Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - TRIAL PHI) (Always accepting new players) RP (2024)

I'm going to be on vacation for about a week starting tomorrow. I'll try to continue updating at a similar pace to usual, but updates are likely to slow down for that time.

DragonAegis said:

[Upgrade! 3/5 (+1 from © this round)] +1 to Torix (alternating between the two on the lower levels)

Tom Sawyer shoves a pile of papers into THE LORDE's face!
It's a restraining order!
Paper bursts out of the pile, and folds themselves into a chain!
Then, the chain turns into words, then metallic! Now it's solid steel!
The chains pull back on THE LORDE's, uh, sword, dragging it to the ground!

The Metalgamation goes in front of THE LORDE, blocking it's attacks!
Alternatively, it attacks THE LORDE.

THE LORDE breaks out of the restraining order, but takes 6,000 damage as it does so!

JOEbobobob said:

UNFRIENDLY? WHY WOULD THE MOTHS BE-angry when they could order a Pizzasmcpizzas Fire Pizza at any time for a nice refreshing meal of fire? That's what Moths like, right? Right. Now, Aspera seems to have been pretty satisfied with his last order, so you might think that'd be the next offer; or maybe he'd keep investigating the cheese pizza? or perhaps you'd think it was time for a diversified customer selection. You might even think DefJOE would use that classic trick of 'doing things he's better-positioned to do for money', summon an entity, and send it over to the LORDE fight? All good ideas! Though that last one goes against Pizzasmcpizzas company policy of selling all their sentient pizzas for free...
...But DefJOE has an even better idea! that's right! as mentioned, Pizzasmcpizzas sells their sentient pizzas, their main product, for free. In other words, Pizzasmcpizzas is not a profitable business venture. Mostly, Pizzasmcpizzas works around this by having exactly no expenses; DefJOE works for free, the storefront doesn't pay property tax, the Pizzas respawn endlessly. However, Cheese Pizza respawned in a dark place with no physical form! Without a physical form, DefJOE can't sell it to people! The Pizzaizer, of course, costs nothing to operate, but it can't recreate a Pizza its already made. And some of Pizzasmcpizzas' most frequent customers are already accustomed to their specific combat assistants, personality and all! Which means Pizzasmcpizzas has just suffered one of its few expenses, and can't afford it!
So, back to the great idea: DefJOE is going to engage in the ancient, venerable Pizzasmcpizzas tradition of battlefield salvage. It's also a DefJOE tradition, really, but nevermind that. What's he salvaging? a stack of +1's! Where is he salvaging them from? The Testificate's corpse!... well, ash pile! Sure, the testificate burned to ash, but not all physically-represented +1s can be burned, and not all even have a representation! DefJOE sends out Math Pizza on a quick expedition to retrieve them, as easy as 1+1=2.

(Historically, the Testificate has recieved: 12 generic +1's (4 Krill&4 Greninjoid&1 Dragonwolf&2 Razor &1 Wormortar); 1 'highly specific' +1(Krill); 1 Onyx +1(Boris), 1 Imitation Emerald +1(Dragonwolf), 1 +1 in each of: 'random multitude of things', Em*rald, not-invisible, and (not)creative(Krill), 1 photo-of-another-testificate +1(Dragonwolf); 1 model train from Boris; and I'm not going to search the remaining 38 pages for every other +1 the Testificate got, this is more then enough to support my argument about non-universal flamability via the 12 generics, the onyx/emerald, and arguably train.
(it's also given out 1 +1 to Krill and 1 to Greninjoid, and took 1 charge from Krill by force, in the span I checked.).)

(The Storefront is to attempt to create a Boulder Pizza(HP only), which will be offered for sale to the Lower Chambers players if created.)

4/10 Repeat[RandomizeChargeContentByCharacter.bat]
+1 to Bananathesecond
(Robot # 207 is owed 1 +1.)

You dig through the ashes of the Testificate! How gross. Nonetheless, you do find several +1s that survived the blaze. As you try to collect them, however, a freak gust of wind sends them in every direction! You only manage to hold on to one of them.

Every player gets a +1 to their current charge!

Crimtane Shovel said:

A small baseball shaped +1 to DragonAegis for a reason maybe perhaps.

[Main Action]
© starts coughing. Like, a lot. ©, watching this, reaches into one of its hands, somehow, and pulls out a small bag, tied shut with a rainbow string. ©, coughing slightly less, absorbs the bag into himself, before openinga portal, and dragging out an old friend, being the lie detector from way back when. Wasting no time, it instantly zaps ©, no words even spoken.

As he starts doing his usual reaction of wildly turning to various shapes, © grabs some of the various bits Nameless © removed, and throws them at ©, along with a small pebble. The various junk pieces get caught up in the rapid shape-shifting, resulting in an end form looking like a junkyard vacuum cleaner. Somewhere in there, the pebble opens the bag, and © begins draining the suffocating atmosphere of all the stuff making it hard to breathe. To try and avoid a certain Creator hearing this, © forms a small barrier blocking the sound, although only a bit after the process started.

As for all the stuff being sucked up, it all gets funneled into the bag, which is in reality a Bag of Holding, so storage isn't a problem.

[Entity Commands]
Wroughtnaught's, second verse, same as the first.

Nameless ©, please grant my Lessor Igneous Wroughtnaught non negative armor. If that's not feasible, then keep eating the insulation of the walls

Deadeye © is to do the one singular function he is capable of, and shoot THE LORDE

[Charge plus OOC Comments]
A weapon fit for a king... [9/20]

You weaken the suffocating atmosphere!

[Charge Stuff / RP]

Firestorm looks back at the fact that there's now a western © next to the tar © that he's come to know, not to mention the tower shield © that's also there. "Huh, so that's how you do it. That's pretty neat, yeah." Handing another +1 to Crimtane Shovel to complete the trifecta of charge gifting this turn, he then looks back at the Lorde, who appears to have stopped hopping and now is... launching highly detailed attack patterns with Morpho Knight's sword. That escalated quickly...

Looking around for something else to perhaps fight back, Firestorm realizes how labored everyone's breathing is down here, not to mention that beside the eerie red light emitted from The Lorde in his current AI is pretty much the only light source that's keeping everything put together. "... Hey, what you did is cool, but it'd be better if we could work to our full capacity, right? Watch this."

/give @p minecraft:wooden_axe 1

And a simplistic wooden axe appears in Firestorm's hands. It might not seem like much, but as he goes through his inventory and places a couple blocks of wooden planks against the walls, a simple left and right click reveal some messages that he hasn't caused before in the world's workings...
First position set to (X, Y, Z).
Second position set to (X+39, Y+4, Z)(200).

Anyone with an F3 menu would theoretically be able to see that those X, Y, and Z coordinates equate to where he put those blocks of wooden planks, carefully placed to not intersect any of the machinery in between them and disrupt these inner workings. He goes ahead and types some more in, speaking out loud as he does so... "Where I come from is a pretty nebulous concept, but man am I glad this all collided with my creative server instead of anywhere else. It means I can do this stuff!"
//replace air,oak_planks 50%oak_leaves,50%verdant_froglight
200 blocks have been replaced.

Doing a fancy twirl with the wooden axe before putting it away, the player smirks and the space between those two blocks is set into a mix of oak leaves and a series of strange, green glowing light blocks - making the area both lighter and easier to breathe in. Carbon dioxide'll do that with plants, and that should help a bit with our current weather condition.

[Entity Orders]
The Acolyte of Zaeqult, realizing that his knife is ultimately not all too effective, decides to stab The Lorde anyways while coveting the sword that it currently has. That's way cooler than the knife...
The Pipis, being Pipis, explode and deal 50 thousand damage to The Lorde. Considering that's a tenth of the healthbar, that's pretty good.

Morph Mod, 1.20 - 7/10 [+1 from Tom Sawyer, +1 last turn from ©]
Pipis - [||||] 1/4
Anchor Block

You weaken the suffocating atmosphere!

Robot # 207 said:

[Unnamed Medium Class 10/10] --> [Medium Tank 10/10]
As the Buggy is hit with bombs and is destroyed the Tank is coincidentally completed at the same time, so The Mech deploys another Cab Block that grows into a Medium Tank, the Tank has HP, Regen, and Attack

As the Medium Tank grows itself The Mech turns to looks at Aspera, it stares for a while, it then throws its arms up and walks to the Hostile Moths, firing an incendiary round into the mass.

The Mech loads up its schematics on the Buggy
[Buggy, Again 0/6]
Though it also considers making a unit that can produce units instead
[Factory? ??/??]
OOC: Could I make a unit that produces units? also how many charges is entity making worth?

+1 to Torix
Kabula Cannon Cooldown: IIIII

Medium Tank summoned!


Banana_The_Second said:

Pol walks over to Oryx's sword, picking it up with their free wing easily, even if Oryx's sword is too big for their human-sized body. Kirby walks over next to them.
"Poyo poyo?"
They shapeshift back into their original form (just a small, plumpy, glowing white bat with apparent black holes for eyes) now that Oryx is dealt with.
"Juust a second, and then we'll teleport to the others."
Ink nods silently as he looks around again, lost in thought.

Oryx twirls Oryx's sword once, testing out its strength, before levitating it above them and melting Pol's boomerang sword into its core liquid material, before lacing Oryx's sword in it. Pol then begins melding the sword as if it were molten hot. By the time Pol grasps it again, it's taken on the curved blade shape of Pol's original sword, though with the black material and overall design of Oryx's blade. White outlines course throughout it like veins.
"...this should do."

Pol then drives their new sword into the ground, teleporting themselves, Kirby, Ink Sans, and probably their Tubby Custard Machine.

For all of them to be teleported right next to ©, in the lower chambers. The 3 of them take a second to glance around and take everything in.
"…some new faces we've got here, huh?"
"I wonder where…"
Pol blinks to get a scan of everyone's memories on the situation, before glancing at THE LORDE.

Pol nods for Kirby to go on ahead and attack them while they stay back with Ink to work on summoning something.

Ink kind of just looks at Torix and Tom Sawyer and © in turn, before raising his hand and just kind of awkwardly waving.

[15/15]: Potions lol.
Somewhere else.
"Hello potion seller. I am going into battle, and I want your strongest potions."
"My potions are too strong for you, traveller."
"Potion seller, I tell you I am going into battle. And I want only your strongest potions."
"You can't handle my potions. They're too strong for you."
An apprentice listens intently to this interaction, eager to learn more about how their master deals with customers, especially those of the wrong kind.

Today, his master apparently was to give him a test. He had no idea what this test was, but it seemed…quite final, for some reason. His own master had said himself, he was getting close to brewing potions of his master's caliber, potions fit for only the greatest.

And then his world faded to black. And next thing he knew, he was standing next to a strange skeleton and a white bat, his potion kit on his back. A voice in his head filled him in on the situation...and thus he was convinced to help after a couple of seconds of unimportant persuasion and conversing with Pol verbally.

Potion Master's Apprentice: While far from the strongest, offensively or defensively wise, he's actually good at making potent potions, useful mainly for buffing his fellow entities…at a cost.

His master's potions could fell a dragon, and often are far too much for your average knight to use in battle. His potions are similar, though the consequences are less pronounced as he's still just an apprentice, and one that's trying not to make potions that usually kill the drinker unless they're some kind of demonic knight.

Oh. And he has a potion sling. For storing them for later. Some potions take longer to brew than others as well.

New charge time~
[1/30]: Now for something a bit stronger...
Some odd fire is given to Firestorm. Seems like it's a +1. (Torix)

[Entity Command]:
Ink just kinda vibes, but not before noticing that there's a couple entities around that his bottles could help out.
So with a snap, he sends his red ink bottle to the Acolyte of Zaeqult, and his orange ink bottle to the Pipis, where they both give their respective boons to the entities they're sent to.

Kirby puts on his buzzsaw cap as he dashes at THE LORDE. He pops out a pair of buzzsaws, apparently charging up by magic in the air as they transition from yellow to red to rainbow coloured, at 45 degree angles to them, which curve towards THE converge early, apparently missing THE LORDE entirely as they instead curve back out and around him. They seem to do this repeatedly in some kind of double-helix shape as they continue way past them. Probably just a distraction for THE LORDE.

Kirby then closes the distance, jumping in their face to spin up the new saw in his hat and try his best to cut through as much of THE LORDE's armour as possible, also attempting to saw downwards for extra damage.
He then fires off the buzzsaw in his hat at point-blank range to launch THE LORDE back while Kirby magnetises his hat to call back all of his saws back to him at once, to be absorbed into his hat.

That includes the two fully charged buzzsaws he launched earlier, which now saw THE LORDE's armour as they come back to Kirby.

You appear in the Lower Chambers! A word of warning - if the active players in the Lower Chambers outnumber the active players in the Upper Chambers, Aspera may follow you down there!

I'm going to hold off on summoning the Potion Seller for now - the idea is interesting, but it doesn't seem particularly easy for me to balance and it doesn't seem as helpful as it could be with the drawbacks. You can discuss a rebalance or an alternative summon with me in DMs.

You deal 7,000 damage to THE LORDE!

Owing to the amount of time Aspera has spent in the thousand universes, he's been able to make a large number of allies. He seems to be able to use his sword to force eternal loyalty, so he has a massive army at his beck and call.

This raises the question - what's the deal with the "favors" he calls in?

Every now and then, seemingly especially when under pressure, Aspera will pull out a card and summon a bizarre entity to assist him. From the sinister Polybius to the chaotic THE LORDE, he seems to have an excess number of these cards. But why does he have one-time "favors" of this sort instead of just opening portals to his allies? And of all things, why cards?


Wade idles, as there's nobody for him to heal! The Variable Entity attempts to spawn a pizza... and fails! THE CREWMATE MOTH PALADIN INCREASES WADE'S HEALING ABILITY BY GIFTING HIM A BOON OF THE MOTHS!


The Healing Rain Cloud moves to the Lower Chambers!

Aspera looks around, seemingly confused.

Weren't there more of you here a moment ago?
Where did the others go, I wonder...
Well, never mind that.

Aspera swings his sword, releasing a single rubber ball! It bounces around the chamber, picking up in power until it slams into the PizzasMcPizzas storefront, dealing an additional 50,000 damage!

From a nearby chamber, you hear the sound of gun fire! A monkey in a tank suddenly wheels into the room, a panicked expression on his face! As he looks around, he begins to calm down a bit...

Monkey: Huff... Huff...
Monkey: The Gunslinger... what did they do to you...?

The monkey then notices the battle happening in the room. Specifically, he notices Aspera.

Monkey: ...You! You're the one that Leshy warned me about.
Monkey: And the rest of you... are opposing him, I assume?
Monkey: Allow me to introduce myself, then.
Captain Churchill: I am Captain Churchill. Let me fight by your side!

Captain Churchill joins the party! It seems like he was pretty easy to bring to your side. Some of you recognize him... you remember seeing him die. What is going on?


Ink Sans bridges universes, summoning SANESS, the bringer of BAD TOMS! The Red Ink Bottle gives a Pain Boon to the Acolyte of Zaeqult! The Acolyte of Zaeqult attacks THE LORDE, dealing 2,500 damage! The Pipis detonates, dealing 50,000 damage to THE LORDE!

THE LORDE attacks the Igneous Wroughtnaught three times, dealing 13,500 damage and inflicting three Mind Distortions! THE LORDE takes 15,000 damage!

The Healing Cloud heals the Igneous Wroughtnaught by 1,500 HP! The Metalgamation attacks THE LORDE, dealing 1,250 damage!

The Ferrous Wroughtnaught and the Igneous Wroughtnaught attack THE LORDE, dealing 15,000 damage! Nameless © continues pushing through the Machine, reducing its integrity by 7%! Deadeye © shoots THE LORDE, dealing 3,000 damage!

THE LORDE's AI changes! (All charged abilities from the previous AI are kept until they finish charging...)


AG: Destroy Aspera!
AG: Befriend the people you encounter in the Uberdungeon!
AG: Find the Sacred Black Weapons before the Upper Circle does!

N: Seek out your personal objectives.
N: Befriend the people you encounter in the Uberdungeon, if you're so inclined.

PG: Protect Aspera!
PG: Befriend or defeat the people you encounter in the Uberdungeon!

ALL: If you go into the Lower Chambers, don't let the creator of the Machine find you!


Suffocating Atmosphere: The lower chambers are dark, and hard to breathe in. Players in the Lower Chambers have their action power halved!

Upper Chambers:


[GM]: 20/50 HP, Godmodder


Wade [AG]: HP: 15,000/15,000, Healing: 6,000
Captain Churchill [AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Armor: 5,000, Main Gun: 10,000 damage, ignores armor, Machine Gun: 15,000 damage, stopped entirely by any amount of armor
Variable Entity [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 20,000/75,000, EXPLOSION TAGS: 16,000, Current Form: PizzasMcPizzas Storefront

Cake Guy's Cake: Spawn a Cake entity worth 0.5 Charge.
MOTH PALADIN NOVICE: Generate 8,000 EXPLOSION TAGS. 1,000 Attack. 1,000 Healing.
PizzasMcPizzas Storefront: 30% chance to spawn a Pizza entity worth 1.5 Charge.
John Phoenix's Eyebrows: Sue an entity, inflicting a debuff that reduces one of their stats by 1 Charge and grants that amount of stats to this entity. Can be dispelled with actions. If the entity dies, the boost goes away, but becomes a permanent part of the abilities for this form. No additional abilities (yet).

CREWMATE MOTH PALADIN [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 55,000/55,000, Regeneration: 5,000, DOES MOTH PALADIN DEEDS
Medium Tank [Core Block - AG]: HP: 20,000/20,000, Attack: 5,000, Regeneration: 2,500

A VERY UPSET SWARM OF MOTHS [H]: HP: 35,000/50,000, Attack: 5,000

Lower Chambers:

The Machine [N]: Blocking progress! Integrity in this area: 88%


Ink Sans [AG-BOSS]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Attack: 15,000, Dodge: 75%, Ink Barrier, Ink Exhaustion: II, Bridge Universes: IIII, Dodge Exhaustion
Red Ink Bottle [AG]: Integrity: 100%, Pain Boon, Deathrattle: +5,000 Attack to Ink Sans
Orange Ink Bottle [AG]: Integrity: 90%, Armor Boon, Deathrattle: +2,000 Armor to Ink Sans
Green Ink Bottle [AG]: Integrity: 100%, Healing Boon, Deathrattle: +5,000 Regeneration to Ink Sans

Ink Barrier: Ink Sans is invincible. Disappears when no Ink Bottles are present.
Ink Exhaustion: Ink Sans only takes actions every other turn. Does not affect the Ink Bottles. Disappears when no Ink Bottles are present.
Bridge Universes: Summon an Alternate Universe Sans with 10,000 HP, 75% Dodge, 5,000 Attack, and Dodge Exhaustion.
Dodge Exhaustion: When an entity with Dodge Exhaustion dodges an attack, it loses 25% Dodge chance. When it is hit successfully, its dodge resets to 75%.
Pain Boon: Give another entity (not another Ink Bottle or any Sans) +5,000 Attack this turn. Multiple boons cannot be given to the same entity in a single turn.
Armor Boon: Give another entity (not another Ink Bottle or any Sans) +2,000 Armor this turn. Multiple boons cannot be given to the same entity in a single turn.
Healing Boon: Heal another entity (not another Ink Bottle or any Sans) by 5,000 HP. Multiple boons cannot be given to the same entity in a single turn.

SANESS [AG]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Attack: 5,000, Dodge: 75%, Dodge Exhaustion
Acolyte of Zaeqult [Firestorm256 - AG]: HP: 15,000/15,000, Attack: 2,500

THE LORDE [PG-BOSS]: HP: 347,000/500,000, NO U, Attack: 10,000*5, Each attack summons an End*rmite, Spawns one End*rmite for each 5,000 damage taken, cannot lose last point of HP while End*rmites are alive
Wing Beat: III

NO U: Can attack players. If they fail to counter, their augmentations (including Destiny) are disabled for the next round. If © fails to counter an attack from THE LORDE, his Destiny is permanently disabled as THE LORDE takes his nameplate.
Current AI: End*r Dr*gon

Metalgamation [Tom Sawyer - N] HP: 15,000/15,000, Armor: 6,000, Attack: 1,250, Reaction Fire: 2,000
Healing Rain Cloud [Krill13 - N]: HP: 1,000/1,000, Healing: 1,500

Ferrous Wroughtnaught [©]: HP: 100,000/100,000, Armor: 1,250, Thorns: 2,000, Attack: 12,500
Lesser Igneous Wroughtnaught [©]: HP: 8,000/20,000, Armor: -1,000, Thorns: 5,000, Attack: 2,500, Mind Distortions: 3
Capital ©: HP: 141,500/150,000, Summon Nameless ©: IIIIII, summons a Nameless © with 15 HP and 10,000 Action Power
Nameless ©: HP: 15/15, Action Power: 10,000
Deadeye ©: HP: 10/10, Straight Shot, Ricochet

Straight Shot: 5,000 Action Power.
Ricochet: 3,000 Action Power. Ignores all defensive abilities, including Armor, Dodge, Thorns, and Reaction Fire.


LapisLazuli': Vortex [AG]
Firewing: Just Flask [AG]
Champion Greninjoid: Reese [AG]
Esther: Narrator [AG]
Layn: Layn [AG]
O.R.I.G.I.N.: Decil [AG]
Sylveone46: Cutlass McClaymore [AG]
6FootDeep: Swarm of Zachs [AG]
Zparks: Sblib [N]
Whimsythescholar: The Lady In Violet [N]
Master of Infinity: The Master of the Infinitum [AG]
ChrysalisM: Adaptoid #001 [AG]
little1133: Birdie [AG]
Kitnight: ?
W32Coravint: W32Coravint [AG]
Noctis-X: Noctis [AG]
Dragonwolf73: Niyr [PG]
Endboi [AG]
rush99999: The English Muffin [N]

Upper Chambers:
King_Fuffy: Olivia Opal [AG]
Robot #207: Core Block [AG]
Spacelover1: Kita [AG]
Genhack: Grimcloak [AG]

Lower Chambers:
Crimtane Shovel: ©
Torix: Firestorm256 [AG]
DragonAegis: Tom Sawyer [N]

Razor_Typhoon: Pylog [N]
Banana-Fish: Pol and Kirby [AG]
Krill13: [Name Here] [N] (Currently carrying a capital "I")
Dinfinity: Wafer [N]

Destiny: Mastery of Tactics
High-Conductivity Skin

+ Your action power is doubled!
--- You must give out two charges each turn, and they must both go to [AG] players!​

Destiny: Spawn Point
Ocular Implants

+ Your actions have a 50% chance to be 3x as effective!
- All of your actions have their power reduced to 0.5x before all other multipliers!
+ Entities with dodging capabilities cannot dodge your actions!
± This augmentation does not affect attacks against Godmodders.​

Monkey Wizard's Staff: +2,000 Action Power.
Octopus King's Crown: You are very confident.

Destiny: Bookkeeper

Crimtane Shovel:
Destiny: ©
Understanding the Nameplate: Depth

+ Copies you summon have more interesting and varied abilities!​

Understanding the Nameplate: Advanced Capabilities

+ For your action, instead of summoning a new ©, you can transform an existing © into a more powerful form!
- The abilities of the more powerful form are likely to be at least a little different.​

Destiny: Fog Missing Piece

Robot #207:
Destiny: Core Control

Spoils of War:
Misery: Polar Star. Owner: None [AG]. A strange gun, with two scratches embedded into it. It looks like it gets stronger if used carefully. Once every 3 turns, it can be used to deal 1,000, 2,500, or 5,000 damage, depending on its current level. The level goes up when PG entities die or the Godmodder takes damage, and it goes down when AG entities die. Level: 1, Cooldown: III
The Teletubbies: Tubby Custard Machine. Owner: Pol and Kirby [AG]. A whimsical machine with two large spires for storing Tubby Custard. Once every 4 turns, it can be used to heal 5,000 HP to any entity. This healing can bring entities over their max HP, if they're not already above their max HP. Additionally, the Tubby Custard Key may be used one time to revive any entity that died the preceding turn, with full HP. THE TUBBY CUSTARD KEY MAY ONLY BE USED ONCE THROUGH THE ENTIRE GAME. Cooldown: IIII. Tubby Custard Key: Available
Fortegreen Crewmate: Emergency Meeting Button. Owner: JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE [AG]. A red button that can be used to assemble everyone in the area. Once every 5 turns, it can be used to summon a Crewmate, who the owner will be able to direct to various tasks. Its effectiveness will vary. Cooldown: IIIII
Kabula: Kabula Cannon. Owner: Robot #207 [AG]. A large, somewhat unwieldy cannon that fires three shots at once. Once every 5 turns, it can be used to deal 10,000 damage to three different entities. For the purposes of this Spoil, Crowd entities are counted as a single entity. Cooldown: IIIII
Cyber End*r Dr*gon: Cyber Dr*gon Egg. Owner: Niyr [PG]. Somehow, turning the End*r Dr*gon into a technological terror passed the property on to this egg. The egg appears to have no function, but there is a green button on the back. The longer you look at it, the brighter it gets. You get the feeling you can only press this button once... Green Button: Unavailable
King Dedede (first fight): Abandoned Bandanna. Owner: Olivia Opal [AG]. The lost bandanna of Bandanna Dee, presumably discarded when Bandanna Dee was used to summon Kabula. The Abandoned Bandanna may be given to an entity, granting it an additional 5,000 Attack until it dies, at which point the Abandoned Bandanna will become available again. Status: Available
Shaggy: The Sandwich Of Oblivion. Owner: [Name Here] [N]. A sandwich of unfathomable power, made of the finest ingredients one can find in the thousand universes. This sandwich may be fed to an NPC a total of three times across the entire game, with an indeterminate and plot-linked cooldown. Eating the sandwich will cause a major plot disturbance or critical interference. This will not always work out in the favor of the owner. Status: Available, uses left: 2
The Spamtanic: Pipis. Owner: Firestorm [AG]. A pipis, inert. Once every 4 turns, you can activate the pipis by selecting a target. It will appear on the battlefield with 20,000 HP, and you may use actions to protect it from attacks. The turn after it is summoned, it will detonate, dealing 50,000 damage to its target. If the target dies, the pipis will instead change its target and detonate on the next turn after that. Cooldown: IIII
Overcharged Mob Spawner: Debug Stick. Owner: Pylog [N]. A stick that seems to break the nearby environment. And yet, it seems to have a much worse effect on living things. Once per five turns. you can destroy an entity you own to deal its max HP as damage to another entity. Cooldown: IIIII
Helkite Overlord: Shotgun. Owner: ©. A shotgun made of distressingly black metal and distressingly white wood. It seems to have been passed down through many owners. The initials "DK," "GB∞," and "JQA" are carved into the stock. There is only one bullet inside. When fired, this shotgun will instantly kill any one target of your choice. With the exception of Godmodders and other Adventurers, this can target anything on the battlefield and it will not fail. It may only be used once. You could use it more if you found more ammo. You will not find more ammo. Status: Available

Permanent Upgrades:
Chapter 1: The Great K.A.T.E.

A strange red bucket that contains a weather machine. What does K.A.T.E. stand for? Your guess is as good as mine! The Great K.A.T.E. provides many forms of weather information, explaining environmental effects and attack boosts given by the current area. Weather can be changed by a sufficiently creative action and/or the influences of various entities.
Chapter 2: Crossroads of Destiny. A portion of Shaggy's power, specifically dealing in one's "destiny." At an indeterminate time, the Crossroads of Destiny will appear to a player character, giving them a large number of choices for a permanent augmentation that can shake up how they play the game. (Indeterminate time means I'll offer you a crossroads whenever I think I have enough cool ideas for your character.)
Chapter 3: The Dubious Friendship of a Mirror-Entity. Spending time on the other side of the mirror seems to have made you stronger. The mirror-entity's influence? It seems likely, but you're not sure why. If an attack against a Godmodder is sufficiently creative, it has a chance to deal an additional point of damage.
Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - TRIAL PHI) (Always accepting new players) RP (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Views: 5904

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.