The El Paso Journal from El Paso, Illinois (2024)

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The El Paso Journali

El Paso, Illinois

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I Paso Journal A i VOL XXXI SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 7 Ifflla EL PASO ILLINOIS NO 21 NEW GOODS DUNN Dealer in VJ Brogs anb Bsbks AT ANCY GOODS the 1 TAILOR SHOP! it IL IX fair Clearance sale All Summer Goods Must Go In THIrtu Days COOK STOVES! 47 4 KUHN BROS Two Doors West of Bank Our line of Rasoline Stoves i 1 0 Have become household expressions in every (pfarter 0 OUR MOTTO 0 0 0 i ni 0 4 9 9 SCHAER BLDG EL ASO ajfe it fl julbou's Glothino' Hats urnishings Boots and A 3 0 09 1 0 I 0 1 0 5 ft 0 0 0 0 0 4 Must out in thirty prices move Ketterer I Rlve Klntf WieniawsUI Heller Kaulau De Koven Haehe tn 1 1 60 00 1 1 6 06 I 60 '1 60 4 60 6 86160 1 00 4 00 1 60 4 60 6 00 8 26 4 60 7 60 I 8 40 20 40 Two doom north of A Grand Assorted all and Winter Stock of la the most complete we have ever be able to offer 4 Tii The names 6lioi66 Line ol Black Dress Goods UNDERTAKING A full assortment of Caskets and Coffin and the very latest style ol trimmings A Hue beanie In readiness fur funerals Don't tall to call You wtll save money: Embalming by the latest methods and satisfaction gnaranioed WM ZINKAN El Paso i 1 0 Tr A fhe new house which fa to cost $5000 when finished faces the northwest and at the corner the tower mounts to ward the heavens a little over seventy I five feet The lets' of the tower in livfiich is the vestibule and tunin' en trance is alxnit 12x12 donlije doors opening faith to north and west outside 4nd large sliding doors admitting to inain audience room As one enters this large and to le well lighted frrtfnS? looking south by southeast he faces tnojxisition designed for juistoc choir and baptistry The pulpit being in the (jenler the choir to the pastor's left and the baptistry to his right The main 'sndieuPe room is 57x 11 and will seat approximately 5OO xai pie The floor will slope slightly from north west and east towards the front center East of the auditorium and connected with sliding or rolling doors will be the prayermeeting room which is about 23x11 and when finished will be seated with chairs and will acconimixlate about loo persons in the north of the chnrch ojicning from the prayermeeting room nndjjfao from the main audience room is nuothn entrance This penults of persons en tering or leaving the prayermeeting room without entering the main pnrt of the church Back of nnd to the south of pulpit and choir are several rooms designed for class rooms etc Tty one in the south west comer of the braiding is styled the choir room nnd is IOxVJ jnst east is the rear hnllwnyTlxlO ileMgned especially for the use of the choir memliers and the pastor On the right of the rear hallway as one enters is alressingroom 8x10 and then ir the sontljeast comer of the building is a large room for the infant clans This is 10x22 and connects by door with the drawing room and the priiyernroeting room An entlloss variety of and shoes' in tan and black in broken lines and sizes be closed ther next at that will themi These are nice good goods but wo must make room for a fall goods Take advantage of these bargains early they are a good ones Remember for days only Come and InspeOem 3Sm We will make it to your interest to do ro TBK 8COBK: I 0 a a a Consisting of Albnnw Dressing Cases Toilet Seta Olor Cases Seta Brush anil Comb Sets Elegantly bound books by all the best authors DUNN The Old Reliable El PASO i io i 3 Stationery School Supplies Etc Also Dealer in Wall Paper Paints Oils and Varnishes Ctn in and our line of 0 7 6 V' 0 a i a to Ice In this inning was put out once In Mohairs Henriettas serges etc bought the right time enabling us to give our customers the very lowest figures for new goods We have too much Ctdeft i matte ddv and Thursday's until further notice 19 tit a Bmms 90 S3 00 1 06 0 tt 1 CO 87 18 0 4 00 211 39101 96 MM 91 1 9 0 Adnlaltrato Motlen Bstate of John WurmueM decMUM The nndendgneu having bams appointed mtalatraior of the estate of John WurnutMf latent the ootmty of Woodford and tha Mate of IlNnote deeeaaad hereby gtvev notlrat that be rilt appear "baftwa Ute eonnty ten of Woodterd county attba conn hoaMla Mete mora iba October ternt on the Ira Man day In October next which lime all par eons karfnir data agalnal said aatata are not tied and requeated' to attend for the pur noae of having the name ad jwtei All penona tatebtea ea said auaee are roc nlred to make taMMdiate paywrat io the tmdonrtgned Dated Ula itehday Aagnaa A MM 10 a The Joyous Peasant The Vtry Btst Qoods at Lowest Prices for wlricli Such Goods cani be Sold Remember the place A NEW CHURCH Work on the Christian Chnrch Progress lR N'lc ly Cn the southeast comer of Elm and irst streets this city the new Christian i chnrolt has taken shape and one can I now by a visit to the sjwit have some idea of how it will look Ixith exteriorly and interiorly although the shingles are I not yet in place and but little of the WAITE 31 No Choice depends from which side of the fence yon look at IL Milan and Coughlin two La Salle boye played with the El Paso nine recently against airbury and El Paso loet Now the El Paso Journal says they can't play winning ball and the La Balia papers says they overcome the weak neat and short comings of thof the rest of the El Paso' club You pays your money and you takes your titnatrrr Monitor The El Paso boys think it an ex eeedingly poor way to overcome weak nesses of other players by fumbling balls and fanning out four or five times in succession force PU1 yonr address to Bnckhn Co Chicago and get a free sample box of Dr King's New Life pills A trial will convince yon of their merits These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache or malaria and liver troubles they have proved invaluable They are guaran teedto be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to te purely vegetable They do not weaken by their action but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system Regular rise twenty five cents per box Sold by Jno MIcheia druggist 4 Quick Meal and Original Nn Process 4t JS 1 J1 0 0 9 I have opened np a tailor shop in the Hendron block on Elm street I show a complete line of all and Winter Samples Call and see our samples and prices be fore ordering elsewhere Am prepared to do CLEflNI'NG Dyeing and repairing of all kinds Guarantee fit nnd work manship JOHN COLLINS? Summer Underwear Left It all goes now at following prices until closed out Qpr 10 cent vests for 5 cents Our 20 ceut vestiTfor 15 oehfs Our 15 cent vests for 10 cent8Our 25 cent vests for 18 cents Our 35 cent vests 25 cents If you want anything in this line come at once it last long Alwaysm ready for business at West Side Store El Paso WHAT OUR NEIGHBORS SAY jfcwpaper Comment on th KI lmm nlr supplement to 7Vif Clipper this week is made ueeeesary by the extra matter propared for onr readers to en lighten them in regard to the El Paso fair which is onr nearest and comes al most being our fair since we have none here of our own We regret that Chenoa has no fair association but perhaps by another season'such a society will be organized here But for this season we all should lend onr presence to nearby fairs and help swell the crowds which gather annually for pleasnre and recreation and Instruction so that the compliment may lie returned us some future day The El Paso fair ap peals to the people of Chenoa and snr rounding country with a long list of snecessfnl meetings at its back and Ahis fifteenth annual fair on Sep 9 to 13 promises to eclipse its former brillant events as may lie noticed by the supple ment advertisem*nt Cttwxi Clipifi' Plano lU'rltal piano pupils assisted by some talent of this city gave a recital in the Grand Tuesday evening The following program was rendered: Carlotta polka Ketterer Misses Bailey anti McCord ihiuihiu spring nuna Stine Chanson Polonabte Hr Patton a Hunting Song Rondo Idzzto McCord Past and uture MIns Blanche Worley a The Sailor Dream The ira ly Qienna Boner Duet Uienua Boner and Nettie Hailey Les Adieus Diuuisk Nettle Dailey a Gavotte A Demuth Dr Patton Sehnmnn Spinning Song Elltnenreich auntleroy March Hatton TaAttbl ItfoUakl Tfie Merry Wanderer Lkhuer Lizzie McCord Happy Hays (Vtolln Obllgata) Strelezkl Gw ItlfinohA XVorlfov I MImn Myrtle Pleasants Charles Horner itccoiiipauMHN TarenU'Ue Heller Nettie Bailey IL KleCtrfo rash Galop Qoerdeler Mfrw Stine and Mbs Hattie Boner Hunday Hall Don't Go game of ball at Streatof In which rank Ryan wan burton Sunday Ang 95' between Streator and Pontiac it seems wns the first game either club had played on the Lord's Day and from alt indications there is trouble ahead if they attempt it again The civic fed eration him a long list of namea and prosecutions are forthcoming if any more Sunday ball is announced The Pontiac Senfinel says: "The Snnday bare ball venture at Streator did not prove a howling sne cere The Pontiac nine lost the game and Ryan a member from' airbury got his leg broken nnd Is now laid up in a hospital nt Strentor To add to thia a reverend gentleman memlier of the Streator Civic ederation was on the grounds taking notes Ao that if prose cutions under the laws of the state con cerning Sunday were begun he would have the names ready Base ball is great sport but it is carrying it nite too far when indulging in it on Snnday lining tn Cnllfornla Htnp OS At La Vegas Hot Springs' and Grand Canon of the Colorado River The first named is a most delightful resort in the Rocky Mountains of New Mexico with mineral waters hot baths invigorating climate and varied scenery After June 20 the splendid Montesnma hotel refitt ed and nnder new management will luxuriously care for you The Grand Canon is reached by1 a half stage ride from railroad station at lagstaff Arizona The trip is com fortably made at moderate cost Every thing yon have' seen dwarfa in cotuparigm with this Titan of chasms Niagara would be swallowed up In it and Pike's Peak appears insignificant if placed in the Canon's dark depths or illustrated booksdscriptive: of either phcev Jnqnlre of oraddrere Geo Chambers Passenger agent Peoria 4 CLter Vluer vinegar for sale in any quan tity Burtis 17 tf nrin for elktie acres nearly all tiled three miles from El Paso inquire of Thorpe Bros 1 Corn LauLa for Sale Splendid liottoni lands well im proved and nnder high state of cultiva tion Our first invoice of fall goods is in Tak an early look and get first choice We call especial attention to our Win Zinkan El Paso Illinois Leader in urniture Of all description and lamer styles Also large assoruuem til trunks Goods delivered free In neighboring towns Largest Stock in Woodford Connty 1 Recital Washburn Leader A musical recital was held nt home of Mrs Boner riday evening Each of tlie ten pupils giving an exhibi tion of his or lier talent The recital was a success in every juirticnlar None but tlie pupils were present although the sidewalk in front of the honse pre sented the appearance of a panpiet at the Opera Western KYeurHluns Home seekers excursion to western points Aug 2'Jth Sept 10th nnd 2 Ith via Close connections made at Peoria Burlington and Keo knk for all point in Iowa Nebraska Kansas Minnesota and Colorado for full particulars call on or address Bosworth Agent EI Paso Ill A IliMHi Work Regarding the work on the second Volnrne of the National Dnroc Jerrej Record which has jnst emnp from The Journal presses wo luivo received large number of compliment both on the work and arrangement of matter nilor of Newton la writes un der date of Ang 31 ns follows: The second Volume of Record come to hand nnd I am well pleased with it Any man that Would fail to appreciate so good a job of work for sosiuhII acinu jieHRntion snrely ought to hate the day that ho was bom or 3GO Acre will sell 300 acres ten dollars per acre JbelowRs value two artesian flowing wells dwelling house coat fl(Xk) large barns eorricribs etc Land lays all thoroughly ti led Orchard ever greens shade treeK etc near' good town used for a stock farm Old age compels this sale Also 200 acres no better land in the state with fine flow ing spring Also 80 160 820 acres fair improvements fifty five to sixty dollars Ier acre Lands are in this vicinity Write iis EARL MORRIS 13 tf Paxton 111 AH ree who have used Dr King's New Discovery know its wine and those who have not have now thwopportnnity to try it fjee Call on the advertised druggist and get a trial bottle free Send yonr name and address to II Bucklin Co Chicago and get a sam ple box of Dr King's New Life Pills free as well as a copy of Gnide to Health and Household Instructor free All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing John Michels 4 WH llealn Octvber I official announcement is made from the 'headquarters of the Chicago and Alton that the proposed Peoria line of that road will bo pnt in opera tion Oetober 1 by agreement 1 tween the' officials of the Alton the Toledo Peoria and Western aud the Peoria Decatur and Evansville Rate sheets for freight and passenger traffic are now being prepared also a time jschedule The line will be operated as an exten sion of the Dwight branch of the Alton and notthe Toledo Peoria and Western' as was reported recently Coaches will be ran through via Peoria from Dwight to Delavan and Lincoln There will be two day and two night passenger trains in the new service This will be a great convenience for Metamora 'Cazenovia and other towns along the line from Washington to Wenona HttMcribe for Tlekrto immense benefits our people have received from the lecture courses of the past should certainly make them more eager than ever io avail them selves of the opportunity now offered to not only subscribe for tickets bnt in duce their friends Vcdo the same No other one thing has dqne more to instill into the minds of our young peo ple a desire for good wholesome edu cating entertainments than these courses which we have had Not all the num bers pleased omnipotence doesn't do that On' thb whole "how ever wo have had the best talent on the platform at a figure much less thah charged in larger cities Mira Hill and Mr Bassett have taken up the work and heretofore it will be ran ak an educator and not as a finan cial enterprise The aim will bo simply pay expenses It is a lot of trouble and care to carry these 1 entertainments through successfully and the teachers do this work without money compensa tion It is your duty to hunt the man agers of the Course up and subscribe for tickets 1 No cheaper entertainment can be secured than offered in this way Don't tell the leaders in this good work that you will think about it Subscribe for tickets for yourself and those of your family old enough to be profited by attending and you may be sure it is as good an investment as yon ever made in your life' 1 The beet of talent will be secured a number of the best lectured and mas ical organization being considered The quality of the numbers must noc wearily depend somewhat on the liber ality pt support so decide at once end get on the list Now is the accepted time Bools and Shoos I M1 Tfio C11TRRX Constitute a lino which for durabil Grand Central and ity perfect operation and finish Riverside Ranges cannot Ihi8 in propose to oner just as low ns these goods can he bought anywhere in the stitc Shoes Trunks and ratchels We intend to make our hew stock ot firing winter goods mova quickly LOW PRICES Will do it You will find everything the best Right ifiiyjf? Onr tables and shelves Are packed with CHOICE BARGAINS? Many suen as we have not been able to offer before Our fall and winter OVArMinta ro wai i By far the largest variety we have ever GEO BURSTEM8 WESTSIDE iM'AsOj City VonnrlL Regular meeting City Council Sept 2 ltfl)5 Mayor Patterson and Alder men Renard North Clute Brown and Stephens Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved Committee on sidewalks it ortel favorably on ietition of trustees of chnrch for brick walk? with the ex ception of the walk on Cherry street which they recommend should be built four feet wide instead of fi ve fi et On motion report was accepted City treasurer's report was read and on motion accepted and placed on file Motion that fartlier time be granted for receiving bids on bell tower was passed On motion tlie following bills were allowed: A II Waiu hardwaro Adam Brown making tank Wm McCarty salary for Augn olackHmtihtng CA Drury A fxt Miller Icbor Harry Lane Hwaudey Reid John Lane hauling Hrl Becker Keys Mcssor Will Reid Jerry Sourbier mowing Cl 5 OWvv Wm ulton John Irons Parkhouse Tom Buford Peter Welte A IX I VV A 1 I Emnfl fralcrht Electric Light (Jo llRhts and pumping IM IS Hill Lvn 1 AA KJtUASVeMBUAL UJU WHIG Myers sipt street Jno Mlchete oil and paln: 'S'2rJ: TnxJomiwAL to printing Wm Krixlnerrttrap tor Hr engine 11' Ttetfro 1 O' IVM II4U11 Robinson mn aalaryi ToblM In city well Clowe Sen water main etc McKinney A C4 lumber Total 1 On motietf the sidewalk committee was instructed to ascertain cost of stone crossings froln Bank corner to oetoffice and from Bank comer to railroad platform On motion adjourned Attest': Robinson I City Clerk Matardjby'f Game Grays of this city went out in the vicinity Shiloh last Saturday and won a gamt from th Shiloh in Quite a number went pute Ujnn this city and report a good game The foatnrts of the sirt were the home run popnded out by Griffin and the phenomenal catch made by Mc Gnlreon first ejme of the boys declar ing be jumped hud caught the ball twelve feet from the ground The following is the score JU iSiHfi Bl A 73 1 A Yah Call on or address HOLLINSIIKAI) Rochester ulton Co lud or Sale vacant lot on corner of ront and Elm streets A business lot in th burnt district Also all of block 10 in McClellan addition with residence 33 by 33 feet two story and luisem*nt Titles perfect and fri from all incum brance Address Dr McCann 11) 3t Normal ill ORxrs ntbiM Porter McGuire lb Grinin cl ishburn Zb SomenJb swanz it Criwu ml Schilnk rl emizin aaiHh Mht1 Jeter Boyd Iteed Millllpp Ou en RJscrr' Grave 1 Sbiten I 6 0 Cotton wm ptu out twjt Onn eeored onee iM the ninth Ari Salve best solve world for cuts bruises gores nlaers Lilt rhenm fever sore? tetter chapped lAwb chilbteiiw corn and oil skin eruptions and posi tively cures piles or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Pria twenty five cents per box or sale by John Michels Btat I.

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The El Paso Journal from El Paso, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.