Cole (Hunting Her #6) (2024)


3,178 reviews924 followers

November 25, 2022

Phew! Done. Cole the final conclusion between Cole and Anisa love story. I do like Miss Summers. Her writing style is a perfect combination of suspense and romance. The dilemma that Cole facing is hard and twisted. His love for Anisa is unwavering.

The chemistry is hot. Not too graphic but gentle and intimate. I love it. My only dislike is Anisa's character. Her back and forth without any good reason/ logic is very annoying. Yes I undertsand her moral dilemma having feeling toward Cole, but come on girl, make up your mind!

Overall this is a very good book.

4 stars

❤️Court - Villains Do It Better❤️

988 reviews679 followers

January 17, 2021

Gahh I'm so sad this series is over! I've absolutely love these characters and their stories. Cole was one of my most anticipated books and I'm so glad we finally got his conclusion with his agent, Anissa Fox.

Cole is definitely one of my top faves in this series and I LOVE how he waited for Anissa and knew right away that there is no one else for him but her, and he was set to prove just that to her. There were a couple of setbacks with Anissa and her constant pushing and pulling away, so I hoped she would have come to terms with her love for Cole a bit sooner. It would have eliminated some of the repetitiveness while giving us some more couple time which I felt we needed after all of their arguments and banter. It did make their HEA all the sweeter though when they officially get together, but I just would have loved some more actual sweet moments between the two, too.

Overall, a great book and it definitely sucks to say goodbye to these characters after following along on each of their journeys for so long, but I am hoping the author expands on some certain side characters that I would be really interested in seeing again😍

3.75 Stars!

*ARC Provided In Exchange For A Honest Review*



623 reviews606 followers

February 12, 2021

Honestly one of the worst heroines ive EVER read and thats saying something. Talk about a character with the emotional and mental depth of a toddler. Such a shame tooe she's supposed to be a good FBI agent?

2 stars because the hero was great, but i ended up DNFing at 75% because i could not take the heroine for one more second.

    annoying-characters-plot heroine-id-like-to-strangle not-working-for-me-boring


542 reviews42 followers

January 22, 2021

I enjoyed this book more than their first book it. But I got frustrated from the amount of times Anissa kept pushing Cole away and I needed a proper HEA ending for them.

I loved how in love Cole was with Anissa. He never gave up on her and kept trying to make her his.

Terri West

1,947 reviews

January 10, 2021

Unbelievably brilliant! 5+ stars, I cannot emphasize how good this series has been and finally, this book is the proverbial icing on the cake. The plot flows well and keeps the reader engaged from start to finish, the characters are 3 dimensional and continue to develop throughout the series. Eden Summers has written these books with a skill that keeps you coming back again and again, they raise your pulse rate, make your stomach turn, make your eyes burn, but then she brings you back and makes your heart swell.
Cole is a complex character and we have witnessed his interactions with Anissa in previous books, to say their relationship (or lack thereof) is turbulent is an understatement, they are both like bulls at a gate, both in denial and from different sides of the law. A recipe for disaster right? Or is it?
If you are a fan of organised crime novels with sexy romance and great plot lines I can throughly recommend this series to you. To follow the plot in full I would recommend reading the complete series, trust me it will be worth it.

I received an ARC copy of this book and all the comments and thoughts within this review are my own.


456 reviews4 followers

January 12, 2021

Oh. My. Word. This book is BY FAR my favorite in the series. I was on the edge of my seat through almost the whole thing; it was so good! I greatly appreciate that Eden starts the story with a recap of the ending of the last book from a different perspective. There are so many parts that I love, but if I had to pick a favorite, it's the part that includes Cole saying "What are you two talking about that's made you upset?" I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Ames Hart

Author1 book3 followers

January 23, 2021

Cole is beyond explanation!! I’ve waited for this book for months and Eden does NOT disappoint! I went from moments of white knuckle tension to breathtaking passion to intense action to jaw dropping “what the...?”

Anissa, Cole’s little fox, tries to forget him, but can she? Especially when he shows up yet again. Walking away is impossible but why? She keeps “trying” to walk away, but instead gets pulled in deeper than she ever thought possible. What’s the price she’ll have to pay? Is she prepared for what he expects? Cole is the demanding, mafia alpha who now has choices to make he’s never had to face before. He doesn’t want to face them alone and there’s only one person he wants by his side. Will Nis fight and push him away or give in to his demands?

You will get drawn in. You’ll gasp. You’ll smile. You’ll cry. And you’ll love every moment of it!


1,127 reviews40 followers

January 10, 2021

Cole (Hunting Her)
Written by: Eden Summers

Emotions run high, and then plummet, you want to throw something and yell at the top of your lungs and that’s just Chapter 1.

If you have been one of the cult who started out with Hunter and have gone through each characters stories then you have been waiting for Cole. Eden Summers has not let us down.

While Anissa is struggling to put a name to her feelings and actions while in Greece with Cole and Luca, she also has to put up with her FBI partner Anthony Easton trying to help her. Then there is Cole Torian not trying to help her but in his own way driving her a little closer to the edge every damn day!

While all this is going on we know that Robert, an ally of Cole’s now dead father is after Penny again. Just when Cole and his extended family think they may have a lead on Robert, small incidents become one giant explosion when Toby and Stella go missing. You don’t go after woman and children at least they don’t so who has taken the children and how do they get them back.

I can promise you, those reactions to Chapter One, play over and over again!
Who has the children? What do they want from Cole? Where are they? Can he trust Anissa to help them without going to the FBI?

Eden Summers takes readers feelings and scrambles them all up. You aren’t sure if you should be happy, angry or you want to shoot someone! Believe me take your choice when it comes to who you feel like shooting and when.

You are flipping pages and mumbling to yourself and any character that is close by. You fear as much as they do for Stella and Toby and your chanting find them now!

Then we find out there is yet another player, a player no one knows, a player who hides his cards so tight to his chest we know that this game may be lost and lives may be lost.

I wanted this to be an explosive ending to the Hunting Her series and I got just that. Not just one big explosion but a number of small ones that took this story to a breaking point then brought the reader back mumbling, Damn that Cole Torian he is effing wonderful in a criminal sort of way! There are not enough stars for this one!



351 reviews10 followers

January 13, 2021

5+ star book. The most highley recomended series is now complete.

Holly smokes this book was way worth the wait. COLE was everything and more.

I was always a Cole lover but when Luca came i was tossing up between them but after reading this bad boy all i can say is Cole is numero Uno.

Cole is the demanding, mafia alpha who now has choices to make he’s never had to face before. He doesn’t want to face them alone and there’s only one person he wants by his side.

Anissa, Cole’s little fox, tries to forget him, but she never can. When she starts to stop something happens and shes back to square one and cant Walk away.

This book will have you biting your nails and sitting on the edge of your seats. You will laugh cry and even get hot under the collar.

Angie Trumps

118 reviews1 follower

January 10, 2021

White knuckle action, heart stopping passion and destruction is what this book is. Anissa realizes it is futile to fight off your destiny and succumbs to her wants, needs, and desires. When Cole and Anissa are come together they are a forced to be reckoned with.

Jess 🦋

185 reviews3 followers

July 27, 2023

Oh damn this book got me 😭😭😭

I hated Benji and Layla for what they done but no deserved what happened, when Stella was in the car oh my I sobbed hard 😭😭

Loved the development in this book between the inner circle

Sandy S

7,148 reviews187 followers

January 22, 2021

4.5 stars--COLE is the sixth and final? instalment in Eden Summers’ contemporary, adult HUNTING HER erotic, romantic suspense series focusing on a tight knit group of illegally connected friends. This is the continuing story of crime lord Cole Torian and, FBI agent Anissa Fox’s story line. COLE should not be read as a stand alone- Cole and Anissa’s story started in book three TORIAN. I recommend reading the series in order for back story and cohesion as there are several recurring and ongoing themes throughout.

SOME BACKGROUND: Approximately two years earlier Penny Decker , Sebastian Decker’s sister (Decker #2) disappeared and had been held captive in Greece, as a sexual slave along with several other women, by crime lord Luther Torian. Luther Torian is the estranged father of Cole Torian (Torian #3 & Cole #6) and Keira Torian (Decker #2). In book four SAVIOR, Penny, along with the other women were rescued and brought back to safety in the USA but trouble has followed everyone home.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Cole and Anissa) COLE continues to focus on the acrimonious relationship between crime lord Cole Torian and, FBI agent Anissa Fox. Cole and Anissa’s time together in Greece found our couple at odds upon their return to America. Anissa was working undercover but in the end, Anissa remains an FBI agent, and struggles with her attraction to a man who could end her career, and her life, without hesitation. Cole Torian fell in love with our story line heroine but battles between head and heart knowing her allegiance to law enforcement, a fellow Agent, and the history of Anissa with one of his men but all is for naught when two small children with connections to their ‘family’ are abducted, and Cole is forced to make a decision to save the children or his relationship with the woman he loves. What ensues is the building but tempestuous relationship between Cole and Anissa, and the potential fall-out as Cole must come to terms with the woman he loves, and Anissa must choose between the future and her past.

Anissa Fox knows that to get involved with Cole Torian would mean the end of her FBI career but the heart wants something it cannot have, and in this Anissa continues to push away the man with whom she has fallen in love. To complicate matters, Anissa is seen as a liability by Cole Torian’s men, a liability that is better off dead, and buried along with the ‘family’s’ other secrets. Cole Torian wants Anissa Fox at all costs including he respect of the men he commands but the abduction of two young children has prioritized Cole’s current timeline, and in this Cole refuses to have any more deaths placed in his hands.

The relationship between Cole and Anissa is a sexually charged, palpable, impassioned affair fuelled by Anissa’s back and forth, up and down reaction to our story line hero. There is another man after our heroine’s heart, and in this Cole’s jealousy threatens all semblance of control. The $ex scenes are intimate and seductive without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and familiar secondary and supporting characters including all the previous story line couples: Luke and Sarah (Hunter #1) Decker and Keira (Decker #2 Luca and Penny (Savior #4 & Luca #5), Benji and Layla, and their daughter Stella; Cole’s brother Tobias, as well as Mafia head Emmanuel Costa, his sons Salvatore and Remy, and his daughter Abri.

COLE is a story of family, betrayal and vengeance; power and control; relationships, friendships, acceptance and love. The fast paced premise is action packed, tense and intriguing; the romance is seductive and fated; the characters are strong, energetic, dynamic and lost. COLE ends on a happily ever after-for now- but the author leaves the story line open ended and the announcement of a spin off series with cameos from some of the Hunter Her characters.

Anna Theurer (Anna's Bookshelf)

734 reviews57 followers

July 23, 2021

What a fantastic conclusion to the Hunting Her series! You’ll be thrown into the action right from chapter 1 and be prepared to forgo sleep as you will not want to put this book down. Full of intrigue, action, and steam this gripping romantic suspense kept me on the edge of my seat all while I was swooning for the devastatingly delicious Cole Torian.

Cole, the head of a criminal enterprise and Anissa, an FBI agent were featured in book 3 of this series, Torian. In the aftermath of what occurred while they were in Greece, these two continue to have sizzling chemistry and we get to witness the further development of their very complicated and somewhat forbidden relationship. As with all relationships, there are obstacles to overcome and I really enjoyed how their story unfolded.

I adored Cole in that he is arrogant, powerful, obsessive, and stunning. So, he is essentially my book boyfriend. While I liked Anissa in TORIAN, I grew to like her even more in this novel. Inexplicably drawn towards this maddening man who tends to take the law into his own hands, this author did a superb job illustrating how the heroine has a good head on her shoulders, but also grapples with her feelings towards Cole and everything that he embodies.

COLE is the final book in the Hunting Her series and while it features one particular couple, there is an overarching plot that is continuous throughout the entire series. As such, it was a great delight to see all of the secondary characters in this novel and to finally see how everything plays out. Reading the last page of this novel left me with a bittersweet feeling as we finally get an epic conclusion, but now I must say goodbye to these characters that I have grown rather attached to. While most things are tied up by the end, I do feel like that a tiny something wasn’t fully addressed. I would especially love for this author to create an epilogue to see what all of our couples are up to in the future. Overall, I really enjoyed this thrilling read with its intriguing storyline, well thought out plot, and likable characters with tangible chemistry. Take a walk on the wild side with this romantic suspense as you will not be disappointed!

I voluntarily read an early version of this manuscript. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.



1,164 reviews23 followers

January 21, 2021

Torian Cole and Anissa; equal and opposite, and so explosive together!

Cole is the second book following the angry psychotic criminal boss, Cole Torian and FBI Agent Anissa Fox’s relationship. Author Eden Summers kept readers on ice at the end of their first book, Torian. They had so many issues left to resolve, and more battle time between these two strong characters, more pages were needed to sort their story.

To put it bluntly, you need to read ‘Torian’ to appreciate the anger, frustration and confusion that our characters have within themselves as they try to rationalise their reactions to each other. She’s gritty and abrasive, and Torian thinks she’s as sexy as hell. And, she’s every bit as passionate in bringing about the end of human trafficking and sexual slavery as Torian is. The big difference is, they are on opposite sides of the law. Their moral compasses are at loggerheads, and their passion is as equal and opposite as anyone can get. It’s explosive 💣💥

If there was any chance for them to be together, someone had to cross the line, even as they want to achieve the same goal, their ingrained beliefs in carrying out their plans, someone still had to drop their core beliefs but who would it be?

Cole Torian, wow, we really get to see his, ... erm, romantic side, or rather his demonically possessive alpha side and the soft underbelly that he keeps hidden from everyone, except Anissa. He owned his feelings, and he owned her, she just wouldn’t acknowledge it. He would die to protect those he loves, and he kept his vulnerabilities buried deep. His loyalty knew no bounds, it’s just that he never showed weakness and came across as highly psychotic. To be honest, in earlier books in this Hunting Her series, I didn’t like the man much at all, but Author Eden Summers redeemed the unredeemable. Cole Torian is a romantic hero, and Agent Anissa Fox is a heroine that I liked and admired very much.

She broke my heart and his, but she absolutely had his best interests and the law in mind while doing so, and by crikey she was one amazing woman. Only one as strong as her would capture a man such as him, and take the piles of doo-doo that his men heaped upon her head in their fierce animosity of her, no matter how many times Torian threatened to shoot them!

This is one hot as hell and intense book, and I can’t write here enough about how much I love it! I resented every single interruption that kept me from it’s completion and want to thank Ms Summers for her treatment of my favourite couple in the Hunting Her series. She did them proud!!! This deserves so many more than a measly 5 Stars 💣💥


4,300 reviews61 followers

February 8, 2021

I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review.

I fell for the enemy. A man whose actions resembled the devil so closely it was sickening. But I learned from my mistakes. At least I thought I had. Until I'm tempted back into his life with a case I can't refuse. Cold Torian needs my help. And I'm unable to deny him. This time I voluntarily put my career on the line. Along with my safety. My heart. My sanity. I risk everything for him and his family of accomplished criminals. But succumbing to my tormentor comes with more than a personal price. Everyone will pay for my mistakes with Cole. And not all will live to tell the tale.

I remember Cole from a previous book but I didn't get to read and review the fourth and fifth book and I feel like I missed these two and the experiences they had in those books so I felt like while reading this book a little something was missing for me and that's why this isn't a five star book for me. Its well written and I did not want to take away from that by giving it a lower rating but I still couldn't shake the feeling that I missed some major things in this relationship between Cole and Anissa. These two are both strong willed, really bullheaded characters that are on total opposite sides of the law. Anissa is on the side of the law and is a law abiding citizen but for Cole she has now put her job and life on the line. Cole would be the criminal and I must say he is a pretty hot one. You would think there is no way these two would ever work but they just might. You have to read to find out. I do strongly recommend you read the entire series. I have read the first three books and they are really good I wish I had read those two book and known it would have made this one better.


278 reviews20 followers

January 21, 2021

It has been a nail biting wait for this apparent conclusion to the Hunting Her series, but Eden Summers has succeeded in pouring her immense talent onto the pages of COLE to give readers an ending so very worthy of her ruthless drug lord, Cole Torian and his determined crime fighting heroine, Anissa Fox.

I have loved this epic battle of wills, loyalties and hearts that began in TORIAN, Book 3.
Again, this enemies-to-lovers pairing has been the highlight of this series, and Cole Torian the most delicious anti-hero ever.
But these characters almost do an about face in this story, the 6th instalment of this series.

Where in TORIAN it was Anissa tied up and vunerable, battling to preserve her morals and professional persona, in this continuation of their romantic tussle it is Cole we see vunerable; in his growing love and dependance on his "Little Fox", and in fighting to save his ruthless reputation, as a new enemy tries to muscle in when a crack appears in his armour.

As frustrated as I was in this story, with Anissa and her refusal to accept how much she is like her so called "tormentor" and how suited she actually is to his life, I was equally as unsettled by Cole's apparent lack of control and direction in dealing with the abduction of his family and his lack of a solid plan to get them back.

This author does like her readers perched precariously on the edge of their seats, and this story keeps you there for an almost interminable time!
But this is what makes the conclusion that much more gripping and the emotion so much more intense and satisfying.

I don't believe for one hot minute that we've seen the last of the Big Bad Wolf and his Little Fox, not with a new foe lurking and their union so fresh and their reign untested...
Please Ms Summers, say it isn't so?!!!

    action-packed enemies-to-lovers great-chemistry

Lisa Menor

761 reviews11 followers

January 15, 2021

It's been weeks since Anissa left the island and Cole is still at the forefront of her life and crumbling career. The things she did for that man and the things he did for her and to her. Anissa believes that if she continues lying to herself, those lies will become her truth.
As Anissa looks for clarity, she tries to purge Cole from her soul. Well it worked. Not only are they not on good terms, Cole has cut ties and is treating her as the enemy. A confused Anissa is left broken and reeling. This is what she wanted right? Well, what she thought she wanted.
When family is in harms way, Cole needs Anissa's help but his jealousy and obsession for her gets the best of him. When he finds she has moved on, he reverts to his old self, not the man she knew on the island and Anissa is crushed. Apparently, Greece meant nothing. She's a Fed and Cole is her polar opposite. Enough said.


118 reviews

March 29, 2024


Review for Torian & Cole

Are you looking for a romance between an FBI agent and a drug lord? No? Well you should! 😉😅

Cole is the head of the family, a master manipulator. This book is a mindf*ck in that regard.
This man manipulate, drug and kidnap her, like no other! Just because he wanted Anissa to see he wasn’t that bad. And he definitely didn’t have anything to do with his father sex slavery ring. Quite the opposite, actually.
What can I say: the man had good motives 😂
And Anissa, give him a run for his money! This two were explosive!
This really is a unique story’.

The second book is more angsty. There was a point that I really thought they wouldn’t make it. But they did. It was a struggle to get there, but they did 😉.
I’m obsessed with Eden’s books, the world she created, her characters, her writing style…
Each book is so different. The plot that covers books 3 to 6 is amazing! So intertwined. So addictive. I couldn’t put the books down. I just wanted to keep reading…..

𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅?
Yes! Absolutely! It’s an amazing mafia enemies to lovers story. So unique.

Happy Readings 🤍



2,041 reviews1 follower

January 18, 2021

Wow, what a heartrending and suspenseful conclusion to Cole and Anissa's extraordinary and sizzling romance! After their harrowing but passionate connection in Greece, Anissa is fighting her feelings for Cole. Being an FBI agent, Anissa is all about rules, and staunch in her black and white judgement, where Cole plays with different rules that are shades of grey. She is looking for excuses for her feelings while taking time away from work. Cole is done giving her space and is determined to convince her that they are meant to be together. But when an adversary makes a move that includes children in games of men, Anissa doesn't hesitate to help Cole find them. Anissa lends her expertise in tracking down Coles's little brother and niece which is a welcome balm for Cole. But she continues to fight their fiery chemistry, which only fuels their passion. She is unable to see a future in his world, but Cole is determined to find a way to make it work, no matter how much it costs them. There are riveting twists and turns as the person who has Stella and Tobias changes the game again and again. All the couples from past books are involved in this breathtaking race to save Cole's family but they all may not make it home alive. I have loved this exciting, heart-pounding, and steamy 'Hunting Her' series. Even though this is the conclusion to Cole and Anissa's story, and the end of this series, I am not ready to let go of this world and am hungry for more. My fingers are crossed that we see these amazing characters in more sizzling stories again!


228 reviews

January 27, 2024

I feel like I’ve gotten so attached to all these characters. ❤️ It’s like I’m apart of their drug lord mafia family. 😂

Cole never changed his bad boy behavior even after being in love with Nissa. Nissa never changed he bad bitch behavior for him and that’s why I loved them so much. ❤️‍🔥 They never changed their personalities for one another and stood ground. 🥰😍 I can’t wait to read Layla’s story, even though I don’t like her now and what happened to her husband just makes me sad even though I know what he did was f*cked up. 😬😩 I’m going to have an open mind and see where her story goes.

Tina Louise

87 reviews8 followers

January 9, 2021

5+ stars

I had been eagerly anticipating this final installment of the Hunting Her series, and I was not disappointed. I devoured Cole in one night, unable to put this book down! There is a great cast of well developed characters, a fast paced plot and action a plenty! Anissa and Cole's story began earlier in the Hunting Her series, and the books must be read in order.

I love the relationship between Cole and Anissa.Their relationship is complex and combative, everything is against them. They both need each other, but also can't seem to be together.

Cole is the ultimate bad boy, and I love him! The head of the family, a leader in the underworld. His strength, dominant and ruthless nature is to be feared. His weakness is his family and an FBI agent, Anissa. Anissa struggles with life choices throughout most of this novel. Despite this, she still maintains her strong female lead status. She isn't ever weak or submissive, a great match Cole in that regard.

Cole is a dramatic, well written conclusion to an action packed series.

Zoe-Amelia Harris

485 reviews14 followers

January 9, 2021

This can't be the end Eden I refuse to believe it 😭😭

This whole series has just been one Hell of a ride and the finale does NOT disappoint!

We've all waited in anticipation for the conclusion to Anissa and Cole's story and whether they would end up together.

It's hard to write a review without giving spoilers for this book, just know it was amazing, I binged it within 24 hours 🙈

Anissa is still the strong, badass bitch we know and love, even if she's struggling with who and where she is meant to be, constantly fighting with herself over her feelings and emotions.

And Cole is still the arrogant asshole we all love, he's not going to give up on his little fox that easily 😈

The cat and mouse game is strong in this book and even though I wanted to smack their heads together, Eden wrote their story to perfection.

And as always we got to see some of our favourite men again 🥵 Hunter still steals the show for me with his one liners though 😂

So, again, Eden I refuse to believe this is the end, I can't get enough of these characters 🖤


114 reviews1 follower

August 3, 2023

The back and forth was insanely annoying but I ate it up bc I love drama. They were my favorite couple of the whole series. Shoutout to this series tho bc it helped me get through moving back home and being unemployed!


336 reviews6 followers

February 8, 2021

This is part of a series of books about a mafia style organization in, of all places, Portland, Oregon. I know, quite an odd place to set such a series. I recommend reading at least three of the earlier books: Hunter, Decker, and Torian before tackling this one. It will all make much more sense and the three are available on Amazon as Hunting Her box set.
I've been waiting a long time for this book because the heated relationship between an FBI agent and a mafia don has been part of several other books in the series. While Cole Torian has relatively little trouble accepting that he is attracted to an FBI agent, Anissa has been doing a complicated dance trying to deny her attraction to Cole, trying to honor her FBI role, failing at both to varying degrees. Cole may not have a problem loving an agent, but his close associates have a lot of trouble with it. Those concerns and Anissa's being torn between career, history, and intense reaction come to a head in this volume.
I always find it hard to put down one of Eden Summers' books. She may have cost me more sleep than almost any other author recently. There is a car crash and I can't stop until I find out who was killed in the crash. A character I thought died in a previous book is still alive? Can't stop reading until I find out how that happened. And so it goes. I pretty much know the laundry won't get done when I'm reading an Eden Summers book. And I know I best not start one if I have to be functional the next day because, well, you understand, don't you?
This is one of those books where you reach the end and have to take a bit to reacclimate. I want to know how the relationship continues; I have concerns about two children in the book and I want to know how they grow up; there are a couple other relationships that are developing and I want to know how they progress. These characters are so carefully crafted that they become, if not friends, people you want to follow up with regularly.
I did feel this plot was a bit scattered, perhaps because the characters were not on comfortable turf, perhaps because Anissa was so fragmented as she wrestled with her choices for the future, perhaps because some characters were behaving strangely. Cole's sister and brother-in-law seem to have been somewhat disloyal, but I don't remember their selling out information on Torian from past books and it was treated a bit oddly in this book, so there was this stray subplot that confused me. That is certainly not common for this author, so I suspect I missed it in a middle of the night binge of a previous book. Nonetheless, it added to my feeling of the various pieces not fitting together as I expected. A minor point, to be sure.
I did read this as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Ri ♡

48 reviews2 followers

September 3, 2023



59 reviews2 followers

January 14, 2021

Eden,amazing! What a dangerously delicious man. I have wanted to see how Nissa and Coles story ended and you didn't disappoint.

Kit Chepesiuk

34 reviews

January 21, 2021


I couldn’t put this down!!!! The roller coaster is never ending with these two.....and then, well I can’t say that, but then.....Oh you need to read it! Just when you figure something out it changes. The dynamic of the entire group is amazing, and the way it changes as time passes. I literally am heart broken it’s the end of this book and I’m crossing all the things that there will be more. I knew Cole and Ness were going to be all that, and there wasn’t a second of disappointment...well except that one point when 😉
Just read the book and if you haven’t read them all...GET STARTED!


198 reviews1 follower

February 2, 2021

This books timeline begins right where Luca ended with Anita on leave from the FBI and Cole and the gang are left cleaning up.

Anissa is fighting her feelings for Cole and what happened to her in Book 3 (Torian)
I didnt really connect to anissa's character in this story and I couldnt feel cole and anissa's chemistry which disappointed me as I enjoyed reading their relationship in Torians book and I have waited for their HEA ever since and I don't know if that's because I didnt reread Torian before I started this book or if it was just me as I have always enjoyed this series and reread the books often but I thought their characters were weaker in this book, I found the story boring with nothing much happening until the end.
I thought the whole storyline was the weakest so far and was just written as a lead up to a new series the author is writing and i wouldnt be suprised if it was about the Italians mentioned in the story which I would read.

Overall this is well written but at times boring read and in my opinion not up there with the rest of the series which I've loved them all.
It is best to read this series from book 1 to understand the story and all the characters.


81 reviews3 followers

January 3, 2023

Anissa was weak and subservient in this book, too dependant on the male characters and didn’t have one active cell in her brain. Such a shame.


714 reviews15 followers

September 6, 2023

This is what I had wanted for the first part of Cole and Anissa’s story. They still had ups and downs and the constant push and pull was exquisite. But we weren’t put through the continuous rise to top only to find out there was more climbing to do.

In Torian, the battle with Luther kept the suspense and danger ratchet up high which for me was a saving grace for that book. In Cole, there is a new threat to the family and they are all battling against a new opponent together but all the real pressure is laid on Cole’s shoulders as the leader of the family.

While the battle to conquer their newest foe was great, it was watching Cole battle to pull Anissa all the way in and watching her battle what she wants and what she thinks she should want. At times I wanted to smack her and scream at her to pick a damn side finally but in her moments of doubt we got a more vulnerable open Cole.

There was no way the crime boss and the FBI agent could come together too easily so I appreciated the moral dilemma they faced (well Anissa faced, Cole’s morals are questionable as we know). Eden did a really good job of them finding a common ground and once Anissa made her choice, all that determination and attitude she used as an agent gave her everything she needed to be by Cole’s side as his partner.

I’m sure we aren’t done with those who dared to threaten the Torian’s so I look forward to where we go from here.
Anissa is trying her best to forget about Cole, but he’s like a thorn under her skin she can’t get out. Even considering trying to move on with Easton isn’t as easy as she thought but when Cole shows up announced after keeping his distance for so long it happens to be when Easton is there and Cole isn’t happy about it.

Cole only wanted to warn Anissa to stay out of sight while he dealt with Robert once and for but seeing that man anywhere near her proves that he’s lost her. When he returns home to find his brother and niece have been taken his worries about Anissa have to take a back seat because getting them back is the only thing that matters now.

After his visit Anissa needs answers. She knows the only way she’s going to get them is to force Cole to tell her. She shouldn’t be showing up at his house but she can’t make herself drive away. When Cole is nothing but a block of ice to her she helps it will make her move on but once she learns about the missing kids she can’t walk away, she has to help him get them back. That’s all she’ll do though. There is still no way for the to be together.
“Don’t hold your breath for an apology.” She climbs from the car. “I don’t regret the way things ended.” I huff out a laugh and start for the door leading inside. “That’s the thing, Nis; nothing ended. It never will.”

With everyone on the mission to get the kids back things are tense and no one appreciates Anissa’s presence. Hunter would happily kill her, Decker too after the way she used him. Keira and Layla only know that a FED could mean the end of all their freedoms. Benji, Penny and Luca are not sure what it will mean but they are cautious around her.

Anissa has never been more an outsider but she’s there for those kids and maybe a little for Cole too. No matter how much they question him Cole refuses to push her away. He’s pretty sure she’ll run on her own when they are done.
“You’re my queen.” I speak against her carotid, the pebble of goose bumps rising against my lips. “We’re your family.” This is me begging. Pleading. I don’t do that for anyone. Anyone but her. I’ll swallow all my pride for this woman. I’ll get on my knees. Grovel. Slit my wrists at the shrine of her existence if it means seating her in the rightful place by my side.’

There is only so much resistance and denying what is right in front of her that Anissa can do and when she finally admits that she is Cole’s she’ll be right by his side to make those suffer that dared to use children in a game of men.

Happy Reading.

    billionaire-romance dark-romance enemies-to-lovers
Cole (Hunting Her #6) (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.