Okemah News Leader from Okemah, Oklahoma (2024)

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Okemah News Leaderi

Okemah, Oklahoma

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----11111 TUESDAY JANUARY 21 THE OEFIJA114 (OVIA DULY fiTADEN A 1 I PA a I 1 RAISDIG CANE a ri he entered- Anne Bigies had Texas Talk Is Dead Serious 'T I -i Ill 1111Wil but her stiff Income Tax Series vresen13- MONCURE LE--On a Irg-T-- hill one mile from here standi'S 't as 4 and vaguely distant and by the I large mock-orange tree thariftw i IP 1 I a It IP' '-'''1 1e7----- '--4'-F--1--7-1 Ltiesq--filit'sq-Itee-fg- tirne he'd ghlirlrael Ms Oft a i km IIP II Alt lik I TUESDAY JANUARY 21 1c158 Income Tax Series -v4: isollowliaw 4 it itil a OW0 II 1 VdPVIlls 1 A 1111 111117111414311Aldilii -e-r i a 0 0 0 0 i --p0 yLftHoustEs- THE OKFI4A4 (OVIA FATLY TFADFH be entered Anne Blain" had openeci the door to hie knock lbot her warded greeting was stiff and vaguely distant and by the tine he'd shucked his cost she PAM Texas Talk Is Dead Serious tk RAISING CANE MONCURE a hill one mile from here standi large mock-orange tree that-Walk To Longhorn Cattle Breeder to Fads to Pitiful Taxpayer 4 cv OW bp bioloop ilbhibbbed II SI -I EDrT01111 NOTE: This is the lb XXI re down was eo luck 4 i -i'47 first is I itaripa at AM stralos 2 EDrT01111 NOTE: This is the first in a series of eight stories Cupp iti4 bp hobnob XXI HOLMES1 Mhiabild I me down was so lucky By IRWIN FRANK BARKER Tex (T') Across the large brass belt buckle Marks wears is the word "Texas" It's a good word for Marks because everything about the 76-year-old rancher is pure Texas The spurs he straps to his beaten old brown boots the gray Stetson he wears his talk and above all the herd of longhorn cattle he raises all reflect his love of Texas 1 o1 1-1'''' tite 'Pt I t''' iii 1 you find and don't call a cowboy 'mister' 'Talk straight shoot straight an' never break your word to man or boss "Plumb always kill a rattlesnake don't ride a sore-backed hoss' Dra a lie Delivery When he starts reciting poetry Marks becomes as dramatic as any Hollywood actor and his pale blue eyes get a faraway look They are dead serious to him because they contain the rules under which he lives and they tell of the West he loves Marks always has spurs jingling on his boots He says he wears them "because you can never tell when you'll have to ride a horse" "And if I leave them in the house" he adds "the grandkids will get them and I'll never find Ihem" lwas a the far end of the ball stepping into the living room Moving through a gray depression since the shoot-out in the 'rimberlodge be bad been almost boyishly eager for a warm and understanding greeting and now knew biting disappointment This was not lessened in any way when be followed Anne into the big room for Barley Ritter occupied an easy chair before the are a freshly lighted perfecto between his teeth Ritter's only move to acknowledge Sebastian's entrance was to throw a quick glance that carried a bard antagonistic glint Anne moving to the far end of the hearth put Ritter and his chair between Sebastian and herself This could have been an entirely meaningless move but to Sebastian it seemed significant A gust of feeling compounded his depression and the raw of disappointment whipped through him Out of this came recklessness and a quickening temper He looked at Ritter and the lash of words on him when a lady enters room with another guest gentleman gets to his feet Or maybe you didn't read that tar your book of manners?" RrrTER made as If to rise Anne Biglow dropped a hand on shoulder pushing him back She faced Sebastian accusingly "Ward that was deliberately insulting Plea a remember where you are' "I am remembering and beginning to wonder why I came Why not give it to me straight I welcome or not?" I She faltered a little before this blunt directmess "Why why of course you are welcome But do you have to start a quarrel the moment you step into the house?" "The quarrel my dear" he said "started a long time ago1 started the day Ritter and 1 first laid eyes on each other" (To Be Continued) FOR LESS I itin don't believe It!" Curt Dennison came up behind the bar and Dick Brace turned to him "How did yot see it Dennison?" "Exactly as Sebastian nye' Dennison reached acros- the bar atAl gripped Sebastian's aria "Man you got no idea how bapPY I am to see you on your feet not down there on the goorl" Dick Brace had another look iLke Ruby then turned again to Sebastian 4 "What was between you two? Why should he have been after you?" "A long story It doesn't particularly matter does it?" Tne marshal regarded him speculatively then shrugged "Considering how it happened I guess not" 4 Sebastian put his gun away and went out the crowd opts' ing to let him pass looking at him with a mixture of exptese4 sions' The rush of the wet wind was good in his face Men came out at the Timber-lodge Harley Ritter came out He stopped beside Ward Sebastian peering up at him grimacing his dislike "How does it feel to have a dead man on your hands? It was a shrill almost yapping taunt "How does it feel Sebastian?" Silently Sebastian regarded this man completely despising him He put a spread hand against Ritter's chest gave him a shove that sent him reeling After which bending his head into the wind Sebastian moved away THERE was strain in the atmosphere of the gabled house on upper Oregon Street and Ward Sebastian sensed it the moment EAT WELL he of cut put the in his It Mrtforremfrz BOOK REPAIRIIIG once a walking cane The cane belonged to Lassiter whose hobby was ilia mg One day Lassiter returned his home with the green stW his hand Before entering 4x house he casually stuck the Akar- in the soft dirt and left lt-thire The stick sprouted and begrn to grow day by day year by year Today it is more than 50 yea1N-old MEASURING THE Evippycz DANVLLLE Va State chemists reported the contents of the dishwater included 1635 per cent alcohol by volume and tested out at 327 proof This was evidence in the conviction of Got- die Brandon--who poured a jar of something into the kitchen sink when police an illegal liquor possession charge 4- WINS TRYING TO Losg MUSKOGEE Okla to be difelrent Whitaker tried to pick the losers in 15 games in a football picking contest Ile got 12 right and won the contest: HAVE TUBES WILL TRAVEL: POWERS TV SERVICE Pilo 720 Plattic-Cootod mt0 rlwii WITH QUICK-EASY 6k Myst ape THE legs of the man Sebastian had upset were thrashing wildly ad he stumbled over these and went down to one knee and from this position looked up into Jake Ruby's contortee face Sebastian got away his shot driving it upward at his target knowing it had to count and that he'd not get second chance He saw Jake Ruby roll up on his toes as the impact of the stlig lifted him He saw agony strike across the man's twisted features then swiftly fade as all expression loosened and went slackly away Jake Ruby fell on his face soddenly heavily Ward Sebastian lifting erect backed against the bar feet spread and shoulders swung forv as he stared down at the huddled figure of Jake Ruby The man he'd driven into and knocked off his feet now scrambled up Tone husky in his throat Sebastian said: "Sorry friend Didn't mean WI Upset you But I had no other out' "He was throwing a gun wasn't he' All set to shoot you in the back? I don't know yet how he missed!" The door of the place swung open and Dick Brace came pushing In ahead of several other curious Ones among them Harley Ritter Brace was a medium-sized man with a blunt jaw and steady eyes He was marshal of the town He straightened and put his glance on Sebastian who still held a naked gun in his hand "You?" Sebastian nodded "I'm at the bar just finished with a drink He came up behind me set to finish me If he hadn't stopped to talk about it he'd have made it good But he wanteC me WI know who it was that SPONSOR PRAYER WEEK CHICAGO National Assn of Evangelicals is sponsoring a "Universal Week of Prayer" from Jan 5 11 1958 This is the second consecutive year that the period of prayer at the outset of the year has been held BURDETTE HAD ONE LEAGUE SHUTOUT MILWAUKEE Burdette pitching star for the Milwaukee Braves in the World Series with three of them the New York Yankees turned in only one during the National Lague season It was a 1-0 victory over the Cincinnati Red legs on April 18 in Milwaukee's home opener RIVALRY TO CONTINUE 0 MIAMI Fla Ruler and Gallant Man rivals for the 3-yearold racing championship in 1957 are down to meet for the first time in 1958 in the Widener Handicap at Hialeah They met six times during 1957 and each colt scored three times Diarys 1 year 5 years Leade Leader Office Supply WEDNESDAY MEINOMP US trys 1 year 5 years Leade I er Office I Supply T--) (2 sal TAM i 4414Liiiiiiiiiiiio- WEDNESDAY US A t'0 KA eg Pz Kj 'I 4 il VJj pit 4 kl pi 0 z4 074 I S4 1 A elf 1 A kij V4 04 '61 ft vA PI 5" i' fa I a your Income tax designed you time and money in filing return on ISM income Clip save each of the eight articles ready reference when you begin calculating your tax By HODENFIELD AP Writer There's no use trying to ignore longer It's that time again Uncle Sam expects all his money-making nieces and nephews their income tax returns deadline isn't until midnight Tuesday April 15 However if have a retud coming odds the sooner you file your re' the sooner you'll get your Even if you owe Uncle than he already has taken wise to get started now Those wait until the last minute are apt to make mistakes and can be costly' this time Uncle Sam should mailed you a copy of the type of form that you used year If he didn't or if you paying income tax for the first you can get the forms and sheets from your local or post office or from any Revenue Service office you start the actual work your tax return it might be to develop the proper mental by repeating slowly several times: "It just isn't true that Sam wants all my money the shirt off my back it seems that way" Millions Refunded Actually the tax laws provide ways in which you can the government's annual The tax collectors insist they only what's due and not a more They proved that last by refunding millions of dolZ to surprised taxpayers who made careless mistakes in filling out their forms series of articles is designed to help the vast group Americans who deal directly the government on taxes due salaries and wages earned during 1957 Who Must File you are under age 65 and had income of $600 or more during you must file a return regardless of whether any tax is If you are 65 or over you file if your gross income was or more your income was below these you don't owe any tax your employer or employers any taxes during the year must file a return in order a refund can fill out your form and it in just as soon as your emploer (or employers if you worked more than one during the provides you with his record much you were paid and much was deducted for taxes the year information will come to form W2 and a copy (copy this form must be attached your return when you file it have been no major in the tax laws since last There has been only one ma- change in the form of a line on the first page the listing of travel and reimbursed expenses etc However after forms were printed the Internal Revenue Service decided the public hadn't been given warning of the details involved so it ruled that you are not to use the new line A later article will explain this new addition to filing an income return for money earned in many taxpayers will have to declaration of estimated income tax for money to be earned is designed primarily for self-employed persons but it also to other taxpayers who will income during the year that not be subject to the withholding tax declaration includes the amount of any such income and the of tax that must be paid Then the taxpayer must make payments to IRS to cover difference between the estimated total tax due and the amount paid through withholdings idea is to keep taxpayers on pay-as-you-go basis you find later that you have underestimated your tax your Cloth Soltal 14411140 III a Adhotiv No Nolstootiog ca Cloth So Italk Adhotiv tolo Wooing (ILIA oil tot salads and In cooking Is a nemssity In many American homes Its golden purity and delicate and unique flavor give salads a wonderful lift These two recipes using olive oil will enrich your family meals Amaranth Egg and Caper Salad (4-6 servings) One medium head iceberg lettuce I can asparagus spears IN lima beans drained 2 hard-cooked eggs sliced 1 tablespoon capen or grated onton or radish olive oil vinegar pinch black pepper 14 teaspoon salt Wash and tear lettuce into small pieces Place in salad bowl Arrange asparagus around edge of bowl Heap sliced eggs ir center Sprinkle capers over top At table drizzle olive oil ovel salad and toss gently Sprinkle vinegar (Just a few teaspoonfuls) mixed with the black pepper and the salt over salad and toss Hot Ham In' Sweet Potato Casserole (4 servings) Two and one-half pounds sweet potatoes 1 cup diced cooked ham 2 tablespoons olive oil 34 amp chopped onion 1 tablespoot flour 34 cup water 13 cup orange Juice 14 cup lemon juice 2 tea spoons brown sugar 34 teaspoon salt teaspoon grated orange rind 1 cup diced cucumber Scrub potatoes and boil in jackets Until just tender then peel and cut into 34-inch slices Saute ham in heated olive oil Add onion and continue cooking gently until onion is tender Blend iz the flour thoroughly Add the water and fruit Juices gradually then add sugar and salt Heat to boiling stirring constantly and cook for 2 minutes until smooth and thickened Add the orange rind cucumber and potatoes Stir gently to coat with sauce Heal thoroughly and serve at once while warm directly from skillet TOMORROW'S DINNER: Clam chowder crackers asparagus egg and caper salad olive oil and wine vinegar dressing heated 911 save roue and I tor gin 4 The it an3 I when mone to fill The of Tu NIL ou I are turn monq more it's who more rnistal By have same last are ps time instrui bank Intern Belk on ye well attitu( eral Uncle and ft td 01113 4 Ae Acti flume: reduct bite ''14tant 'f 4- lont 1 year 1 'ars I had rt ling( This prima of AT with I for sa log 19 If an in 1957 gardis due must $1209 If minirr So if withht to get You mail i ploer ed fo year) of ho' how 1 durim Thi you B) of to yo The chang year 'I A jor cl 1 additi forty burse er tht ternal that Il enoug volve requi er at line In tax I 1957 file a come in 19! Thi selfe appli have will ing Thi 1 MOUE amot ton it quart er th timal mour Tht a pa If 1dt 4Yti I Hi on save your and tor it any when to file The of oak ou are turn money more it's who more mistakes By have same last are time Instructions bank Internal Before on well attitude Uncle and only numerous reduce bite ryitant 0 lont year 'ars had This primarily of with for If an 1957 due must $1200 If minimums So if withheld you to get 'You mail for year) of how how during This you on B) of to There changes year i jor 1 addition for the that enough required line In tax 1957 file a in 1958 This applies have will The amount on it quarterly the The a If Emil Henry Marks owner of the Lh7 ranch here has one of the world's largest private herds of longhorn cattle The 144 longhorns that roam his 940-acre ranch along with about 200 Brahman cattle are a large part of Marks' cattle business Helped Make Texas "The longhorn cattle brought in the first money Texas ever had They helped make this state" Marks said in his loud throaty voice He said he started raising the large bony animals about 1923 1 "when I saw they were starting to die out" Both Marks and his father have taken part in long cattle drives during the days when the longhorn was a main source of meat in the United States 1 Marks maintains that if ranch' ers had taken as much care of the longhorns as they did their other cattle the longhorn would still be popular "Longhorns were the only cattle we had years ago that could survive Texas droughts heat and ticks" he said Marks built a log a bin museum next to his home several years ago when his house became filled with his collection of rocks guns trophies iron kettles hides pictures Indian relics and canes In-rorted Builder The museum was built of logs imported from Colorado When Marks could not find anyone who could build the log cabin for him he paid a Colorado man $1000 to come to Texas to put it together When Marks talks of Tex a his youth or his longhorn cattle he breaks into poetry to express himself More than 50 poems and his colorful stories have made him a popular after-dinner speaker Most years he averages about 150 talks throughout the country His favorite poem is the "Code of the Cow Country" Marks has given away more than 5000 copies to friends and those who enter his log cabin museum The code includes such advice "Treat with respect all woman- kind same as you would your sis- ter "Take care of neighbors' strays I --ommwmp i Re-Open For Business Wed Jan 22nd LAZY-M DRIVE IN lb 49c SeltStik Tape-makes your ornitte bindings like new again No' heat moisture is needed Ideal for repairing record albums photo albums binding pamphlets reinfordoechildten's sheet musk 6 tgoflYurnesTobrioKomkos Aail books magazines books and MYSTIK torn book glue or all books magazines books and "MOON" MAN A1C Donald Farrell 23 of Bronx NY will be the United States' first "moon" man He will make I week-long simulated flight to the moon in a 4x5-foot "space cabin" at the School of Aviation Medicine Randolph Air Force Base Texas Under the moon-flight conditions Farrell will be strapped in a sitting position and will eat and slOcp in this upright position PLEASURE CRAFT IN US NOW TOTAL OVER 7 MILLION 3360000 SMALL OUTBOARDS 1375000 ROWBOATS CANOES MISC 737000 LARGE OUTBOARDS AUXILIARY SAIL BOATS INBOARDS 595000 SAILBOATS WITHOUT AUXILIARY POWER 1" 4000 YACHT-CLASS INBOAIDS AND SAILBOATS ANCHORS AWEIGH! That Americans are no nation of landlubbers is proved by the number of pleasure boats of all types now in use This recreational fleet has nearly tripled in the past 10 years In 1957 more than 19 billion dollars were spent on boats motors fuel accessories and all connected items up 21 per cent over 1956 Experts predict that 1958 will show even more phenomenal growth nearest IRS office can tell you how to file an amended declaration After you get your facts and figures together on your 1957 income the next thing to decide is which of the various forms to use That will be the subject of the next article OCU Registration Method Simplified Enrolment at Oklahoma City University this semester will be radically different from any previous semester according to Dean of Admissions Don King It will include only two steps as compared to three required last semester and it will take place almost entirely in one centrally located building Second semester enrolment for day students will be conducted Tuesday Jan 28 through Friday Jan 31 8 am to 12 noon Night students will enroll Tuesday Jan 28 through Thursday Jan 30 6 pm to 9 pm Enrolment of new students and transfers is being taken now and currently enroled students may pre-cousel with professors in their major field to speed their enrolment New students and transfers are required to take aptitude tests which will be given Jan 28-29 at 8:30 am for day students and at 6 pm for night students With the four-day enrolment peribd also new this semester Dean King predicts a minimum of standing in line for enrolling students Men have been making knives for about 175000 years tGE OUTBOARDS UXILIARY SAIL )ATS INBOARDS 505 000 A AUXILIARY POWER 111111-111- 4000 Iiir 'ACHY-CLASS A 'BOARDS AND 44Act a SAILBOATS A I garlic bread sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese baked apples ll East on Highway 62 1 with frosted cupcakes coffee tea milk 1 MEMIEMISEI 4zo -0 il Tii IS: wEEits ALSO GOOD FOR A1' 1001 OTHER USES REPAIRS FURNITURE Use MYSTIK Self-Stik- a -iiN All 11' IL 65 I- votiof4 waterproof cloth tape for -7 repairing Iuggagewindow shades shower curtalas La------- toys sealing packages atir 01 clothing bags cracks imipainithiii019 4:: around bathtub decorit- EUCTIKA! COIN i 1 ing gift packages shelf edges closet boxes etc 1- --111 1 ONLY a ez DECORATING Inspected Armour andor Wilson Baby Beef It ii: atoms i 19c PRICES 14' wide 108' long 254 A DM Ih ccr T-RANF lb icOr 1 1' wide i 108' long 50 1S4 ROAST CHUCK'II)a45c ARM 11)155c garlic bread sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese baked apples with frosted cupcakes coffee tea milk ONLY Inspected Armour THIS WEEK'S andor Wilson Baby STEAK ROUND 1-BONE East on Highway 62 Beef Ibil9c lb 69c 14 f' 4 A z5' 44 '32 fo'' vox 'A ed 4 ALSO GOOD FOR 1001 OTHER USES Use MYSTIK SelfStik waterproof cloth tape for repairing Iuggagewindow shades shower curtalas toys sealing packages clothing bags cracks around bathtub decoriting gift packages shelf edges closet boxes etc PRICES 4 4 Vie wide 108' long 254 11S' wide I 108' long 50e REPAIRS FURNITURE 4 4 1 ELECTIKAL CONS DECORATING saroms 3' wide I 101' long 8110 Sold at stationery department hardware paint variety drug' art supply arIci grocery stores CLUB IJ PIKES 11)149c UP TO $100000 EMERGENCY CASH POLICY FOR BURIAL MEMBERS You deal only with our office and death claims can be paid the same day Please come to our office or call 201 the same day Please come to our office or call 201 paid I Lilt 11 1 FUNERAL HOME ri pukemall Daily Leader' WEBB-BENSON lb 59c LoIN 1521 Columbia Okemall Okla I 1 WEBB-BENSON 1521 Columbia FUNERAL HOME Okemab Okla RUMP lb49c LOIN 11)59c Okemah Daily Leader.

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Okemah News Leader from Okemah, Oklahoma (2024)


Who was born in Okemah Oklahoma? ›

On July 14, 1912, Woody Guthrie was born in Okemah, Oklahoma.

What is Okemah Oklahoma known for? ›

Plan a trip to Okemah to discover the birthplace of legendary folk musician Woody Guthrie. Learn more about the man who sang “This Land is Your Land,” and explore the city's Woody Guthrie statue and murals, the Okfuskee County Historical Society & Museum or Okemah Lake.

Which golden girl was born in Oklahoma? ›

A veteran television actress and Broadway star of the 50s, Rue McClanahan was born Eddi-Rue McClanahan in Healdton, Oklahoma, to Dreda Rheua-Nell (Medaris), a beautician, and William Edwin McClanahan, a building contractor. She was noticed by television executive Norman Lear.

What does Okemah mean in English? ›

In the Kickapoo language, okemah means "things up high," such as a highly placed person or town, or high ground.

What is the oldest town in Oklahoma? ›

1893 - Choctaw is the oldest chartered town in Oklahoma. Choctaw gained status as a town in 1893.

Who is the mayor of Okemah OK? ›

Following the newest members being seated on the council, Vice Mayor Bacon called for nominations for a new Mayor and Vice Mayor. The Mayor and Vice Mayor is selected by the five council members. By unanimous votes, Ron Gott was elected Mayor and Ronnie Lucas was elected Vice Mayor.

What is the nickname for Oklahoma City? ›

The capital of Oklahoma boasts multiple nicknames. The most common Oklahoma City nickname is OKC, but locals use the 405 and the Big Friendly as well.

Was Woody Guthrie born in Oklahoma? ›

Named after the man who was to become the twenty-eighth president of the United States, Woodrow "Woody" Wilson Guthrie was born on July 14, 1912, in Okemah, Oklahoma, to Nora and Charley Guthrie.

What ever happened to Arlo Guthrie? ›

On October 23, 2020, Guthrie announced he was retiring from touring and stage shows, citing health issues, including a stroke on Thanksgiving Day 2019 which required brief hospitalization and physical therapy.

Did any of Woody Guthrie's children get Huntington's disease? ›

Q: Did any of Woody Guthrie's children have Huntington's disease? A: Two of Woody's daughters from his first marriage, Sue and Gwen, died from Huntington's disease.


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.