Christmas Chocolate Bouquets and Christmas Chocolate Arrangements. (2024)

Christmas Chocolate Bouquets. Looking for an exciting, unique chocolate gift for Christmas? Our stunning chocolate bouquets are the perfect Christmas treat. Christmas chocolate bouquets are a great gift idea for family and friends. With our large selection of chocolate bouquets you are sure to find a chocolate bouquet that is just perfect. Chocolate arrangements are a unique and fun way of sending chocolates at Christmas time. Our popular Ferrero Rocher bouquets are a must have gift this Christmas time. As well as fantastic gifts they also make stunning table decorations. Christmas sweet bouquets can be send direct with a personal message included. All Christmas chocolate bouquets come with free gift wrapping. Chosen date delivery is available. Pre-ordering is strongly recommended for Christmas as demand is high. Many lines are limited stock and will sell out by Christmas time. Corporate orders are welcome. YOU CAN NOW ADD A BOTTLE OF WINE OR CHAMPAGNE TO OUR CHOCOLATE BOUQUETS PLEASE MAKE YOUR SELECTION FROM THE DROP DOWN BESIDE THE BOUQUET...... CHEERS!

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Christmas Chocolate Bouquets

Christmas Treat Time Bouquet


This Christmas join Frosty the Snowman on a chocolately adventure with this adorable bouquet. This is a great Christmas gift for a Cadbury lover with a Christmas themed display box and snowman novelty. The bouquet can be sent directly to your recipient with the option to select chosen day delivery at the checkout. You can also add your ever own...


Christmas Chocolate Bouquets

Christmas Lindor, Ferrero Rocher and Yankee Candle Bouquet


A delicious Christmas Chocolate Bouquet pack full of Lindt Lindor chocolate, scrumptious Ferrero Rocher and Yankee candle votives, with two Christmas picks and festive silk flowers beautifully arranged into a stunning bouquet. A Luxury Christmas Chocolate Bouquet with candles is the perfect gift for all age groups and genders. We can send your bouquet...


Christmas Candle Bouquets

Christmas Luxury Candles and Ferrero Rocher Chocolate Bouquet


Merry Christmas Ferrero Rocher and Yankee Candles Bouquet. How could you nut love this gorgeous Ferrero Rocher bouquet. This incredible bouquet contains Ferrero Rocher and Yankee Candles nestled in silk flowers for a beautiful gift for all occasions. Definitely one for the Ferrero Rocher lovers out there. This item comes hand gift wrapped in spotty...


Christmas Chocolate Bouquets

Christmas Chocolate Orange Treat Time Bouquet


Christmas Cheer is here and it's time to celebrate with this fantastic Cadbury andchocolate orangechocolate bouquet. An impressive gift that takes giving a chocolately Christmas present to the next level. We included our free luxury gift wrapping and a free gift tag which your personal message can be added to. Preferred day delivery is available and...


Christmas Gifts

Christmas Milk Tray and Cadbury Chocolate Bouquet.


Amazing Christmas gift idea. This stunning chocolate bouquet includes a box of Cadbury Milk Tray, a bag of Twirl bits and lots of Cadbury chocolate bars. Let them know you care with our amazing Christmas themed chocolate bouquet. The bouquet comes gift wrapped with a personal message included. Next day delivery is available and chosen date delivery.

Christmas Chocolate Bouquets

Sleigh Bells Ring Hat Box


Sleigh bells ring and carol singers sing. Enjoy the sounds and scents of Christmas this year whilst snuggling up with a lovely bar of classic Dairy Milk chocolate with this lovely hat box gift.This bouquet contains deliciousDairy Milk chocolate expertly arranged with red and cream silk flowers alongside a Christmas scented candle and a Christmas pick....


Christmas Chocolate Bouquets

Merry Christmas Ferrero Rocher and Silk Carnation Bouquet


How could you nut love this gorgeous Ferrero Rocher bouquet. This incredible Christmas bouquet contains 24 Ferrero Rocher nestled in silk Christmas glittery flowers for a beautiful gift for all occasions. Definitely one for the Ferrero Rocher lovers out there. This item comes hand gift wrapped in spotty cellophane and your personal message can be...


Christmas Flowers and Chocolates.

Large Christmas Lindor Chocolate Bouquet


Lindor lovers unite with this fantastic Christmas explosion of Lindor love in a bouquet!This bouquet is beautifully arranged with a box of Lindor chocolate collection, Lindor assorted truffles, Lindor milk chocolate trufflesand Lindor milk chocolate bars alongside charming silk flowers and foliage. The perfect gift for a friend, family member or...


Christmas Chocolate Bouquets

Lindor Christmas Chocolate Bouquet Gift Pot


Christmas is in the air and what could be more Christmassy than Lindor milk chocolate balls and Ferrero Rocherfestively displayed in a reusable Christmas metal pot to bring Christmas magic into the room. This delightful merry Christmas pot featuring a father Christmasdecorating a tree is a beautiful reusable memory that can be used year on year. This...


Christmas Flowers and Chocolates.

Ferrero Rocher and Silk Poinsetta Hat Box


Christmas and chocolate are two of our favourite things so why not combine them to wisha very Merry Christmas with thisFerrero Rocher and silk flower hat box bouquet. This bouquet contains delicious Ferrero Rocher expertly arrangedwith red and gold glitter poinsettia silk flowers. This is a fantastic bouquet to say aho-ho-huge Merry Christmas to a...


Sweet Bouquets & Gifts.

Christmas Haribo Bouquet


What a sweeeeeet bouquet! This bouquet is an explosion of Haribo treat bags and is the perfect gift to share this Christmas time. Containing three classic flavours of Haribo; starmix, tangfastics and supermix this bouquet is definitely one for the Haribo lover in your life. A great Christmas gift for friends, familyor colleaguesthis bouquet suits kids...


Christmas Candle Bouquets

Yankee Candle Lindor and Malteser Christmas Classics Bouquet


The bells are ringing and the snow is falling. Give the gift of Christmas at this joyous time of year with this fabulous bouquet. Made up of the wonderful scents of Christmas time courtesy of the beautiful aromas of Yankee candle and a yummy scrummy selection of chocolates. Your personal message can be added and this gorgeous bouquet comes gift wrapped.

Christmas Chocolate Bouquets and Christmas Chocolate Arrangements. (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.