sv ffifpp 'n SPw pASHION'ABLE GREAT COATS, Drta ud l' Mrns Cnl. LaafSaa Ac A eras warehie vfl he Kmuiumfvw. nrtaYJiMr, new aksraaxa Vr4 Mmw, CtoiM. ilMat will axe reat avaxtaivtiare be artvhs tiaaxr indMi haxia.a ind aHka aro4tlatNnlTK nimu'nit sm. avi at aarVsax, Otmitakl and drivta aw la.
UaiiihortaotV rrxhLiiMlMst if iirtn trwUfay AmH msdnd. Beat heeTfjUs tax, M. avi bleeisxd Uarhi. 3. 1..
liii faahVocaarse ikrau, froae tfullLi tumuli. Ana 1Mb a HiMy of new and baeataful pMUraa 'ana oat. for the Kieot tnmtm. erraafs Irefry oairW tl Ea1isrs, is. n43)r, mar Air alien.
WANT PMCB3. AIltttcr to be port paid. 8 U'rr or weul! hire no trijection to lake a rWld hotiw, a reap vtahle married Wosnan. Dhfl to enawaeinixriaTCV. xyvancwrv A at vt Tiwklaxftoni A Irades k.
man. ahere vodmni boy kept, ikwi 10 country andean hart a rwcr' lev family plan in ha. a left Dim la h. M. at Mr.
Baldork baker. 71, Laor, Trrv. MaqWbaM. irocrKEra, or Cook and Hoiuekerpcr jii a. KrMrauanl or Gunman.
Family, a Pliaa who prrtrctly kioifWr her burtrarae la aU Ua brerartW. aved ran have an mJw harectrv rm her last place. Direr 14 A. ft, I bkhester rtt Cluvirj Vo nrijectlon to the coxierrT. VS oiK ar.d HoimrrpKn in a Gentleman's TauUv, a mHdlr ia'ed Wawnan who Ibtwvkuchlv understand, err bn.ina la at) pa brmsrnM, andean have an utidenlable rtiarxr tet om the lady he ha.
just ejl. Direct to A. 15, Queber street. 4 I'niv ('ok in a small rejrular Faimlr, a miiU r. Pcrn.
Direct in at Vr in urn hah di 14, rkw de bs crnirt. Fleet 4 Platx Cook in a small Family. Direct to A 2. at Vr. ItaW fro No flu eke par need anr li 4 Hoi haiii, or to wait on a sinple Lad) a at actit unrf Prwrw can well roommTMll from hrr tlihut'trtt llrM to r.
at Mr Purd)J hof warrhoua, CaltSorpe plair1 tira'airn roal 4 H.n rtrr) where a footman is lejit, in a small mrular 1 amtlr, a rnjrUt4e ouixt Wnman. ho ran ha a rfd rNaranrr from lk placa ha nju juat laft. Dr lo iM Ittrt Hottara. VS HotsEMAiD in arefrular Family, a Pitvm ho ran harr a rharatrt firwn tS ladr' Ut Ul rh OTl I on A larquhar aotill rrfff itnitw lard or Walo. rt to ion rrnir ocr, I'lumtrr Urt.
BWombvrj I ai vnnMAin, a voune H'oman hu has no ornr, to th rKorff of a tlfuW Gcntlann hou lUth hrt buuv Jljovt to II. lil. Bgctnirhain atr. Pimlko. lMHon in Famtlv where rm, one nVrtt.
a Van of rolour. wh. rharartrr will Wrar thffrVlo uulrv fw hot an.1 from the place be ha u' nhtxt ha LTclaSoiea taHvnnowlb. at Vr Harroa poukmr.
Dukr aTrrt MaiichMMrquaw VS Footman, niher under a lmtlcr or in a small ra.n!h,a v.m tlu. url. la' lue a irood rharactrr In ha Lut pla fwr hr lurJ IS months Punt to WianTrntrrrt In rn l'' juarr a aingle ouns Mail, unom'arkU ha Uunnru nd ra a livarr (u lat vllrr ha no oh in to I a aflrr a mall farm Ojfv to I V. Sorthan fton "lrt OKI Krot roaa 1 A HOGO IC rcivv'iilh to acquaint the Public, that he BflD'M fc No. 1" Hi mrt.
t)fon1 alnrtil fir wlr at tnr xnr ia Dl' IMEIOI In ifsct. Broa I Jlrrct VpUl linn, nr and hrlm 1 thrcx D'v of Ijmix IMfLittT flu. M.rt. K.iJji VlrJ at I. il I I Farm, in the PanJi of Oooil Faster, RoawrlL Doniaow ani I liMiforl thr coun of tonthrr a l'h tr Man it ar.1 ITrrhnU FIalp xrmt frntn i 4 ii tax otnf ti t(f atKnir acrof aratilran 1 trt lan.1 ifWfirr hm.w hir it anl tm buiMtnri I m.
Irin wfldn a ru fcnr, an I ir to Mr Vatt. a rcaj wtaMe tf. SrU arxj.rr Mf )Ti nrat Tirrtatr mar tn i wl'VlMTf th trnant anl ulrihl. lo 'o Rla'k Bi I hrlin Mr V'trr. pjniuoa A rnltn aid 'vi uuor, i srr at when a plan trr 1 Mart nl of Mr ia trrt, calle A VdSimWLiSotd Reaideilce, ftltaaU npoa A.
thatardUaaf BMra40rmUUac( 4 braaUaat aarkntn. mrSrrnaarraaawtamian4llTrvBara. fur A7ZSaMaahpuaaaaa atvanta mtranrt tg Uw aam. Tba fara aad half, at moor. alth aartlcaUrt mar had of Mr liomart.
at. Old BraatUtrrrC txtn. Partlrularj Iwo of Ma ra. Sprora and DaaoTouh aollrltora, ft. kko btiMi of Maava.
Lomtaad Auatka, aoUcttora, naiDara coun. wraya um, an rMAu rw.lM, Fiuttrlnfi. thnroarrtv af tha lata aauSuaraavar.aM. dmaaad. rrtnond from th ntUrort In Half moon atrart Bt Mr.
HOGRT. at Hart, Taundar, April at If, broTaararthaCarxYton, A Small Collection of Talnable Hictnrea, eomprUinR aom Baa aeortmana of thr follcrwrna maatan Craari da Carlo Dolrl. A. na ola, potnlnlrnlno. San.
aal imnK, i aiovi Mvnanta. 'Hoamaana, Mr t. KnatlW, W. Bam. RrMM4u4.
Pani.1 Town. Ilardman. FtrrnrUi alao a rrani aaintrna of St VatotUfa an undaubtrd otlirbuL by Huldo. Mart trtrwad nrw day tr kmIo tha aaie, and ratakarura bad at taa Marl I and of Mr. 1 loir art.
IU. Old Broad atnat, Itoial Exchanaa. aluablalraFhnl4and Cjwvhoil "Mradowt, caw to the 1 ow? of Bm'vond. Rf Mr. HOCC tha Mart, on Friday, prnfl, In 4 ordrr of the Cierutora of Xn.
Anna Hanbary, Lot I. i Valuable nch fealow, calle.1 Bar Field, in Tk. the rear of the White Hart Inn. containing acraa roraiiamlMprTchea. Lot S.
rUh FreehUd Maadoa. on thaoppoalte Ideof thelaaelolotl callrd tab troe rloa. or lldl fl I. bounJed by the landi of Tower and Hob. bSna.
and Mra. Either fuuttwrn. roalalnlnaore. and perrhn. Lot T.
rk Toot Krd.1 Meadow adj. lnlna lot J. called lladon Stflr Uld. btmndad bytfwlanaa of Vrv Freeman an.1 Roherl Abbot, evj nmtalwnj airwand nerrhea. 1 a.
rlrh CopHold Meadow adjolnlnj the precedlM lot. railed Lon Crofta. bounded bi the lanrta of vr. rnoma. Him.
smi.tnin. iirrM.iJ lltefiliM. Tha Ian may be yiewed nr'. liilart ha.1 of Mr Foater. land turveor, Tnttmham at the olden I am.
IpUh. up I oUIter i Black Boy. ( apread Farte. Inaratntnnr While Hart.
Brentwood of Mnirt. and Wood, aolkitora. Llrtle t. Thomaa An.tle at the Mart atdof Mr liotaart. Ui, old Broad tfrect, Rayal Lachantte.
where a lUa nut be aeen. Pealrahle Farm, near the of By Mr. HOrKJ 1RT, at tha Mart, on FrMa. prUSl. at i.
order of the EiKutor. 1 Valuable Freeholtl Farm, mtuate in the parish of henfleld. near VTrald Hall, and not far dutant from Brentwood, approached by a tr a. lane, and bounded an one aide by the rtiad lo jMn.
of ea.alleat nvsadow. arable. an 1 wood land, Inr rU fethrr. hh a fatmhouae. (tarden, tulta ble agricultural building aud adxlnlni the land of Ibe Rer.
Mr U.warth an.1 the tin lianuel Plot Vanl.w. The katate i the oc cupation of Mr. k. whoae tenancy ID expire at Miaarlma laVi be tirwedon aplKatton tothc teaauta, and partk nlara had of Mr Foa'er Untl.urve i. Totlrnham.
at the 1 Uw, Ipa lct. Cupa ker, Black Boy. spread Farlr. In irate.tine: White Hart. Brentwood, of Mraarx, Mevena and Wmal, ulit vra.
llltU" Thnnaa poatle at th Marti and of Mr. lint art, iW. Old Broad atrret, Hojal Exchaaira. wbtre a plan tna) be teen. Benwrvatreet.
(jifarJ atrart Excllent Houwhold lurnltuia, rranj t'inofnrtr bi Broa lwo.i. eleuant Bee Mir Lualrea, pair of Okibea, hanliine Bracket tUk and I ellar of rxrrllent Inea Mr IIOCCART. onthe Prrmuea. 17. on theeaat aidenf Borncra atreet on kpril if', and folio ln da at It, by dure lion of the kxrvutura of the late John Campbell, i ccountant npHK excellent Household Furniture consists of anl other liedatead.
wlthihinti pattern rot'on fUrnrturea andwuuiow feather mattre.e and tuitablr beildinir. anal be.1 rhambrr fiimituir chrial capital larin? mahoauy rdrob cheat, of drawera. drfajnar Turkey, Brael and i Idemm.tcr arpet. brtUvant plate chimney glaaac. mlrrar, i rhlj alrvant bee hlf jreclan and other Ivnpa orawlnr room ulle ol ilntinl chum Wtern catton Irrach wlndoa nmihf.
an 1 1 hair, a capital lint toned hn tiontal rrantl planuforta bv Hroiiaok! ol li maluiataiu diiunl panoir (hair. In re.1 mt t.M ixi'lentact mah an dtuuut UiMea ird and Pembroke .1 It I i. polia al board a tilt .1 a kak in ahaialaint i Inlaid ne. day ilia H.u ilh ftnder. an I tire ir.
nt and useful kttthen rejUMtr. ala, a cellar i exiellent it. risi laaliout 1' doacna (f Port, aid about tfen. of a ta, he rr I larat r. a a leweii one dat prei I Mia to he a.
and the iea Ike morniw of le tatakwue. had on the ndofMr llivrart.lrj, OliiBroa.1 atrt. Knaltt hate FraehoW otaire. mlnarttm. with PnwuKliate poaae oil.
Ht Mr at the Mart, on rUay. Vpnl at li LKC I'AdK, dolichtliillv situated a abort lara Itlful tkrw. of italauv a aeriant h.mber. 2 fltu nxima and w'th a conrhhiuie anl abte jartlt willed i den. aad rood ater lo In aud pit uula ihad at tie nfcl I Ti Dolphin.
at the Mart anj of Mr IKart, 12. "kl Br.ia.l Koai I xrhan T) LM: OT dcliiihtmlly ai 1) reiti oe from Lmui in and 1 thcT.U u'lt an I the a. enet of the rlacr. rout; lt Katrl.mllr'i oa i rnitnil of Straatham IIOtrf.xUT. at the Mart.on rnrta.
W. A Ver sabats mat and drMrdtilt Iteaidfiict, X. trralham eli. tmot deUhtfulU ituate.l wihin r. tn rro iaJa, plantalfm.
and car uj aeutit eliunen. i'iivu ea Ht nrerlioktng a heau'ifut ai I ctarecue co'in'r a trantha therwmote an.1 moat admired part of the c.wnmon he realenceand property of Wilkini. ra 1 h. hiux hn Vbiitt. an I unjfum eleratkm, uw 7 iid hain)eT and rxi, eiearin room 3, d'n nit nil pxrl i Hbrxr and fetert detr'ptl Ir'achei hi hi I nur atand for 3 camaarea ftanit' a 8 aru.
firm rard. icr i capital well ffarlcna, and I rft wall, clothed withth.Ht frat treaa. rreenhtniae and unpett Lai.a and trrTae walk The tS perfe. 't aeclu led from ptibl Tie and early poa.aeeti.ii ma be had. ThetMwatuea are atwralantlv with fne anrinr and I atifl water, antfthe aurrhaaer mac bate any quantift of land it ex ceedinr acrea.
Ma lie ttewwl by tuketa only, aial further partu lar tn I lo dav. prior ta, tha aa at the hound (r it don aid i at the Mart, and of Mr lloanrart, aj, ih Broadtrrel, I Mora! xchaiira. who i. autn irewa to recetfe proouaau for the pr aaaeof the eautr In priya'r Cl1ntIa. (round Heata, amounttuT to il'.
per aanum. well Vr. at the Mart, on TrUa. rr1l7. at li.
In Let IraproMal (around Rents amounting to 14a. per annum. ampi aeturrd bt. aad iauuii out of a rafuable leaaehold eatate. hik'rn fr fd nn aonMine of a a tbalatrilal brick buDt dwelluta hmi a.
rhe corner of Whlkin and Mepdith atreeta, St. JurL.trart roa.1, lerkenatril a brick built dwclhnat houae BdMaMinar. 00 the eouth i ie of TfnLtkin ln.t.t and eiht brtjck built dwellrv htiuae adoinlna. on the norh wet .1 Ie Meredith atreet orbdnal around rent II T.nnuan Infi Net lir pri e.1 Oround amountin to rod. laiaa.
per annum, amplv red bv. and katuisa of a valuable I eatate for thf same term aa kit 1 roticattlua of tuha'aitUl bruk hu hoi. the onrorr af Meredrh and (. Mteea'er atreeta aid fitalvu ad iniTar tl eat aideof Meecdtth atreer orvmal round rent prrannirm. 2.
Net nprtvej Henu. at aunt mr 4l per amain, ami't aecure 01. and out if. a rait a'. I.
leai p. "il eae bolden for 111 aame tem a. lot 1. intHktipg nf th.a.. rlletit hti.t.
e. t.uuhtuiute id and liner tlardrn Ht Mr IKH.f. HT. at thr Mart. A.mli at lJ rxctilent hncL built Famih Reside'ice, erected pleaamaf rlrtation alth Urtfr i.e..urt enrloae.1 with Iron he rtae of Lat 1 f.t hi al 1 1 H.1.
fctt 7 with rr, w.lla llh bowed an. hall trt tcu'lrt froii the ti 4 rv.e.lent 1 r.l 1 nuUri I atati marble tnnnnet vuie a 1 ri ncipal a ilhnn an.1 lnaibk thin tic id aid marblf thliunrt ptrt I ir tod Ho itmit, afore t.vt and tnol iiiiwr ot larrwhoute ithLt 1 houM luil mil id tli. 1 ff The it a around rent of iM per lth ttrtl. ular. mat he had ai ax liaiurr parti ulara I)J I I Ho Mir I ewrd be l.r.h.1 of Mr "ll.
1.1 Mr lloataatt 'f eiiKakan of the rraDectlve raai a di vt. Joh trret roa.1 al the Mart II Hroac' atreet, n.iraJFxihrrr LesiebokMlesiJeurr th detached luir.T e.i tfiu e. laee. with eariv rtaaewakin. and 'h.
0 len I ane ewrrr ByM IIOI.I.MtT at I hi Ut I Aril7, ar la for the lament of the under an ln.Wiaat tetate whou.ince deceia. I. Valuable Least hold Kstatc. cuinnruiii): an yj eicellmt dwilluK houw N.v IX. inahury place I ina
fonUimrut TTant. attic. rond bed JnMK jiof frnnt driwrur rnoir spar kitoheii. rallaraate and caat'al rntint mirhoua with a rara a laiayil Th 'le hare. in mat tie tiewol lo Tie 14 da had ai the pram lac.
of un 'a. 'lank at tke Mart and rt Rotal rxchati In el R. Tit of id fa. hi i in Ma inif.l.VRT 1 th Mart rrij. a 4 Kf Impro.ed Rent fi nr Annum .1 rntramrhall.
1 ater d.e h(. M.Ji; ith pat ad tir.l leadmrtr. j0 (io( eatr.ncetol pa. atra. h.iMcn rh(r, fcr iui I rent of orVI nerneli. i tl 1. Men 1 aiir Brewrtr Tlie to thr tale and partawlirs (im, 1elt .,,.1 tn New lnd Mi II nr.ait, t'. uli ad ln.m, MR PFULLII reectlull announces, Unt rillPl pnl I. at 1, he.hall rBMlTb, Au. hi. tn.lj.reet a LF( 1 IOV of HINfT. I dULFIli Hit TITtrHif th Dutchand Hemiah thept. larrtt 11 O'licer. punha e.1 on theomtuient within tlie taat Ir" ttnrt, "tilth ate pleaM aprtimena by the mi.tera IVIlvnn eaihfll Netfur Vntk TerueraT Huhena Tenlira Mint. Mi han Ker.
turn Uucvlail MnUnair Duaart tlrm r. and ant other of ctiual merit and cond.ttoai Abo li noble aallert th aar. Ma) be tHiiltodat.pettuu. al Mr PhU id where catal itnira mar be lutd Mden lumiturt. aht Plan tit, BJ'iarJ Tahl. f.U.' tea. hma flic MR PIULLIP rcaiH ctiulU amiounce t. that on U.mnat next prill, at I. he I BM IT by TION it rent Kooma Ikmu tne excellent mcal.m Fl UN I 1 I lth, camp.
ion 1 mih aiirj e.p.i .1 i itlr inc t.liln. end tec n.noi rYiyrrra 11 reatrr rr ar atara, anl tVca aMinal tlhle nada oumvlea ail a. rent mah vativ 4 iait 111 1 rent hrd.truit wih chin a arel aeaa.wie.1 iarti lina larlltknitpla par and ihinmi atxtae. ihetal and other i nil al II Ic lahlr I) Tl irf aith ruei. mart.
naiiiepHlaTl lit. fjl chii. mil art. and nila.rllai.Hout ilia 1 tr room m.l handier irnituir I hi? prop. rt)of mht fr nh iv .1 Kali 1.
Ma, br tw idat. iietol thrutk, anl a il tea had a. Mr Ph 11. p. Hand nhl.
I rta lr 1 i at rrel i aoii Mil PHILLIPS iiiom notitix t. on Thur tlar. 1 i Jt I h. ik BMIl lit l'l llnN ll in ttrtvt a nutlie anil irwrimi. I Itr i air ten, and attached and detached njlipe tuate on the aaaat atfnduh aiiar rn of a NnMcnan.
1 lie ptu are nMitt lie m.I arr niiM f.r the acri.inino.ljti.m an.1 in rettarttalle I imlh comti.lna: pritidpi of a I. hi a. hnldo khl. id prercitC end of lea I of Mr John Porer I nit 'red a "tad of Miat Rob awm atlal tke Mm ill ni Mi II. in hanac Thoiu.
hra Mldlloaex Rl Mr lllc oiir lirll If.a li. hyirc ui of Hinkrv i i i. TIME xntirt anl rV.mi kiiit ch k. lit "'n, It of "lllta id a 1 ha.1 IrU Nail liar ark a ik PHILLIP int rtvi(tfiill imtihi lir 14 and al iu. at 1 he 111 i THIN xi in tr.
wtir hi It it NwB.iil rer.ed and t. mn. I'tHl th li. ii i. til in 1 Fi TIHN Pl( Tl III of the Italian a I liut.h rroprn if th.
Kivht II hi a r.1 B.raiik roitiptitinir e. li aid In I ht irillai kl tl al Pcijai the uinicr of i .1 It, I ot. iirnr Hn lt ht anl ot'icr. In M.t iK wr.1,ed iw th nil I. ht.l it i ea.
li al til Philli 71 llai lei ithl li'hlfwaranl i i tl. I PHILLIP .1 iM l. I IdN I a Maul I I li a.1 Ik.l tl 4 Tl MX at I I it! "11c Ihe I itodl Ml id a UIC1 Ha xwHl.llilMl iitkre. xnd yinlrn ind de I An ill aith iirl I th rar I .1. II I uxli i aril anl kaitolr I hr Va tad bitf i "lit ei i II irttx a Old Hr avl "trr "a tehta a raie.
ai I Fnriild ltd II Valuablt lat av liuld Pr(ixrt IKM.r VI1T i I.I.II. icin tmi: it nt I l.i.. re xnllialdfai i linn if inn at May In ire.l etrt) da till the I I 4 livti ohti iH ai the iiiii lilt, i Rati al.i lewrtp Itrlartl Mrai i Milliut.n and Phllp.i 111.. 71 U.ei.l i I he M'i i 1 Iteil.iie tcr ilet PlIILLIPl lisjHltllllK ailllOUIlCta i lit III all he nil In TH lar a HtlKIUlll Pllul'l I t. 1 rl 1 dl II at III I.
.4 1,1. moll II Mr pr'I clUr if rv i nnr im tin ntitr.c i i j. Iat India lla'r ra'. lila 4 aer I larrf The a at the Mart ai I i ftl." in inu til i 1 le la led the l'(lllC 'd reel Itla kf HI IliMi UiMdUir iii'i mi tlUa i 4 erti cted in th' Rut. It dibit RnilL'e linr I I i the I fe a mim ical acaptal.
tlM uttioli tit PHILLIP. rtM.i. ttfullv ntilifiei, that ui he xruill tutittut ht Alt liiiN a I an 1 4I 1 irvl turl.ik ihedl. ted i of iii.urin.i ra. attoriic Htiine.1 I irti 11,11 VIII I.NNI If a at th.
i. I Man Mr i in n.i i. a I II kha I1 t' 1 I he ra itielt per" iillle. rl I on rkla ill I llcwae. ill.
I in HLL II rr Mali 11 a I fl i I hall in .1 ala.i.'l. Ma. it I. li t.l(1 .1 th al.U ta i ll lillllt fdlfllh a lawn and pa.1 1 i ibbcri a li airra ti ard la. I tc Mi Mill u.
aa. Irtrn. a ha Mf a I larttuJH I bur. He. 4 up.
ii Ilia and rk ntaiw wall, and af Mr ll arl a pla nmay be tn n. alluilM I ho. Thee, at. 111 hebretf. rd.of Mr.
I Maj lmillliir. I mc.ln. 1.1, Ukl Bnnvl Itojal VVM Hie I Wk k. the d. tuwllUnlivl h.
yr f. Coat In ana 1 ext ai Oar.Jaan id Padd ak Mlckaermaa next li; ea wtorliM twwi iianimi rrHM iK. Hifif. atn.l Prtini eo. Il I a II tl tonof Mrent a l.ieofro.dueln'ahu.l i in rt, wara4brfaad im I ,9 ia a x.
n.a adaaoV1o.k. Mllb a aaaara.i.a.t laraanail. Il lar IW rr al 'I rtarp aHaaniprr 1 1 (. 'I Thral.l '(r' J. III.
kB lUI oaforl. th. Mait.lndcdM, If PHILLIP ri MirrtfiilU annnnnei tli tt o'l IH hof prtl next all he IHMII lit I IiiN at l' taai Mirt ail 1 IHIN Mil I III full luat. in Mill ii luldoiakaa. an un ut tarda li nil.
al a m.alcra'1 leu a I Ihetdani a I I pi fed parti tihrtliat .1 Xlew. I Hit ill I ml el Ml I I leMirt an.litWr Phillip. Hiii.Utriit 1 Ired of I rend, and neilin Inea. It Pill LLIP nuixt rcsiHitltillv dHiiounri that flha 1 rii.teea ha haU HMIT by I HtlX V. ft .1.1 ali.
et, VXlia Apul I I II. a if lit at I. a' 1 1 I HI FN II and KHIFIf.V WINI aid puil iinnlMnK di.on of Pi.rt of f.t a 'et i lave, lam el In n.nrtt and pint, aid d.iren of lild Hal. fine Hal h. ot ll.ilt lliirrlla.
Mailriia ol Holtord ,11.1. alairfra I laielt, I mantle an.1 elle, alao la.ltk il, irt.a. I line the emir, and pri.i.iae rty of a le table liri a teil. fthet awn I he a n.e. w( Ma ill 1 I ace ai.n.
el.tiotl of pri ate f. nthea, and the liole Ire I iuci.1 wilh tlitxampk a. sample, miy be ha.1 at Mr I tl.l). a A 'twit lit I laude, II ilbein. tnKe IMrna k.
PIIILLIPS most nufK ctliillj notifies, that Tfl Tiilai lirll l.anl f. Ikoilnuda at he si (1MIT I MllltiN lilt m. rw ard al reet anr.tei.jiic I ill I If fit IN of hwail, eatlinahle tare and line DHWxIMih. tke ii Buu.l.e.1 ii a'tei. of trie Italian an I Putt Vluaala, the If i erte a l.efitleman.
wk in they liate drtolTetl from an ami this iiallii tkin waa formed upward, of 711 llalixa.l I auaain I. 11 luaiidt it or Holla, ui Tltixn lewel Iday. foierlno Teniera The arrlcria I Dm I Vandertekle 1 Hai kandyik, Jtr irix adlni theialr and eatakiirua. had nielli rorkaaur aad at Mr llilll pa 71 llondatlral Part if iheFontMll I thrary fornied ilium Btakfoid, MR. l'HILLIPK on lat, April '4.
and Hilkewmi at 1. haihaJISl HMI1 by tl I I II IN at hi.i.r. .1 It. B.aadailreet, a M.LII I III" of taluable BfKiKh. in handwimc Naak of miaaal.
ara.1 rranuacrlp. and hk formed part criwYhe xa.t and xaliaable ll hrar of F.m'hlll Ablieyt (Turreide Racinei Fahlrai de la lonfalnr, par Montenaiilt Patorraue da la byrlet IKutm Correuin! I alalia Jobu Caap.r.1 Kaata) can Pny lkaarnorDyi MnotraciiilextlFuyrea, MTaithi.alByrneiSelctarwilnIulTI sir w. fol lection uiki Hcam ri 1 rprra Pe icm'i VoraKi 1 ktruir. hrnanilea ot Fua tand and mnnv other viluible WnrYa and tlaUtnlea of ArL. ya banlewed 4 da) pratl a.i lai the laek, anl CataaOjTiei had tl la.
raw at Mr. Phullj Brfld atlaat. Stat taatwlwiU laaklaafa owtaavvaatTtat. aaiettttlaa twufctiU ll vuadarr tht Dultayoi BadtViT. for 73 years, ad laoO taa Dr WWSTAhUY aad wO.tx.
ca ti rftipiut, 1 A Moat 4nifortble, conrrsient, Bi3'jJaataatRel danacr, pleaaintly arraatt Ha. II, Mtraitaara auare, TtauaaW anaanv aimaaa auaarar atfaaliaaT IliaWa. ilattaajWaf tkenvan'i rooaat. ba.1 chamaan, aeeaaanat rooaa, lettrtara. aaatuhaiiie, butWi pantry, ixudrataua, kc.
To barktrwad bcaida a bieh. wiU partk ulara, taiy be had af Mraarx. rTrlfbt aad Wtmtau B. aUrafl Beach walk. Traiplet lad of WlctaUnary aad Soar, rHtrrntlatri row.
N.B. At the tame time wfli be aoU dwaaat Hn.nirld Fr alturr and EtTccta. TANLXV aad SONS, oa the PTftnbea, rm Tueaday, April 4. at 1 1, genteel HcUa hold Fnmitnre tnd Effects, JL rraarawpxa. ot a luoauowar Olaiwiaia; riaowa axniar.
lawitatxuax wuwatrw urtaJaa. aifka, raaira. raid and aofa Ubtaa, capital aliaraaard, art of maboaraat rnaira, bwdateada aad bexatUn. raxrprxa. rami, wararcaoa, rhcatt of dram and nuroeroaa olaVer rBarta.
Ako laa laaaax, far 71 ypari, uader tke Dake of Bedford, of a aery eawafcimbje reaklayare. No. IX MonUartie itraet. The funillare wiay be xiawal 00a day af rwdtne. and the koxiae br tkrkrta.
wklrh wkh aartlaauari aad amtakaraaai may be haxl of laaataaiey aaq aone, Buoka. PUte, Plated rtkkaa, Fowlkof Paaraax, Pwaokl, jiair of Olobaa, a few (hinnr and atorr PaJatmaTa, axo ny nis.iaaLii aaa sis it the Mart, on tdtaeaday. April 5. lad fidlaxrtna; dayJH, "1HE Library of a private Gentleman retnored JL from hretklenc for tha nmyeaiaTtxceof tale. IwludiTW lafolio Rapin'a EnjUnd.
Maltbnd 1 Lanvlcm. khakiprani PUyt, a far aimOe nf the Brat rdvtlon. Sir flliarn Trrople'i orka la quarto, Henry! Bible Inruaxla. Locke'. orka, Military Antiqultlex, Dod worth'f Hlatorlcal Acrount vt SalJhbxiry I athedral.
Raratrtt oa tha Teatamrnt, f.lbbon Rome (Ictarcx Vlivrr'i khnda ment. la nachanb Traela. Mlddletoa'a I'lcaro, IJ Ourraa de ron dlllac. In toU. (lark.
Bioairaphlcal Plclkanart Cdb.btir.hRe tir. Rapiti alad TuidlT. Fnarkxnd. 1 apuat The Gentle mana Mairaiine. im cola.
Inrhbald 1 HrlltahThratrr, i5oU. The Wnrki of Pope, FWktbMr. Voltaire. Rouaaeau, BoUeau, Fontaine. Johnan.
Blair, and The plate ronalatl of about limn rauncea. a frw faahkinahle plated artirlea, thrre double harrrl aruna by Maaton, brace of a pair of capital 91 Inch alobea by iry and Mortl nxer, a few htnear ind other iaintbur, and aundry mlw ellaDeraus artkltx. Tolae tleedin Taalay tbaalJi a.dmornlruiof aala, he ratal. arur. may be had at the Mart aad of LiaUaxky and buna.
PalarnaMtrT row Near Fpplua UouiehoTd FuHiltureTrhiaa and Olaaa, Piuitaaira, HillUrdr Table and kflectt By WINsTNLEV ami at prutif I arm, FppinaT, near the 17th mUe atone on the Newmarket road, on M.nday. April to, and follow irag day, at II. try order af 1 ha I xecuton, HPHE Household Furniture and other Effect, the propertrof manxicm laen. aaci Detiainaf. arawrra, curtains, tsciaeta.
(ta car, laieaiae. billiard table. Urire library bnokcaaea. an Iron cheat, pa hi! man, two marqueea, and numeroui other arffecta. To be iewed on aaturday the nth, when catakiirura mat he had at the Trick and FppUvft BUca inua at Fppina thaKlnar.Hfwd.
Chfciw.ll the White Hart and co*ck aad Pell, Romford at hpria 1 Oak I nm of Mr Adaroi, John atrewt. Miuotata, and of iniaaley aad Hona, PalaTaoaler row, laaodun. Tot urriera, 4fe DrairaWe I'remliei. Utenalli. and Stock In Trade.
Ilouvhokl Furniture. Jet By IS sT NLK ltd at No. 37, Brown a lane, and Corbett'a court. SpitaJ. nelda, on Tliuraday.
AprU II, by order of the AHhram of Mr. Edward L.wv.n. CONSISTING of a convenient Leasehold Ilouae, with double fronted xhop, yard and work. hope, aitulte No. .17, Brona Spttalfidda, and an extenlitc raixre of workahopa In orbett a court adviinlng, lawelv uaed aa a runlar and held for unexpired tenna of 1 1 and ii ear, al eery low renta.
The and alock comprlae thr rn.toraarv irtk Ira la the abnee tradea, and the houaehold furniture i of the tuvual deacrlptkin. To be viewed by appliinit on the preaiiara, where particuUn may be had iWiof Boetork, rxq Geonre atreet, Manonhoa and of lnatanley and ona, Paternoater row Small Cellar of partk ularlx rhoire and trryold Madrira, the property tha late Robert VelUh, eau. Bv INsTA VLKV and the Mnt.un Fridaj, April 21, at 1, by direction af the Fxecul Small but exceetlinrrly choiie Cellar of ery old Milrira aeletted by.the late owner for hia own ule. durlne a 1 ana reailetur in the uland.
ccamprlIn.T about flu doaetit. now lylaK In the cx llara al hk, late rraldmce at Bromley. In Kent, flora whence it aill be perrultteil tolheaetvrml purrhaaerx. (mtakianirt alll be ready for lehttr an 1 aampk mat ha.1 lon pat Inr for) 3 daya prevkaua tn the iJe, of Wlmtanley and Paterntaier mw LaUknuiilaa at the Bell and the VI hlte Hart, Proniley, and at the Mart. 4 Vali iltuhlp Lrairholil Ft tKeton.
nminjon, H8L per muum niNTNLF os, at thr Mirt. on piil I Aluble and very ileiranio beasfholn r.sutr. con rin.l rr rofntnodkiui 4wn(Tr houi. it Hennftt hill. Put tort 4.timinoin.
with icmckiu. 1 Dtiw client an hd ,1 taulu. yani. Ate. in the mruiMitiim t4 Mr Joihua Henn.
in? im rchant hrll unHer th lliriLU I olUtri for stern, whereot Jfi jear. mert unexpired at HI rhoa In ju Ut, at a K'rund rttit tf 121. trr aqnunu Tw he iewwl II il 1 rcrdtitiH vJ jrrirunn the tenant ami uh tklteU, whi with rinfiM pditunUr ma he had of Oliver, i. tollcilM, lUtliin tiTihleo ant of imUnlcy and bm Paternoster row par tU lUnilto.l th. Mwt Ualthajnitow ophoM detarhed Ttehleiie, with r.mrhhoiwe, thli 4e an.) I'Mtldoikft, aiu ether abuut ai Tt ByHN TNL ami MN at I he Wart.
ociTui d. fh Mn at i ultcY 4 ahitblt' I'opvhoM Kstatc, i ouwsting of a nul tnti rlt buJt nt oiilenee, pleassntl tituat In Hiie ntreet, Uaithamto. ahout mils from Ignition, mntalnlntf a oohle lofty lr tim him atmut fee 1, anti ronn, dinlnr Mr tour, library. Ixtl thambrr tlrr sjainii ntuw, ttiJ). BTmrkiua klttrhen, aruUrrVt aihI t.sMi.e 'u otbten with i llfnt rarruce )rd, with two raj(, hhtusi ami taliltnK for hotkt a larre and verr produrtiv kftrJ, in p.uldxkt vf rlrh mra fciw Un.1, the whokt nmtprKiitc tui riet.
1 1 Ik. irt 4 bv pKinvif on the pruiaMa, where irrtoil rt rni be hjKl parlitulan al at the hennero WaltHamtitdBw the iwrefirfmk the place of Mle; of Mrsxr. ru. Ui haw ami vw, itort, ll4born cihirt, dray't innt auul of intanlr and Paternotter tow. U.
aluaiblf of the liM Hobtow i oriLiiteil htciature, and rritwal theolom Uy be tiewed true hail prire IkL ind ll.niaeh.ikl Furniture, removed frnm Pickrt and IUmp.tia.1 lit H)W FO arFH, at ht. (irrat Room. 14. Solvxiuarr. THIS D4.V, Friday, March 31.
and at 11 eailidat. VLL the (jenuin Househnhl Furniture, consisting of excellent feather bed. and beddlnaT, aetrral four pmt ind tent lit l.tra 1. and mahoaiany writlne asblea. wuHixriny hiifh wardrobe, ptef and ohimnet alaaaaaa.
madwaaranv double and abxatle i hut nf dia arra, art. of duituit, i ard, and pemfirukr tabtea, nurraaany an 1 iaf anned ihalr. Bfu au t. rarpeta and hearth ruita, fendari avod fire iron. r.aain and paMee floor ckathx.
aarta of morttie and cotton cur taint and nuTnerou. tme. ic reauaattea. May he viewed until the vale, may be had at Mr fustrfi onVan, 14, Grrak iaho vjuare I raw main rvamie, rtoiaerriiTt Hj wt. rnwanti TFR.
at the l.reen xat ay, Rrewer a nreep, llnrarfcrry rraad, on pril 1. at 11, In 4 tola. "7W)I substantial brn htiilt Iwcninp himwas, I hftuatr ht Palmer. lll urr. near the Horaefrrry rnM Laif 1 ulaitxnlialbrkk Ipillt ll belnar No.
Parmcr vtr.iinin.ter, let on kwaae it the inuual reniof f4U iaOtS. A rara dnilll l)ellmi: houae, br No. In Par adua row.aijoinitiittht but Int, let at lilt per annum lail brick built Ilweltlrut, Nt Paradlaa row. tdnnlru the laat kit. let at jIL per annum.
I ait a. An excellent de ti. lied brkk Unit llwrllinr hanita. ait uate Pro. itlencw row, Palmer'a XillXki let at ml per annum.
May he viewed by permiaaion of the tenant, and partaulatt h.x.1 at Mr I oater'l olBt ca, 14. Greek atreet. arllaiH nm Pn.ra rtr By Mr. FPIIfcl. at kli Hnoim.
No. .17 re afreet, near I inmln Inn ftel.ii, on Monday, April 3, ami r.ll.aim dat. al li. Vt lioiu olltx 11011 of Jnrixleeini Property, con itli of 1 1.. toluine.
of haaik. ronipriainir many valuable and poj ilir rl. ot et'ceifaed fine paualnei and pruita franii 1 at lUi.I tiral of them bv iua.trr.of rmmenre. a rareand valuable hnne a wilh in anlkpie aral. hma flnery enamelled an Infant mlai.1 catnnet.
Hue hnuiiea. aetcral xets nf fine French Ie in It. oriiainental and aat Vr china, rkheut bUmi, i ft niter and father jii, forte, a hue tone I rem irn lth a tartetr of other inu.a .1 m.lhematical onkal and irmcal pulrunetal. tinale I iirel awliru. copper plalai, and numifotla nth tha io perti "I Mi li Itamviu ar.loair atreet.
II atia lo n.ant anl shewn akcr. la sthcrt utter. anl nakar. lit Bl)i aril anl HI I Ml at their ipacl II aunt Nix 1 I hi.ell ttreet near lillahur, anwarr on Xlonc VV.iliialili t'k nf Lratrur and SIhks, ninoinl fir riaivi ttii tirF ali nipnaini: crop butt inld.lhnft. tail pie.11.
ha Hmi, nSat. and wrlltnil 1 rime 1 alf Ini kip. ttciatrh a i.iant I halluat, uaed r.tan. and ba.ll. or an.1 nit liadallheicm linkiWItT1 Stark.
87 Vr. WILLI. Ua.U tW Mart. THI DAY. IrrB L.
Monday the Id. aad WadMadiy the Xk. si If. A Vadi able tlkction of Itools in elejiaat Lvindinp, tneaataalna mmmr rftondU worka oa th 1m sits. aatkiakaaa, axKon.
ta JtiaaSr travaaa. VbTaaTea, bexuy, aeartry. tocludirnT BVrixafaanB. ID eala. kn maaia i rhaa a orka Vl fmlth.
rUstViatia id.a yaabChateaa Brarutahaw, Kowlit, lloaarth, TawUlw. Drrdan. Bhsiipaire. Pob. banft.
Olbboa. Ri ai arrtaoo. ttoliaa. nttt aa lawt Sraofiett. SaiR.
Juh aana. Rouaaeau. BoUeau. a urhaa, Wa aarr. uTpoorel.
rotrtaa ae, c. he view ed. and rata lajajaaa had at tbaalarti and of Mr. II Mama, Tl jna mortcia atreet. raintad Gkwv By Mr.
WILLI at the Mart, am Thuradav. AprUd. at I for prortacry. 45tnall GJlection of Painted and Stained Glass, niliihllin af a variety of tata reatlnat hlatorkal and fancy aub iaUndia apCK iata hora, Harnraw. TTtainwnta.
4c. To be viewed orninttof aakti ca a Joa taea had at thr Mart, and of Mr. VTil. aajatax, I aixaia arto a arreax. Arrvrrfcarn Ptanta, Jn rt snivad from the Lnited itatn By Mr WILLiaas, trw Atacttoa Marx, on tna anewiay, xpru 3.
at iz. A Cboice CoJ lection of Plants, many of which arc Am tTir veiy rare aad nrrkiua the whide hi excelarnt mndltaon. a ataaworthr the attentanaa of a wnUa rriam, aurvery and ae rdarria n. and Caxara, To be vleved the mornlna ol aale, and ataloaTuea had three dayi prrx rcl*tlat, it theMlrt; and of Vr Wmiari ia.Thrijraairton atTr tt. laaportaat Revrraion, ae rxired on FleeBold Landed Ratatea of aer Annum.
Br Mr. ILLI IMS at the Auctam Mart, on Thura day, April a. at If. unleaa prevloualy diapoaad of by private conrract, A Reversion to the principal Sum of XI 4 XK, pav abkr on the death of i irentk min in hit 5oth rear, pro.l led dl. Bua, ao In hia yaar, aurvivea hiaa.
Thie elbtiblar property rlxara ed on fravhoid eatatea, in the count ara of La arx. Lrk ratrr. Sunarl tetihlre. and burrry, of the annual value of S.t.aai. and upwarda.
Dew rfptive parti ular. may be hid of Mewira. sllu. too aad Hundleby, aolk Fraeiuan a aourt. tornbill.
at the ltbririea at Briathton and Lhellenharn. at the Mirt. Garraway and of Mr. gliaini. ThJoft norton at racL.
VTlnea, MuakaJ and Phlkjaophkal luitrumenti, and valuable FSrcta. By Mr IMU.II at thr urtiun Malt, un tralay, Aprfl 14, at 11. 4 Sideboard of ounces of Plate, consisting of tea aete, roflre bw aauca turami. wattrrx, table, driven, Itravv an.1 tea apoams forka, table and card candlratH ka. finkanl and pint muKv, cupa.
cruet loup and aauce la.lle. iajt bottleatandi, Ac capital antd and watches, an rxce'lent 8 day Uble ckx k. lail dolrn of choice rrt. laret. Madeira, herrt The effect, to br viewed on Thuta.Uy precedm.
and the wine, ta.ted the mafrninar of ule ralaloarurx had at the Mart, and of Mr. niiaana, Intro a inrarlon atreet. LeaaekoM House and OardenrCamberwrU Bv Mr IT I LI UM.SU the Auction Start, oa Tiie arlay Xpnl la, at U. by order of the kd tnlniatrator of Mr. aar ih uod drceaaed.
A Genteel ajul substantial Hell built Leasehold Houae and Garden, situate at (. amtteTwell. near the Albany oadTlet to Mr Harris, at kaL per annum held for ka years unex pttred, it a fnaund rent of 5L To be tewed with leave of the trnant. and partarulara had at the Golden I. Urn, araberwrll hinat.
Head, Walworth. Elephant and Caatle Newlnalton and of Mr William. nt iatPTO ftoilreta tret. Ll hnrrlloolti lln ixrantal Graaxd l1aivaaa. Ma Laanaaaav Mr.
suUIBBaavd thatr Oraat allx aal foltaaarwar If. LarjeAnemblageof very good genuine i anu A ii i ind WrUltit TsbWs. 1 tnm fliaWf, Cjwlaht sad Plane. Maak al liMraananla. and 3 oewTarkrr saviu 'orni turt.
ramoved from dieretu raajdencea. laew Tarka rarpwla of Taxied Jtieveiacaiia. irveral Ubrary and ntrarr Maa ara 4 aacre tarkaa. tarje otBce tabars and deaaj. part an.1 chimney claaaea.
up riarkt piaiwfbrte by Clerneatl la I loeaaood caae. a triad plaan by Brridwonda. square ditto, i violin, ii awaood aad mabnaiany mfi, raid, and pern hrokr ublea. wardrobea, chrata eaf dr wera and dresaina; 4 po.t and tent bedsteads with chtata and other nanctiwx. tea.
avieaa raaddlna. Bruaseb and Klddal alias awl carpeta. aa a day rlnck. and artoue otherrfltx ti. May be viewed oo TuaaJay Darat.
and cata ruea haul at tba tw ax. Turkey I arpebk By 4PPLETOV aad GDDEV, at the Uoo Mon la i pril 3. at by order of Truateaa, wrthout raswrve, FOUR Bales of very superior Turkey tarpetiof various dimenslona. from 18 fret by IC to 11 feet bv lo. Mar be vieweti on the tnorniaf of sale ratalowvie.
it tha Mart and of A pplrton and Cadadrn. aiKtlooeeTa, appriisirs ind aaranta, fa. Finch lane, ornhiU. Rirwll aouare By PER IL and on the Pieialsea, bwraiarrl rt, Kuaseil anuare. on iaaa ai, al aer iai tllV friXipilVVOl liawi'UH tw ALL the genuine Houhold Furniture and fcfiteu. rn.kJW.uiv 4 po cMhrr rhu of bv or ler nf the Proprietor, ruoin the eountr) Jraaara ap. A a4 mltA rftHlTasT TYVml tURS. UDM, chirt and Klerrtl i cp.t.l Mturt ptaoo by I lnncntl, rtuaem. rarpet. Tj be ewetl the aUy prerki aa and morain of tle.
wrid ncatAhparue roavbehad. and at lb oilice of Peaz duxi Jordan. iienuri Kue SirerW Tiven. and Hotel. (LTFHartd la at nth imraedaaaat" pe rwjniaU By We irrawayX rn Thurvlay, April 6, al iinls di.4d of br private contract.
Co.lertionir Iintinga. By Mr WII LUM at the uclinn Mart, on Friday the ii of pril. at li, Valuable Collection of Pictureg, comprising see XjL. t1 beautiful perhnent of the ancient and inodttrxi hoot. ehMffof mbliret ie.
In eksxnt landtcapet. ltertr, kW tor leal sub Jerta, wmm pieac, Vf i the whnle in a fine state of preervatlWn To be vleVeU on 1 hundar and ronnilmt iff ule nUk we rud at the Mart, aDwJof Mr WUliam 1 hnvinorton ureeU To Metchanta, CaptjUna tf Shii Hardwaremen, atht keepert, ami Otlvrv By Mr.WII.HAM at trieAiution Man. on WedneacUr, pril iNJ, folluwbuc day. at It, for tke benefit of the rrediUrrt, 4 extensi.e Stock of Hardware, cudery, Sheffield Tm plated fronds, optiral Instrumentft, Mad numerous other arti tlea. iruntUattindi of several ranks conuintrw dojensi of laJUTaUs knire md leruidui slioe knlte, for the West India, Mo ndore, and South meTk an uurketft.
su of hor and btne hjuwiled knives and fork, a larire qnantlty fine poluhed steel at)d roniinon cl trs( pocket aad pen knites, uxUaune p)atrl ar tkk air pumos. relie.tlnj tels ropt on rass stamlsi, tn mhogativ aa es, da) and nirfht ditto, solar ami other mKrncupe jgt le (rant open fold ami silver nuutetl readim and Laau art, telescipe tubes. pcta cie lajitj. and Klasscs for optical Inttume nt Ju, i icentleinena tool cketst a quantity tf sawt, spadrs, shovet. e4re tooK, patent heel and toe plate fur tunU aitd ahoea, Jrr.
To tewe i tne da prereatiuit ana roorninw; ot sale, aad caukrue Small vevteel detached gttatfe Residence, N'orwontl, with tmrnedUte Siateaioiu Mr WILLI M. at the uctlon Mart. unThur li. unless previous diflpo Wb) prateomtract, 4 Leasehold bncL huilt otue Keiidence, rrected, with rhaHsehuuae, 2 stall stable, and front aid bacV irarden. near the hipel Norwooil, surre, uited to theatiomm datioo of a small venteel famriv to be held fr fiuev, at a rent of AL 2a.
per i.nnuiiu To be ieiret till thvuale, particular had at the Horn aiid 1 njwn, rown, Lrmdon. Uhtte Lion, streathani, (trahounil, Dulwkh, and of Mr WiilaUnis. Thronnior arden VoneoMi. rittaMe RtSkleTtce and Oardi sixi.8 Mr. at the April at in, in tot Lease of Woodland C'otUire, very pleasantly utuate at Norwood, Suire a hort distance from the i rown The runuc very conveniently tilted up.
and contain 4 bednnm, f3rlour. kitthen, pantr. waavhhouse, Ac chaisehouske, stall Ua bit and eanlen. To be beU for 21 veara. at a ver Ut rent a ntrel deta4bed i rttwe Raidence, with chaUeryu e.
itabilnrf urdivA. the church, seateil at a convenwut dkUnce from the haiih road, cnntaminir three betlroonis. drawing wifn. par km r. two kittheiu, pantry and celUrare; held for 51 rear, at a Uw re it.
To be viewed till the tale, and partkulart had at the I ton, I amberwell. Uorw and Crown, N'orwnoI tLrnwn, rmiinn hJte Lion.,Orihou ud, Uulwtrh and of Mr dliairu, Throjr morton Ua vehold FUte. Hampsteaa Mart, rm Tue vUr. M.i 9, at 17, ot Mr.
tirnrv a bankrupt. IMVO feaseholft House, ami Premiws, situate on aL the south akte nf Fla d. walk, Mampstead. tn the county of MttWlracJit ilwocrupaition of Mr. Brisland andothent held for Ifi rars fifmi hristrnai, IH1H, with a covenant to renew for a further term of il years.
To be viewed till the tv Ue, and partk ular bad of Mr. Lucas, follcitor, Vntthicluin street. MirUme. Mewta. Fair thnrne.
Lofty, and fate, 1 olernan atreet at the Mart; and of Mr. iliiams. Thniffimrrtoivreet. i heltenhain ilia ami round rlnpint Furniture, and EtTmi, Bi Mr niLLIlMSontnifPreitiiac. on MiNidae.
Mav aiv at lib valuable Louse ol Oakland House, an excel lent Ula Reatxtdence. with lawn, ahrubberieB, pkrasure walk, is. sheet of water, and 12 acres of mea dow Und. most ilelLi ht. ruiiy situate on tne t'restDur) nuui, and uitel for the hnmeOiaite re ceptionof a auniWof refWtanilitv rontauM A ordrhsmberi, draw tne; room, dining and breakfaat parlours, and suitable domestic office, hetl on lease at a very Lw renL Ou the umearvi fol tow da.s will Iv sold all the erennt TImkehoM Furniture valuable ESects.
To be bv ttrkettt onl, which with particular may be hail of Mr. Ttwma WiU appraWer, Hkch vtrret. hHtwnham, and of Mr WUtiama. Thr uTnrton street, Lorwk n. N.
B. The whjle may a few kesw alw (at SVt TaW (ophoiw! Reklence, handsomel) iimnhrd, heltenhain. mT II Ll MS, ar the ll.rfrl, heltenhaTi, Ma next, un lewi irt iouttv dbntMed of by prf ate cnrTart, AC eOyhold It evidence, brick hmlt and stuccoctl in tmlia'tion of ttikne, nd kitltahle for the Immedia'e reception of a tmall rrr tt table amll. The hont it sitti Ued within a ftw minute' wtlk of the HUh Mrert. and contain file hedihamber.
drawirif, ro.m. two irVmrs comaiunicatinif by Gvldin doort. and two kitcheni; with tranlen hi front taattfullv dwrMised held of the Manor of Cheltenham, hemr equal In value to free Sold. 1 he fuml ture to he taken at a valuation. Particulars may be lud of Mr.
Uniiami. appraiser. Huh trcct, Ibelienham. and of Mr WJliam. Thrnenorton ttrfsrt, Iaijndnn.
ITla Rettatenre, and Jit acre of Mr VULLUMn rfHK Fafease of a ileurable retired Itesidence, witli JL coar house, stabl'mr, livts plea re irrounds, shrublieries, jrarde orchard, farmvariL hnra and nutbitlldlnirv, anl xr nof rk mf adow land. tjefiamentd with fH grown tmber, foTTninn a park like appevanre, mu drljchtfullv tituati at the extreinttv of Nifjnd urre withiit3miJe of rmd comnt ndinir bautif tl xl wiof thesurroundinitroitntrv, and suited for the immMiaterecep tkwi of a nt re Prtakle familv held on leae, at a low rent. For partkularsandcard.tnview apply to treet BvMr CUIPIOX. at h. uctim.
Ro rm Blv.r Vn street, nn prU3, tn4 following day, TTTK Quart, rl) alt of about whi lota of TTnrr drined Fletie and other effects. rerved bv Art of arl a ment romprtvtnt pjinrinjrh, print urn hi I mt volumt of honk, tationcr kronen Variirur. tnrdaL coin, ut rlaw, gun. pi toU, nitler mni al, marhematiral, philovrphital and other Instru nunt, rtreilent hit in and ranouik rtirVxirie, ple.l(refl IJ ai rewx table Ikhjm, a shown in the rata ihn i thr I lr IT at 1" ill an tr.ilahl. it'inalcpc I I aIllallU I.iJnCI of tllllSa IMC.
hl'ell 11 Ml iTuine 11 feet frot. Irklat lolliexalr imc iuu I'riiilistit, at.nexi I anil.H, all. tili li inaf rxten.l.p i tint itiikoiite. and a darlluut if I a f.
el fi from to rear, and the whole hekl for the unexpired ti rm of I I tears, annum, rite premise, are rlWlbly inr i ktatalitli nt ut oinmiauiuaii aKent, anolaa. alt aUhl. keeper and hone dealer lv lae ik till theaale. and partk at the Marl ami nf Ma lt. th and I la.burt and rtett.
N.x 4 lenair Ilcpllord By WRII.II and lit prll i. at 11 pteriaett on ire. ion Ihe Fxecutrlx of Win. in vsiaHlx.iwHieilj'iioixe feather Ai Miah.aanvl lt lath Uittaainr.) a. lulh i lut 1 1 hair cushiom marine curtain, to rear nU.I lik.
i re.t. a bet ii riiina iiirt eti iim. I riEuu lock. i.l I lllue i.han II till 4 pretniaat l.airawa v'a Ilia klieath. 1 aver aaat Ie.
Hrptf.ird, Lkm an in. lloiou.n tin iiKii I xi Hint II aid liirnituir. Bur I'aintin alamiet. ll.k. tine lle.1 anl I side linen I Ijiia, lit rl(ltN I Mil I II at Mr Mlrrxaa a atrret oil Morula klarlli at In.
"HK is hole of tin Hoiisihiilil Furniture ami other taerte. luudeiiiainiiiiwioniir bankrupt! aatainst 4 ptaat bcd.tead. antl furru luri. ti tit prr at, in I Itetlateait.
prunr fro feather keda an.1 patent and I da la lllh.tla.hirv II niert anH i MITKR at No Inaiuionaet lane iril4 11,1 f. II i tl. atloorkiek a the I. tale, of (a I. Watt, Hi Ilan.ay li
ren ntr tfar Katrnlmar nf a rdsral. bcakiaaa a i heat other dttii ia tahl pemtiroke and drealna: die nsi Tiof i a un larire pier andirthr alaaaea, llrut al. NrmtTan alll Kl 1 1. rmin.ter atpet. an daf rial, cull imrx irtiil.
wmi ca.k., aiitianritv of jflaa. hdtleit, anal aumemua othcrelTrct I he tirwetl Tavmonow, April 1. aayS tha mombiK of ta i wluii calahiie. mj tie ha.1 at the plaae of iak, and of the 1.
r. lliain. I inr heap.1 I. ,1 ks of irarndraptrr) Is. By TARRNT and, em Tnraday.
ai day, by order of the af ilkl straet mad, aaui nf tford atrert. Ilneadrapera, rIII. I.iii(.ntlrai( Mock consist of fi'27 ieces of pnnta a qu'antity of Irish llna na. htickaltacka, rain hn ft, anl d.ima.1. talili linen, musllnl, dimitiea, co interpanes iioint a ami.
stuffs, rtarmela and blaanketa. rkh silk a a. Is i i irieta, a.rol napk poiilin. and aatiiu. and anaxeellent a.M nintnt of halavrda.hert and h.aalert the whole of which will bat Milil without the leaal rerte To bv a wed nn Monday.
April 3, aad ataliatrue. then hail at it Ironmiiaarr Line, and eif tkeiucti.wirera, lane, haapxiiie llouxhold lurntture ankUthtalay I k.k. Prints, Ine, ikr Red et, M.uth.ark By Mr. Rl on the Prrmiara, No. Jn, Hi I ri.iM.lrr.1, Hyuthwaik, on Monda), pill al 12, wniaout ant reta rte order of Ihe Laecutora of the lair Mt.
lUchard iirrloiitrh deceuaed, geiiuiHf Hotisihold F'uriiniire, eoniprisiiif' iur artf and field d.tcar1s, with beddinl, window liruuu 1 and hi.idt nn Inner raipeta, hearth ruaT. fenderi and ire irnna, nlah.a;1 and walnut tree double and rlarxts of drawers. Urire limn i hi st, ku uf mah Kan chairs, maawagany tables, pier and olhrr itlaiua a inahoarany secietalrr and bookciae, a six leaf tnldinfr icTeen. a cxplfal ele ht dar rlnck In an up rsrht mahcas anv rave, a few fine lrtnt. framed KlKeil, aihildi four wheel chilaa.
china, eliaa, a llutrhikiek. tirioii. riilincrvartkie a itnall Quantity of plate. S3 .1 aren i port ind down of Madeira wine, ind sundry paving trapltv iniiitk May Iv tirwed the rncirniiiat of saiv catiloiruaa on the pre tms and of the Auctktaeer, rhurch coart. Old Jewry.
Detached op hold Rt aklamre, Coackhonj, 4 itaU.kuble, and larite walled Oar.len. to the Chapel nf Faaa, and contaruoua lo lliirhburv place. l.lin rton. By Ml. BURTON, on tha re mlsea, on 1 urxdav, Apid 4, at It, unlaaa la acceptable caflwr is pra.
batialy made. "IIlK neat convenient Co)yhoI(l Ilesidcnce aiiJ 1 Praanlsesnf Mr. Jair at ai ioil, rentovina tol raV ttx Baji net. rhr In. ludna dtawlna nvim .14 fart ton', a ciai nfortaiikt how dinlnir room, a cheerful mr rrilnit mom.
entrance hall. I chaan. criwlth rim.cment rktaeta, kitchao. lail requbite ik snaatte MiaiMhr. mrati i a detached rnai hhciuae, 4 aull auble.
a Urice walk si dea alaMl.nilt nla.tie.1 with hnk trained and atandard fruit treaa. about iai fevt if which adkdnlnc Ike hlath road ind lOOfeet deep, vi tt ellK'tiM fr buiHInr va acm.leavlar ample nrdrn lor Ihe present raiK I drn. e. A ecn uMcribar part of tha purchase money may rrmala on morta sae if reaiulrerf. To viewed 1 atat sCTlPUV.
aaunicuiart nn in. lartmlaea. of Mr Crook, ullt Hor, Clty ruad I aad at Mi. Buiton i. 21, EaJukUaribuiy.
lammer.inlth. r.enuine llouxhold Furniture, himner Clasiarx, IVili xtal SHlcboard Searetiry and Book, xae Linen and Fffert UyVr MfaAR (late with Mi ma Hobin.a, ran the Premiwt, in raru. hou a ilamniersmtth, fo morrow, at 1 1 on xrrojnt iaf thr srr ni kati, tne cipertx of a la.iy nu.t ma. Fiirniture eompn ti's iiiahog inv four ioat JL hnl.iradiand furniture. 1 1 chiktrea baauataail.
and fiirairurra. ahocaat cheats of drawer. pannwd 2 sets .1 feralev. Hre Ac roaw teat her lanil araretart and laaankrfi in. I.hl.t lln.w Ucarp he arid coirrcNiiixe, and of noll Mn, Mna ar (atasa.
llol.iii el Il.dborn Gem Ine I Inuvhokl Furniture, Linen. hull, Rruela( irpetimr, A.r Ht Mr IOR ilm with MeaaTS. i ihe Premuex. N.x 14. hina atreet. Tvewtav i.xl at li the property oil lady reinovmit into the iiiuntr). r'HL Furtiitiire lomprises ix at and tent lied aria au feather lieds and a oo.1 bed.Dn,;, makoatant ihae t. aafdrawrra aet.of malVK ant ami japanned chairs, diu mar, card and kaitablt Bru.M 1. an.1 hki.lennin.ter carpeta and carpet mar fendera. Sre Iron.
a. Mat lie leweii, and ratakanurs had un Ihe ptetuixex. ind it hlnit street, lliilbntn. Hivent pxrk Pcxirahle larxxe, llouxchild Furniture, Iw? fine t.ine.1 I'lanof ilh V. ht kainentl hi in net I.Utte., I im Prints, hma Claaa.
and Fffert. of a icha.aL Bt Mr. I. AH. onttie Pieiuiaa rx and pi.
Port land tirfve, si J.acm. Wa.wl, Revent laaik. on rhunula next, al II prtii lt, ht direction uf th. a ol It. Ilcwrrt, a bankrupt mIIK Fui niturt" oniprise iiidhoganv post ami JL childri half tauter hcd.trads an.1 dunlty furnitures.
e.v ae fax ther laala and ipn.i.1 niahoirany chest, nf drawers, dmina and peiivbrok.Xxble., aa. t.of uuht tcany an.1 japan chairs, Brn. "eKearpeta, fen.ler. fire hearth ruart, achiatd r. lilhedr.irahle la aam.ald Preml hel 1 for yean, at only per annum May betiewetl.
and catajoarue. haal nn the pretaiea at tke orkhire silnipa, Paddnutwu. and of Mr Ala ar, aultaancer and lippraiaer. Mrnr street. Ilollaarn Betnixal ereen xaluanie la waenoiu ta 'e.
prixlurinit llaiik ir annum By PI kF at the luctkMj Mart, rm rulay. prll 14. at 19. by order of the administratrix of the late Mr Janivs Humphrey. dereaM fKHE Fountain Public house and 1(1 aellmR JL tioua esalioininar, situated nn the west a new street, called Jaint Matrret.
Glolae fiel.U. Bethnal airev n. let part on lea and part 19 reapectable tenaoa at U1, and hekl for an unexpired terra of 'Xi years, ptoducimi a clear income nf 1 tail, pet annum, and offcrm, in ample and bamf flrUI aecurhy for inreatment To li. viewed 7 dan pranaiai. in inr sale, uy appiyinat ui nc It tne rountai Jima street, netnnal rern.
ol wnmti partat rt of Xlr Fox. acrtfitor. u.tlnfriai 1.11. Mark lane, and Waltkam ahhrr. Fs.
Books Hai raricatures. Paintimts. Pianos, 4r. By Mews. MA.CIIIN ami PEBFVIUM at their Rooma, Miutarreet, ovent aardrn, ian Monday April 3.
It in, and 4 ftdlowin rdays iO.MIMtlMN(i V'olumesof Hooks, inclmlinjr Ro.rers'.ntient Maata r. baltut a cnllectiem of prints, with the Live, of their Authors, Muaamm V. nrslet. anum. Gill on the Taata menl.
Border nta ultic. Martial ami Naval kchkvrmrnb la ipkmdid copyi livh Mi.toria, I ivlu. nrakeaborrhii, Iloratll Opera i Combe. Vira iUui Hey nil, 4 voh. the oiks of llrvarth, Jeremy Ut nthain, Canwva, Shakspeare.
Hume. Smollett. Addiaun. many of them in leuant bintlmirs a pedal harp bv Erird, pianofortes, vkdini, flutes, mathemat al and optical ln atiumentt, fine aU painlhtaTi and prints, ohl fhhii, rimma, nronaea, rut alasa. double and iinaTle unx.
and other mlarrUaneout unreda mad property, re aerml t.a i iumrl, aale. May br viewed, and ratakyue. had at th. rooms, ai ibo.e. H.niH hokl Furniture, iluut fan ntmrea of Modern Plate, Grand I'ianofnrtp, Linen, hina.
tiku, Boxaka, Ac, late tha property of William Gcatlimr. e. dereaaetl By Vr. Jut Ton the Prerakaea, near the Roar and Crown, hurrlx a treet. Fdmonton.
on Thursday, AprU at 11 precisely, on account of the number of kits, by uitxtkm of the Exerutara. 'IHK pinuine Efiects comprise niahogany 4 post JL and nthei brdateada witk furnllurra, prime tooae heiii and heal, dinst. malaoa any ditilnr, card, and pcrnbrekr uhlea, bookcaae, double and ahlitaa heals ear drawetx, chairs i horse hair eats, japanned ditto, rhintt rover cxiahica ii, chinti and other wmdow cut tains, Bruaaela and Turkey raipeti, (laaaea. day clock, steel fawleriand flrru ona, Inu aralkaas of currant wine, kitchen fiirniture, brew mat and rarden uu nsil. stone and marble iliha, pieces, slatra, air.
To be viewed the day pre cadtnatand mocnlnat of aale; cataloguea had on tha pTtmiiea i and of Mr. LuntUry, 63, bhoraxlatch. "rxHl laease and Goodwill of i valuable laYem, 1 ort ehouae and Familr HriteL known a the Oeora ta Co veiitrt the Hay market. The prrml iea ire ipaclou. in excrllent rroa r.
an I completely adapte.1 fir bwsinesa. the ivenar. returns of w(u, ire perannam held by le for 19 years, at akiwrent. ay be viewed Mil the aale: partk ulars on the pretnkaa Mr (alll. wdicitnr.
4J. I iiroln inn Balds at xaarraway and of Mait. War'tera and Fleet market. Hnuaehold Furniture a I'haiae. anal FlTerta.
Oty road By Mr PLLLtN.nnthe Prrmuea. J. raiihVhxiikilTiaTa, City roaxd, can Mondat, dprllt at 11. by order of the Executors. THF.
remaininj Houaehold Furniture, a neat stanh.pc chaise an elerrrtf tea machine, ind etTerta. afMi. James I alter drcea a consist trw of bedateada with fumiturex. feather beds and beddine, mahoaraiiy lex retary bnokraae. Ublea, chairs, carpeta.
a few lota of plated irtaxlea. and kltehen rwauUitea. Mat he ie.l turdav and momma: of sale cataloruea ha.1 can the raremiaea and of Mr rhilhm. i. Fore Crlpplrtrate B.
The stanhope chae may be aatm at Mi Mill, coachmakrr, 141. laoa rll trrrt. Builiinat MatrrUl. of ten H.usea. to be pulled down for the In tended New ruad.
ta lead into CommercLiI meal. By LsXTON. NILHOLLs, and the Redman row and stepney a Teei on eilixir adav pril a. itlJ irv ami nr i imoers, in nuicn, jui.ia, aim aiuaii thr usual as a artment of docirs.
winrtowi. and nttlivx. fe mr. firrwoud. pantiles, poplar trees, ir Mav be viewed, and ratak trua had upon the and of laixton.
Narhoua, aad Laxtwn, llolboni bara. ax andea of the beat quality, hi I its tn suit Private I aml'irs and Hotel and Tavernkeepers. By Mr. OXI NHIM, il hia apackaua N'n. ta3, tlxf ird atraet, near the Pantheon, on Tuaaaday, SrviU at li, "JpHREK Hundred Dozen of the finest Vax Can diva, their tarkiais size.
findoaen of luia threes, raidoaen iaf short ditto. 40 dozen of lone fours, 5n doaen of abort ditto, ai doaen of short sites and 40 doaen ot short eia hts. in kri 1 of 24tht. each, and which Mr. (Ixenhim beat to recorameml to hra friendi in.1 thepubUr from the quality, and neiriar otTered without any reserved price.
May hrvk wed on the Mondav preceding and inominir cf sale. catiaOaTue had at the rooms. fratHoad Hotaaaa. Soht)4aafe, and Frl re. tad FAREBROTHCR.
at Oau riwav aa Taaatlar. iMaTI? 1 Iota, anls ii an ifra pta asa oBtt ai.ikaaaaS, aaUa. tZ aa, att aawaa, eoaura Lot 1. A Valiublc FwdaOld Eatate, ctaaaatW waOL aabataatlal aad cnaaraodioa. hlidiiiii.7 Mate Wo.
Ji. ta fto axrea a. tet oakrate. wbfck exatea. ataaaraaOrantraforaWaiXsMaaat aatauii adnow ka tk in.
Meaan. TreutteU. Warn and da, aad of tlxe ertlanarad aarraBsaran. Lot X. A rnwhoad aaidaataatlll BUtmn ttJ and situate thacoraer of Sota aa a nur aaad mUmn.
hiZiZS ipa ra a nWt atoftaWa a all aeSXt. sawkwlZ? To bar viewed try pei mlaakaa of th tenant, aad aaartirtaC.2 Mrs. LyaVtoa aad Brown, aollrltora. TkiilTlr (utiiini and at Mr. aj etarother i afltraa, a.
WeUa ataiaLL? strand. "SV Lonat I lawrhnkl latatea. Aaiailint Pintiautiv. road aad Maryleboaia. Vcarkv axia et Maddla awa 1 aaMtsaiv? treet: auVia Fr Mardd Oround Rent By Mr.
FARUanTawr at Carraway l. oa Tuesday. AwB la. at ii. ka krata.
aZ." a)e the Exavnator of Tame. au. ilaaai. I THE following Talnable Latraxebold Eat.s lloiaasa.rhiarfly for and aTaidiici aiaimaiali eaaw. toatoae.rryi.lL per annum, it.
reMo. 14. Intiaaiiwa irTST dam street Baker street, IVraraahbavpaar. niv.1 Portnxan place, 1 1, Clarvvidoo place, with 1 murttr of ox pia suaure aitaanu in aaiarwiTe riaaaa. ata.
i imaw itn vLT 4 aad i. Mitcbam etrtvt. No. IS, Bariow atrwt, i la aaaaaa kV SOXirt CaMastTeet. latL Tal.rvla4.aai..
Va. 1 eaai.M aa hospital, aad a freehold Ttat ad rent of I cuinaa. pre araa aaanTni ror a residence No. la. t.rove atrwrt MarykVaoa.
Par ucxuaataa had 14aurr.prk etotheaaarofMe.iara. V. reirtmore and rjela" LlXarara strea si. James' aqaaaret at Garrawaj a and at su. a ther offloax, g.
WaUlriarUax atrx et. btrand. Ur dadowrv.plare. near to Roaaell and Brunkk saiiaiew IVawt Residence in complete repair, with all th. costly end lew ixLuras ana axsecia, lata isy ar rARCBaU TaT r.
at Girrawiv on Tueaday. April la. it IJ. uaurxs an aaaienaax. onrr aa nreviouaiv rnaae rrr ir ite rontraa T.
a. JJfUifrntiuJ Har utle ace, held for a vera atf the avernfara have undei aura, a ironiDlexe reiaaJr a. w.aaw ua vwk wac aayavi at. aweuaw njaiaxin. aVt VBXaaTa.
1 eant drawinaf dining nam mmA llfw.rv 1 1 al and all aultablc dovnawtir officea. The very elax raait fur drer racturacl by aa upholsterer nf ew aenr. wbics a swrferUy srasa i mad in ih. aaraatl fa.kaat th aai rluLa a1 with all the fixtures, wdl be lna rtaded in the purchase. isaTii" to De arwed.
ny tarka a xrv. aaTxT 4' pla uraTior Bumsr ss lhrn.laexi Trulv elevint Houernild Furniture, beautiful Table Ckxk. and other valuable Fffect. Prremptonlv bv Mr C. OLI io the lmkasn.
No. i. OradV Dev. ftelicttise Nha 4 LL the genuine and supenorlv inanufa cturetl a(V Household rurniture, crnnpruinir excel Vent 4 pt and other bei.tesvlsv, aat(Mta, mi'tres and clean bjddiwr. baiMlianme ma hotfanv wanlrobe.
a set uf dininj Uble. pedeiU mdebnard chair and couch, Bruawrl carpet, and hearth rufs, brilliant chironer ami pier lastr, mirror, kit hen furniture, an excellent kearn ana planks akc. and at I ocio. the leae of the prentse. at a verr kw renL Thepiewiie mav he viewed previous, and the futniture the da before and mormrw of tale when partkulan and catalogue may be had on thepreinue.
atvl of lr. Oiier. Gutter lane.Cheiixide Lrahol.l Rtiience and sTsfnteel Houervkl Furniture, Newiriirtoo rla.e. Kennla ikrtoiu Bt Mr ADWON, rm the Premues. 41.
ettirt on pLice. nea'I sippfnite the Kaenuuitctow, im Mmdi. pr 1 If a' 11 d'rectMmofthe Exemtor, T1IK pentevl IiouehoId Furniture, pedestal side boanl. strt of patent dm in table. exTx tcry bnnkraeF chlm ne kU j.
ni evo)Hl drawiria. room suite, cleff tnt window curtams, linen, anl tfiau, and nnmerou efferts, of Peter Vdam deceaaed. the ame time will be vld the Leaseof the irmitecl Keidenrc, with irar and forecourt, held for ai unexpired term of 16 eari. at a low aren t. The preinbie to be viewrd till the aale.
and the effects on a(urdei previous, when particulars and cataiorue ma be had on tne premise, ana ol Mr. vaamson, it. Burner square To Oi Tj tn krntf I unlests) sotitier disponed of Private on tract, 4 LL those extensive IVmii, rnou tleaiaTably nituatM atuntsv Market pLue, in the popuknia town of Khigs 1 rnn, in the countv of VoifolV. now in the occupation of Mr Meury urtts, urocer ami tallow ehantlk t. and where an extensive muines l.aU bears.
carrteU noftr man years cimwtmc of a substantial dwcllinit hsue and lare shop, ery recently rvfit'ed with counters and every rtHjuisiV fiature. a lxirnrrnt to whkh are newl erected warehUaae, rhandlhoifi ce, stable, tka. The whtIe are hi em eel lent repair, and well fitted foe any whokw ale or retail bustnew. re quirtnat ex'erulve preinisves. Immttate poaeion will Kivrn if required, tor prwe and further particulars applv, i paid, to Messrs.
(woodwln and Tomle, ajK Lynn or to M. R. Micklc flU, tolKitaur, Stoke reirv. Not folk. llsuipbuiWirwi.
Nw nMda. l.xrWk TJt modern Farni ture, and other F1tcts. the Kvuuine property of a Lvttv learinff town. Mr. RoVVF, on the Premie, i4, ALku buiUlmrs, New road, nwarU vebv Biker treet, on Wtdnevlay next, pril5, at 12 for I prla il.
rfHK Furniture, ir. comprises a suite of drawing JL room rhlnti curtatm far 2 room with couches and chairs to mr recpond.ruacwood and mahogany ofa, ko, pen broke, card and dimiatf tables an 1 annmodes.haUids.iiae piser.chtmnef and dirtauu flMaea, aa ayriWk.rnjhfsKany wtrdrohetaad chets of drawers, dreasinff Ublea, parlourchaln, sklebttanl, raorine eurtairw, Brtisseb and other carpets, 4 ist, FreBi ami ffeld bedr ad and hanFinr. txcellent goose tm ther btsdN, mattrtwcea ajvl beddi a with the usual aMortmeTtt of besl romn and kitchen reuutlea, tos thar with a few brxtlu, china, iat, and varknia effect. atalogiies on th prtmUes; aod of Mr. Row.
24, Portman street. pokaacsaiua axav be bad. I had with particulars at Mr. Fatrotheri otflcam. 4, VI uvm, ptnruun aiao ax uairavaya.
KensJnctOan stTUcenia, oppnait tW Nuraerv Groui Reudenc and utficea, held for a term ot vean. at a By Mr. FREBROTHER. at CarTaway s. on TaaaaW April lit.
Mi, wmm' 4 excellent aResidenc, unutt Xl 4, JL. nae of the centre bouaea of ir' i a ifm Mtra. Lee and Kennedy's nursery rmuate, and abixn i TiiWlia, Hde park cornet. Tn premawa kava bean recently evwosslla flntahed in a very supvioc lainasr. wuk anicrbwil iVoatt, an4 mTT bed roaoms and a tinin nxtau 2 eieaaa draMM rinwna.
ttsitaBw 24 feet i rtrcbes br IS, aiwi the rKher 17 feet (5 by reet. "aawawaaaVa. in by foMiriff doors, and flnWied wttn rtch eornlct. aiarbie rtrtea. biatw.
and FrencJi windows ad baisroala; a capital dasansj wsaii feet by 1 and library 17 fert 6 by 14. aprntlvniaa a rowm aaat closet, compUrte dt oieaticofficei aod farden; held for a 5 ears, at a around Tent of only iSL per anntun. Ta vxrwart applkationun the nirnilatjl 10 dav peioe sale, hsajiii may be had; pankulan alao of t. Loxlrt, 1 kwtsj. straet.
Blf4enabury 4uare. of Meaarv Uaca. Dkklawosv, astd taaaa. FradeTka. pUrt, Old Jewry at the Cofleebwawa.
t.m at G.m.rraway's, and at Mr. Faretaothers offices, a aV treet. Strand. tiautpsieao. a maunieas icuaxjon exact a uia rraanHiSa.
fj i able opylaoid Land laid out aa a Pleasure Grouod iu Omm.9lJ I Kf, i.tnuiwinavn aft siaiTaaawia an. iTisuniriucf, iusiaiaa ma w.vymwm uuarr a madebr private coo tract. 4 Most desirable fciute, copyliold of the Muorwf J. Ml. nan.p4.tead.
ans auWect a Bne certara on. nraarkaa. aa Liduuv tv nearly one acre ox tang, encpseq vy mtry onea widaaB. ceot tha frontawe. and laid out In lawn, biaaaura rnjaind aaa llk4pUmed with cboa? traiiied and iUndard fruit trecaad aaUawa 1 eretutt, a viiia rwfncr in prooerxy ta on iua iasia iiB.
ac aaVaw i leanove from the HaswtaSad foad, and coenmanda view sf ciwar 1 exieni an. varieo oeauiy, ana apunnanuv supptiea wra itiw water ImmeaUteotwetiiwi miy be had To be viewed tyaawata: io me tcaruener, tn wmna pUTcuiari THOMX. MMLF. at the Falcon Hotrl. Scot1, on Fridar April li.
by order of the Oalgnees of William Instenole. a bankrupt, AN extrusive Grocery, Tallowchandlery, Seed iind (onem. In the market place, Su Neot Huntmdon with a tapital dweTltn house. shop, excellent warrhouea, corn and seed cbAmbera, larite rackiaed yard com mtinicatinn with the natkrablc river Ouxe, convenient nuthousea. iu biintc.
rhai ehou Ac. forminca roost elurible situation fr the above rmim whKh ha barn earned on In thcae preiuiaea, on an ntrn sive ale. upwards of a century. The estate 1 freehold, land tax redeemed, and in Mt substantial reu.iir. May be entered unon at Mld sernmer next, or hv arraifaf.miit at an earlier period.
Printed parti mlart, wHhcon.liC.ims of ule. may thortl) be hd at the principal inn in theneivhMurhood at tba xuetton Mart, and at Mr. Forbes', Fir place, Holhorn, London of Mr. Maile. Oodmanchester, near tmtnton antl of Mr.
Iav. olirJiori eut who willfunitM ina the premirf. ial uf whom furtlier irticuUni may By Mi. riERJOV. at the Falcwn Hotel, St.
Neot'a. on Friday, April Tl at II. ny order or the Autaroeei, Capital old estahished Mercantile Concern, at M. tveot tn rlnntlnlorabirr. npon the naviaTable river Ouse, i about ATI mile, nt London, end 4V miles of Lena, with excel.
lent funUy reaidencea bui and corsTaaxodloxia neerinuit i yaid. exten. ai.v wativaxrusei, ami spirit viuiia, superior wfaaVlahffe. and In aB rwaoecti atadmirably adapted for carrylnaT on the merraatile UulnraawltJi the wine lad nlrtt trade, ea a aatree acaUt latethepro nrrtyaadrtsldeaacafaf Mr.Cexira eJaiseaaaorhara.
The eatate ka freav. rUaaidUrid tax rrtliterard. May be enterad npon at Mldajnamarr riext, oral iijiai iii be ieaTlkrtrw try. aPr bited partk rolaia. arlta rTadlllnri.
of aaxle, nay ahortly te had at UK pvttrdraxl hma in neicntwnirtaona at ins Auction atart. and at llr. rotkaf, Ely place, Hotbom. Laindont af Mr. Pieraoo.
Karjdteaa and of air. uayi sojator, sr. ixeovs. wno wui rumaui ticaeu Bar vyawanf ua preaniasa, snd of wkon fcirtian aartieulsn may be kaowa. tkkct he knti byAUiN'D''R.
ami HODT.sOS. at then r.reat Room, SI, Fleet" on Tuesday, pril 4, and 4 iViliowinar daya, at half past 17 prectxelv, Collection of Books in DiWmty, Ecclesiastical Hutore, nvaer and Travels, and aeneral Literature: arrtrinaT whicharc Foiio Miller Gardener Dkttonary, by Martyn, 4 vola.t Atkinson and Wilkin Costume of the Rumhaiu. inasia. rxtra; II tubrakm Itcadt, morocco, riarrndon'1 Mrbellion, 3 Pha. tarcht Opera.
Xy Unairi, Curtias Fkira I onrame Fable. 4 tolv Ac Quarto rncyclopavtlia Rritannica and Supplement, ifi, extra. ValentU'i 3 vols, tare paper sikln. Bkorraphy, Inhtxra i llorar. r.
toU. Bacon'. Worka, ruxsfa Prrirnirit'aTaVork. Scapular I exknn, cura Bailey, Ac. I hut a.
kc. Universal aifaalrjrT. ancient and modern, fin votx. uncut Brtti lataaynta. 4l voh.
ITatacm a Theokwica. vol. Inland. I ollcctanea. 6 (araneey a Bioa rirphtcal Hhtcarv of tnarlanri, la Ilckerinar's Ma ute.
at IH gT Htaikea Rome. 11. Popes Works and Homer. Id vol, moroccn. elexm i and stecvens In vols.
(E ivres de Marmoniel. iionertxons axons. 17 arc ne wnobr tn irooaj pre nao. so Devicwen riyeaaeiaXAt with plsee annexed laey kelaaa. aluable Leasehold EaUte.
and Ground Renta. held Cor lon years, uvi most nealrablv situate 13 sirjauiequare. sk the hlnat Private Road, at Chelsea and Plroileo: alaoaa I By Mr. FXREBROTHER. at Carraway oa Wedaear.
AaH lit. ax la. oy rann oi use a.aecuiora ea ine ease I nea asx, aa lad (awuree plaoe. Chelaea. an ericlxxaed stable yard lad i New atreet.
bline three neat reaadMaces. la watsWd aaeBa, I and a dwelllac houae. bx Cataieruie 4axUldlnatx. Phnlkw. the atwaa I rental betntr about jinL per annum alao an annuity ot 3.
aval aa. rurea. to or viewen, alia pinaruiira naa on tne ayanuaa. at, saaaaae i auuare. of Messrs.
Wrentmore and taec, aobcllora, tlurara aa rat.i. 1 Jasaeaa square; at Garraway's, udat Mr. ririWith Devomhlre. on the Banks of the Haver Exe Freehold TISa aaav I nenCk raueq rrtartianaa. wun ueauuzuj rteavuiwunauiaiil.iaavi HaMhcixuea.
Ciairael vatorv. Plant at lonaand aark Cke Mallow I the whole nearly Jn arm By Mr. PXREBROTHER. alrkat. London Inn, Exeter, am Ftadav, Aprfl tl, at U.
by dlrertareaadt Trxntrea and Asaairneea of sir Walter Roberta, ban. A Jlost aesirable freehold iuute, ecampnaiari XJL excellent FamDy Mansion called CottrUandav ererted of the aa materlaki and finavhtxl in a chaste and costly ixxajiaer. r'nfikiaalMl I wmxe eatrianee hall, eleslant drawiju rooma. dmiria riinea aaat haaaia. numeToas well proportiixned beak ffxaorna and drt aa m.4 irararax, aad dl smtavble laotjaravtac oiBceat.
coatdahonsea. and llapteifaliiliie TaeaBavk saon itrataM upon a avata axnaraeoce, at uai art rreouiy a aswn. saw. ah erftalK el a. alaa views of the river Exe, the aurroundD4 qittan rraJuadtaesrafc lay OUXOJ ire OllpOaetl PI evTaataivr.ia...atreeaarJXa waaaa.
yaiaa; aaaj. Luaonsa inu aarxuDawxew sraijesl tritu araaTaaama, acres. Iv hx within a line fence and beaatifially timber. Immsuuepoaaesesm may be had. The atardener at xawarv landi wBlahow theeatateaOf w)impartk ulavriaiay behaSidarivXTaar ro tne sue; panaruiavrs itaooc riaian naraara, esq.
ana ternary i at esq. aoxicitors. Exeter at Meaara. OlcarsTiax and Denby. Ftadnalb.
place. Old Jewry; and Messrs. Kaiattn and Fyaosx, Basiiurbalkacivet, aotldtorx at Garraw.y'ii and at Mr. Fararbrothert otBcta, Wek Bna ajn atreet. Strand.
Eaaex Sprmarnatad. about nulea frosn Cbermacoid Valuable hold Farnu, Land tax i edconed. Ac, let to reapectabae tanaarta at low renta, aiavounttair to nearly snuL per annum. By Mr. FAU.
BROTHER, al the Black Boy Un. CbeLrrrxford, aarfy ia May, kf Irect km of the Executors of the late Major Torriano, THREE valiuble Frsehold Estates, cmwriiof survey, sas acrea 3 reocfa aaxl fl perchea rx iodfaxree ana, wttn an exireiaerrt sarreral labrnrrerV ciatiaifaav, and BXaaaSaaV and Bdoa.infaat trulesfrorn the aaaia. and market town of thartaisfaed, end tts reapectlve orrupsytaana of Br. Holder. Measra.
Abreya. aad Tkoaaa Marrtaira. Theae estates will be more fviJry advailkwd; aaad aaa xa a lari with plane annexed wm be ready for deaverr one inonth prajr thesaae, Meaar. Wyaat. Son, and CttoswiaWaarewta.
Newlnat at Meaara. urefs; and aeaaut, auikatora. sKinnerr ltaia. awara eal I at Garrawaf and at Mr. Farerrr athey oricea.
rTrllmamn aajm. i Bmna ina ux naTje rarxera, eea. soiantOT. xriarirnatori. ihnsm 11 voh.
strvatkin. viewed, and iksrue. had. price lx. each.
Bt hopate I remaining eenu me to. In Traale of rxcer teut ut (alaaand hina. Houaehnkl Furniture, anal Effects By Mr NIM TON can the Pretnio, No. Uuhopwate stieet, on Mondw. sped ind 1 allowuie 1 without rearrir.
by dim tain of the Mr I orllctl, for the benefit of the raalltora, HK( ONI) ami Last Part of the fecnuinc Stock in Traale of modtrn I ntr.laaaixf the very beat ntnlltv and wiwkmejx lomprelieiHlixitrhandelleia, dotible and iuia(l Ikrht luatrea, dex rt vert v. decanters, jiura, muirx, butter atad auear baaina. aPaoaeta, tumbleri chainpatmea. wuves. water carofr celerv rllaaea, taaiint.
limtrr (liases. nd an infinity offlaaa artklrsof ail derriptama, uaefal and larnarnentau. eletUnlaEtetliah china tea and intTe. dinner an.1 dessert servkea, jia aferil crateaof stau. rVaral.hire ware.
Arc A No on the but day wlfl JfS sold the reiruaJnuiaT household furniture, which of the usual eaaaaafsptkin. The whoie In convenient suitable to private fatrulaea. Tube viewed: tratajerues o. the premL ic. and of Mr.
Vewten, auctloaeer and ippraiaer, 31a, nrnhilL Fenchurch Desirable Investment of H4L per annum tor 33 rearx. Perarmptoril, bv Mr NFVaToV, at the Xuction Mart, on Iridav Ihe f.t nf April, it aithout reserve, in coavsahjueTice of the death of lr Grav aon, OK IU IN liuildinr; laease of all that substantial capital Dwelling hou.e and exenaiveoad eatahllahed Ptemlxea. 17. lenchnirh ui the! itt of London, tianrther suh the ex laHjUv Reskience, shon and lrt mtcs. No.
'arl. adjotnine. The whole are boklt from the orxhlpful I oanpanr of arnentera bv leaae lirranteai to Meaarx. Grbauan ami Clark) fat a term of yd years, hereof VI veais are unexpired, at 3 aTaaund rent of d. per annum, ami arr on leate to the same clauses aa the larkcinai air the h.ale term, wanting a Irw lUrai to Mr Isaac riark.
nni to Mr James Rn lai r. at thr innual rent of 13d. lenv ma a net un.iixntioTxably well Mraured Inmme of K4L per annum for upwarda of A3 year. To be araed till the Devriptive rrticulars on the prrrtuaea at Itat ihttt. Hotel Pkradillt of Mess.
Blrkrtt, TavkT, an.1 Cox, soli 1 itors, 3, kiak lane, Cheapskle at the Mart and of Sir. Newton, auitkinrer. oneynr. and appraiarr, I ernhlU, where a plan of the premiaes may be mapected. Pleaaure achti The Gravhounil and the li aterloo Last sailm Pleaaure Vaa ht.
htteit up in a very manner and weU f*ckinxu Bt Mr. NEW TON. it th Auction Mart, on Friday, xprdil. at li. in lots, without reaerve, unless an acceptable offer be previously made bv private ormtract, Cl tLKBUATEU swift Boat theGravhound.
upwards of il tons burden, well known tn the river Thames and on the eastern coast for her ncommon aiiod qualities aa a sea buat el hlmLxornel) fitted up aa a irtrntlesnan's plex.ure, la in cuinplete repair, riga in? and braaa thunbled. (of whith she ha. two suits, a er and workirr luiti. quite new, havlne been fltleil last season: built of the best pkkedoak ra 1 SSi, copper taateiivd. I be Gray hound is deckled Iv the fasteat boat of her sixe ian the river, and lal tear nobly won the ailxer cup liven bv the Thames Yacht Club.
Th A aterloo. finieviv well known in the river Thames for her nullities a. a fiat vaituitt baaal, rebuilt from the keel in 1J4 ot the beat oak, II tons 1. copper fastened. 1 hta boat waa rebuilt on the most appro, ed mo detx.
and la for her ilae 1 moat rxcellent sea boat. Both tne above are completely fitted up rceardlexs nt expense, and well worthy attention. Vow lylnir in the Surrey Canal Dock, Rotherhithr, where ther may be seen. Printed tlescriptlve parxktuaara and mvintorie may be obtained at the place of ule: Dundee Arma, Wappinaj 1 Pope's Head. Grivearnd: Saip.
lareenwirk Plnuarh. Black wail: Red House, Batter sea: Llovd a cijiaceboxiae Old Ship. Brkihtont (rown. Sawjtharnp tam and of Mr Newton, auctioneer ind appraiser. 30.
omhtlL Shares in the East Ltindam Water Worka Company the Protector Fire Aaaurance Company in the Indemnity Mutaal Xlarlne Aa surance Company, anij a Life Pelicr effected wuh the Lnien Asaur ance rompanv By Saeaars. Ml'MN" and CfRTlS, at the urtion Man, on vt aanratuay Apru IX, at IJ. In 1 3 Iota, by dtrertam of tMTre. Lot Shares of 20 each in the Pro tector Fire Aaaurance Company, on which SL per ahare haa been pikL Lot 2. Twenty shares ditto.
Lot 3. Twentv akarea Lot 4. Twenty aruvres. Lot 5. Twenty shares.
Lot S. Two share, of nan. earn ine lnnemnttv vurual Marine xssuranc rampanv, trara ther with the aex rvxinaTdrridera.ia.on whkh SI. per share haa been paid. Lot 7.
I wo shares. Lota. Two shares. LotH. Twoariarea.
Lot lis Two share. Lot 1 1. On ahare of lonL la the Eaat Leandon Water Worka empany. Lot IS. Onesharrditto.
Lot 11 One ihar ditto. Lot It. One share ditto. Lot IS. A Policy of Assurance effected srlth the Unk Assurance Com raxoy in June 1 sn.
on the life of a eeitkr man 41 years of ae for traarether with the additions which will be neriarea at me next wait in it in annual premium or 131. ISaJM. Pirtiruian mar be had of MraarxFalnhorne, Lofrv. and Gates, is King street, Chwaiilile i at the Mini aad of Meaars. Muran and Conk.
Walbrook: and S6J, Bearent sueet. nasi OaXxd axtxeet. Roa cutaa Brixton lataa aad excellent Mrjdern rirralttrrsv By Mr. W. W.
SIMPON, oa the Prarnlaaw, Row CcKtaare. BrUtoee. road (a short distance from the White Horse), on Tiaeaday. Aprils. at II, by ordet of the Prrnxraetor.
ALL that modern and elegant Household Furnitore, dinkia! aad drawine room luttea. cornprWn handne mlho. ruT sVpoat. teat and other baditaadi with rich dtlaCs furaJtnra. ati aiaaa .1.
a. a.aiayan, waauatev aaaaw xaataiy vx aaZawenaa set of peteat dtolnat Ublnx, navtaW, work and dreaxtrut hand some mahraraay pedestal aidebiaard. aofa and aril ed raaira. Bluest la arid other carpets, chimrarr and dresalisi ilaeate fwaianaatd ricn rut eiaaa, en ina. tea.
aevxert ana ejieaai art i atea. ciiUnary artlcara. and mlsceuxiieoni rtfecta. Tbe vahnbteLaaxie of the irirxaa e.rar which ii yean srerr annplred the SSth March hut, srin he sold at hilf tail lloclockprecialy. The property may be viewwdtbe day pacedirur aad rej the mornh4T of atats auacartaea kadoataW imilsal aadof aaa rr.
n. aXlaaaj aiaaa, arS. gtira aaraasxija Wtttahire Capital and very valuable Freehold Fatal aad rontalnine altrseether nnward. of 3 Dtal Acrea with IheOreat 1 tbarreof.and of advomimr Eatatea. By Mr.
FAREBxOTHU. oimaiyi, May ntxt, lj Xttaa cajjiiau, CAU uuvt inu lugiiiy Tuuaxuie ritax, held Eatate. cnaauatlne of the Manor of (Stturraax. srkk aa. rentSj neriota.
ae.i ana several eUatlQle tarma warn wetTeei arra buudirari. and upwards of 329 acrea of water nxeadaiv. ana ixaoie lantat, now in tae earampaoon or very m.ictini larnnamouatlBC toS.lilH.peraaatmi.l'ha rental may he roe increased, mdepervdarat of toe copvbokia and lltehold eatatea kekisnv I der the manor a part ot the estate, are tithe free, and the tarJlaa i the remainder and of other adjoaaiirw estates are heM by Iraar I uvea under tne man and tne latrtedit jva rra nt at a low rent. Chitterne ai situate 8 wulea from Warmraaatcr. rf i Deviaax 11 naaa aliaburv.
11 tiram the kaianaft auxal XvaBBtaa 3nfrom Bath. This raute will be mom fully advertised, and i itve partkrulars with are preoarinr. aad will be eearvei momh oribr to the sale, at the Anarel mn. Warminster: arae Itaaia, I Salabury Castle. DevUea, White Hart.
Bath. Banva. Brneadief I snthovrytauy, esq. sotk ttor, at Chippentvasn af Btxxue, eaa laasaej Breok etreet, Grnsveraor squire: at Garraway and at r.ras Wother'a oflVcea, 6, WeiMllartoxitTeet. Strand.
Vaiuable Freehold Eatate, Geornx to Ule East. By Mi.rirr CHEH. at the Auction Mart, on Friday, April 14. at U. aif has.
by order of the Trustees of the Wui of Mr. WaVaVaaa boat) 4 Tnily Valuable Freehold EnUte, aiiTapriiuijt J.M tam i. a rreenoia rubik nouae. situate tBernmerot Haw row. In the pariah of rat.
Georre's. near Wapphut Church, kawea kr th aame of the I oopcr Anna, on lease for an unex pared tana at aa years frooi Usdy dav laat. at a low rent, ia th occupavrtoa Georse I rIL AUo a Freehold DweUinaT houae. altuate laawe alley, in theoccuiiarfitn of Mr. Irrarlxam.
vwxBav ubaeveartvfi laat J. Taelve substantial brtck bxillt DwHllne hcmsev aatuaetw eaat tide of baitCTS avlley, ind sdjominaT the lanve. eacB teas' ial1 rooma. kitchen arid vard, let to rrarpectable yearly tenaata. TaaaaaaV may be viewed till the ule by leave of the tenaata.
Particalae mm be had at the Britannia, near Idanehouae church Blind Basseae. axaw end of Messrs. W. and J. Bnarnley.
solicitors, Gny i ha. naai i Mr. Fletcher. Tokenhouae yard. near the Banai at Ma.
fafw Coopers Arms: and at the Mart. Brunawkk Terraee. near Brighton. Most alianbie llnawiii Jbr aKienceor inv aunenr. Mr.
KlUi.c.1 at toeuM xu, laassrs. BriaThton.on Friday. April 7, at 12 for 1 precisely. i 3 arSX Lot 1. A titrable and arra't t)welhnR aWie.lisl' XjL No.
14. on Brunawark terrare, theaext anion eats eaat to the raanaaon of the Ute Dvachas. of Drarxet. ll as wsads the ica (of whkh it has aa iwiattTupted view frxawtaje af feet, wah a depth of 4 feet iiicbea. eorrratporadsnff ia arcaanwaava emheHkihmenu with the other house, on the terrace, aad.
akauaa unfintahed. la In a stale of rraat piiieieeaive forwardnewa. and ran, required, be com parted In aU weeks. From the proaxankxwaaedaawaa berof theiocwaandditlarratnt otneea. avnd Oie eleiuatre ot dear, aad arkmarrtntp in every panjit ax well aaiepted for the lualliaa ef a fkanflv of Ihe Snt rnpertamllty.
Lota 1 and 1 Two fcvra eant ka Dwrtlbiar hooae. in Waterlooatrwrt. adjoin Ine Bruwark sar. wuhinlinyardiof the sea. af wharh iJaey have each a side vkw.
Ta" houses are also ht an atate. but well worthy af aaxaaraaa, Tit. whole of the abravw uaanrti feaaehoU. autd baaan aataaaaaa ta Swr parkth at Hooe ia exempt front the cava! duty, and att the iwvaaBa dual burdens of the town of Brighton, while aa wrthv tW awaatt af I its omvenjences and ajnuserrienta. The seller will rvaataaae ssavta 1 on the premise, with actliity till tba day of ail, at watch taw kf win produce eatinutea and spectficatkioa for completliar tbssvra4 i loes.
and wBI. kf raaunssd. eattar latra inmisMla fn that awaraaaxa Printed pankulars may be had at the principal trine aad bsewrkw Brarhton. Worthirtar. mod Lewaa.
ae th Aua tianx Mart Lanwaasu and 1 of tae aurtiooeer, Nonhtreet. Brkrhlnoi and Rirthrr partarslari aax.l appiwatiun to wr. ureen, solantor, a7, urand Parsate. trrarssawa The Grove. A c.
aa Waa Br JOHX SHI al the CaVlaaVaw Wem. ha the county of Salop, on Thursday. April 13. at 'a I ra tn roiusvutf or sus a otaer lota aa anan tar asiia.w at an tun ot sale, ana xwaiaxlnin; pya.iinaaiiiniiuiiiiae.jsi rnoreor less, hjrreuxafiarr nvanibcaried. suhteet toarandixiaawa.
Lotl.ThHE capital Missiiage or MiBsioiv4(eBsiV AL called Ibe Grove, situate at Went afaliiaid. aar wtmr I years the much admired residence of Owen Roberta, rsxv awraa eranaiatiixaT of a larire dininaT mom, parlours, kirr4ien, brarwSaaaaw. other neceaaairy otfices. 3 excefatat iWrcioraa and dreaaaaat rsaea, attics! loeeiher whh cnaw hhooae. Btanka.
anaiaana. aad oui avenue, beautifully rnnaunented with lai arc elm and other la. Ir. 7p. and a piece of valuable paature land adlaxaiaf tSw tnanaaon, called the Alleys.
3a. Or. and ilao a plot aiisidaa tointat tka, aJd avew.waa a aa v. On ta Tht. ui.
aw ea rack dow ground, on th veat side of and asljiaxriiiaaT kit I. asaisOat. 1 4a. Ir. lat in th occupation of th said 0reo Robarbv JJJ I Two messuaa ea or dweUin avoiaaes.
iltttat in MaaTh atrrt.l wave, i aforesaid, with the maltkQn. barn. outbuiktinaTx. and vard laswaaa betoxxiTUiaT and adjelaln now In the isaectlyeorcupatiaws. af asnai Hale.
Samuel JenUne, and RicJxud avestera. Lot 4. Twai or dwydlinc hoiirea and nrdena. aituatem Niable aTteex. in Weaiarwa said, and a stable adminine.
now hi the respexveiauupaiksaa iaav, sandland. serah Prurhard. and H. W. smith, rsa: Lot 3.
kis eixi, excellent paatare lanil. about a quarter of a mile ftova the JJ aa Wem afuresaid. aiiiotaiaa the road leavdin to IIawkatcse.caaSaM Piece. 3a. 3r.
lau in ike ocraparlon as? the saM ss)s assa The timber to be taken to by the respective purrlvasers at a m'72 to produced al the time of sal. The putxhaavers of toe aaw 3. may have imtnedlax of the aauae; axxd the oawwar lota and 4 are yearly tenaata, utaat near th rJeT Roden, la the iwrthcra part of ttstaaaaw. Salop, ahout 10 nule. ftora 'hrewxkury.
hi therentr nwaaws Sir fcUmham fbijiounda. lad throxwhsrhk KtZLZ coackei to and hom Shrewxlvury. Wailahusch ud xT attrtraro aartirahvrs mar be had by appiym. to Mr. Brookes, port: orMr.Wilfced.ioildto.
Wettv, at l(soilVaa a tive of tke lota may be teen. At th Broker i Waiwheusea. Aldiarrate 4tree, so Tautsday. atllfbruvvaaxnT. A BOUT SVSTonsof old l(op in Ienctltt "tJ1JPj Stuff, and I Turkey carpeta.
To be JjaW SSD. ia 4talriaSa.i. at lUAktarifaStetawTe be had. THOMAS IXLLOWS. Ssrora 'Mting'Teiihr At'ilT.
eda Ptrajstlstor atadfrewof tasaAraarae late Klntt tat tn Royal LBuntD, ,7. 'ZZSIitdOlT annomtment nowhere rise ta sondeax, Ji2rIeaSaaesaI as. rxava.axia sx.abav axr tmaiaa i. a. .1 aiv.t rata.
axaKBiS am ansa earve aaai aaaa.a early reduced to the grave by Bra. fser. eeedlnafrwra therr teeth; price as. Uaasviaw mot torn at nr. isewuui a.
mn anui aawxatai. aSSgl Kld aicktiil yas. viit jL2dz rE Csvi i i "51 fiAnxTz JUlkle iSiiiimLTBSS SS ea'Sr'.