The Isle of Wight County Press and South of England Reporter from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)

lght ce, 1 servin in the all J. a 24th. F. H. Marsh, 1 1 the regiment WFf if- THE TSLE OF WJGHT COUNTY PRESS-SATt-RDAY JCNE 57.

1914 i i 1- 5 i a anil otljcr I.W. PRESS XTD. JL Accoufal to Jund 30th inclusive not already rendered may be IN Aiii REQUESTED that parti ats dao from the above-Ui im Company parties made it convenient. A ONCE for th? puJ ol all Ltpose of the ture, and their authors must be of the Coronation Holiday on Monday. Chief Office, Newport.

COUN A PPLK3ATION8 are invited for i inenl of HEADMISTRESS of Church of (England Infanta' School, increasing by annual Increments of i £110 per their farther discussion in another a of the Royal Yacht Squadron, has consented annum. Particulars and Applicatioaj jrms may lie obtained from the County Clerk, street, Newport, Lale of Wight. 26lb Juwt 1914. i Appolnt- and he promised that 'these would receive ilary £90. tion from tho Government, i a i to Holyrood- I difficult to conceive what amendments aid of! the Holy i i Cowes, new Sunday- oalled upon him In consequpnco of the a i HE Gu Infirmary, Salary 1 2 for the first yeai second yi months' trial Appbcatio (on' forms to be mrdersjgned on receipt of a foolscap liot later thai Tuesday the-7th July.

ISLE OF I I A I NURSES. require two Probatll ider 21 rears of Age. for and £22 for the third year ins, uniform, and wr accompanied by i should bo delivei A. G. Clerk to the A COTOF.S A DISTRICT COU1 -MEDICAL I OF HE, HE East! Cowes Urban District Council hereby nised by of Whatever give police that 21st day of next ARPOINT A A to-day the sentiment Against tlfe exclusion of Cowes tfarboijir Commissioners Pro- Canterbury House.

And now that the place OFFICER OTF A for the i District Ulster on terms compatible with Ulster'6 self- visional Order empowering the construction so long sought has been traced beyond with characteristic foresight 6aid in his 'J will commence September nekt. The 6aiary trill be £35 per annum. 1 The qualifications for the duties of the office specified and set out in the General Order No. 56217 death, if needs be- I is here that the extreme made with tho-fconstruction of breakwater Of course, a commemorative a a once is insisted upon by Healy in the Honse of ceremonial. dated 13th December, 1910, of the Ldcol Govern- a i of the situation-is revealed.

i iThe until next y-Oar. ment Board, a copy of which may 6ce The appointment will be subject to tfeie approval Nationalist Volunteers are becoming provoca- Norbury, on Monday, at the age of seventy. for granted that his well-known publio spirit erf the Local Government Board. Sealed applications, endorsed Medical ig qualifications, to be sent to the not later cloud. Monday the 6th day of July sion be relaxed before it breads in ATHERSTONE DAMANT, I Clark.

statinj SEA FISHERIES HIS to feive Notice that 15th day bf o'clock noon, at the undermentioned address, an AUDIT. ACCOUNTS of of the above District, under and ac provisions that a copy of of the Local Government A Accounts to be Audi! Books, Deeds, re, and Receipts Office of the unJ Accounts, will be di --signed and ba ope tion of persons With all Ac Accounts, Voi referred to in boors to the In Seven clear dai before persons Bhall said Audit, at liberty to take copic Jxom the same without fee or reward. ST. BARBE Cletk" 41 St. Thomaa's-stroet, Lyroington, Hants, 25Ur June) HE Corporation of 4 Tenders for tie OP A A I for Suction Gak in accordance withja, Specification andl copy of which may-be obtained from Copo'ra ate to bave the option a further 80 tons of khesamo coal at the Tenders, endorsed Tender for Ant be delivered to me not later than 4 p.m the 7th July next.

ROSS A 25th 1914. ISLE- OF I John Burns and Mr. Herbert Samuel, the some native regiments. a novel effeet different locality. In-the autumn of 1819 i MACHINESrf A A OTHERS.

£5000 a year ealch. The salaries attaching to player; to hide himself in the adjoining jungle poet was staying at Winchester, and writing Lord Lansdowne, Lord Seaborne, ion from the battery at the Royal Yacht BOROUGH OF Corporation invite Tenders foil works Yard, Carisbrooke, I.W., of a I 22 fcetling and 6 feet 6 Inchete diameter. The same may be inspected up to the 7th July important Departments; there is nono He was safe; quiteisafe, and sleeping Soundly. i about thom by an eminent i i i important point of i be is considered a which "pressed ship." There were, also bi next, when sealed I Tenders, endorsed "iTender Boiler," must be delivered to the undersl A description of the Boiler may bo application to the Waterworks JMtah brooks, I.W. The or any Tender will not necessarily be the PUR- £5000.

The Globe pertinejitly a There time came no solo was forthcoming. When CHASE and A from i the Water- may have reasons for increasing the the performance ended Mackenzie Rogan, worth sixpence a pint-" NCASHIRE pay and the status of the heads of these quite sure-that thfe musician had been eaten mention here of these illustrious Town Office, T. BOSS A Town Clerki "AMEN Bill by -which the Govrjrnmeit propose A i Coast Defences. to a their ill-starred Home Bill was introduced In the House Of Lords on Tues- So a amending anything, Victoria a I Club, to be raced for at the 4s a hollow mockery, as it contains nothing annual regatta at in August. beyond the a Asquith in March that Is, to grant the counties of Lister right themselves out of the duch*ess a i of Saxe-Caburg, and their Home Rule Bill a term of six years from respective suites, attended' the performance the first meeting of the Irish Parliament.

At the time that offefr -was originally made Saturday. was erintem ptuoosly by Sir Edward Carson as hypqcritii" and i t.s repetition can- only, have iloopening in tbo mind'of Ulster the hat there is no serious intention tho Government to any From.a Ministerial point of i Red- mond continues to control the Ho lias practically votood any further ncessions Surrey seat, Wihterfold, Cranleigh, is able to which her husband handed to a porter at Ryde the Irish and if a malign take daily rides in the neighbourhood, Pier Head; At Portsmouth Harbour the case was influence nothing can a a catastrophe that Isle of Wight. wftuld set Ireland in of internecine strife. As Lord Lansdowne said in the of the the a College, Osborno, takes place covered that the jewel box and a Bilver travelling Viscountess Qort, is the Master. The occasion df loseened the effect of ths poison.

It was debate in the Upper.House. tho real test of on July 6th. any amending Bill is whether it will be be permitted inside tbo grounds until the sufficient to avert-civil war. I believe that conclusion of thja event. the Government know that this Hill which they are introducing i not avert i i Since the terms of the A i Bill i were made known, Ulster has reitdijated and i it, accnntaated its determination never accept Lieutenant, dated exclusion with a time-Jimit; It must! per- manent) and tiompletel Under a scheme of only temporary exclusion, tho Irish loyalists Columbia In pages and" 7 of the ourrttnt ieaue" would have, as Lord Lapsdowne remarked, a Very great reductions in prices are promised.

mere respite for a years' with a noose round tjheir nicks, whioh mighjb tightened whenever the balance; of English poUtical now in force as can iseen reference Such peace proposafs are a mere carica- number of excursldns have been arranged oolamn last H. Wadham, it. No peace ban- result from, a schemp which woukl son tencje Ulstermeh to servitude under a hateful powdrbnd an alien flag. In 1 'introducing the Bill in the Lords, the amongj the I large company prosent at the J. 0 Mitigate, J.P., and the identity of (the mean, but there is no doubt that next week the and private residencies throughout the IsL.

Marquis of Ctjewo anticipated that numerous and far-reaching amendments wnuld be made, the most-cak-eful and respectful considera- the Unionist Lords can makd save those which would meet the loyal demands of (Ulster, schools and Parish-hall, a Cowes on August County Press. and the Minis i a dilemma here Is that such amendments bever bo tolerated for one moment tho Government's Nationalist masters. resulting from; getting into bad company and making bad bargains with them 1 By their practical abdication of authority in regard to the Amending Bill, the Government have imposed a serious responsibility on the Lords, and wo may be sure that the Opposition Peers, with the traditions of patriotism and public duty which have always distibgiiished 1900-8, Who died lindor a i circum- a small shop in Nodehlll, called with a their best so to amend the Bill as to make it acceptable to Ulster, thus pre- Of the gross value of £16,625, of which the net Turner said to me, Ah, tho name of venting i Should the Government reject their proposals when the Bill returns to the Lower House, the responsibility fori a must follow will lie at the doors of the party wearing blrfck, i diamonds in her hair, was adds this note I a referred to tho rate- naturally reticent ifn discussing a deli- in their noble bearskin buabiee as give, was that they really liked her. News did in power and their Nationalist allies. No doubt the difficulty of obtaining a settle- Co vent Garden for the performance A i a is a happy circ*mstance that Blow has for him he will never be Chancellor of the sun In a manner for whioh troops and spectatc ment has been enormously increased since the Snd Leicester, Lord William Cecil, and retained so clear a recollection of a conver- Exchequer in another Parliament), and that if were with tho thafc the St.

Jol Nationalist Volunteers became a recog- Mrs. i Corktan- in attendance. their purpose at tWe, outset, they Represent respect. Practically face to face of a are tbo loyal Irish Covenanters, pcrfect in this week without to the to notify to all who pass that there stood himself qualified to take the, place of the their jdisciplino and stronger than over in the heavy expenso incurred in obtaining the Order the house whor* a poet of immortal fame hopeless muddler whose incapacity is private- Castle Dene, and other private schools, under resolvje to resist Home Hule, even well-trained and wisely-led Ulstermori are exhibiting most laudable restraint, but the tive, and the danger of an unexpected conflict Hia derith recalls the Liberator which would lead him to afford possible marked ability in dealing with hangs over Ireland like a menacing thunder- took plhco in 1892. Hobba Was sentenced a i i in tho matter.

Country Press questions and has scrupulously refrained from disaster While devoutly hoping that it may, fail to discern any ground iov hope in the a One of the Liberator sohomes was the Government's Home -Rule Amending i reclamation of Brading Harbour.j which amends nothing and i furnishes an example of Ministerial incapacity and vacuity for which it Should difficult to lind a parallel in the annals of any legislative body under divisions of the Woman's Voluntary A i Carisbrooke has been traced, i be haps, above a haf a special degree animated sun. I A Radical contemporary in a burst of Can- dour, says Most of tho other recipients of honours a men who have had success- 1 ful business careers, and have given contri- butions to local charities, and other 'objects." Bay. Quite so I I A J. should know the elementary school case; Bays that the Finance risters Who have recently resigned are Messrs. his Lamia and other poems, in which the post of Secretary of State for War.

There a number: of medals. Mr- Hucfi, a Crimean and compliment and spoke of the pleasure they had In The following were the results Bill of this year repeals oducatiOn, H. C. Folkard I of i A Kinglake, may discovered passages reminiscen though tho enactment is i i a in and Clarke, and the following new appoint- the scenery which thero engrossed his obscure schedules." For i enables ady Local ments have been made by Justice i Education Authority to charge fees and to Mes8rs- W. D.

Mathlas, C. Gooden, and addressed from Shanklin, jAugust 2, 1819, he relinquish that of Prime Minister.) But how- spectators in the The drums and fifes could not all come to Woottori, but as this was not remit in cases of poverty, such remission not C. Thomas. I A extended reference to the I I imay guesi-fl should say that ever 1ms worrying the to be deemed parochial relief i Co the resignation Of Folkard, and Announce- there is no finer part id the'Island than from Secretary may be, i ife Obviously parent. have been told locally that tho Nationalist Volunteers are-, raised for the defence of their country, but the Pall Mall at Lord's on Saturday, which Truth Gazette claims that Redmond's appeal fjor termed Harrowing eating match," i other day he was sketching will then, i is urged by bis numei American money to equip tho'se Volunteers is wrote 1 wandered up Lord's on Saturday Shanklin Church, and as I saw how the have purged himself from the ol threatening Ulster with an army levied for to Old Etonians ind.the Old Harrovians her conquest and financed declared enemies at play The ground wsis filled i known of the United Kingdom.

I makes the Ulster Volunteers a national defence force from the crowd, land it looked all the more comfortable at the Galldry." Now where did Keats point of i Of Great Britain. a must have gained the impression son, who plays so brilliantly Hampshire. from reading nearly Liberal recently made in the Island that if there was subject On which the local leaders of the Party that an appeal to the electorate collision between the British battleships like nave that a cleared up. the mistakes of conld bo made with confidence in favpur of the Victoria and Camperdown, off Tripoli in the tWhen visiting Shanklin many years ago JL was feature of the Honours published on (Regimental) in the Col. McMahon taking, Government i was that of education.

That is The (Victoria was rammed staying at a no molern Monday, is tUe appearance of names of the sahite. Then foUowed Paderewski'8 beauUful certainly not the opinion of Dr. Clifford. the on June 1893, during the shore, and an 0ld friend ci lied 27 Knights who have done nothing to merit Minuet No. 2," faultlessly played by the band! Speaking in London on Tuesday he is reported the execution I by the Mediterranean; upon me there.

Ho was at that time a lea ling distinction one who has gained under the talented ponductorehip of Bandmaster Bl Harvey. to have said Throughout the country there of whatjis known as the gridiron movement," resident of the town, and being a poet llm- eiuinenoe in tho literary world. was a great deal of dissatisfaction with tho and sank soon afterwards, A i a 22 self, he was immensely Interested in tho Ifact criticism is that the i has pmctically no broken at the saluting point, the troops saluted tl Government with reference to its treatment officers 'and 336 men being drowned. Admiral of State education. upon promise and no performance, and what survivors from tbo Victoria, on which he was of Eeats's promise they had fulfilled the performance serving as Commander at the time of the was unsatisfactory.

A both in its letter and spirit, that a Bill HobArt C.B.. The sbn Of a former Keats stayed when he was at Shanklin." party managers affirmed that unde whioh becomes law under its operations must a otf Windsor and grandson of the third friend was so confident about i that I con- stances must a single by-election have commanded during three consecutive Karl of! Buckinghamshire, Sir Hobart cluded he must have good ground. for his and the Chief Whip, insisted th sessions the unswerving support of the House of Commqps, dependent directly in itfl turn House of Commons as a Liberal from 1906 to but he is tliese voices." I know that upon a stable and consistent pnblic opinion in 1910, and is Official of the sea, whi'ch keens eternal whisperipgs the constituencies." Tried by his ownj stan- Forest. Ho was Gold Stick Officer at the around," and that would be a mighty recom- dard, the Gqvernment have lost their authority last Coronation and secretary to the Earl mendation to Keats 1 Well, this is my little rewards for fidelity have only to press forward the Home Rule Bill. The Marshal at; that of i Edward.

majority for third reading of the Bill, married to sister of Lord Kesteven and has it, I must leave quest to be pursued by which was 110 in and 109 in 1913, has one son. C. C. Hofcart, iD.S.O., D.L., friends on the Bpot. dwindled to 77.

So much for tho i and a daughter. Sir is a descendant support of the House of Commons. ''stable and consistent" opinion of the constituencies has been Bhown in a after defeat, in reduced Radical majorities, and in with the grand military speatacle at the actually lived and wrote strains which will tho of the Labour Party. I seems impossible the Chancellor ofI upon whose a big share of has been down," its site remains, tho Exchequer to bo accurate, even In matters' connected with his own, department of the fine was Capt. Mackenzie Rogan, the Cold- classic precious the nn Government.

Speaking on Saturday as to the salaries of Cabinet Ministers, he said I am The of the massed bands under his of Keats look to Shanklin to move in this conditions his intervention would bo a help Nettleetone to see the Tei ritorials pass. Another told very often that oar salaries are con- siderable. They are just' the same as the 1 remarkable man in many ways. For one thing, eakCnes paid to our predecessors." the Was the first bandmaster to attain, the rank fact, is that Lord Gerald Balfodr, who respectively Presi- dent'of the Board of Trade and President ol has seen service in aU parts of the world. once said of the a i on Freshwater.Db' Local Government Board in the last Union- ist Government, received £2000 a year each.

arranged to oonduct a concert by the bands of curious to note that a similar, idea suggest present occupants of these two offices, receive jpieco ho' instructed a native cornet; the offices vfere raised In 1910 from £2000 to and play hid Solo from there. But when the to a friend he said There is on one side! of and other well-known members ofj the party of Which: Hia Majesty is the Admiral. Sir Walter for excuse George's ignorance when dealing with facts. A COUNTY NOTES. i Wales celebrated his ly on Tuesday.

Tho Prince H.R.H. Princess Louise (duch*ess of A Pittis, J.P.. of Newport, and Annie Farquhar, tion they-have received, one may welllblei has been on a visit to Chester. Captain H. A Stewart, A.S.C., has been September.

Appointed to tho Isle of Wight. I Dr. J. Murray, the newly appointed medical take place, between James G. Chick-Lucas, officer at Park hurst Prison, took over his M.R.C.S.Eng., L.M.S.S.A.Lond., of Belle recognised as our High Court of Appeal up duties on Mondhy.

Colonel H. Du Boulay has been the late Dr. James Robb, of Manchester, and a letter from Miss B. Jannings, of Fulhai appointed to ithe command of the a Alianora, youngest daughter Of tho late SirCharles 1 Aiaheton-Smith, the Commodore, and granddaughter of the a Forbes Macbean has pjresente4 cup, value £i50, to the Royal Chevers, Surgeon, Princess Henry of Battenberg and the of a i at His a Theatre on I A A A I A I understand that i is not intended to resume the service of steamers between and Stokes Bay this summer. Several corre- box containing a number of gems between Ryde I think nowi they must stop spondents written expressing regret at this decision.

I Visqouiit Alverstonc, who is Btill at his day -of last week, taking with her a HONORARY i COL. A I Messrs. R. May and S. FUnt, who allowed to prevail to he bitter and is expected to take a short holiday in the put in tho iguahl's van.

On the arrival of the train opened the new School of Physiology The annual assault-at-arms tho cadets at When the drinsing-case was opened it was dis- Col. Starling Benson, husband of motor-cars or carriages will clock were missing. The jewel.boX contained the Tuesday'i following anno junoemeht: idou Gazette contained the 8 (Isle of incess Beatrice's) Hampshire a 24th." Announcer ments' of the opening at the iimmer S41i A fuill programme of popular water trips is the advertisem*nts in to-day's pfcper. -Sir Baring, the Hon. H.

Spring-of 1817. I is now known as Canter- his place and the peers Tennyson, and Arthur. Watson bury House, Castlo-road, residence of what i i war in Ireland would inevitably Coastguard and at many business arylcbond Cricket Club's Centenary ba i Hotel Strand, on Tuesday. Ormonde, the i of Commodore Wadham has written down an important (ftate- most brilliant supporters, will affirm that clvU residents, inclining the Mayor and members ofjU Leavers a w'de rural area, and helped forward other Intercession the employee of the Newport Poet-ofOoe sale arranged by Lady Horsey, in Blow, an old respected civil war thoughout the Empire, in other Beatrice's 1. W.

lilUee Rear-Adnkrkl Hon. Somerset A Gough- interesting communication. An illustration this of the evil Calthorpe, C.y.O.,.ClB., has-been appointed am 78 years of age. When I was a boy, I to succeed Rtar-Admiral CharleB E. Maddon, 0 as Rear-Admiral Commanding the attended the St.

-Thomas's Church interests are affected by the meisure. and the district the great compliment of arranging Mrs. Leslie Chatfelld-Clarke, who was motored tho narijes of tbe Commissioners. Then Mr. Second Cruiser Squadron, date the 29th of school and I was one of the last to be-con- will be compelled to realise that the of their King's birthday, osremonial parade on the over from Brooklyn, Wootton, by her husband.

i a Jaffray Lucas, of The Albany, Castle-road. In the year 1852 I was at her Empire from the fhll which manyf beside Earl Imposing and pretty spectacle In charmlng- spontaneity with whlch everybody had contributed stations. When the Government were anxious to Piccadilly, Wv, Conservative for Ports- staneos on 9th, aged 48 years, estate personalty has boen sworn at £16,452. Princess Henry of Battenberg, who was Cook some years Wadham from Members of the Government who are glitter of the burnished accoutrements of ths Clarke. The first, which most people were shy to sealed, ana delivered.

presedt i the Dowager duch*ess of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha, who also wore black, at was the tenant of the house at that time." I whatevor fate the future may have in store a a passed the House of Lords it is improbable that a commencement i Hobbs died at his residence at approached on the subjeat, i may bo taken suggests for the position which George officials of the Corporation and their wives and question is, can the'existing ten- at the Old 1 Bailey to years' penal permits me to say that this column is open to imputing base motives to political! opponents. Battalion Royal Fusiliers, other servitude, and was released at tho end of five a suggestions. Princess Henry of Battenberg's challenge shield jwill bo for by the Island Detachtaentjof the British Cross Society at Newport next Saturday. There i an important dlisplay at Carisbrooke Castle on I can say regarding this is that when the mastery figures. Some of his admirers who of those functions in which there Is no staling, its Mr.

and Mrs. Bamford. who had ths Interests of the the-purpose atad preached at Brading Church in the July 25th, when i is expected that Princess time comes for me to a I hope i will have watched his rapid progress! with' satis- stateUnesS, symbolism, and stirring hand music whole village so much at heart, by making the evening. Henry of Battenberg i be present. cadets a the a Naval College had must i their i someday, I keeps any ambition he may possess in the their, annual holiday yesterday (-Friday).

The rather fancy that I shall bo leaving tho background serves strengthen the im- marched on to the ground soon after 11 o'clock'to -a forward day spent pleasantly by picnie irtiesjin different parts of the another Hand, and i is best like that. And running a vacancy whenever it ocours. nd Bajr, Alum Bay, Colwell, Seaview, and The place where Keats abode when Btaying at from Cowes In torpedo boats and Government Similar service be rendered Shanlcli'n? a kifadly the Flag Captain. HampjBhire and Isle of i Revising Bar- of 1819 at that delightful spot, where he host contemplates an early retirement from square, some in the ranks proudly wearing ment of his appears! in another this place to Steephill. I do not hesitate tp for the Premier to only a mei column.

I A gossiping journalist, describing match to his Jfriend, Charles Armitage Brown, who intention of Asquith to but was by no means a oh thatj account. Lord Tennyson was there, during that memorable summer of 1819 1 in silk hat and short coat, and was accomplished editor of Murray's I of versatlon with them. rewarded seeing a i innings his i a (the G. E. i a 21st anniversary of the and is probably pulled down." One wjould organ, which habitually praises Or condones ting slow, march.

Than in review order thS cool shelter to the various stalls; which had been They had had promise Sir J. of a i one of the i 1 i I Amongst the recipients of honours on the a he eKclaiined; aro in ages, or had failed make pledge i birthday was Sir represented the New Forest Division in the is The of John Hampden. A i in a London contemporary, dealing would it be to identify the house whor* Kepts seat is'to be retained the Opposition with- i birthday celebration a the Horse on nnhninir Guards parade on Monday, saysi: man I as Jeans surmises, tho hotu the arrangements that made the spectacle so it should Identified and indicated, i streams' bandmaster, now director of music. direction was superb. Mackenzie a is a Salisbury and JUr.

Of! captain in the Army. For nearly half a century he has served! his Sovereign, and he He told mo once how when in India he a i apprehensively seek him. in juxtaposition brings to mind i He had lpnoly and taken too much comfort fromabottjleof potentnative'spirits. 'Confound church makes that lovely spot what Bi the fellow 1 llogan said he spoiled my calls a Mecca of the mind." In his Esi Capt. as our readers will remember and Tales," John Sterling a Latel old.

Newport National-school boy. marriage arranged between Captain power in Eeats, ttat fiery beautiful meteol Gerald Francis Watorworth, D.S.O., Royal bat they are two most true and great poeS Warwickshire Regiment, nephew of A i youngest daughter of the late Peter Baillie, whether it be crowned by all or ltfft Bedford ho manifested In all his relations arms, after which, on the. call Capt. R. 1 of i take place at Naini Tal in alone In its own magic hermitage." A marriage is arranged, and i shortly Vue, Bradingyl son of the late Dr.

Reynolds to the Island, Informs me that he has receivi Chick, of Hulme, Manchester, and grandson of Norman Chevers, C.J.E., M.D., F.R.C.S.Eng., Williams Wynne Governor or Deputy GoverA J.P., Deputy Surgeon-General, Bengal Army, of the Isle of i When i ho die, I A I I £400 WOJBTH AilD BOAT JOURNEY. A mysterious theft of a found Dutch ailver jewel dear old time-recorders havo i the calf of Wheeler's left leg with Esplanade Railway Station and Waterloo 1b being Investigated by the'local police and the railway week or two. It seems that a lady who had beep slaying travelled to town on Wednes- at Waterloo the taken from the van, placed in a motor-car, and' driven to the owner's residence, 17 Hertford-street, Mayfair, W. the Worshipful Company of Drapers, of which medical following gems, valued at £400 two- ifety-pln brooches, each aet With a arma dam mill mm trjbtmum, ettam pacls ij to be small turquolsd. A gold Swiss wristlet and watch artibus praeclarum, purpura noBtra honoris Musk close to tho shore they-might possibly 1 combined.

OCCASIONAL JOTTINGS. Subsequent inquiries have served to A substantiate the claim put forward. In this the assistant overseer of has succeeded in locating the house where Keats lodged when staying at Carisbrooke in the place ia clearly established by to warning from the orossbenOhes i the rate-book and the deeds relating to the repeated and elaborated by several apeak property. In further confirmation The Leader of the Opposition and some of his of school children and large assemblage of otti ment voluntarily made to Win by Ggorgr annquncemont' published in last supplied me with a copy of Blow's possible after the debdte on the second I now reside at 39 1 Hunbyhlll, Newport, and firmed i the old church. teacher was a Mrs.

H. J. who then lived at the is already being asked whether thdre is atay Victoria hdose now known as Canterbury House, one, or any combination, that can save the again had the opportunity of witnessing the to all and specially remarked on the generosity and has been made with the Imperial chain of wireless honse one day when Paddy Keats, who kept Grey believe threatens it. mat he had made for'toer. A he had gone Keats reminds me that this is the house where the a poet Keats stayed with a last Budget into the House of Comimons.

A a the glow of the Scarlet uniforms and shine with her. There were three reasons why they has disappeared now that the contract is book for 1852 and find that a H. J. Turner sation which, in Its present bearing, is this Parliament remains i existence until falntingB accidents had an uneventful time. mark on people whenever they were successful, a valuable as forming an important 'link of the another financial statement is dujo, i i be elementary scfaool children of the borough had a therefore they had raked Mrs.

Chatfelld-Clarke Hall, M.P., Mr. W. H. Miller, who was serving chain jSonnecting Keats with what is now made by his succesbor. For, aW Healy, half holiday In honour of the celebration and they open their sale.

The third reason was that they Ihe R.M.A., has been given a free discharge with a the shadow of a doubt, what shall be done ber of tjio present Cabinet whq has proved began one of the sublimest of his creations ly as fully recognised amongst Radicals as i suggests itself, and so far as I am Commons. Herbert Samuel may not be Mayor and Mayoress (Mr. andiMrs. A. E.

Hsrvey), applause). aware, my friend i a has not been quite so completely qualified as Healy with Mrs. F. Templieman Mew, members and Vicar's I suppose," writes an old friend, able hasten slowly, wealthy enough' to were flying gaily in the breeze around that, after a long hunt, Keats's house at singing, or Nunc be in peace," but though I quite realise that I am approaching tho terminal "station," where all a by Time's Lord Goschen and the fact that he skillfully a i just But that rests with pression that he is emphatically in the now fresh woods and pastures new I The cadets conveyed Carisbrooke having been locatod, cannot a Keats passed the greater part of the sumiher dinner party at 10 Downing-atreet thafo the Reserve took up a position to the north of the! accorded by acclimation. miration and quickened hia fancy.

In a letter say i is fine." I may interest your Shanklin Cabinet of which he Was chief readers to learn that Keats once drew a quarters is still believdd that sketch of their parish church. i other appointment has been once was staying i him at Shanklin, the poet Seely during coming recec on, I challenged him to a involved his retirement. Howevi lent me pencil and paper. bo, it is noteworthy that keep the sketches to contend for the prize evidently appreciated the A F.S.A.,) a the house where lodged at cannot now idem is's a one-time association Don't you entered my "Shanklin inspiring," I replied, but Is there any bai of Commons. This is not because tlculor reason why I should feel like that? iflobort Henry the statement.

I wish I could appeal to him njow, house is still standing. I Immediately faces contribution the snbject, and, having raided In its Keats-grJ Shanklin already possesses a beautiful i memoration of tho poet. Btill more interesting for Thomas Stanford than any Unionist echoing fnr ever rtmm thn the oorridors, with the pla Inspired he inquired, down and fame, of ono of the immortals. A matter, and I sure i Will not disappo) The reader may remember that Tenn; that i was sixpence a pint." I itself to Keats, though In relation" to the i a dry chalky down, where the a i i By the way, whose a in tho old churchyard at I havp been reading again some of and justifiable, I may say that In London the Tennyson's second volume, and with profoftid feoling is highly favourable to i Prothero admiration of his truly lyric and idyllic genftjs. not onjy because of his literary aculevements flagstaff was prettily adorned with streamers There seems to me to have been more ep' When think of the amount of the recoefil God that poetry is in itself strength and joL Percy Stone, F.S.A., who is quite right all historical and antiquarian matters relati road, London, in which she jnakes tho follo'v- ing Inquiries: When was Sir William Watk the Island Stone says the name quite strange to connection with tlio groen, Freshwater, is lying at his home suffering proved by the Grand Lodge of England.

Th Governorship or Deputy Governorship-of tlfe from a poisoned and lacerated leg, as tho result of there now; exists the first tirpe hi France Island. I ifs equally so to myself. I wou be interesting to know what Miss Jannim had in mind when making her inquiriej I have received a number of other coth- very sharp, and with serrated edges, muniqations about grandfather clocks. thrust through trousers and underclot for a I I BENSON. H.R.H.

Prince Arthur of Connaught receni tCambriih jlty by the presented to the University generosity (if the 560th anniversary of i I I I The degree of Doctor of Laws honoris eattsp. was afterwards conferred on Cot. Benson, who; said the tall of which Is armed in Its middle the Public. OrattiT, had. long been a gallant soldier before devoting himself to arts of peace ata sides, and capable of Inflicting a very Master of the Company, Bodie, saltern, cedari- dangerous wound.

vettimua." ECHOES FROM. LONDON CLUBS. I A I I LONDON, Joitt 26, 1014. TFIB KbAD TO RCIK. I Hitherto, only one member of i House of celebration of Uie 49th birthday of HlsMajeStv King enjoyable fustic for which the village is abandon tbe Lords has had.

the courage to war in Ireland Will assuredly I by words, that the first shot fired, the first week's weapon used, will be 1 the first atep towards feu-de-joU; the officers, staff, an Wadham has courteously the ruin of Greftt Britain. I will not be Royal Naval College, oaborne, joined to a salute' happy way which can only be fully appreciated by promised to appoint to inquire into recommenda- I is as follows Ing of the Home Rule Amending Bill in the fired at the Royal Yacht Squadron, Second Chamber, for even the most ignorant continue to imagine that merely Irish England hangs In the balance. The question TUB LAST OP MB. GEORGE'S BUDGETS. There is a consensus of opinion in political one Bide and to Parkhuret Forest on another, forme matter this tear would have disappeared, because Africa was only too eager to have the contract circles that Geotge has Introduced his an ideal Betting for the ceremonial.

This was most wherever Mm. Chatfelld-Clarke went she took sun- Bigned. Apparently all that anxiety and eagerness cate question, it ic generally agreed that scathing speech on Tuesday, is a mem- has degraded, but hitherto he has shown lady If not a brilliant, he a distinctly pleasing tlvds of the services. The Women's Voluntary work preparing the stalls, and she was delighted to speaker, maintains interest Honse, Detachment of the British Red I Cross Society, were know that so many friends had spontaneously come danvas i Yaverland has been favoured with and has the pleasant manner which always drawn up op one side of the grand stand, whilst In forward with their gifts. I showed that everybody brilliant weather, the only possible ground tor, a tends to render an occupant of the Treasury front, (at the saluting base, were the local oompai Bench popular.

He is young enough to be of be unconcerned about emoluments, and per- A faculty of cultured Jews of obtaining a present had doubtless been privileged to witness they ttoold do was to make the joy and gladness of Battalion, who made a special visit to the Island for faction, assert that he would make a Chan- cellor not less distinguished tbiui the late THB SECRETARY POK WAR. No hint was i on Monday night at square opposite the saluting and the National Island, is a rumour that If Asquith i have his Mutiny veteran, one of the last old guard, coming to Newchurch. If the cry of "back to the 120 yards veterans' Sergt. 8mltb, choice he would prefer to retain the post who which tinguished military men at and was frequently engaged THB FEATURE OP BONO According to the 1 principal Ministerial along.ths Knee to the accompaniment of a 'fascina- the Government, interest. Both these Opinions reflect the ver- colours, dict of a great many people, but the feature band playing the National Anthem in the of the List, which has caused mbch talk.

Is of firing. Col. McMahon then led rounds of cheerj absence of a slnglo name whoSe selection lng for the King, the lusty roaring applause of wOuld.have involved a.Vacancy in the House Uoops as they waved their busbies on their bayonM and ment had not plenty of applicatioi Govern- children and other spectators, who waved hats and In the Parish-room and was most appreciative of a played some capital in the evening with some of them it is solely caution most observed. Thei WHY BRIGHTON IB UNCONTL I of course, because the report from the and another memorable celebration of the KI local managers at Brighton to headjqriartera In London was that a contest for the vacancy concluded. would result Iq a more overwhelming victory candidate has gained in the that the i out a fight.

Though with a birthday. Under the command of Coli Dorot snarling voice, told Austen Chamberlain On Wednesday night that he had nee turned a Conservative member Out at Brighton, he funks an attempt to repeat the nmph or, as i is said, local supporters of the Government! do' not think that under existing to the cause. I is significant that demand popular hnd gallant commanding officer, where for speeches from him in the provinces, which refreshments were served out to- the battalion. Bamfard; -equal 3 Sir Godfrey Baring, M.P., vho were once almost incessant, have Jately been Proceeding to the Canoe-lake St Ryde, there H. J.

Clarke 763, actual number 907; guessing General Staff. The men were first inspected inline and far between. THB REPRESENTATION Off OXFORD A suggestion that Rowland Prothero is camp was made via Ashey. not altogether acceptable as a candidate for Oxford University to £ho Unionist electors has been entirely disposed of by thb letters of just as those of the Archbishop; of Canterbury, Greene's 'Agatha, Sir Wyndham Murray's Cecilii, matters political. A dense crowd witnessed Hhe station.

He then proceeded to present the 61r' and other emimept clerical aild lay members of the Church prove that frota a still more dnd Qen, Sterling'. perfeotly acceptable personage. Wfithout any idea of reflecting on the abilities or London 1 Club, the Island Sailing Club, the briefly outlined, going back to so remote a period of Cowes, for the best score made in the musketry loyalty of Marriott whose to coastguard station, the Gloster Hotel, the Royal represent his University in Parliament is keen Marine Hotel, and oUier places, i but also because he oombines with his brilliant a i a valuable, acquaintance with (In full uniform), masterly cadets, and uc8tions which imperatively need advice staff rom men whose knowledge is exceptional. band played the National Arifhem. The Ho; I tho capacity of agent -of Duke of- Marines who formed a guard of honour, present with the tenants, a power of dealing with Benpriok, commanding the the crt details no less pronouncjed than his dklll in tho doffed their, caps, and gave three ringing cheers treatment of issues involved in various pro- the jKing.

They then marchad past to the tune of spinster for a period of at least six years. The Yarmouth on Wednesday, the Rev. B. CarvoSBo posals tbo settlement of land problems. A'life on the ocean wave," Behtinck taking advent of Ulster in the last scene was announced in Spencer presiding.

presentativo of profound culture who can regarded as an expert on matters of is always particularly welcome in the Honse of Commons even to political EXTRAORDINARY A FISH. Mr. James Wheeler, of Providence House, Norton- was founded last year and is recognised and a eitraordlriary attack upon him by a 1 1 ah. He nd a frtend named Bert Cotton were fishing with draw netTrom the Bhore at Bouldnor on Saturday, when they landed three larga a fish of the skate BpecieB, each weighing about half a hundredweight. The first two were secored, and Wheeler yrss push- TjEDS I birthday! CELEBRATIONS IN I A I I TARY CEREMONIAL A NEWPORT; A I I I TROOP COLOUR.

The Island Was fittingly represented In the official In adding yet another to the long list of most 5 i tvr a jP' a 0 George orf Monday, a were -flying CarUprooke Castle and all public 1 deremonlal Newport the picturesque military trooping-the'King's colour by the 4th Ro- unifiers from Parkhurst.was witnessed by cTon, people. T1 Corporation, and other representative their camp at Yaverland salute was and cheers for the iCing; and a Royal For the second year CoL N. R.MqMahon. D.S.O.r sale of which was very happily opened by comprised it. The Postmaster-General said he was and officers of the Royal paid Newport 1 Becreatlou-ground, so that the children, residents, and particularly the soheol surroundlngs and under the pleasantest of con-.

1 to the sale of work. All the previous day they had get the Marconi contract through Parliament they ditlons. The ReeTeatton-sround, with its fringe of been downhearted because they bad feared a repe- kept on pointing out how important it was from the trees and surroundings of delightfully tition of the weather associated with Coronation- point of view Imperial defence, and more than Bcehety, Stretching away to Carisbrooke Castle i sward. they moved to and fro on the green delicious breeze tempered the bright rays of tf-' occasionally come from those inclement and less in case Ambulance members who were present where thronged the slopes on the western side, Braunstohs Hoi crowd of charge of their teachers, and large' general public Burrounded' the. scene of In a reserved enclosure were the friends, Col.

Cradock, J.P. (County Officer of the National Reserve) and Mrs; financial Cradock, the- clergy and ministers. of othW of the 4th denominations in the district, officers Bqy efcouts, looking smart in their uniforfi under, the charge of Scoutmaster Burgess. Fla, Recreation-ground and tike scene Was exceedingly and picturesque. 1 Many of those but bsfore they entered upon these the beet thing Bishop's Waltham, one pf the ChaplaiUs to the the similar spectacle here last year, but this Is one.

never failing to appeal to the senses and lmagina- stalls as empty as possible and their coffers corres-. of the day was observed as a holiday and in the Cheers greeted the arrival of the troops, who being lively air. the Fusiliers preceded by a good muster of the headquarters copy of sorrows of Ireland." division of the National Reserve, under the com- whom was. mand ot Major- Henry J. Way, with Capt.

Welby-Pryer (staff The Fusiliers everything oonnectsd with the rural life of the were drswp up In lines two deep on three si dee of belongs to the Xatiodal Reserve, wearing his land meant back to such lovely places as New- I 2 Stekmonds, A 8 Sergt. a DL decorations, was hardly, equal to marching, bnti was formerly, held by Coll Seely and his many friends were glad to see him among thei church, then everybody would run helter-skelter Tent Co. (after dead heat) 2 3 A- opened the interesting by playing Oni posslbls then he congratulated them on having such Meager, and Bilk. tho banks bf Allan Water," in which there was some! a lovely plaoe with a good Vicar and his wife to look, Quarter mile Early, was followed fine work by thg drummers, and this by Gounod's La Relne de Saba by the full famous for two and babies Obstacle the smart bugle-major flourishing his blton. to the (laughter).

selection played by the band. Meanwhile all eyas duties; centred apon ths King's colour on the left flank, would guarded by a patrol with fixed bayonets, whilst the in regimental co*kmr, richly emblazoned with thai lowing undying WCords of the Fusiliers fighting glory, 11 strains the stirring re" advanced across the square in perfect alignment to escort the King's colour. Which i bofne by Lieut. I Birrell Is absent or we could count four. Lieut.

Beazley borne by Lieut. Tower (King's) and Another Wright. Exactly at midday the Union Jack I Morgan (2) and the mem- Chandler, D. and the sharp crack of musketry ran aloe the lines in a Bplendldiy executed teu-de-joie, points being taken up in a delightful refrain by handkefchiefs In loyal acclamation. Then thid short concert.

The programme, arranged by Miss they played for dancing. On Thursday the men Fusiliers again swung across the square In march past to the strains of the Dorothy Grenadiers," Col. McMahon taking their salute Miss and the National Reserve, under Major Flndotr; Anning, splendidly brought up the rear in the march par Col. Oradock, the executive officer-for the cotini taking their salute, whilst the band honoured by playing Comrades" and the spectatoi cheered vociferously. the lively, strains Morgan, Bathingbourne, 27 points out of 30 2 Miss years.

Glddens presided over a large march the troops marched off, tt 1 NatidnaL Reserve leading, amid further oheeria) Wight birthday at capital of the loyal I "PRINCESS BEATRICE'S" RIFLES "CELEBRATION A RYDE. The "Princess Isle of Wight Riflai months; 2 Charles-Sydney Squibb, Pear Tree- regiment up to fnll strength. Those contributing who are in camp, at Yaverland, loyally celebrated Sti they marched via Helens, and Sedview to Ryde. At St. Helens a halo months days.

school was called on where the band played were assembled, and the regimental two pieces before resuming! their march. The school children also turnedTout at 8eaview and halt was tnade at Appley Rise, tbe residence of ths tl. iinaon, banaown; Kev. J. )V Yesterday was a large assemblage of spectators, the regiment lined up ind at noon fired a followed by a Royal I salute and resounding cheers foe His Majesty, led by Col.

Rhodes, return march to The I 1 A CO i I A Cowiee a-Royal Salute of 21 guns was fired at Hon. George Sir William Portal's Valdomi the Chough were among the yachts id the Roads tbe Royal displays Of bunting at the S. Castle, OSBORNE A A At the Royal Naval CoUege, Osborne, where the and flags there was a loyal demonstration. The assembled at noon, arid as eb. struck a general salute was given, and the Col with its tail, on whiflh Is a long penetrating about ths serrated a very 'nasty wound as it wlth( wound bled profusely, andhs it 1b known fish are highly poisonous, Wheeler's compl quickly rowed Wheeler, Who was in I Yarmouth, where Or; Thomarson cl dressed the wound.

Later he was remo' and, attended by Dr. Hopkins, is pi favourably, although probably ha will be use his leg for some three weeks. attendance, and possibly the Eleandr spike had first to pass through the a sthig-ray, sometimes called a fire-flare, 1 authority a a of the Trygoniai rygor a sharp, flattened, bony serrai Amateur fishsnr beware of such fish, and aflithey were of danger to bathers. jj I MASONIC NOTE; English members of a bonevolent- brotherhood Mason will learn with interest that sin English Lodge has just been founded I In It has re- late with thai of the'tall'gaunt Highlander, but her the preachers. The Secretary of the meeting-(Mr.

ceived its warrant from' the Grand Lege Natlonale decision is thus expressed Indfependante de la France, a. new 'body whidh Masonic Lodge working in English according ritual. I PEAS. With reference to the cutting of a seven-flower fun from the rehearsals. All arc to be very warmly The Circuit J.

H. Linlngton anil sweet pea at the County Asylum-gardens, Mr. Frank commended writes that Me Damp, of iBurnt House, Alrerstone, has picked two King EdWard Spencers; anil filled Countess Spencer sweet peas wlith seven flowsre RESTE FE TE A I OF I A A PAGEANT, The psrlshloMre of Newchnroh have succeeded Budget, becoming somewhat famous. An all-important factor in- last Wednesday's happy gathering wr- of the Government has been uppermost, in the minH. the Pageant from, ths pen of the Vicar (the Re F.

J. Bamford), who has many proved skill In composing these pretty and artlsuo displays. Thesorrbws of Ireland" contributed largely to The Member'for the of the pleasure of the Island, and Incidentally sssisted Wight has taken a keen Interest In grievances of in the humane work of the Nursing 8ociety, which the postal servants. Mainly as tbe result ot his "deserving to about £48, and. in the building up of this grand grievances with regard to pension qt the Royal total a large number of people, including visitors Engineers In the Postal Service wero, in part at any from Sandowu, Shsnklln, Wroxsll, rate, remedied.

Mr. Hall drew the attention of the spent tbe afternoon and evening in that completely Postmaster-General to the Committee which he those who have some knowledge of the unity and tions of the Holt Committee and suggest changes goodwill which seem ever to animate the village. The feature of the afternoon proceedings was a Committee had yet been set up, and, if so, who The Vicar, In an opening speech, marked by characteristic humour, extended a hearty welcome notorious Marconi contract, and tbe progress which day, but had they given a little thought to the once they suggested that the Government of South were glad to. have the presence of Mrs. Chatfeild- civilised regions on the other side of the down, and A A It always- spoke well of the Clarke family thear, hear).

Newchurch always liked to put the hs" wanted to show their commiseration. He had Tounty Secondary-school always found that the witeof a generally Prison, so that he might be enabled to help his gely on her. After Mr. Miller had obtained his discharge be he could not pass the doctors, but Mr. HaU In order to console her they had asked eventually induced Sir Evelyn Rugglea Brine to open their sale of work (laughter and reconsider the circ*mstances, with the result that it i Ohatfeild-Clahkb brushed aside the ment in the Prison service which he desires.

humour with the remark that Brooklyn was She was In sympathy with the workjit was desired grumble being that at times conditions have Nursing efforts. Represents Ireland, she wanted Newchurch more complete, snd specially that of pondingly full. She wished the fete every success evening a camp fire was lighted; During the week and had great pleasure In declaring It open. Little Miss Mjlkoabkt Ricbabds then stepped health of the men has continued excellent. The tiful posy of Newchurch blooms and a souvenir cerned, was the athletic sports which took plaoe on Mr.

H. i In proposing a vote of thanks, said that-Mre. Chatfelld-Clarke took a great interest In and they were pleased to have her present. G. Oaovss seconded and thanks were Mr.

Lssub replied to the O. EUery, J. G. Fardell Snd J. H.

Marsh. thither. Tho only sorrow he had was that they after them. He understood that Newchurch was fof Ireland had been Invited to that gathering, but had excused himself on the plea of Parliamentary 100yards Early, 2 CorpL He hall no doubt Mr. Augustine BirreU which case the opener would have been very mhch i Jacobs, 3 Rfn.

Weaver, B. shade. Mr. Chatfeild-Clarke read the fol- Hurdle Early, 2 Sergt, In Newchurch today we plainly can see the troop companyI Three very good things beginning with There's Bamford and Babies and Beauty galore conclusion, Mr. Chatfeild-Olarke expressed hope that the sals would be really successful in every way.

The Shade of ths trees on ths Vicarage lawn gave marched -past In column, with the colour! -prettily arranged and here business was soon in full swing. Those assisting thereat Plain Hills, Mrs. H. Groves; and Mrs. bers of the Working Party.

Competition Groves (2), Misses Officers, CoL Rhodes, Major Davenport, Major Clarke, Payne, and.Dorothy Orchard. Pound Nash, Mrs. Blow, and the Misses Ma bey. Character Anning (SandCwn) Miss Howard (SloughX During the afternoon a lai Wroxall, who also acted as accompanist songB, afternoon, and those who were not under canfas B. snd violin solos, Miss Pethick, Ventnor.

There were no fewer than 40 entries for the cake competition, under the auspices of Messrs. Brown and Poison. Mr. F. H.

Masters, of Sandown, was -Jess on Thursday was the most successful convivial the adjudicator. The winners were: 1 Miss Edith gathering held in the regimental camp for some Miriam F.mmett; Brooklands, Wroxall, 23; 3 Mrs. company, which included all the officers. Following Frank Russell, Bartlstts, 22; 4 Mrs. Kingswell, the toast of King, Cotonel-ln-Cbief of the Newchurch, 21.

The show for babies tinder 12 months old pro- from the chair. Col. Rhodes responded and ex- duced 12 entries, the babies being weighed and pressed warm appreciation of the work the battalion critically examined by Dr. Alec Barber, assisted by had done during tbe training. The Adjutant Mrs.

Leslie Chatfedld-Clsrke. The awards Were: (Capt. V. Stone) also replied and appealed to the 1 Margery Gray, Portland-street, Newport, nine members of the Mess to do their utmost to bring the cottages, John Other competitions resulted as follow Hat trim- ming for Mr. R.

Smith, Newchurch; panist. Ginger, Sandown; 3 Mr. G. Quttridge, (and W. Whittingtoh.

Guessing plums In Iplns in Groves 165, actual number 169; rAoriNT. The production bf sorrows of Ireland," I which, took place on tho Vicarage' Lawn in mented BRASSEY A ESTED Afl A of tlie Lord Brassoy, who is 77 and a member Royal Yacht Squadron, had aa unusual experience messenger, In his at Kiel, where ha arrived' od-Wednesday steain-yacht Sunbeam. On Thursday afternoon He King Dermot, Mr. sea left, the yacht in a dinghy to row round tfcje Mr. Neel Clarke Elizabeth; the Imperial Harbour.

When he was passing ftear Dodkyard he was suddenly accosted the shore nurse, by a policeman, who informed him that be was Hilda Groves; Outtridge; Connaught, the noble sum raised £627 5s. 7d. (appliiuse). Mr. under arrest for espionage.

The oorresf Miss Kathleen Harvey; John Bull, Mr. Alfred Elderfield was elected hon. treasurer of tho aged pondent states that It took, Lord Brassey an houi Richards; Mr. H. Groves; snd Sandy.

Mr. ministers' fund, and permission was given to the and a quarter to establish his identity and secure H. his release. The English Floot was an a visit to provided Kiel at the time. The Kaiser went on board tbi ducing King George V.

and hoisted his flag as a British "Blue bells of Britannia," Admiral. His Majesty is reported to have been id Erin," command of the British Fleet for an hour by virtui effective tableau. of his seniority. pageant from the bank, which runs along three sides of the lawni In fonr admirably years' written and full of Incident, prominent landmarks Do. (Cowee).

in the history of the distressful country were as tbo death of Delrdre in B.C. 30. The second' scene afforded a thoroughly amusing glimpse of the standard English Cohquest under King John in 1210, the saw third dealt with the Desmond Rebellion In 1598, himself the last with Ireland of to-day. No doubt there was-a little disappointment in'that neither Sir observation. Ed ward Carson nor Mr.

John Redmond figured In the caste, while amid all the exciting conflicts not a 2p.m. to-day i glimpse was given of their conflicting'armies so much public eye at the present time. In the closing scene Erin, with Ulster, Letaster, Con- naught. and Monster were all there, the three last- named being eventually respectively partnered by John Bull, Taffy, and Sandy. The author's solu- I The quarterly meeting of the Newport and CowUl tion of ths existing problem was apparently a system of linked federalism," with Ulster a lonely Circuit of the Church "was at these appropriate I And last comes a little Stern But more majestic for her statelinees.

Ever she holds herself somewhat aloof So thatjnen lind her heart hard'tci win. But when once won is faithful unto death. In the closing Ulster is urged to link her For tho next six yiara 1 shall stay unwed And wait and see If 'love is made to me. Perchance by that time one of you 111 be dead, Then lean comfort the poor Till then I'll sit and spin white linen yarn And watch the blue-eyed flax grow round my knees And be as hippy as the days arelong. The whole of the characters were sustained by church membership totalled 744, an increase of one the vlllsgers, who had derived a large amount of without the slightest hitch.

Much thought and just about that amount. care had been given to tho dressing of the pageant, ministry of tho Rev. P. Boden and the Rev." J. G.

so that the scenes enadtsd, with the green lawn as an appropriate setting, were most picturesque. accorded them. A discussion took place as to tho The principal characters were sustained as follow advisability of extending the ierm of ministerial King Connacher, Mr. Frank Russell; Deirdre, Miss service In the circuit to a fourth year, it being Ens Clarke Naols, Mr. J.

Naah; Druid, Mr. John eventually agreed to postpone further consideration Ma bey; first messenger, Master Frank Bamford of the matter until September. Thd -Bishop ot second George Corney; Munster, Miss Connie Hughes; R. Harris. The pianoforte music was admirably East Cowes trust to enlarge ilieir schoolroom at an and concluding With a I A I A NT.

A Parliamentary Correspondent writes The Cbanoglor of the Exchequer wa brought to his knees In the Houio of Commons this week. Lloyd-George-has managed to survive a humiliating experience than has ever before bien Inflicted upon a holder of his high office His great the sequel to the People's Budget of 1908, been obliged to latest impost which he hoped to lniict Naturally the perilous position Of politicians this week. UB.DOVOtUM HALL KOtT-OFKCB MATrSM. Mr. Douglas HaU on Thursday asked a series of parochial objects.

The takings amounted were promoted to a higher grade of pay, and tho thought desirable. He asked whether the not in a-posltlon to make any announcement aa to Douglad Hall called the attention of the Postmaster- General to various matters in connection with the KINDLY ACT. By the kindly intervention of Mr. Douglas B. appointment at Parkhurst Widowed mother.

Who was left with a family of nine children, five of whom are wholly dependent is hoped that Mr. Miller may obtain the appoint- I LN A A A I SPORTS. The second week spent by the I.W. Rifles undCT been rather oppressive having regard to the "route marches and other, manccuvres in which the men have been engaged. Sunday morning's drumhead Service was conducted by the Rev.

H. E. Sharpe, ol On Mondayj the men marched to Ryde for the King's birthday celebration. The remainder a good deal of hard work has been put in, and the and handed Mrs, Chatfelld-Clarke a beau- chief event so. far as the general publio are con- Wednesday close to Redcllff Fort.

There was a Lleuta The winning team was composed of Oorpls. Morey and Aubrey, Rfn. Abbott, W. Reed, 2 Rfn. Ell wood, A 3 James, race, open to He noticed that the Chief Secretary Williams, King's Rifles 2 Channing, Rifles; 3 Botnbr.

K.G.A, Channing, 3 Rfn. W. Early, D. I have liked Very much to be with them, in Sack Coral. Jenkins, Oo.

2 Rfn. a 3 GkaKui, A. Boat No. 2 team; 2 A. Obstacle Rfn- Wr Urry, 2 CorpL Jenkins, 3 Rfn.

Wame, B. Composed of Sergta. Weeding and Fielder, Leftwich, and Aubrey, and Rfn. Abbott, Fox, andSLrinlcks; I Coach, Brett. 2 A composed of and Palmer, Turiisr.

Corpl. Gattrall, Bishop, and Rfn. Blow, S. and Howell; Cosch, Inst. Simmonds.

Tilting the Rfn. Jacobs and Vincent, I 2 Rfn. Reed and Mew, 3 Rfn. Yelf and i Ledicott, C. 11 Bolster Rfn.

Ledicott, 2 Rfn. beat the officers. Teams: Mayes. Lleuts. Llalngton, Eliery, Marsh, Pittis.

and Read Coach, Capt. Raymond. Drakes, Gawn, and Fiefder, HaU, Steel Throughout the afternoofi the battalion band Morgan, was: Pianoforte solo, Mrs. Watts, marched to 8hanklln returning to camp early In-ths Mr. H.

Anceli, and Mr. W. H. during the first week Were engaged in field practices at Newtown. CONCERT.

The smoking concert given in the regiment," that of The officers was submitted Godshill, nine months three weeks; 3 to the evening's programme were Capt; Lieut. Eliery, Fletcher. K.G.A., Sergts. Blee and Corbett, Sergts. Denham, Blade, Weeding, Newman, and Taylor.

CorpL Gatrall. Rfn. Flux, and Mr. Comden (sleight of hand). Lance-Sergt.

Leftwich was an efficient accom- TBSTSBDilT'S IXSPSCTtON. (Friday) the regiment was inspected Major-General Blawltt, C.B., C.M.G., general ifflcer commanding tbe Southern Coast DefSnoes, was accompanied by Capt. Traill, the jh the recreation-ground close to Granite Fort, and, havipgmarched past, formed up and advanced In review order. Major-General Blewltt compli- the rogiment on Its general appearance and told them that, having regard to the short period they had training, the march past was remarkably aWtfh He nrged upon the men ths importance their utmost to get the bers the established strength, particu- as were allotted to a very important Charles Seely marching snd shooting shield to A Oo. (Ryde) and also; the Territorial medal 12 efficient service to Sergt.

Taylor, of Mr. J. A- Veitch, of Shanklin. -pre- sented the Ermstowe cup to Lance-Corpl. Tho rue, teat 1913.

Later Major-General Blewitt the companies sit drill under the company officers and also inspected tho. camp, expressing well pleased with all that came under his I It is expected that camp will be struck about WESLEY AN 'QUARTERLY. MEETING. Thero were also present tha Revs. F.Boden (Cowes), J.

G. Gill (Freshwater), and J. Piatt (East Cowes), and 3S lay represen- tatives. Votes of sympathy were passed with tho families of the late Mr. George Young, for over 40 years a well-known local preacher in the circuit, and of Mrs: Brewln.

of Yarmouth, for very many years an exceptionally able member of the Society, reference being made tp her kindly hospitality to Elderfield) read a copy of a very suitably worded address, which had been illuminated and framed and sent to Mrs; Vibert on her departure from the Island, expressing regret at her leaving and grate- ful appreciation of the invaluable services rendered by her late husbsnd (Mr. Benjamin Vibert, and the various members of her family, as well as their munificent gifts -from time to time. A grateful expression of thanks in acknowledgment was read from Mrs. Vibert. The Chairman announced that tha an the quarter, with 44 on triaj nnd 176 juniors.

on the admirable- way in which they A. J. Gutteridge) stated that the quarter's income their various rdles, tho whole being rendered amounted to £218 7s. Sd- and the expenditure to As the three Gill expires in August, cordial votes of thanks were messenger, Mr. G.

Quttridge: third London's amendment-te the Criminal Law Act waa Mr. James King John, Mr. unanimously approved. The amounts subscribed captain, Mr. W.

Rendall; to the international fund in 1913 amounted tci H. Rcndall; Edmund Spenser, £351 166., an'increase of £4 on 1912, foreign and Mrs. John Richards hom*o missions both showing im-ieast-d support! Mrs. Hughes; Miss Emily Groves; Special gifts to the foreign'missionary Centenary' Leinster, Miss fund totalled £275 9s. the two aihonnts making; by Nurse Wells, tho last scene intro- estimated cost of 8 0 It was stated that the "Mori of i Harlech," greater part of the nionfcy'was already Sti hand, and Scotland," and "Come back to no debt -would bo Incurred: It was decided to morris dance for an hold the next quarterly meeting at Coirea on 23rd..

The Isle of Wight County Press and South of England Reporter from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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