Honolulu Star-Advertiser from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

The Honolulu Advertiser Monday, December 21, 1992 D-7 CLASSIFIED ADS place your ad call 605 KAPIOLANI BLVD. OR COME TO 521-9111 MON. FRI. 8:30 a.m. 4:45 p.m.

SAT. 8:00 a.m. 11:45 a.m. THESE CATEGORIES ARE PAYABLE IN NOW YOU CAN CHARGE YOUR ADS. ADVANCE OF PUBLICATION: WE WILL ACCEPT THESE CREDIT CARDS: All 1 Class 100's Class 507 All 200's 317 All Class 700's Class 425 427 All Class 800's Class 316 Mastercard VISA DEADLINES PRIVATE PARTY ADVERTISERS ONLY Single column line ads may be placed until 4 p.m.

Monday thru 3 THRIFT Lines 5 ADS Days 3 Lines 5 Days Private Owner ADS Plan I WIKI WIKI ADS Friday Cancellations for the following corrections day be 4:45 made p.m. Friday later for Sunday. $2807 7 Day Flat Rate must no than 4 p.m. thru Friday for the following day by 4 p.m. Friday for rate.

Applies to items in for Flat sale. rate. Prices Applies be $17.43 Line Per Week Flat to items Per Sunday. Ads be placed, canceled corrected until 11:45 for sale. Prices must be must in (3 Line Minimum).

Rate Monday may or a.m. the ad must total no the ad must total no does not apply to Saturday for Monday. We are closed on Sundays. Deadlines for ads more than $500. more than $2500.

cial or rental ads. commerfor 5 or more inches display ads are available upon request. ALL ADVERTISING 18 SUBJECT TO 4.17% HAWAII GENERAL EXCISE TAX. CANCELLATIONS LIABILITY Orders are numbered numbers are given as a receipt to the Advertising published in The Honolulu Advertiser, the Honolulu Staradvertiser upon cancellation, in case of a dispute. Sorry, but no Bulletin or the Sunday Advertiser Star-Bulletin are subject to the adjustment will be allowed without a cancellation number.

No applicable rate card, copies of which are available from our Advertisnumber is given for ads placed on POP. Wiki or Thrift plans, as ing dept. All ads are subject to approval before publication. We these reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject or cancel any ad at any time. are charged a flat weekly.

rate are non-refundable. Errors must be reported on the first Deadlines are 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday for the following day: 4 be liable for any loss or expense that day of publication. We shall not results from the publication p.m. Friday for Sunday 11:45 a.m.

Saturday for Monday. (whether published correctly or not) or omission of an ad. CLASSIFIED CHRISTMAS EVE HOURS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th Classified will be open from 8 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Cancellations Corrections will be accepted until 12:30 p.m.

for Friday, Saturday Sunday The Front Counter will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. We will be CLOSED on CHRISTMAS DAY--FRI. DEC. 25th Regular hours will be in effect on Saturday, December 26th HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE! 108 Funeral Notices Nuuanu Memorial Park Mortuary MORGAN, JULIAN FRANCIS AHU AKA: JACK Age 82, of Ewa Beach, Hawail, passed away December 16, 1992 at Hale Nani Nursing Home.

He was born July 10. 1910 in Hawaii. He is survived by wife, Mary M. Morgan; sons. Ralph (Paola) Morgan, Wayne Dexter Dickson, Donovan (Hisako) Suinn; daughters, Mrs.

Frank (Barbara) Hasegawa, Mrs. Harmon (Doris) Timeus, Mrs. Ted (Muriel) Gehrman, Mrs. Asghar (Marilyn Leimomi) Khan, Darina Pilani Morgan, Mrs. Jonah (Abi gait) Kamelamela: 17 grandchildren; 6 great grandchildren; many nephews, nieces and cousins.

Mr. Morgan is a graduate of Kamehameha School, Class of 1927 and was the past President of Tan Sing Dramatic Club. He retired after 33 years of service with the Public Works Center, Agana, Guam. Family request Aloha attire be worn. FRIENDS MAY CALL PM TO 9 PM ON WEDNESDAY.


Choice locations reasonable. 732-9797, leave msg Hawalian Memorial Park, Pac. Slopes, 4 plots $2475 ea. Ben dir 235-8845, 288-4996 dig pgr MILILAN1 Narcissus 4 2 plots adjoining. 455-1807 SIX NICHES, $3000.

VALLEY OF THE TEMPLES. PH. 237-8227 ANYTIME 2 um niche, Valley of the Temples. Cost $2550. Sell offer.

(415) 691-5678 120-Notices ADVERTISING STANDARDS Advertising published in The Honolulu Advertiser and the Honolulu Star-Bulletin is accepted on the premise that the merchandise services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to customers at the advertised price. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters compliance with these standards, we ask that you CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 521-9111 or BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU 942-2355 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS OAHU CENTRAL OFFICE 946-1438 (24 HOUR) 123-Lost Found FOUND SOMETHING? PLACE A FREE FOUND AD IN THIS COLUMN 521-9111 CLASSIFIED ads get the job done. Call today 521-9111 Announcements Birth 130 Car Pools Card of 105 Cemetery Plots.

115 Florist 109 Funeral 108 Funeral 116 "Happy" 135 In 107 Lodge Club Lost 123 Notices. 120 Open Sunday Directory 170 125 Personal 127 Political Notices. 102 Professional 160 Schools Classes. 140 141 Travel Tour 121 Wedding 132 Business Financial Bus. Oppty.

Bus. Oppty. (tor sale) Bus. Oppty. Wanted.

Business Franchises. Investments Reps. Employment Employment Empl. Opportunities. Employment General Help Wanted.

Help Wanted Job 300-General Help Wanted CONSTRUCTION. General Contractor seeks high-rise Project Manager and a Superintendent. Send resumes to: Advertising Box HNA, P.O. Box 3350, Honolulu HI 96801-3350. Copy Machine Operator Trainee Full time.

Good benefits. Come in apply HonBlue 501 Sumner St. COUNSELOR: Student counseling. activities. Hawaii Business College.

524-4014. Cruise Lines! Wait Help, Deck Hands, Seawatchers more! 528-1244 Job Search am fee CUSTOM PHOTOLAB TECH. experience ferred. Apply in person. PHOTO FINISH HAWAII 1142 Bethel St.

Honolulu, HI 96813 Customer Housewares outdoor goods. No exper. will train. Temp Perm avail. 944-1154 CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK: BJ Furniture.

to handle cashiering, data entry, phones. Includes nights weekends. Apply at 702 S. Beretania during store hours. DANCERS.

Earn cash tonight, guaranteed $300 Apply in person after 6pm. Honey's Place, 1224 Kona St Dancers at Hale Okole, behind Femme Nu. 941-2871 am; 944-8840 pm DANCERS EARN CASH TONIGHT Foxy Lady has openings for EXOTIC DANCERS Apply in person after 8 p.m. 2270 Kuhio Ave. DELIVERY DRIVER.

Part time, deliver plate luches dinners from downtown to Manoa Need own car 8 insurance. Wage comm. tips. MOBILE WAITERS 591-0575 lift lbs. Clean abstract.

487-0862 DELIVERY Person 6 hrs. MonFri, drivers license, abstract. Dependable. Ph: 842-1944 Delivery person, clean abstract. Apply 848 S.

Beretania or phone 533-3805 Part time, flexible hrs. Driver's student ok. 523-0999 XMAS RUSH STARTS NOW Warehouse, delivery. Full-time only. Car required.

Call Alex 423-2461 Immed. opening. Driver's abstract req. 537-4548 DENTAL ASS'T. Want career change? Good dexterty, sharp, will train.

Benefits, salary negotiable. Aiea Honolulu ofcs. Ph. 532-3902 DENTAL ASS'T. for spe cialty practice.

Exper. preferred. Excl benefits. 533-3303 Dental Ass't, mature-minded, energetic person for friendly caring ofc. Will train.

235-7500 DENTAL ASS'T. Warm, reliable, individual wanted. or PT. No exper. nec.

455-3485 DENTAL ASSISTANT Kailua area. 262-6512 DENTAL Computer Receptionist. Dental exper, career-minded only. 545-1040 DENTAL HYGIENIST. New office equipment in Kaimuki seeks friendly, caring individual.

732-0291 DENTAL HYGIENIST, part time for Kahala practice. Flexible hrs. 732-2821 DENTAL RECEPT. Personable, friendly person needed for full time position. Expenence preferred.

949-4288 DEPUTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY MAUI COUNTY Hawaii License required. Send resume writing sample to: Dept. of the Prosecuting Attorney 200 S. High St. Wailuku, Hawan 96793 for German kitchen design firm.

Must do perspectives. Refs. req Troy 536-7739 DISPATCHER Exper. full-time position. Looking for dependable, self starter who is flex.

organized. Excl. pay benefits. Call Ped for appt 842-5994 ext. 13 DRIVER CDL-B, full time, Sun- Tue Fri, 10 Air freight.

833-0988 Wes DRIVER Class A B. time. Experienced only. Abstract req. 833-7757.

Glenn. DRIVER shift. English salary or comm. Charley's Taxi 531-2333 DRIVER, lo-boy eperienced. Apply at 1406 So.

Beretania St. Salespeople Wanted. 305 Empl. Empl. Wanted 317 Miscellaneous Antiques 711 Appliances.

705 Airline Tickets. .714 Auctions. 719 Bar (see 792) 745 Boats, Supplies, Building 785 CB Radios, .728 Clothing. (see 720) (see 740) .712 ..723 Electronic (see 725) (see 710) 700 Furniture for Garage Lanai Jewelry Livestock, Supplies, 780 Machinery 795 for Rent. Misc.

for 717 Misc. for Sale. 715 Misc. Wanted. 716 Mopeds.

(see 836) Musical 730 Office see 790) Pets for Pet 772 Photo 735 766 Poultry Supplies. 775 792 Sewing Machines, 710 Sporting .765 Stamps Coins. .740 Store Office Eqpt. .790 TV Elec. Eqpt.

725 Water Sports Eqpt. 767 see 750) 300-General Help Wanted DRAFTSPERSONS Mechanical draftspersons needed immediately for computer aided drafting design. Experience in Autocad preferred. Excellent benefits include profit sharing plan. Salary commensurate with capabilities.

Send resume to: Thermal Engineering Corp. 3049 Ualena Suite 210 Honolulu, HI 96819 DRIVER Part time for Waikiki pro. office. Friendly person. Excl.

benefits. 971-8000 Estab. lunchwagon route. Breakfast lunch run. Start 5 am.

Abstract required. Monday-Friday. Commission Good benefits. Interviews from 1-4 pm Monday-Friday. Beniya Shokudo Catering 1448 Kalani St.

841-5041 Driver-Van-full time- air freight. Also part time 12. 282-0395, 455-3464 DRIVER tic. abstract for appl. delivery.

Apply Chock's TV 1308 Young St. DRIVERS CALL Travel ticket delivery. $900 Food delivery $1400 No fees! Aloha Jobs 941-1551 DRIVERS CDL-A. Semi dump. 2 yrs.

exper. WASH PERSON, Part or Full-time. 235-4520 DRIVERS for shifts. English speaking. Salary or comm.

Call Mel M-F 524-7929 DRIVERS Full Part-Time, shifts, type 4 CDL type 3, excl. pay benefits. Call Ped for app't. 842-5994 ext. 13 DRIVERS Moving storage co.

has immed opening for CDL. type A drivers. Clean abstract, exci benefits. Exper mover pref, but will train. Apply at: ISLANDER INTERNATIONAL 91-210 Hanua St.

Campbell Indus. Park EARN EXTRA MONEY Home delivery routes available. Nanakuli Waianae Area. Call Bill after 6 p.m. 696-9011 Earn Extra Money ADVERTISER Carriers Wanted In WHEELER Short hours-good pay CONTACT DAN 621-5655 ENGINEER for Tall Ship in Hawan waters.

phases of ship's systems. No lic. req. MARIMED FOUNDATION PH: 537-5586 Engineer Job opportunity in Micronesia CIVIL ENGINEER for Pohnpei State Government $35,000 excellent benefits. If more information contact FSM Consulate General 3049 Ualena St.

Honolulu, Hawan 96819 Phone (808) 836-4775 EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS MONEY Paid training on computerized auto dialer. Full time wages part time hours. Sell local newspaper over phone. Air conditionined, Professional environment, 3.5 hours a day. Start immediately.

CALL 946-9563 For INTERVIEW EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT To the President (Big Island) Strong skille: detail oriented Excellent communicator Knowledge of Japanese language prefered Salary commensurate with perience. Range: To $50,000. Qualified applicants send resume to: Sam Ainslie, Kaupulehu Land P.O. Box 1119, Kailua, Kona 96745. Please no phone calls.

EXOTIC DANCERS needed. Apply in person after 2 pm. 1420 Kapiolani Blvd. SAIGON PASSION mI Front Desk speaking. Seeking an individual to join the guest services team who possesses effective communication skills, is organized, able to work flexible types works on a computer.

Hotel exper. preferred. Familiarization customs helpful. Call 921-6955. Front Desk speaking.

Seeking an individual to join the quest services team who possesses effective communication skills, is organized, able to work flexible types works on a computer. Hotel exper. preferred. Familiarization customs helpful. Call 921-6955.

Real Estate Rental Rental Services. 410 Rentals to 430 Rentals Trade for Apartments for (see 504) Rentals Wanted. 435 Apartments Wanted. (see 505) Rooms Furnished. 456 Bidgs.

to be Moved. 530 Rooms Unfurnished. 457 Business Industrial. 555 (see 490) Condos. Apts.

for 504 469 Townhouses 407 Houses 531 Townhouses Part 408 Townhouses Unfurn. 409 Offices for (see 560) 405 Real Estate 505 Warehouses. 480 Real 520 Real Estate for 506 Real Estate for Sale (in specific 500 Real Estate Wanted (in general). 501 Transportation Stores Offices. 560 Townhouses for Sale.

502 Auto Townhouses Wanted. 503 Auto .801 Autos Domestic. 805 Autos 850 Autos for Rentals Autos for Autos Wanted (in general). Apts. Furnished Aviation Apts.

404 (see 820) to Share. 427 823 Apts. Part. 403 Go Carts. (see 835) Apts.

Unfurnished. 402 Hotrods. Bed 'n 406 475 Mobile Homes. (see 825) Business Industrial. 465 Mopeds--Sales Garages Parking.

Motor Scooters. 835 Hotels-Apt. 450 Motorcycle Houses Apts. 432 Motorcycle Houses 411 Motorcycle Rentals. 832 Houses 830 Houses Part 413 Notices.

819 Houses to (see 425 427) 820 Houses 412 4-Wheel Drive. 821 Neighbor Sports Cars. (see 850) (see 825) Offices. 470 (see 820) Parking. (see 465) (see 825) Property Service Directory.

900 200-Bus. Oppty. (for sale) CHINATOWN MAUNAKEA ST. Restaurant, fully eqpt. Turnkey lic.

524-5414 Convenience store: many extras, good location, liquor long lease. Neg. 735-5961 GIFT SOUVENIR WHOLESALE. Estab Location. Good Lease.

Money Maker 735-0153 LAUNDROMAT restaurant 19 yr lease $295.000. Real Estate Systems 941-4402 LIC contractor $1 mill. in contracts, needs backer or partner. 1-651-7946 Liquor convenience store at Nimitz Bus. Ctr.

Long lease. Liquor lic'd. 140 businesses in complex. Janco Rity 944-9703 MAUI: BEAUTY SALON in central business district. Established.

Turnkey, 537-3105 Restaurant fully equipped. Clean. Great family buss. $99.500. 262-5756, 261-7223 Restaurant Motel in New Mexico "Land of Fee Simple.

599-5181 TRAVEL Agency incl. ofc morel Lots and also 11 Vending Machines incl loc. Low Price. 848-0479: 226-6259 Vending machines, countertop snacks, some on locations $475 offer. 524-0170 40 SNACK VENDING MACHINES OWNER MOVING.

226-9458 202-Bus. Oppty. INDOOR SWAP MEET. $250 UP INCL. Asia Mall 521-3045 205-Investments ADVERTISERS Who Offer An Investment For Sale May Be Req.

To Comply With The Hawaii Sale Of Securities Law. It Is The Responsibility Of The Person Advertising To Determine Whether Is Subject To The Law. For More Info. Call Securities Examiner 586-2722 Foreclosure hee bsemnt $69,000, assume $41,000 at rentd $500. 689-7234 300-General Help Wanted A A A A A Airline Svc hiring now for 19931 Will train! 528-1244 Job Search sm fee A A Airlines Flight Attendants More jobs avail.

528-1244 Job Search sm fee A-1 OPPORTUNITY Telemarketing Opportunity of the 90's Need two outgoing, fun-loving people who enjoy the telephone. 1. with Guarantee skills. commensurate I bonus in addition to salary. 3.No exper nec.

Paid trainingNo Sales. 4.To work out of new Stadium Mall ofc. Please call Mon-Fri. 10-4pm 488-0779 Emerson Enterprises AAA ACTIVIST HOLIDAY JOBS for the ENVIRONMENT Campaign with U.S. PIRG to promote recycling, polution prevention, save endangered species.

Students work over break beyond. avail. Earn per week. Call Holly at 949-0658 Accountant for sm developer. Computer literate.

CPA pref. CRC 531-1621 ACCOUNTEMPS 531-8056 MANY OPEN ASSIGNMENTS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ACCOUNTING CLERK Lite bkpg. typing, answer phones. Apply in person 680 Ala Moana Blvd. CHARLEY'S TAXI ACCOUNTING CLERK, exper.

Send resume: 119 Merchant St. Hono. HI 96813. Attn Karen ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK WORK IN WAIPIO GENTRY 10-key, Lotus exper. pref.

Salary commensurate CALL CARLA 671-6785 Acctg. Clerk co. Associate in accig or cate from bus. school skills. spking pref.

HRI 592-0803 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Administrative level person for busy Real Estate office. Real Estate license, clerical and computer experience preferred. Call Rhoda 625-7100 exper. for construction co. in Campbell Industrial Park.

Salary to $24K. Fax resume: 547-3623 Aircraft cleaning, Ramp Agent morel Entry level. Call now! 528-1244 Job Search am fee Airline jobal Ramp Agent, Beg: 528-1244 Job Search sm fee Handling. Will train! 300-General Help Wanted A88T. MGRS.

for 2 yrs. restaurant mgmt. exper. req. Call 922-5584 ATTORNEY (associate) needed asap for busy Hilo litigation firm.

Resume writing sampie req. Call Cindy 1-961-2857 ATTORNEY Small collegial defense firm seeking attorney with 2-4 years experience, preferably in insurance defense. Must be friendly with computers. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent benefits and working environment.

Send resume along with salary history to: Law Offices of John Cregor Six Waterfront Plaza Suite 240 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 AUTO BODY REPAIR PERSON, Exper. Excl Benefits. 841-5036 after AUTO Body SANDERS, TAPERS DETAILERS, PAINTERS MAACO is expanding to Pearlridge. We offer top pay bonuses for exper. preppers.

Steady work, paid holidays, vacations finest working conditions. See Buz at MAACO AUTO PAINTING 447 N. Nimitz 545-5444 AUTO FINANCE MANAGER Success Oriented Multi Line Dealership seeking aggressive person. Must have a proven track record. Generous pay plan.

Benefits Medical, dental, 401K, etc. Send resume: Advertising Box Box 3350 Honolulu, HI 96801-3350 AUTO LOT ATTENDANT GOOD BENEFITS Full time. Must have valid driver's license able to drive standard shift. Apply in person: HONOLULU FORD 711 ALA MOANA BLVD. Auto mechanic helper, some exper.

req. Must have own tools. Call Simon 373-2311 AUTO Mechanic helper, good drivers lic. req. European Auto Tech 842-1108 AUTO RENTAL AGENT.

Afternoon shifts weekends. Top wages. Call 834-1465 for appt. AUTO RENTAL AGENT. Full time Waikiki, Part time Kaneohe, Pearl City.



Call 837-7770, AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS Exper. in foreign domestic auto repairs. IMMED. POSITIONS AVAIL. ASE CERTIF.

PREF. Apply in person, Mon. thru Fri. betw. 9am 4pm See Gary PFLUEGER HONDA 777 Ala Moana Ph.

528-7400 BAKERY SALES: ON-CALL. LIBERTY HOUSE 945-5581 BANK TELLER TRAINEE NO FEE $1250 Cashier key Triple Svc. Personnel 955-7355 BANK TELLER will train good Call 528-1244 JOB SEARCH am fee BARTENDER SOUND PERSON DOOR PERSON Full or part-time, experience required. C-5 Rock Roll Night Club Call 848-0990 or 841-6971 for appointment. BARTENDERS Full part time positions.

Applications taken daily. Good pay, great benefits. Hula's Bar Lei Stand 2103 Kuhio Ave. BOOKKEEPER. Sml law firm, full-charge, computer exper, law exper.

preferred. Benefits, Send Resume To: Advertising Box 597, P.O. Box 3350, Hon. HI 96801-3350 Bookkeeper to other accig related jobs avail! 528-1244 Job Search am fee 300-General Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER Exper. full charge bookkeeper wanted tor construction co.

Computerized acc'tg system. Must be a team player be able to work well in a small ofc. environment. Please send resume salary history to: Advertising Box P.O. Box 3350 Honolulu, Hawaii 96801-3350 OFFICE ASSISTANT Kaneohe.

Must have payroll, bookkeeping computer experience (Macintosh preferred). Full time. Salary negotiable, depending on experience. KAMAAINA CARE 236-0870 BUILDING MATERIALS SALES STOCK CASHIER SUPERVISOR Positions now open 123-Lost Found LOST Dog, female, Afghan, Nuuanu Pali area, needs medication. REWARD.

595-2169 LOST Prescription glasses in black case on Mon. Honolulu area. 239-6498 LOST: Sierra Dr. area 5 multicolored windsurfing sails in blue bag. REWARD! 735-4374 LOST OLD AKITA REWARD FOR RETURN 671-1486 hm, 682-5761 wk LOST 2 DOGS: Lge.

brown poi Palolo area. 734-1303 LOST: 40 lb. dark coat, brown belly. on Sheridan St. 533-3153 125-Personals ANNIE (Babe) Join us for Xmas on Maui, New Year's in Honolulu.

Call Maui no. Love, mom. MERRY XMAS Karen Mary (L) Sorry Please call days 1-245-8981: 1-245-6531 Allan NEED $20 TODAY? CALL PLASMA DONOR CTR. OF HAWAII 836-0647 140-SCHOOLS A Career in less than a yr. GRAPHIC DESIGN HOSPITALITY SERVICE MANAGEMENT Day Night Classes Job Placement Assistance Financial Aid (if qualified) 942-1000 Honolulu Campus 1916 Young St.

DENVER BUSINESS COLLEGE ACCOUNTING 60 Hr. Evening Course HAWAII BUSINESS COLLEGE 111 N. KING ST. 524-4014 Aircraft Mechanic Training Become FAA certified. A mechanic, classes, financial aid avail.

Job placement assistance. NorthropRice Aviation (800) 597-8690. BANK TELLER 60 Hr. Course. HAWAII BUSINESS COLLEGE 111 N.

KING ST. 524-4014 DATA ENTRY 60 Hr. Certificate Course Evening Sat. HAWAII BUSINESS 111 N. KING ST.

524-4014 ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE Next Class- Jan 25 1270 Queen Emma 521-5290 HAWAII Inst. of Hair Design. 8 mos. of training will prepare you for work. 533-6596 LEARN BARTENDING Int'l.

Bartending Institute class. 949-7799 LOTUS 1-2-3 12 Hr. Evening Course Hawaii Business College 111 N. KING ST. 524-4014 TRAVEL CAREERS TRAVEL UNIVERSITY INT'L.

Ala Moana Bidg. 946-3535 TYPING CLASSES HAWAII BUSINESS 111 N. KING ST. 524-4014 WordPerfect 5.1 40 Hr. Certificate Course Evening Saturday Classes HAWAII BUSINESS COLLEGE 111 N.

KING ST. 524-4014 200-Bus. Oppty. (for sale) BAKERY facility stores, fully offer Kuroman Realty 537-6007 BBQ Restaurant, fully eqpt. 800 sq.

ft. Good Kapiolani location $35,000. 942-8774. CLASSIFIED is Hawaii's lone-stop market place! 521-9111 Apply in person YAMASHIRO BUILDING SUPPLY 45-552 Kam Kaneohe BUS PERSON: nites. Apply at Restaurant Yosh*tsune, 2586 Kalakaua Ave.

in the Park Shore Hotel. 926-5616 CALL US No need to call Honolulu to place your ad on these pages. CALL DIRECT to our sales representative on your island. HAWAII Leilani Whittle, Consultant P.O. Box 838 Pepeekeo, HI 96783 Ph.

964-1042 (FAX) 964-1003 MAUI Sandra Sillapere 65 No. Church Wailuku 96793 Ph. 244-0042 (FAX) 244-5170 CAR WASHER PART TIME EVES. START IMMEDIATELY. 946-8820 TRANSPORTATION NECESSARY.

CALL 737-8974 CARPENTER LEAD PERSON APPRENTICE. Mean boss. Low pay. PH: 261-8869 CARPENTERS. Experienced.

Rough to finish. Call MondayFriday 8am-4pm. 841-4242 CARPET CLEANERS NEEDED. Must be clean motivated. Bring abstract.

Apply at 96-1197 Waihona St. 453-3333 CARPET LAYERS Apprentice. Reliable, driver's lic. Ph. 523-0999 CASHIERS ALL SHIFTS.

APPLY IN PERSON 1701 DILLINGHAM CLEANERS on-call apt house cleaning. 955-4007 CLERICAL ASST. $1450 GEN. $1200 Davenport Co. 531-2793 Clerical, Secty All Office Positions Available Daily, Call Associated Empi.

537-3381 co*ckTAIL SERVERS Immediate openings for full or part-time for Waikiki Bar. Hours, 8pm-4am. Please apply in person: 12 noon-10pm LEWERS ST. ANNEX 270 Lewers St. co*ckTAIL Servers-attractive, guarantee.

Call after 10am 225-8572. 537-3738 COLLECTORS. Openings for aggressive phone collectors. Flexible hrs. Good working cond.

bonus structure. Only exper. need apply. 526-1004 COLLECTORS Full parttime positions avail. Salary or hourly, Exper.

pref. Call 522-1200 Construction jobs Roofing jobs to Call now 528-1244 Job Search sm fee CONSTRUCTION Tile masonry to Others 528-1244 Job Search sm fee COORDINATOR HAWAII STATE COALITION AGAINST SEXUAL ASSAULT Coordinate statewide sexual assault services for victims and implement prevention education. 30 hrs. per week (flexible) Full benefits Based on Oahu with some interisland travel Must be well organized, self directed Masters in human or health services preferred. Resumes Only: P.O.

Box 1278 Wailuku, Maui, HI 96793 COUNSELING of Job placement officer. Hawaii Bueiness College 524-4014 300-General Help Wanted FUMIGATORS Ground Treaters. Abstract driver's lic. req. Alit Termite, 1024-A Kikowaena PI.

837-7650 GAS ATTENDANT MIDNIGHT CASHIER. Senior citizens welcomed. 737-7986 GENERAL OFC. to CUSTOMER SVC to 528-1244 Job Search sm fee GENERAL OFFICE! Free classroom computer training! Numerous openings 522-0900 SNELLING TEMPORARIES GROUP LEADERS needed for Afterschool program. Call Kamaaina Care.

236-0870 GUARDS immed. openings, no exper. nec. Many areas avail. Merchant Security 487-7799 HELPER for deliveries gen.

Apply Chock's TV Appl. 1308 Young St. entry level. will train. Immed.

opening. YOUNG SCALE CO. 732-0788 Hotel Desk Clerk Immediate Opening Pacific Marina Inn Midnight-8am. Communications skills, driver's abstract required. Call Mr.

Joseph, 836-1131 HOTEL Front Desk. Apply 8-4. Kuhio Surf Club 2170 Kuhio Ave. HOTEL FULL TIME HOUSEKEEPER for family style small hotel. benefits.

Exper. helpful, will train, Good communciation skills. Apply in person, Mon HAWAIIANA 260 Beachwalk Nite Front Ofc Supv Fine Dining Mgrs. $2500 Ass't Restaurant $2200 Coffee Shop Chets $2500 $8 hr. Travel Agents -exper.

$2100 $84 Concierge-bilingual. $2100 to ok $15 $8 hr. 11-7am. $8 A-1 EMPL. AGENCY 947-1205 HOUSE CONDO Cleaning Maids, salary negot.

Call Florence 922-0043 HOUSEKEEPER experienced Full time Apply 1690 Ala Moana. 9am-5pm. HR PACIFIC 521-8941 NEVER A FEE INSURANCE FILE CLERK Full-time. Salary commensurate with experience. Bishop Insurance Personnel Ph: 536-7351 INSURANCE GREAT OPPORTUNITY Earn top dollars your first year in sales international Co.

We are major company looking for people with a desire for success. Those selected will receive expense paid training and outstanding company benefits, Must be bondable, available for limited travel, ambitious selfmotivated, (sales experience a plus). if you have a desire to earn a large income are willing to follow our sales marketing concepts call for personal interview: VINCE LUM Ph: 531-0595 9am-4pm. EOE, Insurance Person Experienced in property casualty rating and proposals preferred. Computer training typing skills required.

Pleasant office, great opportunity in growing agency. Long term, benefits. Phone anytime, COLUMBIA 531-6803. JANITOR- WORKING 5 YRS. EXPER.

ON CARPETS STRIP WAX. 247-4150 JANITORIAL PERSONNEL ASSISTANT Must have good general office skills. Looking for an individual who enjoys people, accomplishments, results. Start $1200. 831-7600 JANITORIAL-7 TIME IMMEDIATE OPENINGSI FREEDOM FROM ROUTINE.

VARIOUS LOCATIONS. 5 p.m.-9 p.m. to start. Car required. 831-7600 JEWELRY SALES Full time permanent openings due to expansion.

Great benefits with quality career training. Apply in person please. Michael's Fine Jewelry Pearindge Center Make the Connection! 300-General Help Wanted KENNEL PERSON, for pet hospital. Students ok. Will train dependable.

946-5097 Licensed Practical Nurse needed for home care, private duty hospital work. Up to Excl. benefits. 941-6565 Mon-Fri, 8am-3pm LOAN PROCESSOR KAILUA Searching for diligent, career directed loan processor who knows guidelines. ARCS Mortgage offers a positive work environment.

Call Brenda Reynoids 263-6602 LOT ATTENDANTS (All shifts) RENTAL AGENT SUPV. (Graveyard shift) ALAMO RENT A CAR Outstanding benefit package Excellent bonus program Join the number 1 car Rental Agency in the World Apply in person: 3055 North Nimitz MAINTENANCE PERSON for whse. bidg. Campbell Industrial Park, full-time. 848-0988 MANAGER GENERAL MANAGER for agricultural cooperative.

College degree, computer background, personnel financial management skills. Salary negotiable Send resume to: Hawaii State Employment Service, 777 Kilauea Hilo, HI 96720 or PH: 1-933-4481 Marketing Ass't, fashion jewelry wholesaler, exper, sal neg, full or part-time. 593-1233 MECHANIC ASE or State Certified. Spe cialist in brakes, front end suspension. Safety check lic.

pref. with full medical benefits pkg. Apply at Royal Hawaiian Tire 314 Cooke St. (Honolulu) Call Wayne at 523-9944 MECHANIC Auto with expenence. Must have own tools.

Please call Mike at 531-2190 MECHANIC For equipment rental company. Diesel, gas hydraulic. Full time, own tools, drivers license. Pay based on experience. NORTEX CORP 836-1389 MECHANIC Person 234 Lunalilo Home Road MECHANIC HELPER days plus benefits.

Funway Rentals 524-6771 Dennis. MECHANIC-Motorbike. Maul. State lic. req.

Resume: Adver. tising Box HNA, Box 3350. Honolulu, H1 96801 MECHANIC Now hiring qualified maintenance mechanic. Must have knowledge of diesel, hydraulic be willing to learn work smart. Please send resume or personal info to: P.O.

BOX 1384 AIEA, HI 96701 Mechanic's Helper Must have own tools. Apply in person GUNN VAN LINES 91-255 Kalaeloa Blvd. Campbell Industrial Park MECHANIC Trucking co. Must have own tools Reliable. Quality work.

Pay based upon exper. 833-0988. Wes MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER With automotive electrical experience for full time position at commercial laundry. Please apply IN PERSON with resume, Monday-Friday, 9-noon. SNOW WHITE LINEN 210 Puuhale Road must have own tools, knowledgeable of brakes, electrical.

Call Monday-Friday from 9am-10am only. 836-0210 exper. will train. Apply MEDICAL ASS'T. full-time, no at: 1003 Pensacola St.

4:30, Mon. Wed. Friday, MEDICAL ASS'T Pali Francis West. Private physician. 1 yr.

exper. 488-7770 MEDICAL ASSISTANT full time, OBGYN. Will train. 523-2491 Make the Connection! The Classified connection The Classified connection matches up the right sellers and buyers es up the right sellers and buyers everyday. Call 521-9111 everyday.

Call 521-9111 300-General Help Wanted MEDICAL CLERK, Windward Oahu, immed. opening. excl. fringe benefits. 521-5605 MEDICAL for ofc.

speaking pref. 941-8083 Medical Secty, exper in insur: ance Detail oriented, capable of handling multiple duties. Ph: 537-9595 MEDICAL Straub Job-Hotline 948-0505: Professional, Technical, Clerical Others MEDICAL Transcriptionists: per hr. Call today PACIFIC LOGISTICS 531-0154 Person, hrty. pay based on exper.

Clean abstract. citic Distributors 488-0357 DELIVERY person fulltime, clean driver's abstract. Leave msg 536-2419 Fulltime. Company vehicle. The Blue Print Co.

536-6148 Apply in person: Blueprint, 501 Sumner St MODELS Open Call AUDITIONS 486 3366 MOTOR CARRIER NEEDED To Deliver Honolulu Advertiser Short Hours. Good Pay. No Collections. Students, Retirees Welcome Call Mr. Wallace 487-6686 NURSE AIDES needed for home care, private duty hospital work.

Excellent benefits. Up to 1 yr. current exper. or NA gred. 941-6565 Mon.

-Fri. 8am-3pm NURSERY WORKERS Orchids Services Hawaii WAIMANALO 848-0321 NURSES 0 Hawaii's highest rates! Kokua Nurses 536-2326 NURSES RNs-LPNS-NAs Consider Us First! KAHU MALAMA NURSES 951-0111 NURSES-RNS, LPNs To or NURSE AIDES To or current exper. req. Call Janice for app't HEALTHCARE (formerty Medical Personnel Pool) 955-1102 OFFICE ADMIN EMPLOYEE MGMT. CORP.

Has openings for responsible, ambitious, career oriented individ- vals in the following fields: ASS'T RECEPTIONIST BOOKKEEPING WAREHOUSE DRIVERS CDL SALES Make the real step toward a rewarding career with excellent benefits. Schedule an appointment today by calling: Nancy 528-4844 NOT AN AGENCY NO FEE OFFICE CLERK for large travel agency. Typing 30 wpm, data entry experience helpful. Excl salary travel benefits. For interview call 945-7439 OFFICE CLERK.

Good communication skills, typing 10- key skills. Will train on computer. Variety of duties. Apply Mon. 94.

955-5933 HAWAII PACIFIC FCU 1441 Kapiolani Blvd. Office Clerk. Growing financial planning firm wants receptionist for sales support telephone reception. Computer, office telephone skills. Will train.

Call Peter 526-2481 Office Clerk Driver. FIT, overtime. Abstract req. 841-2478 OFFICE MGR. exper.

in point of sale, use of computers. Only motivated, hardworking meticulous need apply. Call LeRoy 263-2311 OFFICE Staff req. part time for busy ofc. No exper.

nec. Call Mr. Brown 3-7 pm 941-1962 OPERATING Room Tech. for cosmetic surgeon. Operating rm.

exper. req. 538-0123 PACKER for food manufacturing plant in McCully. Full time, Ph. 946-6540 PARKING LOT ATTENDANT, PART- TIME.

RETIREES WELCOME. 524-1455. PART TIME National greeting card company seeks merchandiser to service retail stores in Honolulu. 12 flexible hours per week. $6.50 to start.

Reply to 348 Puuhale Rd. Honolulu, HI 96819.

Honolulu Star-Advertiser from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.