Introduction to Data Science with R (2024)

Numeric values

Continuous measurements such as size, weight, time, length, etc.

Typical summary statistics:

  • quantiles (% of data below/over quantile): e.g.median == 50% quantile, 50% of the data below and 50% over

  • Central moments:

    • First moment: Mean

    • Second moment: standard deviation, measure of spread

    • Third moment: skewness, measure of symmetry

    • Fourth moment: kurtosis, measure of peakedness

set.seed(10)A = scale(exp(rnorm(1000,sd = 0.5)))hist(A, main = "")abline(v = quantile(A, probs = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95)), col = "#AA0366", lwd = 1.4)text(quantile(A, probs = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95)),  y = 500, labels = c("0.05Q", "0.5Q", "0.95Q"), pos = 3, xpd = NA)abline(v = mean(A), col = "#AA0366", lwd = 1.4)text(x = mean(A), y = 530, labels="Mean", pos = 3, xpd = NA)

Introduction to Data Science with R (1)

How to calculate them in R:

mean(airquality$Temp)## [1] 77.88235median(airquality$Temp)## [1] 79min(airquality$Temp)## [1] 56max(airquality$Temp)## [1] 97range(airquality$Temp)## [1] 56 97var(airquality$Temp)## [1] 89.59133sd(airquality$Temp)## [1] 9.46527#the same:sqrt(var(airquality$Temp))## [1] 9.46527

Quantiles and mean:

quantile(airquality$Temp)## 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% ## 56 72 79 85 97mean(airquality$Ozone, na.rm = TRUE) #na.rm: removes NAs## [1] 42.12931

How to look for NA values:

airquality[$Ozone),] ## Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day## 5 NA NA 14.3 56 5 5## 10 NA 194 8.6 69 5 10## 25 NA 66 16.6 57 5 25## 26 NA 266 14.9 58 5 26## 27 NA NA 8.0 57 5 27## 32 NA 286 8.6 78 6 1## 33 NA 287 9.7 74 6 2## 34 NA 242 16.1 67 6 3## 35 NA 186 9.2 84 6 4## 36 NA 220 8.6 85 6 5## 37 NA 264 14.3 79 6 6## 39 NA 273 6.9 87 6 8## 42 NA 259 10.9 93 6 11## 43 NA 250 9.2 92 6 12## 45 NA 332 13.8 80 6 14## 46 NA 322 11.5 79 6 15## 52 NA 150 6.3 77 6 21## 53 NA 59 1.7 76 6 22## 54 NA 91 4.6 76 6 23## 55 NA 250 6.3 76 6 24## 56 NA 135 8.0 75 6 25## 57 NA 127 8.0 78 6 26## 58 NA 47 10.3 73 6 27## 59 NA 98 11.5 80 6 28## 60 NA 31 14.9 77 6 29## 61 NA 138 8.0 83 6 30## 65 NA 101 10.9 84 7 4## 72 NA 139 8.6 82 7 11## 75 NA 291 14.9 91 7 14## 83 NA 258 9.7 81 7 22## 84 NA 295 11.5 82 7 23## 102 NA 222 8.6 92 8 10## 103 NA 137 11.5 86 8 11## 107 NA 64 11.5 79 8 15## 115 NA 255 12.6 75 8 23## 119 NA 153 5.7 88 8 27## 150 NA 145 13.2 77 9 27# orsummary(airquality)## Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp ## Min. : 1.00 Min. : 7.0 Min. : 1.700 Min. :56.00 ## 1st Qu.: 18.00 1st Qu.:115.8 1st Qu.: 7.400 1st Qu.:72.00 ## Median : 31.50 Median :205.0 Median : 9.700 Median :79.00 ## Mean : 42.13 Mean :185.9 Mean : 9.958 Mean :77.88 ## 3rd Qu.: 63.25 3rd Qu.:258.8 3rd Qu.:11.500 3rd Qu.:85.00 ## Max. :168.00 Max. :334.0 Max. :20.700 Max. :97.00 ## NA's :37 NA's :7 ## Month Day ## Min. :5.000 Min. : 1.0 ## 1st Qu.:6.000 1st Qu.: 8.0 ## Median :7.000 Median :16.0 ## Mean :6.993 Mean :15.8 ## 3rd Qu.:8.000 3rd Qu.:23.0 ## Max. :9.000 Max. :31.0 ## 

We can visualize variables with two plots, a histogram and boxplot:


Introduction to Data Science with R (2)


Introduction to Data Science with R (3)

In a box plot, the box ranges from 0.25 to 0.75 quantiles (the interquartile range, IQR), with the median as the thick line in the box. The whiskers (the other two vertical lines) are either the min/max values or the distance to 1.5*IQR (and points outside this range are considered outliers).

Categorical data

How often do different events occur?

table(mtcars$gear)## ## 3 4 5 ## 15 12 5

Numeric with categorical

We can also calculate summary statistics per level of a categorical variable for a numerical variable of interest. We can do with base R but it is easier with the dplyr package:

library(dplyr) # uses tidyverse syntax## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr'## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':## ## filter, lag## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, unionair_grouped <- airquality %>% # define dataset to be summarised group_by(Month) %>% # define grouping factor (note that you don't need to tell which dataset to look in here (no $)) summarise(meanwind = mean(Wind),  meansolar = mean(Solar.R),  maxOzone = max(Ozone),  varTemp = var(Temp)) # define which summary statistics you want to be calculatedair_grouped## # A tibble: 5 × 5## Month meanwind meansolar maxOzone varTemp## <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl>## 1 5 11.6 NA NA 47.0## 2 6 10.3 190. NA 43.5## 3 7 8.94 216. NA 18.6## 4 8 8.79 NA NA 43.4## 5 9 10.2 167. NA 69.8

The dplyr package is part of a big software environment called tidyverse. Unique features of the tidyverse are the pipe %>% operator and tibble objects.

  • The %>% operator:

    Applying several functions in sequence on an object often results in uncountable/confusing number of round brackets:

    max(mean(range(c(5, 3, 2, 1))))## [1] 3

    The pipe operator simplifies that by saying “apply the next function on the result of the current function”:

    c(5, 3, 2, 1) %>% range %>% mean %>% max## [1] 3

    Which is easier to write, read, and to understand!

  • tibble objects are just an extension of data.frames. In the course we will use mostly data.frames, so it is better to transform the tibbles back to data.frames:

    class(air_grouped)## [1] "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"air_grouped = [1] "data.frame"

4.1 Correlation

If two variables A and B are related, we say that they are correlated (correlation != causality!!). We can calculate the magnitude of this relatedness with correlation factors. Correlation factors are normalized covariances (two variables have two variances, how they vary independent of each other, and they share a covariance, how much they vary together) are in the range of \([-1,1]\). The Pearson’s correlation coefficient/factor can be calculated by:

\[r = cor(x_1, x_2) = \frac{ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^n (x_{1i} - \overline{x_{1}}) (x_{2i} - \overline{x_{2}}) }{ \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^n (x_{1i} - \overline{x_{1}})^2 (x_{2i} - \overline{x_{2}})^2} }\]

The Pearson correlation works well with linear relationship, but poorly with non-linear relationships and is sensitive to outliers. Also transforming one of the variables affects the correlation:

A = runif(1000, -6, 6)B = plogis(A*3.5)par(mfrow = c(1, 2))plot(B, A)text(x = 0.6, y = -4, paste0("Pearson: ", round(cor(A, B, method = "pearson"), 3)))plot(log(B), A)text(x = -12, y = 0, paste0("Pearson: ", round(cor(A, log(B), method = "pearson"), 3)))

Introduction to Data Science with R (4)

The correlation factor for the untransformed data is 0.9 but they have a perfect relationship.

Rank correlation factors

Idea: Arranging the data following their order and using their rank 1…n for x und y, respectively. There two different rank correlation factors:

  • Spearman: calculate Pearson based on ranks

  • Kendall: counts the number of data pairs that point in the same direction

cor(A, B)## [1] 0.9096673cor(order(A), order(B)) # Spearman## [1] 1cor(A, B, method = "spearman") # Spearman## [1] 1cor(A, B, method = "kendall")## [1] 1


cor(airquality$Solar.R, airquality$Ozone, use = "complete.obs") # pearson = default## [1] 0.3483417cor(airquality$Solar.R, airquality$Ozone, use = "complete.obs", method = "spearman")## [1] 0.3481865# pairs plot: correlates all variables to each otherplot(airquality)pairs(airquality) #the same

Introduction to Data Science with R (5)

# you can change what is plotted in upper and lower panel:# copy function from helppanel.cor <- function(x, y, digits = 2, prefix = "", cex.cor, ...){ usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr)) par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1)) r <- abs(cor(x, y, use = "complete.obs")) ### complete.obs must be added manually txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits = digits)[1] txt <- paste0(prefix, txt) if(missing(cex.cor)) cex.cor <- 0.8/strwidth(txt) text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex.cor * r)}pairs(airquality, lower.panel = panel.smooth, upper.panel = panel.cor)

Introduction to Data Science with R (6)


Descriptive statistics characterize properties of the data without providing any test or statement of probability.

Introduction to Data Science with R (2024)


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.