation of their speeches, and endeavor to make them as brilliant as possible. The public look forward to the reception with something like the feeling which animates the common people of Paris on the approach of the 15th of August, for both speakers try their best to make a display of intellectual fireworks. The new academician is Father Gratry. Anguste AlphoDse Joseph Gratry was born at Lille on the 19th October, 180a.

His parent were wealthy, and he was left at liberty to pursue what career be pleased. He was early distinguished. by his retentive memory and quick mind, and a brilliant career was predicted for him long before he quitted school. The bar, as the avenue to public life, seemed likely to enlist him in its service, altboagh he cast more than one furtive glance at literature. His favorite study was metaphysics.

It led him to scepticism, and to an examination of tbe foundations on which religion is built. His I 1 I iuuu biuut ui tnese questions convinced him tbe foundations of religion were eternal truth. He become inflamed by a desire to teach men this knowledge, and as ob served the majority of scientific men were irreligious, as if the inevitable tendency of selenitic studies was to make men irreligious, he determined to master sciences. lie was. only twenty years old wheu he formed resolution.

As there was, he thought, only one vjay to become a thorough scientific man. namely, to go through the Polytechnique School, he resolved to study for admission. It is generally considered at least wo years of assiduous study are indie peusaMe to prepare one for the examination of admission to this school. Young Gratry bffu otily oue year's time before him, as he would, in two years have passed the maximum age of admission. His parents and friends besought him to desist trom an attempt which seemed to them little short of mailneasv He persisted and was successful.

It see ins his residence in the Polytechnique School was anything bnt agreeable. His tastes were not scientific, they were literary, and upon crossing the threshhold of the Polytechnique School, he had resolutelyclosed his favorite authors and abandoned music (of which he was passionately fond) to return to them no more until l.e had graduated. When he quitted this school he entered the church. Mrilliant as he was, his superiors, to discipline him to obedience, relegated him to a tbeo logicul seminary in one of the moat disagreeable portions of France, and removed him only to burden him with the irritating and exhausting cares of the management a college in Paris. His merits had now become conspicuous, and he was transferred from College Stanislas to the Normal School, of which he was made chaplain.

It was thought he must exert a most happy influence on the bright young rnen of that school who were only too prone to take sceptical views of religion. He remained here only nine years, when a discussion arose between him and the President of the school. M. Vacherot published a book entitled Metaphysics and Science whose sceptical tendencies seemed pernicious to Father Gratry, and the latter replied. His reply made the Gov ernment dismiss M.

acherot from the Presidency. This event, which was laid to the his place so uncom forhililain the Normal School he retired froui it, and with Abbe Petiiot directed hia ener gies to the reorganization of the Orure ot Vratomne. His success in this enterprise made him one of the most, influential men in the French clergy. His titles to a seat in the a rench Academy are his works, and especially hia treaties on the knowledge of God and on the knowledge ot tbe soul. He en tered the Academy supported by the Duke de JNoauiesand lirenop uupanlonp of Orleans.

Tbe audience was extremely brilliant; scarcely an academician was absent, even M. Thiers, whose lace is very rarely seeu there, was present, and Count de Montalembert quitted his invalid's chain her ti wplrnniA Fthpr Oratrv T.hw a bitter attack on the eighteenth century and the French Revolution and he eulogised the lite Baron de Barante, bis predecessor in chair which was once occupied by Voltaire snd bv Maesillon. Father Gratry's speech was not sucseseful. It was vague, declamatory and disorderly. Mons.

Vitel (who welcomed him) never made a better speech. It was brilliant, compact and yet airy, fall ot marrow, and lnoBt judicious It said Father tirntrv exclaimed to Mons Vitel wheu he read it I really can never hear all 5 niio unless I "hold fan before my face." Mors. Vitel ruiuted a moat brilliant and ritt uriry portrait of him. Public attention aheHdv directed with some eagerness to the I speech Mon. Jules Favre will deliver in a few weeks, when he takes possession of the teat to which he has been elected, and which wa last occupied by Mons.

Victor Cousin. hn win annrtort the doctrines of th si'iritnal school or philosophy, he will laud 1 I V. a 1mi. tne rencn lvevoiuiiou rewritten all that part.of his speech relating to the French revolution since atnor rairy quits r. the Jlanagers meet with a terrible rout And the eloquent avari has so changed their That Uity'wUh themselves back to their sugar By hi.

powder concussion" bottled Ben" is And it'Irocef hgone up" through the hole in ths sky. Boiton Poet. A Con. for MaclonocKU. When does a non ritualist lose his temper When he gets in censed! It if So The Spingneld RepubUcan, which has a responsible editor, says It Js well known that both ex Gov.

Curtin, oi Pennsylvania, and Got. Fenton, of New TmV. km wiilino tn aall ont their chanoM at Chicago for seats in tha Cabinet; and their men sf business are at Washington trying nsgotiats that delicate exchange. scourse, makniL' it a complete repiy to me latter. i Public attention is likewise expecting, witu eagerness, a aeoaie, to iae piaco mo French Senate, on alleged ameiBiicai ironings at the Medical School.

Dr. Claude Bernard, Dr. See and Dr. Vulpian are the prin cipal pereonB accused, iney are aueteu have denied the immortality of the soul, to have taught the faculties of thongit exist wholly in the nerves an brain, and when these are destroyed by death, all thought be ihle. It is charged, moreover.

i.hftv allowed a voung doctor, named Grenier, to sustain a thesis, in which he denied man free agency, argued repression 6f Crime by jail or gallows wrong, and1 cruel, as man no more help being criminal or virtuous than th hftlladonnaDlantcan help distilling "poi itm nwoi'" or tha, neach tree prevent in its tiowerY or the peach son itself fmm hoarinff iuiev fruit. tion the clergy took so active va par. iu tu agitation fts to force the Minister of Public In sruction to annul tne uuuuiua Grenier by the Medical School, menair bas taken a piquant turn. Dr. Grenier vows he will not sue for another diplema, and will practice medicine, and ne aenes tne vo em inent to prosecute mm ior tne uicgai cise ol his proiession.

ing their utmost strengxn to reiuovo u. Duruy, the present Minister of Instruction. Bishop Dupanloup, oi uneaus, uao teji a violent pamphlet against Mons. Daruy. Among'hiB onences are nis encourajjeuiom.

Ui pi ofessionai scnoois ior womeu, ma ou.wu, agement oi puotus lioranes, ou may be found Rousseau's Emile Victor i 1 C.n'a Hnirn Jotre uauie anu uounio Mare ou Aiaoie nistaruy ujbiujuico nuo Dr. Grenier, and his lav lectures for girls. The Imperial Prince will, in a short time, make his "first communion," nd it win. prove brilliant fesuvaiittiougn ratner circ*mscribed to courf circles. The city of Paris bas made him a superb present for the cca eion, namely a first communion book illuminated in the mediaerch style.

It is not, however, on parchment, but on the best paper made in England. It contains only 176 pages, and those offices of the Catholic Churchp T.nnriat tn that ceremonv with some prayers selected by the Empress. The illuminations are all in gold and waters colors of the most delicate snades. No two ornaments of the book afn alike, dven every letter has ornaments different from the other letters. Some of them are adornett with ivy leaves, oiuero with acanthus leaves, these witn no wars, those with buds.

The book is bound in Dine levantine morocco, and is nnaaorneo, eiosyi. i AnVi awl a and orildan wiin a suver cruwuu tha dra. which are not gilded. 1 is closed with a silver clasp, a gothic cross. Gen.

Flenry's son, Dr. Conneau's son, aqd the late Gen. Espinasee's son will make their first communion with the Imperial Prince. Abbe Daguerry will receive a promotion in the Legion of Hohor after this ceremony he bas repeatedly refused to be a bishop, and this is almost the only honor which can be offered him. Yon Jtnow he has had charge of the Imperial Prince's religious training.

A Deti of fewtemjrt." Marder. TBS FIRS OH THS HEARTH. There Is a luxury rare la the carpet of Brutwla, And splendor In pictures that hang on tbe wall. And grace ta tbe curtain, with rainbow huod taasela And briliiaDoe in osllght that flashes o'er all; Bnt air me the glow ot tbe bright biasing fire. That sparkles and snaps as it echoes your mirth, And leaps, in its joy, up the chimney atiU higher.

When the cold winds witheut make as draw near the hearth The old fashioned fire, the cheerful weed fire, Tbe maple wood fire that burns on the hearth. i a I feel its warm clew, I remember my childhood, And the circle of loved ones that drew round our board; The Winter eve sports, with the nuti from tha wild wood. The apples and oider from cellars well stored I hear in its roar the wild shouta of my brothers. And the laugh of my aiatera, in innocent mirth. And the voiee of my sire, aa he reads to my mother, Who kniu by the firelight that clows from the hearth; Thoold open fire, the health giving; fire.

The home cheering fire that glow on the hearth. It reminds ns of friends that we draw to the nearer, When winds of misfortune blow heavy and ehillA And leel with each blast, they are warmer and dearer, Acd teady to help na and comfort us still Fiiends that never grow ctfld till the long day Is ended, And the ashes are laid to their rest in the earth. And the spirit, still glowing, to Pod hath I may men To tekindle new fires, like the coal on the el nearin Then give me tbe fire, the fresh glowing fire. The br.ght open fire that bums on the nearth. TBE CITY.

The Weathkb There was a very sudden and marked change in tbe weather over yea. terday. and that was much cooler than the preceding day. Tbe thermometer at 0 o'clock this morning was at b4a, nearly" 'JO1 cooler than tbe average state of the weather for several weeks past. The light clothing or the summer has almost universally given place to heavier winter apparel.

Suicide at ths City Hotel. The facts elicited on the Coroner inoueet stroutrlv lend to the supposition that the supposed eai Tide of Mr. Bingham was only an accidental death produced by an overdose of morphine. it appears mat oe was in tne caiit ot taking it to quiet his nerves when excited, and to lull him to Bleep. Tbe evidence of Miss Lena, the young lady to whom he was to have been married, shows that his) attachment was not unrequited, but mat iney were to nave been married on the lioth iust.

He left her on the evening nrecedin? his death in the happiest frame of mind, repeatedly referring tothe joys in store for him. I 1 ne was a messenger iu tne morgan line, add had boarded at the City Hotel for two years. Bihglars Arrested in the Act T.e yturiovx EuryUir, Schnopjier, Ayuin, in Ci'S toiiij. This morning, about 4 o'clock, Messrs. Izard, Carr and Pecora discovered Johnny Schnapper and two companions endeavoriug to commit a burglary on the premises of Mrs.

M. Lewis, No. 11 Carondelet street. Detective Izard succeeded in arresting Schnapper, hut his pals escaped amid a shower of shots from Messrs. Carr and Pecora, one of the robbers leaping like a deer a fence fully ten feet high.

The detectives have thus succeeded in presenting to the court a criminal canght in jiayranti delictn. The commuuitv will not again be quiet under his release bv the courts. Hermnst be held. TheBe nightfy robberies mnst be stopped, and the only way te do it is to hold the criminals. Assault Ui on a Woman.

A man by the name of S.Houeau was arrested by Ollicer Pecora last night on Broad street, charged with committing a violent tissanlt and battery on a woman named Kojiua. He drew a knife on the officer and threatened to kill him if he attempted his arrest. Notwithstanding this demonstration he was taken to the police Inciting a Riot. This morning a man by therjame of William Brooks was arrested ou the Levee by Officer Scully charged with inciting a riot. He was bronght before the Recorder and on the evidence of the officer was fined Mr.

Brooks may congratulate himself on an easy escape. The offence of which he was found guilty is a grave one, and is liable to even severe punishment. Chargf. ouji preierred ty rettr Schneider. From the statement of the ollicer and tbe prosecutor, the offence was of no very tlagraut description, uud might, with no great stretch of propriety, be considered nnder the head of disorderly conduct.

He will put in an appearance to day. Valuable Property Founi. Officer Gillan reports having found yesterday afternoon, at the corner of St. Andrew and Franklin streets, a fine carriage, wiih three cushions, two foot mats, and oue oil cloth, all of which is supposed to have been stolen and hid away there. It was taken to the Kourth District pound, where it will remain for identification.

Crime and its Consequences. The repeated criminal transactions that have been going on iu the city, of late, have at last met with their legitimate results. The officers are adopting each measures as will suppress it, it the courts will only do their duty. The detectives will arresfc the criminals; it remains to be seen whether the courts will hold them, or turn them out again, to prey upon the community, and to laugh at tne honest exertions of the police. These nominal bails this sympathy, whether open or avowed, Or secret or supposed, with thieves and burglars can no longer be tolerated.

The fiction of some Recorders, that the "long charge" is insufficient to hold bailed out man, is a mere evasion, and will not be countenanced. The interests of society the security of property demand that our courts shall not be used as a mere cat's paw for the escape of csiminalst Highway Rqbeery. A man by name of Thomas Gardner was arrested this morning on a wamnt from the Recorder's court, bv Officer Fiek charged by Henry Edwards with highway robbery. The circ*mstances of the transacion were not reported at the "station, nt will obably be developed An Affray. 'nite a serious atlray occurred on Dryadestreet, abont 9 o'clock this morning, oeiweeu p0 gOMmboat hands, iu which one of them vg ierion8y injured hy a blow over the eavitn a clml) tnat ne bad to be Aaken to the for me, attention.

'The names, or partie8 were not ascertained. Recorder Seville's our Octave Sullivan Was arreate nita arraigned this morning, charged (i8larb. ing the peace. The court the beauty to contribute 10 to thtxhaisted finances of the citv. John Schnapper was brought e(mrt and remanded for an affidavit, it n.

oe hoped that John will not nave an lT'nity this time to get ut on bail. Kate Mooueyyccused of actiafg verya, was permitted to go, on brilliant promises better conduct in future. akk MPn was sent to theWorkhou tha nnrt she pave er of the court and all its offi 7 a. cers as soonTtrsiie got out. Tneodore Stokes, having notroBecntor.was dlherswne dispositioAi wasiade of tie case fjohnOwgarr was released on peace a Ezra Clay was permitted to go on a promise of better condnct.

'Spontaneous Cbwu. A Urribli case of 1 indictments agaimu Confederate soldiers Nashville, which were caused to be laid oy the llrownlow gang. Successful Treatment of Disease or xhb THROAT AND LCNGH, BT MEDICATED INHALATION, BT Da. JaS. A.

HUNTER. To the K4 iters of ths Hew Orleans Picayane; I beg to lay before your readers a few complimentary cards frcm well known residents of this city, as evidence of the success of my treatment for diseases sf the Nose, Throat, Lungs and Heart. Jas. A. Hunter, M.

No 180 Canal street. Kate van Bc Atlfclls mil Id ui mi Bulibr Mary Hoj le 11 miss Hoi ler mrs Browr Ida Biszicl as Crowley Jennie '(urier Li.lp lemmoEi miss Dlvenuy Ann Kaon A miss KsteTe mrs Ferguon A mis Force mr Grander Ann GrajtOD mis Gillian miss human spontaneous comousuon, 1 stre atreet suited rf. death, is repoited in Oleveiano, rrk. JtA nf tViexTnnn was Brsmer. We learn that be drank on a wager six Targe drinks of whiskey and a pint of stock ale as? a sitting.

With blazing iace ana buituub oy towards a iras iet, in order to light his pipe, when the noxious gases issuing i wh instantlv ablaze, and the 1 pin ijjq asviss at wretch was soon being consumed by aa in aru mo. 7vir' Mr. I Harbison was arsested by the mUitary authori. l0n: tioa at West JOint, oiayarriuaj Shipley, General Agent mutual Lite InsMruci Sncceaalal Treatment ot CsnsamprJoo Vf medicated lahaJatloos. COMTLIMX KTABT CARD TO DE.

HCSTER, FROM A RESIDENT OF NEW ORLEANS. I consider it a duty I owe to the many in this community who are suffering from 'that dreadful scourge consumption, to make this statement of the extraordinary results of Hunter's treatment of my nieco, who was suffering from all the distressing symptoms of advanced disease of the longs when I placed her under his care last June. The congh, hectic fever, night sweats, and bleeding from the lungs, have entirely subsided, and she has increased much in weight, and acquired an appearance of health she has not worn for years before. Having experienced such happy results from a method of treatment which I consider has, through the blessing of God, preserved her from the brink of the grave, I cheerfully recommend it to the suffering, believing it is the only means by which diseases of the 1 rings can be successfully treated. Mrb.

A. E. Heart, 13 Felicity gtreet. Complimentary to Dr. Ilunser.

CARD FROM AN OLD CITIZEN. The following from an old citizen and well known merchant of this city, is highly complimentary to Dr. Hunter New Orleans, Dec. 10, 1867. I take pleasure in stating I have been under Dr.

James A. Hunter's care for disease of th.e tiou. 1 consider his system of treating the diseases eminently sc ientific, and can confidently recommend Dr. Hunter as a physician of skill and ability, and worthy the confidence of those who may rt'jaire his professional services for diseases of the.throat and lungs. N.

Bdkke, No. 397 Dr jades street. LIST OF LETTERS RFMAIKIKG In the Poet Offloe at Hew Orleans, aiid uncalled for the nth ot May, 1868. Kepsrted Daily for ths rieaysoe. in order to make the List of Letters as correct aa poaalble.

Ladle and Gentlemen taking letters rrom the Post Offloe are reoneated to erase their uaruc from the LUU, lor OU oaya. a Tr. i'nata tfewstead A mr fair warning that she would Burely terminate nr A the mortal Frtm J. of the Globe Company.

SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF ASTHMA. I cheerfully add my testimony to that of those who have publicly expressed their high appreciation of Dr. Hunter's skill and gratitude for the benefit they received from his treatment. During the late war I made the acqaain tance of two gentlemen who had been radi cally rund of Asthma by hie treatment, and waj induced thereby to place myself nnder tfis care. Daring my attendance at nis otMce I met many of his patients, who in the highest terms of his skill and snccess, and can fully indorse the card published by Mrs.

Heart a few dys since in regard to the truly extraordinary results of his treatment jpf ler niece, who was apparently far advanced in Consumption. I believe these facts should be known wbefe here are so many suffering from thesf dreadful diseases, ana in Subscribing to them I believe I am rendering a just tribute to a physician fhose qualifications render him worthy theconfidence of'those nrris oia flnfTnnnrt wtm Amaa sna rf rVtA tnnfts' VV SUV OUUUlMll li VIU U1DOOOVO VS A UV A LA Oft. aid confidently advise all such to submit themselves to his treatment. J. C.

Shiplky. LAPIES' LIST. Haskell mrs Humble Mary Humble Jane Humphrey LUUe Hiealand miss Hughes Margt mis Jyikeon mrs, coi'd' King Louisa miss Kerr Susan mrs Laureudine miss Mill 4 mlis Mulvehill mrs MartelMalina May Nellie misa Marcuse mrs Afatthev A sirs MeTer EmOy mis'! Si'eDge tilMB miss Pii PicTSJl miss Pur eg a sVmi a mrs Rhode. Richagbt mrs Byder ill mrs iss I Atlawsy Wm last I AliynettA Allynetti wj.4r and humea on to ibhuwbw Frown Bswer BL, BrlKgBH Batcnelder a Burns TP Block JohnT Benton Alexander mrs Breoden mrs Burn A mrs Blake Bridget Burneit Ahoe Burke Mary Burthe Louisa Culver A mrs Chapman mrs Davis Bmma mrs Eaaton A mrs Flnlatoa A mrs Prater mrs Srindley 8 mrs Uoodhart mra Heart Louisa Uarnan Kate Henderson Adelaide Hudson Theresa) Bale Lsuis Janiu mrs Kelly Kate Kelly Julia mrs a Leighton rffss a Itl Mayers Jeaale ilooie Maria, col'd Middlemisa mrs Mnrrell Crnrs Mathewson mrs Mails misa Mosby Lucindt Niel A mrs Beluns Linda 4 Owen atlas Pooley A mrs Phillips Abraham mrs Bedlngtoa A miss RioketU Mary Byder Maude miss Scott Kmn Snow Bui Sula anra A an mr. Simpson Jennie Louis Itoaaka misa Smith TJ mrs vBtanmyre mrs Tabor mrs TY Taylo Her ienu 4 Talsot mr vannom misa inoma auoe mrs WQfbn Susan VarnessVaxy.mJa Woodruff Era miss WaMi Jans V.rrf U.Kr.

illiam filUe miss jtaiii" A Allan Austin Gee LIST, a Convene Clark 8 Ghiaolm Alex Col mot. Campbell Oolgin Jr Carton k. Arm stroLg Idd Jas Dow rev Delancy DotUAb Farragut Fieenun Graham 1 A Green Green Thos Graves A Gordon Jaa Henderson by Catching a tea ax Bureess If alley Bnrk John Brennlng Chas Brown A dr Beo)amln Jos Burns BlaC BorU Hotchkiaa Haekill 8 Bagadoai art ell Hyman Hooper 4 Bam iacob Jones WD 4 Jamea A dr Kelly Kennan dr Kir by Ring Aco LaflimL Lodinictoa idLer Luiitiihore A Ln LewU Mitchell fko KoTgac y.hrit a a MDdbl Maudelf4B MafticotJJ Mven Sam Uortoo Aifrrd HcOuire MtK' otuea Wm McNainara McKven McConnell VS K'choli Korten Win, CDell Wm Hnrith Bcott Peter OoonaTS Curry Thos Oonover Carr John Oobb Cello FT Croak Thos Dougherty TJamaieat JH Day amea Edmonds, Phelps Sgan fcco Fe erruaon Jaa iaker Green Geo Gardners GrraT at PnOTOGKAI'IIH. Cooler CheneriU Crews VS Cook Wa Coaaaway at OorltnaO Cam mack A Dearie Douse Geo Downing Dan Erwin A col Garth walte, Gif' Giflore Hazrisoh AP Hwnry HymaaThos HonoW Herring Haft well Be jean Janes Bd col) James KeUv'jaa Kelly JK Kane Lee Cbaa LouiaU Lewis rev dr Leakin A LnakJ A Mi'rhell Martin Milea Maoneld Wm Moffat Jno MDliC A MiUer 4c. Gerard ITLaes MoSauchlin JnrWeal Handy MeUarry Hlmmea Btaalon Tansy Pat Tabor A Tracy Taber' A Trucks Tim and VandergriffJ Wilaon GJ Vaii hoin a WatUirsdn A illlam Aoo Watkius John Ward A Welch Whitehead tit*patriek Phil Faah Goodrich Goodln JrnW HarrlaooB Bteksy Hay SB Heary 8 dr allTW elodadosL Hujied at Jones' McO Johnson Kely Jata Kerr Rebt I KeeeeOH Lrons li Aand mi Lunch eapt Longley ItftAtnir aferrUBM Mathswt 8 Aco Merry Andrew MornaF A Miller Montgomery 0 capt McOenty Johi McGofflnJW MeCheneey MrlunnenC MeCann Ch klcClean Norton Wm Nugent Boot OakornJF Donnell Hugh O'Lowry fB Pollock James Page Phillips Wm Pntal 8 Perctval Jno lev PorberaJaaD PiymeAG PyneJDoT Palmer gueatslo Wn Fainy Joha 8' Bleno Wm ttuaeall Jo Red I Richardson prof Ruaauer Chaa soger James uiy Eire OP bell Hobertaon Be id (3D 4 Bithardton 8 Steele A Btever Smith Bwtft gen Band ford Jaa HamuelJ buinerlaad Jas Kaa oonRobart Rbepheid Beston Wm I Borell klcGuiMy 0 Wheeler, Geiger Walker Alfred it.

co loungbiood Initials Bherlft ParUh 8t. Bernard P. Itaftel Dan Borna Jag) O'flesl a Perm Alfred Paney John Parker Jaa Porter Will A Wultman Rellly ft Retlly It CO Re tier Joseph Csmp Roae Foltoo uooena jaa a Sodney A Shea Richard Btuart Magin nis Smith Dartd Rmtth John bmlth Peter Tmmpy Taylor Jno Whitman WiUon Dii Wll'lsma W. li. GOLD MEDAL, PIANO Gold Medal Awarded by tha Lsnlsiana State Fair.

bS, To G. Tom BOFB, Piano Manufacturer, 807 Mags tins street. These piano are valued for their beautiful tones, elegant workmanship, durability and reasonable price, combined with a guarantee or term oi five year. O. OM BOFK.

ly ltldp 801 Magazine street. JAS. T. RT.1TkI.V dw i.w anufsctnrers and Sealers In Boots, iShoes, Tranka, Valises and lings, French and American, received GOLD MEDAL for bet Home Slsde Work at the State Fair of l3i3. SILVER MBDAL for Bert TRCBKS, BLCB RIBBON for Bert VALISE.

BLCB BIBBON for Bert BAGS. BLCB BIBBON for Bert OKNEBAL. DISPfcAT. 99 and 101 C'asnl, and 3 Char tree sts. ap26 2doSuWeFrlm NBW OBLBASS.

PHOTOGRAPHS. 8. AKDERSOB ha Jurt fitted up, withwll the lmprOTements end appliances necessary for his beautiful Art and elegant Studio, 133 Canal street, (Three Birter buildings, and 1 now prepared to execute Plain and Colored Photographs, and all description of work known to the arSj in a sfyle hitherto nnequaled in this country. The public is respectfully invited to csll sod see our new Studio and examine our specimens. 8.

ANDERS05. apl9 lmlUdp 183 Canal, (tbree Sis' REMOVAL. DR. GEf. J.

FREIORICHS, DB1TTAL SCRBOB, i Tneadav and h. a Blarck, 188 1 sw Basdy, tfcs tenswiBf wvrk, 2CLL' has removed to 155 8U Charles street, corner Gii one square above City BalL d8 SB otf 2dp Export ot the Karlsbad Genuine Mineral 0 Water. The really almost of the Karlbsd Mineral eral OILE miraculous heaBng power a Ism known to require aey further recommendation. The expsrienos or several ceatunea has stab lisbed this fact. The exported Karlsbad Wsasr used in the same saner at, home as at the Springs.

The usual dean lsjOas Bottle Mineral Water every morning. It can bs taken at later tla of twenty mlaatea either 00M or warm, during a morning promenade, or at home; and. If aeces ity bould require, in bed also. In ordes ia cn ths purgative eflVct otahe bad Water, it messy nesessary to add a tea spoonful of the aalt known as Hprudelaals, All oadfra for Mi nersj 'Water, Bprudeleeiz, Mprudslsoapwi be punctualry attended to Safthe depeu in every city of snv note. an30 mlS sn NEW POSl' OFFiCB.

Time sf ArcfraJ and Departs re 41 Mails. Boute SWl Bsw (Weans to Bradhear. leares dailyT (except BrmdayTst 7 A. M. Arrives daily (exeept Bunday) by 6 F.

M. Route Sfioi JlewjUrleaDa to Carfton, departurs VS: M0 dsVailKs Route 8003 Jfow Orleans to St. Bmncirrllls, upplytagsJl ths office osened. departure Mon. day at 3 P.

M. and Friday at8 A. M. Arrives Moa? oar and Friday mornings. Mute KW4.

asw Orleans to Csrrollton. via feso City departure Monday and Thursday at 9 A. M. Arrives Monday and Thnrtday sts P. M.

J5 Bew Orleans to Bokss Settlement 7 m0 Tuesday nd Friday at 8 Arrives Bjondav ThnnHn vuiu man lonrH and Route 8006. "stew Orleana to Mosile, departure daily st 3 P. Af. Arrives daily by 8 A. M.

Bonte 8007. Bew Orleans to Covin rton. da. yparture Monday and Thursday, at 8 A. At.

Ar I T1SS vs I Boute HawOrleana So Airier. daDartuM ly, at 9 A. BL Arriveajisliy by 11 A. M. loute asea Bew Orleans Jo Vteksburg.

supply. I ing an the office opened toWicksbnrg; also. Red ana vuaeniBaBarisnes, vepsrturs Tuesday and Sattardaa, at IK as, Arrives on Monday and Frisav mominga Malls for Lake Coast Tuesday and Thursdays at 8 A. M. Saterdaysat 11H A.M., Pascagoula, Bat urdsys at VI A.

sf. Malls lor dtalveston, Hdnston, Indianola, Ban Antonio, Brownsville, Brasoa Hantiago, vis Bew Orleans snd Opelonaea Railraad, xlbss at 7 A. M. on Sunday nd Thursday. Taiir or Psstmge for alexins, Cuba, West ladle, etc.

I Gnadakmpe, Martmiooe, French and1 BagUh Guiana, St. VLnoent's ft oenU half oa, optional. Datch Guiana oenU half oa. optional. Cubs, Mexios, Hayti, Porto Rico.

Bt. Thomas, Jarraisa, Venesuela. Cnited Btstes of Colombia 10 ceut half obVifratory. Bolivia. CllilL Eciudnr XL uat. llgatory. 1. 5 Office Honrs. Opens at 8 o'clock A. eloaes at 8 P.

M. office openlt9 o'clock A kL eiose ALIA FBR RO, dlu tf rostmastar. coritaliirng 19S8 oloaaly prtntsA. larga ss tSTtSS WSJD ttOSTAM tl. THE LAW REGISTER eoBTkiaure all run LiWTZBS IX TBM CBTTXB tTATBSt THS 8TATB KXCORD cowVAnmro RATI AMD OOUKTT OFTICXBS, TH1 OBGAXI SATIOS, JOKIBBICTIO, AJP TalJO Ot THl COCBT8 FOE ETXXT 8TATI AID TKBXrrOXZ.

THIS OFFICIAI. biKKtrroatr a FOR THB IBITID STaTTB ooa iAonBe raa OFTICBM OF THB FXsBlAL OOrtXtKOT, THl DUTIES OF THB BBTBBAX HXTABT XXNTB, 81BTCBBS OF ALL TBB atnrBKBa or oohqress, thb 0FFICBB8 AJTD TKKJCB OF TBB FXSBBAL OOXJBT8: TIIK COIJLECTOIUS ASeilaTTANT 1 a errure tbb Laws for Collecting Debt. IxecnUng Deeds, Tar Hying Claims, and Taking Testimony, with Forms for Bveiy State WITH MCCH OTHBB CSXFtTL IBFCJBJ1ATBOX thi wioLa coarriTWUie ax orrcuu. ura BUSINESS MANUAL. Prepared.jbom Official Betursa by JOHN Livf NQSTON, Of thl Sew Toik Bar.

Secretary of ths Merchants Union Law Company. IIW TOII: rCBLUSkD BT TBB BBRCBAJTr CHIOS LAW OOKTAjrV, 5o. US roadway. Third Floor, Tn tkeAmaricas Kt change lational Bank BaUdlng, The Book will be sent, Pre paid, to any a 8 arses la tbe TJntted Btstes, oa reselpt of TBB DOL LaBS; or it win be forwarded by Sxpreas, with B0L to bs 4 Paid on Deltrsry. mm ilea.

n. avaaiai.u rimmiiyr usnsrai: ST. JOHI B. L. 8BINIKB, First Assistant Poatsiaatsr Gsnsral and JOSEPH H.

BLACK FAB, Chief Clerk Poet Office Deportment. WASH 1XGTOB, a Feb. 1S6S. JOES LTTJBG8TOB, Sscrstary aUrehants Union Law Company Dear Sir Tour sew LAW BBUDTTEB and OFFICIAL DlRJtCTORI, fuat Issusd, appears hsvs been vary earafnlly prenarVd, and ws think may be of great servies la tss tranaacUon of ths buaineas of this Department. The work will doabtlsas proxe ralusbls to svery fr 's'.

merchant and baalnees man. ALBX. W. BABDALL, Postmartee GeneraL BT. JOB II B.

8. SKIKTBB, First Aaslstsnt Postmaster Bensral. JOSKPH H. BLACKFAH, Chief Clark Post Office Department. From Hon.

FRA1VCIS B. SPIB1BB, Treasurer of tbe United States. WA8HISGT05, D. C. Feb.

1968. JOHB LIVTSGSTOH, Baq. Secretary Merchants Union Law Company Dear Sir The new LAW BBGISTBB and OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, lust leaned, appears to have been very carefully prepared, and we find It of great service In the transaction of the business of this Department. Ws think the wsrk would prove valuable acquisition to, and should be the desk of every prominent official, banker, merchant and business man. F.

B. RPIltHKB. mhll Treasurer United States. FATKNT AGKHVY OFFICE, WABBTjfOTOB CTTT, B. O.

B. S. FAHNE8TOOK Lata Bzamtner, TJ. 8. Patent Omos, attend to a p.

pficatlons and all matters pertaining to patents. Tor rtferenoo etc, aes Circuiars. JULES LiAUBriEURB Sols Proprietor of ths oelebrated CBPS, Drj Champagns, and boidsn best BBX AKD WHJTB BUBO UBD IBS CapltafPriae in One Dollar Scheme, af tbe to be had, snca as BOMABf.B, BlCHBBOClO, CHiMBirnj, cLoa vougbot. ooutob rtrrra, VOLBAf, POKMARD, BBAUBB, MOBTBACBXt and CB IB LIB. For ordsra, writs to Bolts, Paris or London, or apply to 4 JOHB M.

BURROWS TJ Or Tier street, fa AWtf Orleans! K.KMTICKY STATE LOTTERIES. CHAS. T. HOWARD will this day open the sal ofrComblnatlon Lottery Tickets on the Three Hum ber Plan, as follow Cn M05DAT, WBDBKSDAT and THURSDAY Ticket (2 50, (5 and 10. On TTE3BAT and SATURDAY Tickets 1, $5 and Sin.

On FRIDAY TlcleU 5. Shares In all ths above schemes In proportion. Plana of the latteries and explanation of the drs sng will be sent each purchaser. apiiar rase in two Dollar an Fifty Cents Schajne, Capital Prise forPlrs) Dollar Bcheme, 2n, ooo. Cspital Priie for Te a DoUar fcheaEe, AM orders promptly hllsjd by return mall and tie managers' otEoial chaae and eommJafione'rs certHef printejf drawings are sent to aU par claasrrsimmediately after fha drawing a uimuaicsuoiii are stncuy coniJdentlaJ.

Act order for leaf than OnavXjoUar wiyaot be ax AU tharawugars dkblheLAu trS Bew Orls anaew York csfSt Louis dallj pspera InSArdeHna 4Sefe sW a.l(Slt. uiADnf aum. to4jur address, by snail, fox what FOu wish to our chase, name he Lottery in which yon wish it invested, aud whether yon wTsh Wholes, Halve! er JBaartera, on receipt sf whlo ssod wtiat Is Or ddked, by first with the schema. Bill on airsosnt Bank Checks, Certificate of DepCiita aad Postage Stamps, reoeivetl in payment for tickets. rMzsjTScketa should be returned to this'offles fbr payment cr renewed a other Uckets.

Thsy will bs paid inank Chscka, or In such saanner as will best aecommodata the purchaser. Address all orderl to CBaVS. T. HtjWAKD, sLock Boxe, Hew Orleans, La. apU '67 lylOdp AdvertlsUs; Agssits Isr tho neayiss, TEXAS.

D. BICHABD8OB, of Austin. Is our GenerakTraveling Agent far Texas he Is duly Mvnortsed to receive BuBsertptloa and oontraet tor AdvtrDaing. sod rsestpt tot ths mmn BBW TORK S. at.

FBTTTBGILL k. Tl Park a I JOT, COB A Trlbons BalUmgaj FEA8 Ba 7 BsekwukB strsst, Bsw Torki T. a FACLKBBB, 46 Pins strsst; H. BBTMOUB BOHBLL A a Fulton street WM. CABLTOB, 171 Broadway 1 JOHB HOOPBB, 41 Park Bsw.

TIsms Buildings; GBO, P. BOWBLL Park Bsw, Bew Tsrk. BO8T0H 8. M. PITT IB GILA A Bo.

Btats street. FHTLADELFHIA COB, WBTHBBILL A Ledger Buildtng. J. BBBJ. CHABDLIB, 'n ti aad aUsalasrppi, en the line of the Jaekaon Bailroad.

L. r. WALBBB m. 41 Mala street, mam Bsoond street, Louisviils, By. weperal ABvertlsing Agsnt are anthorlasd te oontraet for, advertising la tha KTW SAXLT AKD WBjUIT PICATCBL RAILROADS FOPfTfiH AWTB rf tl, Oaaad after AprQ 1st, last.

tosslwfflraaaslBQs rst ysosj cm. A. At. Boras Car. dll "87 Btsasa Train.

Ilk I lis in BCXsTZB AXBAjiaXXXirr. 1 A. K. bass Trass. r.ab I notes Car.

sra BAY AaaAaoBSBvT. Steam trala from stty. la Baa si aorss esc, Bonstay Binriilng at 4 tfekBek. An srtrs train wBl kasr tns etty every at 1 o'clock r. SL Oa and sftsr Afxfl sth, tLs traisa wffl Wsts sithsw sod sf ths road oa Bandars at a very sett boor from I nam I s'olook F.

af. Far to and from ths LsJcs, saaos day, i ceats, Passengers fbr Oentflly arast awstfj ths OasSas tor prior to dspartors of train. Fass ts Osotsfly BtatVm IS cants each way GBO, PAJtTJlXT, mhll 6S off DIEKCT ROUTE TO THl BAST, TU Atlantic and Great Western Hailwaj. THB OBIT BROAD GAUGB BOTJTB THB BA0CJ Geosral Bosthsro W. Brr O.

leans ss follows la. at, and F. via Bsw Orleans, Jackaoa and 4)ssA Bisllisvi Bftrad. making sUrset iiwiiniillsin with rtij m. press Passengsc Trains mm ths ATLABTIO ABD GBBAT WB8TBBB BATXWAT.

Lea ring cinetnaad as aQowsi DAT L1GHTBTBQ EXFBESI A. arrlvtog at BswTarkXUP. M. next day. and lastoa i A.M..

sseona n'ng BIGHT LIGHTlTBO BAFBBBB, P. at, aolvtaB in Bow Tsrk 1 A. K. smiiing asai Bssss GOLD KB PALACB BLBB7TBQ ABO DAT OOACaB DBS an run frosa Oaslnsarl to Bow lock wtraawt ohanges. rigors aotdfasg Tnrwcga Ttelasts sawssrM so easts la Gsiaem Fsiaeo laaj OoaiikM wiaaooS sztrmeaargs.

This la ths only issrss I and Paaaengsr Csra Uuwnga Cross Bew Tack wuhoat ehsags raeaaugen snsoia always wbsa porehssinc, sad ass laotis sad Orsst wesssra Baiiwsv. Throngjh TickXa lor sals a sU astoslpsl 1 ths Passenger Depot sf Bsw Groat Bortbern Ballmsd LB WBL Osssrlais BAJB. A. 1 rwaaans st AjTSasV SV BSLSTTUa, Geosral Ttekst Arses. JIW OBLBABB, OFBLOUBAB AJTB WXSTBBB BAIL BO ID.

fiJZAT C. 8. MAIL BOCTB BXTWXKB BBW OBI4UBB WB8TXBB IfOtTJUABA AJTD TXZAI. Ths Railroad Ferry Boa will Issvo ths sss aj St. Ann ueat, op posits Jackass aBra, DALLT.

at 1 A. eonnaoUsg wttk ths FAMBBftBH TBALV, lesTing Alsarsa 111. Shippers sod son si gas as sf rrstrV 7 grvwaf aottos as ths Bsw Orasana TxaBsaar OasBpaay, sss ner Oasnp and Oosssaosi sLassss, sssi aarro thsta goods reestvsd or deU rersd ta say start af ths) essy at rsduoed rates sf sj ayag. Freight for ate Hons on ths road, tot on ths Teens, and tor Oinkinasa dsllrsrabsi aA Hew rbsris int. Mjrttesvtlk, rssMred dafly.

loot of St. AjiTsUwt. Freiaht tar au pstnw.ssi ssi wsnaa twsea IbadlsviDs sad Lssassrs. ssy Canal and BR Hooavs, will bs isoeOsd I TtbrrSs'Btatioos at tbiwogfe luen sM au I anli tf laward ns'Sjd'UHsl ssJAV BalXBT, fapsTtnisndsot. T.

W. BOTHJCK. CBTJBBrAKXB, Csrasr Cmmp ui Lslsrd mtrtm, BBW OBLBABB. ti1lo. atahogasry, Black Wslanl sad weed Osmns always sa haod.

Blist aaZTkr and white Mermo IsdiswTSelnjdW shrw KmbsJsilng aad Dtatstsnliigriaodissia jbJpped.sarasa, CsxratgaS2 nMrail fJslfLsaaalaaaA A sUgTsV DENTIeTaXT. WBBT, FBAOTIOAl DBFTrjT, a wiiiT nri las 1 a 1 a ssrtB Lafayette Squats, isstisslfnnj of BeiOrlsaos ansa ha mmSSt ths TaaTH la a aaost His prisss, alt aiosestohasi 11. ithsnsh ly prove ehsapss tbsa ths ohssmat. nis BkStAoe Sf sopplytn. ARTIFTXXAX TXBTaV withoot wires ar spriags.

spam aJs asw BtteaiaU as ad heat on. has ptosursd siat naivatBsi and Is rseoasiandad as sstns ths aasst UmIm ysteas hithsrto iavsntsd, 1 sawts aartealnTaaa ri ltr Tt.l lt BSI III I Batnral ta Ths snpacisrlay sf I has asea to wall haying ths taonav sash wwald 1 sts ssty i at by tha ABimuLAJ. TBBTB mr hBBdMda waaTlf thssvis Main any ssasas. rsoas ssstrvDs of avaUlaa tsaasasalTma as ds wwll ts sad tssTiZii PR. WB8TB saathnd mt snLLJata rrW WITH BOLD axsahiass aA tha aBodsra Ihbvwvs.

1 u. mimm MMHB1 sb aw miwj so aaivuuavQsty Tsjeth Bxtrssted wttsswaPahA BTKIIICAlj fJAJUm. JhOOl FOB THB CB FOBTC JATB 4. BAXDWTjI LXFS esttaa oa Prlvat Diasssss, IapsSaaey, Loss of Power, Bsrvwos BwhOity. with ossss en psdiassau Marriags, ssoold as read my aU conlsiplabng asarriafs.

Sent by aaail 0 rsoaD4 sf 14 essSt, by B. DCFF A RTF FIB, a Bsw Oris a Medical lastttsts. spl6 68 i Magasins Vwet, Bsw OrisscM, hrrr 11 rrtt iHnnifi are siiiMiiieaTnni liasiai 1 art snorajaaTiinf lisslsd. DB. ABBBBTTSTB GOBOBXHBA ABD OLBTT Detergent, pais, )L alr a.n,KLt resBedy sver diaeoverSd.

has now sseaaas aaa known and sstshllhsd tn all parts sf ths wwqiurs say aavnansBU. tt which la as Inslanes has ft to curs In fcarty eigbt hssn ths i At A BBSVSSl sallsd. wmimu A mam Trinamanarory easss Sf wsaorraeaV wiss aaad Wnites. ta aU thsiz stagss, 1 Pains st ths Loins, bm tattoo, sf ths Crwtkza sd fjTvsl.awUssChwBlsfflstlssws th LlBkaarv Bladdsr, ate. Bold whoJhsals er retail, at th Drat tsar 13 Magaslas strsst, aad by druggists gsnscaily.

ni itf A I BDlCAIs COLLB6B DB. afTJLLBJB ahangs fleas, est ess BVsavUi aad LVTaLOABLB DBOOTXRT. Bar teiaisssl ajtilssojsis iflkuliA Fill sts Disease a lew days by a ssarajar Bfeystts. srothes peisoosos antetnsaatas PB. atuLLBB ssjQs th srsstitwai mt with saysf BSBraBSf asawwda srsaSssrtB i iiliT VybSai Ss thsj appro rsl of th Bsost nlrrtafslshsd raria, Loadoa and Bsw Tsrk, sad Its seas as pswvs.

snrsteihswsn If appltostlsa bs asad to thsaa axseriasass sad akU sa bs as MCLLAB spaaed ta this stty.aa ta 1 has beas uaJas ais sars haws basa 1 to hia aysa a seoss, ansa a BsrssaaMSBl teases of isBMBnrtsnal ypalhs. sand, DuBtssss pudBssd by a sartaAa 1 tarr sea Bn sis saasrrtllHslTilltnaisnlBaifai'airi ssuigAs exonptVoo. Bosb af tss was ml yes1 Standing On issBawksal sass sf BMstsrs, tajrw rnAluMmaiatatanwlaltMs7 itsat, Tha griMliraea. (wasss msaaaslaM Jtv la aa TWSB1 I ra to ths etUaass sf Bsw by hi MramiasVm aaa a to th at Ti BBSS sf BW athaad. to.

Ds. jtawartam tw easasartoaB asdwl opatv1 sassss, Baaaranas, ssAasawaaiswag in 1 bat a ssoa si ad la aassa tsaf withswt ybv twaasjaaBBBBBBaahssy ta da. mmS swsa oymaassnvBBM laassaasassasaail axxa hi kyBBhWBBBSBBSBaBaSBSaV BrsmsawaBBBAwaBBBai it avbutu wtsa as wm mi.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.