I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (2024)

Hampton, VA



2002-Feb-17 7:49 pm

I've Run Out of Options!

Ever since I converted from Cox@Home to Cox HSI, any programs requiring internet access (i.e. MusicMatch, Windows Update...even Cox's Online Support) can't "see" my internet connection. I can browse the web like a champ and send/receive email, but programs other than IE and Outlook have no idea I'm connected to the net.

I've rec'd absolutely no support from Cox and my PC manufacturer is clueless as well.

Anyone have any ideas?

· actions · 2002-Feb-17 7:49 pm ·

Roll Tide, Roll
Premium Member
Stafford, VA

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (2)


Premium Member

2002-Feb-17 8:21 pm

Are you running a router? Any firewall software? Check to see if the proxy settings in IE are set. If so, unset them.

· actions · 2002-Feb-17 8:21 pm ·

90115534 (banned)
Someone is sabotaging me.Finding out who
Kenner, LA

90115534 (banned) to Hal_E_Peno


2002-Feb-17 8:23 pm

to Hal_E_Peno

Right now quake 3 arena will not connect to any game severs. I am in louisiana.

· actions · 2002-Feb-17 8:23 pm ·

Premium Member

Anon00 to Hal_E_Peno

Premium Member

2002-Feb-17 8:56 pm

to Hal_E_Peno

Did you install the Cox CD ???? Because my cousin did and had a similar problem. I didn't stick around to actually try to fix it but many programs had problems even seeing that there was a connection.

· actions · 2002-Feb-17 8:56 pm ·

Las Vegas, NV

Netman3 to Hal_E_Peno


2002-Feb-17 11:44 pm

to Hal_E_Peno
said by Hal_E_Peno:Ever since I converted from Cox@Home to Cox HSI, any programs requiring internet access (i.e. MusicMatch, Windows Update...even Cox's Online Support) can't "see" my internet connection. I can browse the web like a champ and send/receive email, but programs other than IE and Outlook have no idea I'm connected to the net.

I've rec'd absolutely no support from Cox and my PC manufacturer is clueless as well.

Anyone have any ideas?

This is a new one for me. The Cox CD has been causing some strange things to happen, especially for the Macintosh. If you have a firewall, try uninstalling it and see if that fixes your problem. Also, if you are using a router, then plug directly into the Modem. You can also try typing "regsvr32 urlmon.dll" in the run box. This has fixed many of the problems related to the Cox CD install.

· actions · 2002-Feb-17 11:44 pm ·


Oklahoma City, OK

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (4)

2kmaro to Hal_E_Peno

2002-Feb-18 5:04 am

to Hal_E_Peno

Hal we can't help you much if we don't get a better idea of your setup. Router? Firewall? Computer? Help us to help you.

· actions · 2002-Feb-18 5:04 am ·

Peoria, AZ

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (6)

RoosterV to Hal_E_Peno


2002-Feb-18 11:08 am

to Hal_E_Peno

I recommend un-installing the software, and then following the information in the post below. I have had several situations where the installation software seems to cause issues (besides, it's just plain ugly, sitting down there blinking and complaining all the time I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (7))

»Re: Dynamic IP's and a router

GreenFrog seems to have a handle on the whole setup... you might email him directly too.

· actions · 2002-Feb-18 11:08 am ·

I Know How To Take Care Of Bugs
Meriden, CT

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (9)



2002-Feb-18 11:27 am

Netman3 is actually a more direct source of information and has something I don't have -- specific knowledge of what the Cox CD does. (Never touched it myself) Based on what Hal has provided for information it's tough to tell what the problem is or why other IP applications don't see the connection. While my first guess based on the limited info would be something with the winsock (assuming we're talking about a Win machine not a Mac) none of us have any way of knowing without a better handle on what's happening and how his system is configured.

•Is the PC directly connected to the C/M or does he have a router?
• What OS version is he running? Win9x and 2000/XP are very different animals under the skin. The approach to troubleshooting network problems is different on each.
•Is there firewall software installed?
•Has he powered down his computer AND cable modem for a few minutes and done a clean restart of both?
•Has he tried a simple "ping" from a command (dos) prompt? What happens?

Bottom line, need more info.


· actions · 2002-Feb-18 11:27 am ·

Hampton, VA



2002-Feb-18 4:58 pm

Sorry I didn't provide more info to begin with, here goes:

Dell OptiPlex GX240, P4 1.5GHz, 1.0GB RAM, 80GB HD

Windows 2000 Professional, SP 2

No firewall, no router

Norton SystemsWorks 2001

Booted the dickens out of both the PC and the modem

I've uninstalled/reinstalled the Cox software several times

A ping to my Default Gateway yields "transmit failed, error code 65"

· actions · 2002-Feb-18 4:58 pm ·

I Know How To Take Care Of Bugs
Meriden, CT

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (11)



2002-Feb-18 6:08 pm

Hal -

As I sort of suspected that error message is a Winsock error. This error message usually points to misconfigured firewall software or a damaged WSOCK32.DLL file. Are you sure you haven't installed Zone Alarm or some other similar software product?

Check out Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q298100

If you are sure you have nothing of this sort running on your machine it may be a problem caused by the CD - see if Netman3 can help you out with this.


· actions · 2002-Feb-18 6:08 pm ·

A Smurfy Salute

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (13)

PapaSmurf to Hal_E_Peno


2002-Feb-18 6:56 pm

to Hal_E_Peno

Knowing what's on the CD, I suspect it's probably a winsock issue as well. That is provided you're not running any firewall software. Just in case, I'd follow the instructions in the MS KB article that greenfrog provided.

· actions · 2002-Feb-18 6:56 pm ·

I Know How To Take Care Of Bugs
Meriden, CT

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (15)



2002-Feb-18 10:11 pm

I was thinking about this on my way home from the office tonight. What bugs me is that his browser and mail client work . . . but nothing else.

That's weird.

If winsock 2 is busted that should fry all IP apps - so I'm thinking either a software firewall, or something in the registry that most applications look at, but IE / Outlook have custom settings for.

You got yourself a good one here, Hal!


· actions · 2002-Feb-18 10:11 pm ·

Niceville, FL

rvanb to Hal_E_Peno


2002-Feb-18 10:26 pm

to Hal_E_Peno

Yep, it sounds like a firewall that was - but is no more. Did you ever have a firewall installed?

· actions · 2002-Feb-18 10:26 pm ·

Las Vegas, NV

Netman3 to Hal_E_Peno


2002-Feb-19 12:09 am

to Hal_E_Peno

Try uninstalling/reinstalling the Internet applications that are not working. The Cox CD could have corrupted them. If that doesn't work uninstall Nortons Systemworks. I haven't heard of this problem, so I will have to do some research and see if other cust are having the same prob after using the Cox CD.

· actions · 2002-Feb-19 12:09 am ·

I Know How To Take Care Of Bugs
Meriden, CT

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (17)

Greenfrog to Hal_E_Peno


2002-Feb-19 11:57 am

to Hal_E_Peno

Ok Hal - I may have an answer for you.

I ran your problem by a couple of other engineers here at the office and one of them asked if you were running the Symantec (Norton) Anti-Virus suite. It seems that he had run into a similar issue on an XP machine where he could use IE/OE but no other IP applications and ping would return a Winsock 65 error.

He disabled the virus protection and it worked.

So try this: Go to your system tray and disable Symantec (Norton) anti-virus protection, see if that fixes your problem. If it does I would then try un-installing and re-installing the Symantic product. If you continue to have problems after that you may have to upgrade your system suite or try a different anti-virus solution.

Good luck, and let us know if that helps.


By the way, if you need to un-install the Norton AV suite, you have to do it in "safe mode" -- GF
[text was edited by author 2002-02-19 13:56:40]

· actions · 2002-Feb-19 11:57 am ·

A Smurfy Salute

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (19)



2002-Feb-19 5:57 pm

Hmm, I would also tend to wonder if perhaps the folks at Symantec had some data on this anomaly.

· actions · 2002-Feb-19 5:57 pm ·

Hampton, VA

Hal_E_Peno to rvanb


2002-Feb-19 7:53 pm

to rvanb

I attempted a Zone Alarm install, but of course, it couldn't access the Internet to complete the install...so I "uninstalled" what was left. So, eventhough I don't currently have any firewall software, is there a setting somewhere left behind that I can get to and change?

Thanks again everyone for helping me track this down.

Niceville HS '85

· actions · 2002-Feb-19 7:53 pm ·

I Know How To Take Care Of Bugs
Meriden, CT

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (21)



2002-Feb-19 7:59 pm


So it looks like there could be bits and pieces of ZA left in there from a botched install?


How long ago did you do this installation? Was it before or after you installed the Cox CD? Norton System Works includes a product called "Go Back", is that installed? (This might make it possible for you to return to your pre-Zone Alarm / pre-Cox CD status - but only if it was installed before this all started.)

ALSO: Check out this link: Zone Alarm Uninstall Info


[text was edited by author 2002-02-19 20:20:20]

· actions · 2002-Feb-19 7:59 pm ·

Hampton, VA



2002-Feb-20 8:23 pm

Zone Alarm was attempted after the Cox CD (that's how I had access to the Net). I looked at the ZA link Greenfrog suggested and I don't have the listed files in my WinNT/Internet Logs directory.

I've completely uninstalled Norton SystemWorks, so the restore isn't an option.

· actions · 2002-Feb-20 8:23 pm ·




2002-Feb-22 6:15 pm

After spending about an hour on the phone with Cox's Tier 2 support folks (PLEASE change the muzak! They play one song over and over and over...maybe it's so you'll hang up) they couldn't figure it out either.

Then I got an email (via the webmail on another machine) from the ZoneLabs Tech Support guys...classic case of a bad uninstall. Had to boot in Safe mode, delete some files that were otherwise hidden, reboot and I'm good to go.

Thanks again to everyone for your help and suggestions!

· actions · 2002-Feb-22 6:15 pm ·

North Kingstown, RI



2002-Feb-22 7:50 pm


You said "Then I got an email (via the webmail on another machine) from the ZoneLabs Tech Support guys...classic case of a bad uninstall. Had to boot in Safe mode, delete some files that were otherwise hidden, reboot and I'm good to go."

Hey, great news! Care to share what the advice you received was? I bet it is going to snag some other folks too.

Congratulations again!

· actions · 2002-Feb-22 7:50 pm ·

I Know How To Take Care Of Bugs
Meriden, CT

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (23)

Greenfrog to Hal_E_Peno


2002-Feb-22 9:54 pm

to Hal_E_Peno

Hal -

Glad to hear you got your problem solved. RM is right, if you share the info you got from ZA tech support we'll all be able to help the next person who runs into that problem.

Enjoy - I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (24)

· actions · 2002-Feb-22 9:54 pm ·

Hampton, VA



2002-Feb-23 6:09 pm

Here's the message:

If you have tried to uninstall and now have NO access at all, by far the easiest way to fix this is to reinstall the product (if you still have the original installation file), reboot, and then Uninstall, being sure to say Yes to delete all files, and Yes to let TrueVector shut down. (If you have not run the uninstaller, do so now, before booting into Safe Mode).

If you do not have the installation file, or are otherwise unable to reinstall, then do the following.

** STEP 1 ** Boot into Safe Mode :

If you have Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP, Reboot your system into Safe Mode (with NO networking if you have that option). Click on Start, Help, and type in Safe Mode if you don't know how to do this.

If you have Windows NT, log in as Administrator, click on Start, Settings, Control Panel, Services, then shut down the Truevector services. You should be able to delete the files listed below. If you can't, then try setting the services to be started manually, and shut down all the way (i.e. power down). Wait 30 seconds, power on. If the services are not running, then you should now have your access back and be able to delete all the files listed below.

If that doesn't work, then you need to start your machine from a boot disk. You can get this information from Microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com
Search for article ID number Q119467.

You may also need to have drivers for your hard drive loaded onto the floppy, such as SCSI drivers. For more information on this, you will need to contact your System Administrator, or access the Microsoft Support Site or Knowledgebase. This is specific to your machine.

** STEP 2 ** Remove Registry Entry (Windows 95/98/ME ONLY) :

(NOTE - If you plan to reinstall ZA/ZAP afterwards, this step is optional. You will receive a VXD error on bootup, but it will go away once you reinstall ZA/ZAP.)

Important Advisory: Deleting registry entries incorrectly may cause serious problems to your operating system (OS) which may necessitate the need to reinstall the OS. Please make sure you are able to perform these deletions correctly before you decide to edit the entries. If you are not sure, you should seek help from someone who is familiar with editing the registry.

For information about how to edit the registry in Windows, click Start, Run, and type "regedit.exe". Click "Help," then "Help Topic." Click "Changing Keys and Values." Also, you should always make a backup (see your help files) of the registry before editing it.

- To edit the registry, go to Start/Run and type: "regedit"
- Navigate in the left pane to this entry and delete the appropriate key:

W95/98/Me/XP HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\VSDATA95

Click File, Exit to finish. (NOTE - If on reboot you get a VXD error, hit Enter. In this case, you will need to perform the REGEDIT sequence again from the normal Windows, since Windows didn't allow registry changes while in Safe Mode.)

** STEP 3 ** Remove Files :

To make sure that you can see the ZA/ZAP system files, if they are still on your computer, click Start, Help, then type either "hidden files" or "show all files" - one of these should tell you how to make sure ALL files are visible. Follow the instructions given. Be sure to change this back after you are done.

- Click Start, Find or Search, select your local hard drive, type in "VSDATA*.*" and click on the Search button.
- If you find any files named VSDATA95 or VSDATANT, delete them (you can do this from the search window).
- Now in the find field, type in "INTERNET LOGS", and click Search.
- You should see a folder by that name. To keep a record of previous alerts, copy the file ZALog.txt to another location. Then delete the folder, which removes the database files. They are recreated when you run ZA/ZAP again.

** STEP 4 ** Clean up deletions :

- Empty the trash (recycle) bin.
- Reboot your machine normally.

** STEP 5 ** Finish Uninstalling :

Now you should have your access back. Point your browser to www.zonelabs.com, click on Support, then on Technical Support, and then on Install/Uninstall. Select your operating system. Follow the instructions there to complete the uninstall. If any do not apply, simply continue on to the next.


- If you reinstall ZA/ZAP, and need to UNinstall again, be sure you always say Yes to delete all files, and say Yes to allow Truevector to shut down, or it cannot remove files properly. It is also a good idea to keep the file that you downloaded to install with.
- If you ever need to shut down ZA/ZAP while figuring out any configuration issues - On the Configure Panel, UNcheck the boxes to "Load At Startup" and "Show Shell Toolbar" if you have one (if not, then Right-click on the gray taskbar along the bottom of your screen, select Toolbars, and Uncheck the ZoneAlarm DeskBand). You can now reboot with no ZA/ZAP process running.

If you need to reply to us, please keep all text intact.

You can download the latest version of ZoneAlarm and ZoneAlarm Pro from our website:


Note that the Trial version is the same as the Full version once you enter your license key. We recommend that you keep a copy of the latest file in case of problems later.

Best regards,
Zone Labs Support

· actions · 2002-Feb-23 6:09 pm ·

North Kingstown, RI

rmbeatty to Hal_E_Peno


2002-Feb-23 8:27 pm

to Hal_E_Peno

Thanks for the post, Hal!

· actions · 2002-Feb-23 8:27 pm ·

I Know How To Take Care Of Bugs
Meriden, CT

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (26)

Greenfrog to Hal_E_Peno


2002-Feb-23 9:31 pm

to Hal_E_Peno

Yes, thanks very much for that info Hal!

And a note to others: When you do find a solution for a problem that interferes with your ability to connect please let us all know - somebody else is sure to run into the same issue down the road.

Thanks a million, dude!


· actions · 2002-Feb-23 9:31 pm ·

Wichita, KS

sysWipe to Hal_E_Peno


2002-Mar-10 4:45 am

to Hal_E_Peno

I had a problem tonight which may be related to your issue. Sometime around the time I loaded the software off of the Cox CD, and added a Linksys router, the following issue started occurring. Anytime a child window opened under IE, the address line and window would be blank.

I should also mention I am unfortunately running Windows XP. I finally found the answer to my problem on a site called winangels.com I believe. The solution was to run the following command at a command prompt:

regsvr32 urlmon.dll

In my haste, I did not have to investigate the regsvr32 command does, but the above command did fix my problem. I don't even think I had to reboot. Anyone know what regsvr32 does?

Also, during my search I did see that there was some new version (or patch, I can't remember) of Zone Alarm with a fix for something similar.

Hope this helps somebody, I know it saved me a tremendous amounts of time.

· actions · 2002-Mar-10 4:45 am ·

Premium Member
Laveen, AZ

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (28)

grokdesigns to Hal_E_Peno

Premium Member

2002-Mar-10 4:53 am

to Hal_E_Peno

regsvr32 registers or unregisters OLE controls such as DLLs or OCXs

· actions · 2002-Mar-10 4:53 am ·

I've Run Out of Options! - Cox (2024)


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