Does It Worth - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/2/2019 Does It Worth



    Does it worth?Does it worth?Does it worth?Does it worth?

  • 8/2/2019 Does It Worth



    Coperta: prof. Constantin Bogoel

    Editura EDUTrgu-Mure, str. Avram Iancu nr. 46

    Editor: prof.dr. Ciprian NprdeanCoordonatori: prof. Radu Botez,director

    prof. Bir Emese, director adjunct

    Corectura pentru limba englez: prof. Kakucs ImolaCopyrightGergely va Aranka, 2011

    Toate drepturile rezervateTehnoredactare: prof. Adriana Grama,prof. Vagasi Zsuzsa

    Ilustraia grafic: Adriana Silva

    Tiparul executat la APPIA ADVERTISING AND MARKETINGTrgu-Mure,str. Gh. Doja nr. 147

    Tel: 0265-265893, E-mail: [emailprotected]

    Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a RomnieiGERGELY VAARANKADoes it worth? versuri / Gergely va ArankaTrgu-Mure: EdituraEdu, 2011ISBN 978-973-88573-8-4I. Kakucs Imola (Prefa)II. Bogoel,Constantin (Postfa)

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    Does it worth?Does it worth?Does it worth?Does it worth?


  • 8/2/2019 Does It Worth



    Cu ocazia acestui debut editorial, doresc s lemulumesc prinilormei care m-au ncurajat mereu s scriu,directorilor de la GimnaziulSerafim Duicu din Trgu-Mure,

    Radu Botez i Bir Emese, dasclilor mei Kakucs Imola,AdrianaGrama, Vagasi Zsuzsai Constantin Bogoel, care neinstruiesc cu drag,i nu n ultimul rnd, editorului, prof.dr.

    Ciprian Nprdean, toi avnd un rolimportant n geneza

    acestui volum.


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    Preface (Elsz)

    When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to testour

    courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there isno

    point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying thatwe

    are not ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not lookback. A

    week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or notto

    accept our destiny.

    When you want something, all the universe conspires in

    helping you to achieve it.(Paulo Coelho)

    From day one I knew, that something is in her. Her sliteyedlook, her mysterious smile hide something. It should be somevalue,some mystery in this girl, I thought, what expects to berevealed.And I was right.

    As an English Teacher, it is my pleasure to work withstudentseager to learn for the sake of learning. I have rarely met astudentwho did not hesitate to put a bit of extra effort to stand outamongher contemporaries . And I can reassure you that Eva Gergely

    is one of them.Her childish -adult world of poetry combines allthe issuesthat a teenager can be interesed in. Love, life,friendship, nature,fantasy. It combines them in 51 poems, worth foradmiration andconsideration.

    It was always a pleasure of working with Eva. She is anice,creative, hardworking, considerate and sensitive person. Sheishighly motivated and her apparent enthusiasm and interest inthe

    subject is supported by her diligent work.From the first momentI was impressed by her efficiency andI have the highest admirationfor her achievements. I wish her all thebest, persistency, othervolumes of poetry, our little poetess.

    Mr az els naptl tudtam, hogy valami klnlegessgrejtzik benne.Mandulavgs szeme, titokzatos mosolya rejtlyesvolt. Van valami rtk,valami titok ebben a lnyban, gondoltam,

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    amit fel kell trni benne. s most utlag visszagondolva, gyrzem,hogy nem csaldtam.

    Angoltanrknt elmondhatom, hogy rmmel tlt el olyan

    tantvnyokkal foglalkozni, akik amiatt tanulnak, mertszeretnektanulni. Eddigi plyafutsom alatt kevs olyan dikkaltallkoztam,aki nem ttovzott abban, hogy kiemelkedjen a trsaikzl.Biztosthatom nket, hogy Gergely va, azon dikok kztartozott,akiben megvolt ez az akarat.

    A gyerekes-felnttes versesktet vilgban olyan tmkategyest,amelyek egy serdlt rdekelnek. A szerelem, a bartsg, azlet, atermszet, a kpzelet tematikit feszegeti s egyesti ket 51kltemnyben.Ezek a kltemnyek figyelmet s elismerstrdemelnek.

    rm volt vval dolgozni. Kedves, kreatv, szorgalmas,rzkeny, sfigyelmes. Motivlt, s az rdekldsnek skitartsnak eredmnye ez averses ktet.

    szinte elismersem az alkotsa eltt. Szemlyesen mindenjt kvnokneki, kitartst s sok-sok jabb versktetet.

    KAKUCS IMOLA,English Teacher

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    Those dark and mysterious eyes stopped me

    And now, being without you, its killing me

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    Waiting for my knight

    Another sleepless nightWaiting for my knightHoping he is stillaliveLoving him till I die.

    Maybe I will see himFighting for a true friend

    But I cant stillLooks like it will end.ssss

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    Once a long time ago

    Once a long time agoI feel it inside my heart

    Inside me it doesnt burns, it hurtsThe love I once felt

    The beautiful thing I once feltWhenever I spoke to him

    A warm feeling burst in me

    I loved him with everything of meAnd I hoped, together foreverit will beThe love I felt once

    Flew away, we drifted apartI should have known from thestart

    That this would happenNow my heart is trapped

    In the eternity of nothinglessIm lost, Im helpless.

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    Truly you or fake smile?

    A smile its a treasure which you may never loseA diamond smile,from a diamond goose

    Every time it makes you smileSo you cant ever cry

    But, the pain its still insideThats why people have twosides

    One is the true side

    The other its the fake smileThe fake smile keeps you fromcryingThe fake smile keeps you from trying

    The pain inside is growingBut everybody is just smiling

    They are smiling cause the smile its a treasureWhich they dontwant to lose, thats for sure

    But more important is to be yourselfHowever dont be sad likemyself

    Life means a lotDont die, stop!

    Im sure somebody loves you for who you areHow you really are: ASHINING STAR.

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    A story

    There was a girl and a boyWho taught the girl was a toy

    Somebody told himThat the girl had feelings for him

    But it already was too lateGuess what the dragon for dinnerate?

    No, not the girl

    The girl was the dessertThe boy just appearedAnd the dragon hekilledThe boys feelings awake

    And they already left the stateThey are already in HawaiiTheyare married, kawaii!

    Kawaii-cute (jap.)

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    Your fake love

    After so much sadnessI finally found happiness

    The happiness is in your eyesWhere so much love lays

    Whenever Im close to youWhenever I see you

    My heart skips a beat

    And I cant speakThis feeling you gave meThis love its hard tokeep

    When you are awayAnd I need to stay and wait

    It just hurts meBut I know you love meYou are busy with life

    Its like you would throw a knifeRight in my heart

    Dont having even 5 minutes for meSo Im left alone in thedark

    Im looking at the stars, but no sparkLike love just flew away soeasyCause you didnt cared for me.

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    A dream

    On the ground half asleep as I layI look up at the sky

    And wondering I sayWhat if it happens? But why?

    I fell for him so easyIs him special or something like this?

    When Im sad he comforts me

    He is always near me, my heart is hisI just hope that one dayIcould see him smiling

    I would lean close, kiss his smileJust to hold him in my armsthis feeling

    I open my eyes and look at the skyIt was just a dream

    I stand up from were I layAnd a tear falls down my cheek.

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    Once I knew somebody

    Once I knew somebodyI think we were more than friendsAnd thisfeelings are killing me

    Cause after all you didnt wanted me for my bodyMy heart thatswhat you wanted

    And you kept asking for itBut only in the end you realized

    What youve done. Let it.You went away from my lifeCause I didntwant you to die

    Easily saying good byeOr maybe it wasnt so easy. It was alieThats how for days I ended up crying

    Without tears in my eyesNot really cryingbut I wasnt eithersmiling

    And so many criesSo many lost smiles

    Just cause Im being stubbornYour far away thinking andsmiles

    But thats how and where we were bornMaybe thats why wediffer

    We dont look, think or act the same

    We are opposite, we differBut the feelings either were thesame.

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    Crying heart

    The sky its so blueLike your eyes, are true

    Those blue eyesWhere so much sadness lies

    Pain and sufferingYour heart is cryingI can read your heart

    You are hurtI can see through your liesSee the truth throughyour lies

    You are always lying to mePretending to be happyBut you arereally sad

    Hiding it, it makes me madYour heart is cryingYour smile islying

    To act like trueBut I can read through.

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    Lost without you

    As the moon walks on the skyI let the love walk on by

    Thats how I ended up cryingBut I guess its my fault, oh my!Ishould say whats on my heart

    Not what gets on my mind, every wordCause I cant stop thinkingabout you

    I cant throw you away, not youI want you to know, I didntpretendI will always keep you in my heart, deep down

    From where you can be never thrownThats a promise Im making foryou

    I hope you believe me, do you?I really hope that you do

    Because Im lost without you.

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    Anyone better than me

    For a really long timeMy feelings were only mine

    But I remember, one dayYou just came in my way

    Those dark and mysterious eyes stopped meAnd now, being withoutyou, its killing me

    Its music for my heart, every word

    Every small word of yours, for me means the worldJust thinkingat you, I already smileIm not afraid anymore, I know you willstay

    Love and thrust, thats what you gave meThats what really made mehappy

    Your smile full of honestyYour laugh as teasing it can be

    You are just yourself, you are what your heart saysAnd I believeI know it doesnt lies

    For you trust means more than anythingIt means more than I canthink

    But I know only one thing:You deserve anyone better than me.

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    A wish in the silence

    If every friend is near meEvery friend I wanted to be

    The please, someone, tell meWhy do I feel so empty?

    This emptiness grows as days passFor me, not even the happinesslasts

    I feel so alone in this world

    Even tough I would have someone to holdBut what if that personis cryingAnd then just wishing

    But his wish is lost in the silenceHowever I can listen

    I hear his every silence wordBut am I the only one in thisworld?

    I understand you, hear you in the silenceEven if your not here Ifeel your presence

    But even if I swear its trueYou dont believe me, do you?

    Its not written in the lines of your palmThat is why I will takeyou by the handAnd I will show you my strong wishThat what I said,it will happen it will

    Because I have faith in what I saidAnd in the last time I didntliedI tried not to break any promise

    Not to swear, not to promise something I cant keepI told you howI am

    And its worthless to try and changeBut I will try, for you

    With this I will show you that my swear was true

    You mean a lot to me, you bring happiness in my life

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    But at the same time you bring sadness in my lifeWhenever Its agood bye and after you come back

    I think that the feelings wont last

    I believe in something in what you wontI believe in somethingwhat I can see, what I can hold

    I am stuck to the earthBut this time only my heart

    Cause my mind its freeFlying on the sky, as free it can beItssomewhere between the stars

    But when on earth, on my heart I feel scars..I give up ondreaming..

    I come to reality to see whats really happening.

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    Good bye

    I am weak, I knowAnd I know I never was strongI have feelingsand emotions

    When my heart sets in motionBut I cant figure out

    My feelings, I cant sort them outBut deep down I know

    That three words mean the mostI wanted to tell you, but youdidnt stayYou didnt stayyou walked away

    My love wasnt just a feelingMy love for you is foreverlasting

    I just hope once I could see you smileFighting in your armour,knight,

    No frowns, only true smilesGood bye, be happy as you areOnlyfake smiles dont wear.

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    Happiness in soundless speaking

    In my heart why is there sadness?I thought I finally foundhappinessBut something its saddening me

    Please, tell me someone what is happening to me?The spring itscoming

    The sun everything its healingBut in my heart he cant get

    My heart has been sealedDown in the depthsWhere only thedarkness sleeps

    I am scared that the darkOnce will eat my heart

    The grudge, my ego and angerTo them I hope I wontsurrenderSometimes I feel that the sadnessBroke my heart in manypieces

    And throw it into cagesSo it wont find happiness

    But I break trough everythingHowever I didnt think

    Next what might beI know only one thing: that I will behappy

    And the happiness in your arms I foundBut when we talk, not evena soundCan be heard, our eyes speak

    Without a sound, our hearts speak.

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    In your arms

    I finally found happinessIn your love nothing more or less

    In your armsWhere nobody harmsYour sparkling eyes

    The warm milesAnd your every gaze

    A heartbeat it takesEven if you hurt meIm still happy

    Even if Im mad at you, unawareI take out your picture andstare

    And when I see your smileThinking at you, with tears in myeyes

    All the times I hurt youAll the times I didnt believe you

    To take them back I wishI will trust you fully, I will

    Just wait and seeTogether we will be truly happy.

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    The weak is left behindThe weak hides, the strong fights

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    Did you ever thoughtThat what is rightActually is wrong

    And you need to be strongTo accept the truth

    To carry the battle of your youthInside you are crying

    However outside you are smiling.

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    What if

    So what if Im wrongAfter all Im strongI can take the pain

    This things are plainYour sick, your hurt

    So what if it hurts your heart?This days when nobody cares

    Just everybody staresYou can die on the streetThey walk on youwith their feet

    No wonder life it is hellThats all I can tellI can take italready

    If hurts me everybodyIts not the end

    If everybody leftAnd I am left alone in the rain

    What if it hits me a train?Who would be there for me?Did Iguessed right? Nobody!

    If I am crying theres nobody to wipe my tearsI guess after all,I will remain with my fears.

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    The sky is red nowIts not blue anymore

    Its snowing and its coldThe summer its warmness sold

    The time changesPeople change

    Believe me, its not strange

    Everything will just once changePeople change, like meI changein worse and better

    When we meet, Ill be a strangerBut my heart will keep

    All of those happy timesWhen nobody cries

    When nobody changed quicklyAnd everybody lived happily

    And maybe I will change outsideBut Im still the same inside

    Im still the same person you knowIm just not playing with thesnow

    The snow its white, pure and innocentWith one word its justperfect

    But Im designed with many mistakesLuckily many people dont careAtrue friend its still better than a thousand

    Fake ones andOnce to be loved in a dream

    Forever to be loved is heavenYou are yourself, be what youare

    If you change, it wont fall any star

    Outside means nothing

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    Inside means everythingCause the true treasure

    Lays in everyone!

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    From a word to a war

    A word is not whats supposed to beThey can even hurt peopleemotionally

    If you are saying a wrong wordWatch out! It may be the end ofthe world!

    A word is so small but bigA few lettersbut with it you candigYour grave forever, dont you think?

    Now, not later. Cause later it its too late to thinkWords goodand bad come out of your mothShut up and get out!

    What you said, dont you know?You just hurt me now

    Its not mine, its your fault!This was your goal?

    Here it goes: This is war!The sun is shining like a star

    Over the bloody groundOur dead bodies were never found.

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    Its hard to thinkWhen the past is haunting you

    That life in pinkAnd you being a ballerina, in

    Everything its perfectEverywhere laugh and smile

    But now happiness doesnt have effect

    Anyway, its not even worth a tryThose days when we wereinnocentPlaying in the gardenRose and lily scent

    I remember, I was impatientImpatient to be nightSo I can see thestars

    So then the nightCould show its scarsScars of time passing

    You can see them on the skyAs moon and soon keep changing

    And with the skys every cryThe sun hides

    The clouds are hiding his smile

    But at least he triesBetween clouds to smileMaking everyone alittle happier

    I hope he can do itSun, you need to try harder

    Yay! The sun made it!

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    I am alive cause I cant dieCause the answer isnt suicideBecausethe answer is: fight

    Fight for what you like, fight for rightAll your life is alie

    Where you need to surviveLife is a game

    In one place you cant stayA mistake leads to otherOther andother, then another

    One wrong stepRight to the left

    The weak is left behindThe weak hides, the strong fights

    As you look to the skyYou see how many people are alive

    Cause every one fights for what they believe inCause to fightfor what you believe is everything

    What you believe in, it really existsExcept for dinosaurs, theirinstinct

    Wasnt strong enoughThey werent enough tough

    The world may end up like themIn 2012, if not in 2010.

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    Christmas Eve

    Everyday I see a sparkOn the world I see a mark

    Marks are all over the worldBut sometimes is just a word

    A word that makes everybody happyJust at Christmas, on ChristmasEve

    Saying Merry Christmas

    Or just: Merry X masThese words mean a lotBelieve me or not

    They bring smile on everybodys faceDo you believe me, it is notfake?

    Is magic, Christmass magicWhen it cant happen anythingtragic

    Everywhere you look its lightEverybody is happy now, am Iright?

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    Again Christmas is comingAnd in my heart its an emptyfeeling

    Feeling of nothinglessNot feeling happiness

    Just learning and learningCause exams are comingFinally, todayis holiday

    Ive got free time to spend with my family todayParents andfriendsThe friends list never endsOf the dear persons to meI wishto them: be happy

    Christmas Eve came once againAnd every year has a happy end

    Merry Christmas to everyoneAnd Happy New Year for everyone.

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    The hope, the aim and the stop

    Everyday a star shines brighterCause that day somebody ishappier

    Somebody had more hopeSo that somebody achieved and won

    Everybody has hopeAnd hope must never stop

    Cause everybody is a shining star

    So just be how and what you areIm sure somebody will appreciateitCause everybody has an aim, you need to achieve it

    To make everyone smile is a big aimLike the distance fromAustralia to Spain

    Everybody has an aim to achieveAnd to achieve all you gotta dois believe

    Belief is everythingWith it you can do every small or bigthing

    And if someone is on your wayThen dont pull it away

    Cause it may be a good thing it stops youJust three words: Ilove you

    A few words can make everybody happyEven if its one word Yes andyou will marry.

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    When you are lost in a world like thisAnd when you dontunderstand thins kind of things

    You mustnt ever give upIf there is a problem tell them straightup

    Dont lie or hide the truthCause you will lack of trust

    You are stupid if you think you are strong

    Cause everything may once go wrongThe truth is most importantSothe other people can understandWhat youve done and whats next

    Why do you do this, why did you textYou keep writing endless

    Hoping you will find happinessEmptying your soul on a piece ofpaper

    But the things arent like you can understandWhen alone in therain you once stand

    The rain clears your mindYou will be truly you not actingkind

    If on your heart is a stoneWhich once is there and once gone

    You cant do anything

    Cause maybe for you is a too heavy thingEvery small stone is abig mistakeWhich once too heavy something they may take

    Being it friends, parents, love or lifeThink twice and drop theknifeThe life might be bad and harsh

    But dont throw your life in the trashThere always is a smalllight in your life

    So believe in it and live.

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    You are down, staring at your pathWere once your parents sat

    Now you lead your lifeWith your own hands and mind

    Just how once lived your own kindEvery kid at this age

    Just like in a book, you would turn a page

    There is always something more awaitingThats why everybody keepshopingThat its good what life keeps for them

    Cause they know once it will endBut they need to enjoy it

    To hope, trust and believe in it.

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    I am alone with no one to holdMy heart is empty like my soul Isold

    Being nice, helpful and kindIt hurt my heart, it hurt mymindKeeping the pain all for myself

    Forgetting to keep my limits to be safeToo much I cared, toomuch I shared

    It hurt me what I heardIt hurts when you try to helpThe meanwords hurt more than I can say

    I ended up that to trust is self suicideTo believe in someone,cause after you will only cry

    But there are exceptions who make you smileThose who are for youand they are kindThey just follow their heart, not the mindActinglike they feel, and make you smile

    Not caring about what others thinkWhats bad if they act aftertheir feelings?

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    A day

    I am just sitting in my deskMy eyes are crying for help

    The blackboard its already whiteThe letters hide in theirdisguise

    A, B, C the words have hidden meaningsIm already bored

    Im feeling like a sleepy head

    There its this and thatHere comes the mathNumber andnumbers.

    Here comes Columbus!School bell rings

    Its over, the big lady singsI go home and play around

    Im dancing with friends round and round.At the end of theday

    On my bed down as I layOut the window Im looking

    As the moon and stars are slowly fading.

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    I am myself before everything elseAnd I dont get anything untilI deserve

    You got to deserve to live, so you wont dieSo you need todeserve to be alive

    You need to respect to be respectedNeed to trust to betrustedTrust is building slowly

    On the love slowlyLittle by little if you are trustedYou learnto trust, so you learnedThat you start from down to go up

    From down you look upWhen you are up, you need to remember

    Everything you have its cause you deservedBut you should neverforget

    That sometimes a thank you its all you getAnd those two wordssometimes mean a lot

    Believe me or not.To help someone its the best feeling

    Cause two words sometimes mean everything.

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    Have you?

    Have you ever been down?Have you ever tried to make a smile fromthe frown?

    Have you ever had everythingBut you felt something wasmissing?

    Have you ever lost the lifes meaning?Have you ever been at theend of understanding?

    Have you ever been at the end of hopingFeeling that somebodyyour fate is chopping?

    In the depths of angerI wont ever surrender

    In the depths of sadnessI will search for happiness.

    Even if Im down, I will not cryIf I am down, I will climb

    I wont give up without a fightIf I dont make it, at least Itried.

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    As days are passingI started realizing

    That Im just a puppet on a stringNot doing what I think.

    I am a puppet on a stringWhich just somebody controls,strict

    Not having my own feelingMy own heart, mind, I cant eventhink.

    I know I am in a placeWhere my heart is trapped on the stage

    When everybody is looking at youAnd you dont know what todo.

    Everybody is seeking my mistakesOnly a little time it takes

    And everybody is laughingLaughing at me and teasing.

    My mind and heart its in a care

    From where I can not escapeI cant be who I really amHowevernobody understands.

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    Hey boy, no offenceBut I will ask you to danceThis party is notjust to stay

    Dance or the music will blow you awayTake a step, move with themusic

    You dont need to know, you need to feel itThe rhythm flows inyour veins

    Hey boy, danceDont restrain!Dont be shyAt the end of the nightyoull be mine

    All you got to do is danceUntil the party ends!

    Hey boy, sorry I am lateI just found out youre my soul mate

    Thanks you waited for meTogether we will be truly happy.

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    World turned bad

    The world isnt like it wasWithout being hurt, you cant get outof the house

    Everywhere you look: crimesEverybody wants to yell The world ismine!

    Some people think to thinAnd they are blaming the sinner not thesin

    The world is behaving worser

    They think swear words and fights are the answerWhere did allthe honesty go?Where are the good things? Care, trust, love

    I remember once that how good it wasNo fires, tsunamis,earthquakes...everybody had a house

    But the time is changingThat time is passing

    Where is all the respectWhen were you the last time honest?

    You cant see the world trough other eyesThat the world can begood.are all lies.

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    Broken promises

    I remember the promises you once madeYou said that its never toolate

    I used to look up at youBut now I dont even believe you

    A broken promise whats that for you?A cry does it matter toyou?

    I know I am not how you wanted

    Well I am sorry but I cant be perfectI am just myself, a sillygirl who believed youA silly girl who your lies couldnt seetrough

    You expected something else... I knowBut I will prove that yourthought was wrong

    I am not how you think I amAnd maybe you think I cant take thispain

    But I wont give up, you know?You said its already too late nowAteverything I will try my best

    Until that day, I wont rest.

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    Friends are angelsEnemies are devils

    Bad its evilSon of devil

    Good its rightThere is no fightHate is stubborn

    Thats how you are bornLove its a piece of havenMorning afterseven

    The melancholy, sadnessFights against happinessSmile destroysthe tears

    You can get trough every fearsKilling is pointless

    Friends bring happiness.

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    The clouds anger lights are showing

    As the sun they are capturing

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    I give you a daisyTo not be clumsyI give you a rose

    To not be in cloudsI give you a lily

    To be always happyA daffodil to have good luck

    And a violet to never get lostFreesia to help your dreams cometrueAnd the flower of friendship

    Just for you.

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    The sky once blueDisappeared as days passes trough

    The birds flew awayNeither the sunny days stay

    The green turned redAnd I remembered

    The sunny days, flowers and pool

    But now you wear blouse of white whoolThe warmth you had onceItdisappeared in the distance

    Now I look at the wittered flowerOutside, the world takes ashower

    You wake up with a frownWith a smile turned upside downThe whitewhool now is melting

    The white whool turned to nothingEverything and everyone itswondering

    Looking at that shiny, warm thing.

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    Its night again..The stars wont stay

    How much I wanted,How much I desired

    Just to see and stare at themHoping I still can

    The night sky is so peaceful

    Dark but shiny, its wonderful!Just look and see,That star is themost shiny!

    But look, that star is brighter,Now I guess Im happierThe moonnear the stars,Starts to show its scars

    On the beautiful night sky,But today it doesnt even cryThe moonjust looks at them,

    And I realized just thenWho who is protecting?

    Who who is saving?The moon the stars

    Or the stars from the moons scars?

    Just realized the black skyTurned into a pink skyAnd the pigeonpasses by,Now, over the blue sky.

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    A year

    I am just like a catIf the sky runs after me I am sad

    When the sky is cryingNeither I am smiling.

    I dont want to be the skyFor months just to cry

    For half a year to lose my smileForgetting about time.

    I want to be a treeSo spring I can be happy

    To protect the birdsAnd see their births.

    Every year, everything changesEverything changes to findhappiness

    My thinking changesSo I give to other things chances.

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    The blue sky becomes darkThe sun starts losing its spark

    Dirty clouds start yellingSomeone, please, tell me whatshappening?

    On the sky the hell releasesThe sun its losing its happiness

    The clouds anger lights are throwingAs the sun they arecapturing.

    Up there the sun is so scaredThe clouds understood, and theyremembered

    How the sun helped them back thenSo they shade tears forher.

    The clouds slowly walked awayBut neither the sun stays

    The moon comes upCause of the clouds is starting to cough.

    His coughs move the treesMaking them a new hair, they arehappy

    The angry wind its calming downAnd it goes away with afrown.Friendship- Just happiness

    No more sadness.

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    And there will be a strong bond

    Which no one can break

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    A friends worth

    When you think you are aloneActually you are not

    There will always be someone near you, only oneOn your heart isa spot.

    That special friend owns itYou like him, you love him

    Cause you trust him more than anything

    He is a special one, dont lose him!You find one just once in alifetimeGrab it! Theres only one chanceDont you dare to think its alie!

    Grab it! Grab his handsAnd there will be a strong bond

    Which no one can breakNeither Jackie Chan or James Bond

    Thats how strong a friendship can somebody make.

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    Neko me

    I may look a big girlBut I think to immoral

    I am young, but I am oldI am immature or so I was toldIts a biglie that I am acting

    Im myself, Im never pretending!Im just a cuddly girl

    However in the morning Im hyperLook down whos grabbing yourshirt?Please, just look down, its meYou can see me with a bigtail

    My ears twitches as my arms riseI glomp you from behind

    Hey, dont run away Your mine!I may be just a neko

    But Im on your back go, go, go!A piggy back ride

    Do it! I want to smile!I kiss your cheek, you smileI wrap aroundyou my tail

    I smile and show you that I careDont cry, dont you dare!

    I will always be near you,Guess who will help you?You can tellme everything

    I promise your secret its safe with me.

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    A lie

    Its all a beautiful lieCause in the end I will die

    No hope to surviveIn this cruel lifeAll its a game

    Cause hope wont stayHours and hours

    The world isnt anymore oursAs time passesThe hell releasesMymouth speaks

    Stupid thingsIt hurts people

    Cause Im not ableTo make anyone smileI make everybody cry

    They know its not worth a tryBecause SOMETIMES the life its abeautiful lie

    Its a lie, but a lie were we all die.

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    Ive torn off the hand that feed me liesThe thinking which doesnteven tries

    Which wants to achieve truthBut it lacks of trust

    Trying to walk the path of self-sacrificeTo dont show anyemotions, to dont smile

    Be hurt, but dont cry

    Dont even tryNobody is worth somebodys tearsIf its shaken, butnot cause of fears

    Its cause its insecureOnly in true love you can be sure

    If thats realCause your heart can steal

    What it already hasThe true happiness.

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    I go home and open the netThe first thing I do is to chatI openmy heart to everyone

    There, I trust my friends one by oneI am nice and kind tothem

    They tell me everything that happenedThey trust me, I helpthem

    If they are telling their life story I will listenSometimes theyare sad, sometimes they are happyBut I am keeping the secrets,believe meIts nice to have friends all over the world

    But Im worried to every sad wordI am myself, I am notpretending

    Thats why people say Im nice, good and helpingI like my friends,I love them all

    I trust my friends, I help them all.

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    A pretty rainbow on the skyThere is a bird flying

    In that beautiful blue skyWhere isnt sadness lying

    Just happinessNo more sadnessAs the truth I found

    Its more happy than I toughtit* really nice to knowThat peopledont treat you rough

    And that they really careFor the happiness you want to share

    And if you are happyThey know it truly

    It feels the bestWith their friends

    Feeling their arms around youSeeing they care about you.

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    A best friend

    I remember a dayI was skating on ice

    And everything was beautiful and niceBut it didnt last longCauseI wasnt strong

    You cam near meYou wiped my tears, I was happy

    Since I met you I dont cryI cant cry, I only smileWhen I smileyou hug meThen I will really happy

    I want you to knowWith you Im not afraid anymoreTo me, you arelike a big brother

    I am not afraid, big brotherThanks for erasing my frown

    And always being near me, when I smile or I am down.

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    For my sissy

    The first time I met youI felt I already know you

    We resembled a lotThe same dreams and hope

    The same feelingsLiking the same things

    When I was sad you cried

    When I was happy you smiledYou didnt asked how I feelYou alreadyknew, stillWhenever you saw me

    You asked if Im ok, if Im happyI wish we would be realsisters

    The best sisters, sisters for ever!Thanks for making me, notbreaking me

    And for my sissy, wherever you might beI wish you to behappy!

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    Does it worth?

    When you are downLosing sense of control

    Trying not to frownJust trying to get the crown

    Cause you want to be perfectNot thinking others can affect

    Your stubbornness

    Begging for attention, your helplessUsing people to achieve youraimDoes it count if others feel pain?

    You are down, getting upNot thinking its time to stop

    You said youre my friend, you liedSometimes, its onlybetrayal

    Many people using youMany people betraying you

    Does it worth using your friendsTo achieve your aim before yourlife ends?

  • 8/2/2019 Does It Worth




    Those who are afraid of the cross

    Those who are human, yet are not

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    Vampires eternity

    Once I saw itsaw the truthWhich was hide by themthose

    They are hiding it from youthThose who are afraid of thecrossThose who are human, yet are not

    They lived thousand years, they live foreverWhose who with themost brutal people fought

    Maybe they win, maybe they lose? Who knows? No one everAs timepassed one by oneIn a strange waythey disappearedJust as you wouldtell: Be gone!

    Is it trust, is it a lie? Just as THEY said,They are amistery

    Which lie in the darkIn castles or misery

    Cause they are just as a sharkAttack slowly, but painfully

    So they use pain against enemyBiting its neck roughly

    Thats why.they lived for eternity

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    Dead night

    The day is endingIts already twilight

    This time its frighteningIts already night

    The moon is risingThe colors are dying

    One shadow

    Its just a crowA crow in the skyShines upon the moonlight

    And on the tree, downThere is standing an owl

    A white owl looking at youWith bloody, glassy eyes scaringyou

    It come just closer and closerUntil it disappears in thecloset

    It was just a dreamWhich ends with a scream

    I see the owlI see the crow

    The moonlight is shiningAnd I ended up screaming.

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    Filozoful latin Lucretius spunea la un moment dat:Omul dispare,creaia rmne. Aceste cuvinte sunt actuale norice perioad. La unmoment dat, fiecare dintre noi vom trececu luntraul ntr-o alt lume,cea a sufletelor. Rmne ns ontrebare important: Ce vom lsa n urmanoastr? Omul esteprins n mrejele problemelor cotidiene, iar acestlucruestompeaz dorina acestuia de a crea, de a lsa ceva

    constructiv n viaa sa. Atunci cnd ne referim la creaie,puteminclude i faptul de a scrie. Acest talent de a scrie reprezintoadevrat art. Nu este uor s-i alegi cuvintele din mareaocn avocabularului. Cuvintele trebuie s te reprezinte celmai bine,trebuie s exprime ct mai bine gndurile isentimentele tale. Acestfapt se aplic foarte bine n domeniulpoetic. Dup prerea mea, actulde a compune poeziireprezint, n primul rnd, un dialog cu propria-ipersoan, ocomunicare cu universul luntric. n al doilea rnd,poeziiletrebuie s transmit un mesaj i cititorilor. Doarcitindu-ipoeziile, oamenii i pot forma o idee despre persoanata,despre sentimentele i tririle tale interioare.

    O astfel de persoan care s-a aventurat cu ndrzneal ngalaxiaGutenberg i, iat, se prezint n faa noastr cu acestvolum de poezii,este elev n clasa a VIII-a, Gergely Eva, care

    reprezint cu atta mndrie Gimnaziul Serafim Duicu dinTrgu-Mure. Oadolescent aflat la debutul ei n sferapublicisticii mureene, careare o preocupare demn de toatlauda, i anume de a scrie poezii nlimba englez. Volumulintitulat sugestiv prin ntrebarea Does itworth? (Merit?) nise adreseaz tuturor: Merit s facem ceva n viaanoastr?Sau a meritat ca aceast contiincioas elev s compun poeziii sle publice ntr-un volum? Rspunsul Evei se poate afla

    ntre coperile acestei cri, ntre versurile poeziilor ei.

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    Volumul este structurat pe mai multe secvene, nfuncie detematica poemelor. Emoiile i gndurile poeteiaflate la nceput dedrum, se reflect n: Romance

    (Romantism), Life (Via), Nature (Natur), Friendship(Prietenie) iFantasy (Fantezie). Fiecare secven prezint lanceput o grafic,realizat de colega ei, Adriana Silva, elevn aceeai instituie denvmnt. Este deosebit de interesantaceast colaborare dintre cele douadolescente. Gndurile isentimentele sunt exprimate att princuvinte, ct i pringrafic, toate contopindu-se ntr-un tot armonios.Un exempludemn de urmat i pentru ali tineri! Nu-mi rmne dect slefelicit pe cele dou eleve pentru aceast iniiativi s ledorescputere de munc, pentru a-i putea desfta pe cititori i cualtevolume de versuri.

    prof. CONSTANTIN BOGOEL,publicist

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  • 8/2/2019 Does It Worth



    Contents (Cuprins)


    ROMANCE............... 7

    Waiting for my knight 8

    Once a long time ago. 9

    Truly you or fakesmile?..........................................................10

    A story. 11

    Your fake love..12

    A dream 13

    Once I knew somebody 14

    Crying heart..... 15

    Lost without you.. 16

    Anyone better than me. 17

    A wish in the silence 18

    Good bye. 20

    Happiness in soundless speaking. 21

    In your arms. 22

    LIFE. 23

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    Fake. 24

    What if. 25

    Change 26

    From a word to a war... 28

    Smile 29

    Life.. 30

    Christmas Eve.. 31

    December. 32

    The hope, the aim and the stop 33

    Lost.. 34

    Down 35

    Emtpy... 36

    A day... 37

    Climbing.. 38


    Puppet.. 40

    Dance... 41

    World turned bad. 42

    Broken promises.. 43

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    Emotions. 44

    NATURE............. 45

    Flowers 46

    Seasons 47

    Night 48

    A year.. 49

    Rain. 50


    A friends worth 52

    Neko me.. 53

    A lie.. 54

    Feelings 55

    Chat.. 56

    Happiness. 57

    A best friend.... 58

    For my sissy. 59

    Does itworth?..........................................................................60

    FANTASY 61

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    Vampires eternity... 62

    Dead night 63

    POSTFA 64


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    Mulumim pentru sprijinul material acordat pentrueditarea itiprirea volumului, urmtoarelor firme:


    EDITURA EDU, Trgu-Mure.

    Gergely va Aranka,Adriana Silva

  • 8/2/2019 Does It Worth


Does It Worth - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.